Научная статья на тему 'Marketing mix of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments'

Marketing mix of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Hajiyeva E.

Метою даної статті є аналіз маркетингової структури (4P) пам'ятників ЮНЕСКО в Азербайджані і визначення необхідності отримання більш чіткого бачення майбутньої стратегії. Стаття присвячена маркетинговому поєднанню трьох пам'ятників Азербайджану, які включені до культурної спадщини ЮНЕСКО (Гобустанський заповідник, Дівоча вежа, Палац Шірваншахів), щоб дізнатися подробиці 4P. Кожна компанія повинна уточнити потреби і вимоги клієнтів. У статті показано позитивний вплив ролі Marketing Mix в просуванні азербайджанських пам'ятників ЮНЕСКО в світі. Позитивний вплив уряду Азербайджану та маркетингу спадщини на просування пам'яток ЮНЕСКО є незаперечним фактом. У статті є багато інноваційних ідей, які ніколи не застосовувалися раніше.Целью данной статьи является анализ маркетинговой структуры (4P) памятников ЮНЕСКО в Азербайджане и определение необходимости получения более четкого видения будущей стратегии. Статья посвящена маркетинговому сочетанию трех памятников Азербайджана, которые включены в культурное наследие ЮНЕСКО (Гобустанский заповедник, Девичья башня, Дворец Ширваншахов), чтобы узнать подробности 4P. Каждая компания должна уточнить потребности и требования клиентов. В статье показано положительное влияниие роли Marketing Mix в продвижении азербайджанских памятников ЮНЕСКО в мире. Позитивное влияние правительства Азербайджана и маркетинга наследия на продвижение памятников ЮНЕСКО является неоспоримым фактом. В статье есть много инновационных идей, которые никогда не применялись раньше.The purpose of this article is to analyze the marketing mix (4P) of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments and identify the need in order to get clear vision for future strategy. The article focuses on marketing mix of Azerbaijan’s three monuments which included to the cultural heritage of UNESCO, (Gobustan Reserve, Maiden Tower, Shirvahshah Palace) in order to know the details of 4P. Every company needs to clarify the customer needs and demands. The paper will describe the positive influence and the role of Marketing Mix on promoting the Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments to the world. The positive impact of Azerbaijan Government and Heritage marketing on promoting UNESCO monuments is an undeniable fact. The article has many innovative ideas that have never applied before.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Marketing mix of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments»

UDC 338.138:719+338.48(479.24)

E. Hajiyeva,

Lecturer, Chair of Marketing, Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, ORCID 0000-0003-1478-1189


Introduction. Marketing is a combination of needs and demand. Managing marketing mix properly is a crucial task for the marketing professionals. It defines as 4P; the product, price, promotion and place. Marketing mix in the reality is a set of tools by which companies reach their targets. Marketing mix is a great way to achieve the target market, increase revenue, put the customers first and identify the need. Because of service industry, 4P extended to 7P due to intensive collaboration between organizations and customers (Webster, 2002). Marketing mix concept become popular by Neil Bordon in 1964. Later on McCarthy clustered marketing mix into four level and called it 4P's of marketing.

This chapter explains how the marketing managers keep their work under control with the help of 4P and make clear the goal of companies. Furthermore, it is helpful to identify the segmentation, which companies plan to target. The main goal is creating the right product, selling the product in the right place, setting the right price to the product, creating awareness through the right channels and reaching the right customers (Kotler & Armstrong, 2015).

UNESCO's statement on the World Decade of Culture was aimed at drawing international attention to the role of culture in national life, especially in the developing world. This ambitious project was specifically aimed at moving from the existing narrow concept of economic development to a broader one when an individual becomes the goal and instrument of development. The decade was devoted to four main tasks: to place culture at the center of development; maintain and reinforce cultural identities; increase participation in cultural life; support international cultural development (UNESCO, 2018).

In the case of, UNESCO monuments, the product as a component of marketing mix represents the monuments that are mainly focuses on service industry. In this case, product or service are the monuments, Maiden Tower (twelve century), Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape, and The Walled City of Baku with Shir-vanshah's Palace, which are included to the heritage of UNESCO. Everything begins with the product and service; it considers the beginning of all process. The product is broad that includes not only products but also services, people, place, business, ideas and so on.

