Научная статья на тему 'Manipulation of plant tissue culture techniques in woody species preservation and improvement in Vietnam (1) meristem culture in sandal wood (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomh)'

Manipulation of plant tissue culture techniques in woody species preservation and improvement in Vietnam (1) meristem culture in sandal wood (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomh) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Manipulation of plant tissue culture techniques in woody species preservation and improvement in Vietnam (1) meristem culture in sandal wood (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomh)»

Украшський державний лкотехшчний унiверситет

4) характеризувапись кращим ростом ochobhoï породи у висоту ! в товщину nopi-вняно з такими ж насадженнями, але без ynacTi л1щини (п.п. 5). Р1зниця по запасу деревини м1ж цими вартнтами становила 22 м3.

Середшй р1чний приркт 20-р1чних насаджень сосни з шдшском лпцини становив 8,8 м3, а запас деревини у цьому eiui досяг 176 м3.


1. Для рацюнального використання дерново-шдзолнстих rpyjrrin гпд nicomiMH культурами слщ створювати складтп насадження, одним п компоненте якого повинна бути лишша.

2. Введения лшшии в л1сов! насадження сприяг чГ>1лыпс1шю запасу jiiconnï Ыдстилки, ба-гатоТ поживними речовинами. Дом|'и1ка листяного опаду лпцини в :iicopiii пщстилщ забезпечус по-MipHy Ti м1нерал1защю i посгупове покращення ф13пко-хш1чних властивостей футу i його родю-чосп.

3. Пщ культурами сосни з пшлгском Jiininmi забезпечуеться позитивиий баланс тюжипних речовин у фунпв, за рахунок чою picT таких лкосташв полтшуеться.


1. Гордиенко М.И. Культуры сосны обыкновешюй. - К.: Изд-во УСХА, 1997. - 58 с.

2. Гордкнко M.I., Горд1снко Н.М., Лсонтяк Г.П., Карпенко B.I. Лнцина звичайна //.Шсовий журнал. - 1993. - № 4. - С. 19-20.

3. Гринчепко В.В. Улучшение состояния и повышение продуктивности сосновых насаждений свежей субори Полесья Украины сохранением и вводом лиственных город. Лвтореф. лис.... канд. с.-х. наук. - К., 1972. - 32 с.

4. Зонп C.B. Влияние леса на почву. - М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1954. -160 с.

5. Лавриненко Д.Д. HayKoei основи пщвмцення продуктивное^ л1с1в Пол^сся УРСР. - К.: Вид-во УАСГН, 1960. - 194 с.

6. Смолянинов И.И, Пастернак П.С., Ряйуха Е. В., Угаров В.Н. К проблеме оценки почвенного питания древесных пород и лесных насаждений //Питание древесных растений и проблема повышения продуктивности лесов. - Петрозаводск, 1972. - С. 47-73.

Tran Van Minh - Bui T. Tuong Thu - Nguyen Van Uyen, Institute of Tropical Biology, 1

Mac Dinh ChiStr., HoChiMinh City, Vietnam


Sandal wood (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomb) is one of the special and valuable wood species of the tropical rain forest. It grow naturally in Vietnam forest, classified in rared and valuable group of forest trees (Chan, 1996), conservated as a gene resource (Nghia it al., 1996) and prohibited from exploitation (Chanh et al., 1998). Latex condensation sk wounded sites on the plant form inner special material called sandal flavour having high export value. However, on characteristics of this plant species was limited. So |t was over exploited that the species are near to be extinct. Application of plant biotechnology in micropropagation for conservation and propagation of this plant which is the onl) source of condensated sandal were necessary.

Materials: Explants were young branches containing shoots of sandal plant having latex condensate« in the forest of Phu Quoc Island (South of Vietnam). They were cooled by ice in PP box and transferred to the laboratory by airplane in the same day.

110 До l25-pi44H УкрДЛТУ

HayKOBHH BiciiiiK, 2000, Bin. 10.2

Picture 1: Culture of internoile explant after 3 weeks Picture 2: Culture oj meristem tissue after 4 weeks Picture3: Culture for mnltishoot proliferation after 5 weeks Picture 4: In vitro plants rooting after 4 weeks with plant height 30-40 mm Picture 5: Potting plant after 4 weeks with plant height 12cm

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YKpaiHetKHH . ie|V,iwiBi[ini aieoTexHiHHHH ymBepcHTeT

Methods: The branches were washed with soap-water and water, and cut into explants with young shoot tips and young internodes separately. The explants were sterilized by 0.1 % HgC12 for 20 minutes, followed by rinsing three times in sterile distilled water. The explants were cultured on the WPM and MS media. WPM (Lloyd & McCown, 1980) and MS (Murashige-Skoog, 1962) were used as based media and supplemented with plant growth regulators as BA and NAA, and coconut water (CW). All media were supplemented with 20g/l sucrose and 8g/l agar prior to autoclave sterilization for 25 minutes at 121°C. The cultures were incubated at 28°C, under an 8 hour pho-toperiod with a light intensity of 34.2mmol/m2/s. Each treatment consisted of 10-15 explants and was repeated four times.

Preservation and micropropagation via meristem culture: WPM medium was the most suitable medium for shoot initiation, shoot proliferation, shoot elongation and rooting cultures. In shoot intiation cultures, multiple shoots were observed on internode explants or meristem tissues cultured on WPM medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/I B A and 10 % CW or 0.1 mg/1 BA, 0.1 mg/1 NAA and 10 % CW after 2-4 weeks of culture. There are 12-15 small shoots initiated on the meristem explant and the explants cultured of internodes develop only 1-4 shoots (picture 1,2). In shoot proliferation cultures (picture 3), the explant with multiple shoots was cut into 3-4 smaller explants before culturing them on WPM medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/1 BA, 0.5mg/l NAA and 10% CW formed the highest mean number of shoots per explant of 18-22 after 4 weeks of culture. In shoot elongation cultures, each multiple shoots explant was cut into 4 clumps having 4-5 shoots per clump before culturing them on WPM medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/1 B A and 10% CW elongated plant height of 50-70mm after 4 weeks of culture and had leaves developed and shoots were raised into buds. In rooting cultures (picture 4), the buds were cultured on MS and WPM medium supplemented 0.3mg/l NAA and 10 % CW formed root. Results showed that there are 95% of the buds produced roots with root length of 30-40mm and had 4-6 roots per bud after 4 weeks of culture on WPM medium. The healthy plants (picture 5) were transplanted to pot in ex vitro conditions and reached 12cm plant height after 1 month for further studies. In this study, less shoot and callus formation was observed in cultures on MS. This low shoot, abnormal shoot initiation and low proliferation rate was possibly due to the comparatively high nitrogen con tent of MS. It was observed that cultures on WPM had high proliferation rate, shoots and roots formed simultaneously; therefore, WPM medium would be better medium for micropropagation of sandal wood plant than MS. Micropropagation via meristem culture was favored method in production of sandal wood planting materials.


1. Chan, Le Mong (1996). Research on planting some precious and rare forest tree species in the arboretum of the forestry college serving the teaching and contributing to gene conservation of tropical tree species in Vietnam. Results of forest scientific and technological research 1991-1995

2. Chanh, Nguyen Trung (1998). Report on rare and valuable forest tree species conservation. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Kjen Giang Province.

3. Lloyd G. & B. McCown 11980). Commercially feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia, by use of shoot-tip culture. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc., 1981 (30): 421-426

4. Murashige T. & F. Skoog (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant 1962 (15): 431 -497

5. Nghia, Nguyen Hoang (1996). Genetic conservation of forest tree species period 1988-1995