Source: Product concept. Strazdas 2011.

The companies need the efficient marketing plan to stay relevant in aggressive market and to create differentiation among competitors. The second "P" is a price, which let the marketing professionals set the prices according to their product and service. It is mainly related with customer; because the price is the cost, that cus-

tomer pays for a particular product or service. In the case of UNESCO monuments the price should control by the government considering the general income of people, the price of competitors (other monuments). Goeldner (2000) stated that the price should satisfy customers and meet profit objectives. Generally, monuments are free

of charge. The price may varies depending on monuments.

Place as a component of marketing mix inform customers where sales can be realized. This is a central point where product and services meet the customers and marketing managers reach the targets. The choice of place also based on segmentation, but considering the monuments, the situation is different. Marketing managers in those organizations call the people to that destination by attracting with different factors. Heritage destination (place) is a history place where everything is about past and the past, which enrich the present and future (Rogers, 2018).

The last component of marketing mix (4P) is promotion, which helps marketing managers to communicate with customers in a different way considering the segmentation of product and services. The success of promotional channels depend on how and which channels can be used. In order to create awareness about the place, marketing managers should consider every tiny details in description of that place. Tourists want to be aware of amenities and facilities of that destination. Furthermore, marketing managers should control the sig-nage in the road, to use the billboards, to check the navigation system, check the google map, to add map on a website of monument etc. Azerbaijan as a country has a great potential to become a heritage destination in the world.

As it is mentioned above, 4 P's is a short form of Marketing Mix (classic model). Mill and Morrison stated that additional two P's included, people and process. By the time, it is extended to 7 P's by including the fifth "P "as a "People", the sixth "P" as a "Process" and the seventh "P" as a "Physical Evidence". See Appx 1.

Effective marketing solutions for promoting a regional tourist product is based on the knowledge of the nature of marketing communications in tourism. Indirect subjects of marketing communications in tourism are local people and government officials who are in contact with tourists. Tourism depends on the process and quality of interaction between the subjects of tourism activities belonging to different sectoral markets. This gives us reason to offer additional marketing communications tools in the marketing mix of a regional tourist product and justify the expediency of including them in the traditional mix: product marketing solutions, price-marketing solutions, distribution marketing solutions, and marketing promotion solutions. Additional tools of marketing communications that satisfy the condition of manageability are solutions for the formation of partnerships and solutions for ensuring the process of interaction between the subjects of marketing communications, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the marketing complex in the tourism industry at the industry level.

In the case of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments, included "P" is people, who are tourists from all over the world. Another" P" is a Physical evidence, which refer to environment and facilities needed by organizations and companies. UNESCO monuments can provide customers with needed self -service facilities, infor-

mation centers, accommodations, and big shopping centers and so on in order to make destinations interesting.

Lauterborn (1990) considered that 4 P's focus on marketing of company and proposed 4C, which is focuses on customers. In the case of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments, the table will be like that.


Product Customer History, Monuments Tourists from the world

Place Convenience City center, Gobustan region Near to the city center, lack of signage (Gobustan)

Price Cost Affordable, discounts, Price strategy (student price) Every detail was taken into consideration while calculating cost (ticket cost)

Promotion Communication Social Media, Internet, websites Channels which customers use (Internet, sales points, social media)

Strategic approach to marketing. A good strategic plan helps to reach a target market. Hall and McAr-thur (1998) argue that there are three main questions in a strategic marketing:

a) Where are we now?

b) Where do we want to be in the future?

c) How do we get there?

These questions help to get a clear vision by making strategic marketing plan. It will be very helpful in making strategic plan for Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments. According to Heath, developing marketing strategies is to transform the current situation into desired situation. Strategic marketing plan gives an opportunity for marketing managers to evaluate the situation in the market, effectiveness of promotion channels, customer needs, attract potential customers, to control the expenses and so on. What is more, another way of becoming popular is a branding. To make the monuments as a most visited destination, which directly related with branding issues. Branding has become an important in marketing today, in terms of image and positioning. In branding, the positioning is mainly where the Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments stand in the minds of their customer. Travel to the center of Baku city is not complete without visiting UNESCO monuments, which are Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape, Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower. Trauer and Ryan (2005) state that motivation and engagement of destination have been explored.

In spite of, marketing in comparison with other sciences is young but well developed and it has different types. Heritage marketing's history begins with the birth of marketing in North America, 1950.Generally, heritage is a relationship with the past, and it enhance the quality of our life. Heritage providers like other companies tried to attract customers with different motivation programs. Marketing managers thinking of how the heritage can be marketed. For example, with the help of marketing of heritages the people from other countries

visiting heritage sites in a growth area can make them for long visits and even a desire to stay in that country permanently. Research studies shows that 20 % of UK

people will move to live in another countries on retirement by 2020 (Misiura, 2006).





^ THE SEGMENTS IN THE MARKET Fig. 1. Brief explanation of heritage marketing

Recommendations. The main aim of this work is to attract the potential tourists from all over the world, in a logical sequence beginning from neighbor countries. In order to promote the destinations, such as UNESCO monuments direct promotion tools are not enough. Promotion activities should realize together with government, not only Azerbaijan Tourism Agency should be responsible for promotion of UNESCO monuments. Cooperation is the main point to reach the target. On the other hand, promotion of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments is not the only challenge standing in front of government.

The objectives of the state in the field of museum activities are:

■ preparation of the regulatory acts necessary for the activities of museums and control over their implementation;

■ provision of museums with relevant buildings, maintenance of museum buildings in proper condition, provision of museum objects and collections with security equipment and modern technical equipment;

■ conservation and restoration of museum collections, copying copies of rare samples of museum objects in state museums, the allocation of funds necessary for the acquisition of objects and collections for museums, their scientific use, publishing;

■ research, study and ensure the return to the Republic of Azerbaijan of rare museum items and collections stored in the museums of foreign countries, which are the national wealth of the Azerbaijani people;

■ Ensuring the protection of museum funds during natural disasters, fires, armed conflicts, wars, and in the event of other threats;

■ Allocation of funds for the maintenance, development, strengthening of the material and technical base of museums and the preparation of museum personnel.

In all cases of government intervention, regardless of which tools are used, the costs of the intervention itself must be taken into account. In the case of cultural heritage, these costs should include administrative costs for the formation of standards, their monitoring and implementation, for the collection and payment of income, as well as the cost of compliance with the orders of firms and individuals who have to comply with political requirements. However, tourism can be viewed not so

much as a full-fledged cultural industry, but rather as something that uses products from other industries of the cultural sector - performing arts, museums and galleries, cultural attractions, etc. At the local or regional level, these cultural industries may be strongly associated with tourism, supplying the tourism industry with a range of products and themselves, to a greater or lesser extent, dependent on tourists for their economic survival. The phenomenon of mass tourism, brought about by the decline in prices for movement around the world and the growth of consumer spending on leisure, has led to a large-scale expansion of tourism infrastructures in many parts of the world.

Conclusion. The paper found out that the marketing mix plays an important role from the aspect of marketing. Azerbaijan Tourism Agency should cooperate with different organizations in order to achieve the target. Azerbaijan government should control all the process. In this case, cooperation with hotels on promoting monuments to the tourists will give a positive impact. Many websites, which related to the cultural tourism, should considered by Azerbaijan Tourism Agency. Without a good strategic marketing plan, expecting good results is unreal. Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments need a clear strategic plan in order to make them one of the most visited places in the world. Furthermore, it is necessary to create awareness of those historical monuments and tell the story of each monuments to the world. Companies' image, as well as marketing strategy, can evaluate based on its marketing mix.


1. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2015). Principles of Marketing (11th ed.). Australia, PEARSON.

2. Misiura, S. (2006). Heritage Marketing. Elsevier.

3. Rogers, B. (2018). Travel Book: A Travel Book of Hidden Gems That Takes You on a Journey You Will Never Forget: World Explorer.

4. Shaw, J., & Onkvisit, S. (2008). International Marketing: Strategy and Theory (4th ed.). New York, Reutledge.

5. UNESCO. (2018). www.unesco.org. Retrieved from UNESCO in brief: https://en.unesco. org/ about-us/introducing-unesco.

6. Webster, F. E. (2002). Market Driven Management. London: Wiley.

Appendix 1


• Design

- Technology

• Usefulness

• Convenience

- Value

- Quality

■ Packaging

- Branking

- Acc.........

• Waranties

Pyslcal Environment

• Smart

• Run-Down - Interface

• Comfort

• Facilities


• Retail

• Wholesale

- Mail order

• Internet

• Direct Sales

- Peer to Peer

• Multi-Channel



- Especially relevent to service industries

- Home and service consumed ?


- Strategies

- Skimming

- Penetration

- Psyshologisel

• Cost-plus

• Lost Leader, etc.


• Spacial offer

- Advertising

- Endorsments

- User Trials

• Direct Mailing

• Leaflex-posters

- Free gifts

• Compensation

- Joint venturers

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- Employer

• Management

• Culture

" Customer Service

Figure 16.2: 7Ps of Marketing Mix

Гаджиева E. H. Маркетинговий комплекс азер-байджанських пам'ятнишв ЮНЕСКО

Метою дaноï OTarii e aнaлiз мapкетинговоï струк-тури (4P) пвм'ятнишв ЮНЕСКО в Азеpбaйджaнi i ви-згачення необxiдностi отpимaння бшьш чггкого бa-чення мaйбyтньоï стpaтегiï. Сгаття присвячега мapке-тинговому поеднянню тpьоx пям'ятник^в Азеpбaй-джaнy, як1 включенi до культурно!' спвдщини ЮНЕСКО (Гобyстaнський зялов^дник, Дiвочa вежa, Пaлaц Шipвaншaxiв), щоб дiзнaтися подpобицi 4P. Кожнa компятя повиннa уточнити потреби i вимоги ктенпв. У стaттi покaзaно позитивний вплив pолi Marketing Mix в пpосyвaннi aзеpбaйджaнськиx пш'ят-ник1в ЮНЕСКО в свт. Позитивний вплив уряду Азер-бaйджaнy тa мapкетингy спядщини нa пpосyвaння na-м'яток ЮНЕСКО e незaпеpечним фaктом. У стати e бa-гaто iнновaцiйниx вдей, як1 нiколи не зaстосовyвaлися paнiше.

Ключовi слова: мapкетинговий комплекс, пш'ят-ники ЮНЕСКО, Азеpбaйджaн.

Гаджиева Э. Н. Маркетинговый комплекс азербайджанских памятников ЮНЕСКО

Целью дaнной стaтьи является aнaлиз мapкетин-говой структуры (4P) пшятников ЮНЕСКО в Азер-бaйджaне и определение необxодимости получения более четкого видения будущей стpaтегии. Стaтья по-священa мapкетинговомy сочетaнию тpеx пaмятников Азеpбaйджaнa, которые включены в культурное гасле-дие ЮНЕСКО (Гобустанский зaповедник, Девичья

башня, Дворец Ширваншахов), чтобы узнать подробности 4P. Каждая компания должна уточнить потребности и требования клиентов. В статье показано положительное влияниие роли Marketing Mix в продвижении азербайджанских памятников ЮНЕСКО в мире. Позитивное влияние правительства Азербайджана и маркетинга наследия на продвижение памятников ЮНЕСКО является неоспоримым фактом. В статье есть много инновационных идей, которые никогда не применялись раньше.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговый комплекс, памятники ЮНЕСКО, Азербайджан.

Hajiyeva E. Marketing Mix of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments

The purpose of this article is to analyze the marketing mix (4P) of Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments and identify the need in order to get clear vision for future strategy. The article focuses on marketing mix of Azerbaijan's three monuments which included to the cultural heritage of UNESCO, (Gobustan Reserve, Maiden Tower, Shirva-hshah Palace) in order to know the details of 4P. Every company needs to clarify the customer needs and demands. The paper will describe the positive influence and the role of Marketing Mix on promoting the Azerbaijan UNESCO monuments to the world. The positive impact of Azerbaijan Government and Heritage marketing on promoting UNESCO monuments is an undeniable fact. The article has many innovative ideas that have never applied before.

Keywords: Marketing mix, UNESCO monuments, Azerbaijan.

Received by the editors: 30.11.2018

and final form 14.12.2018

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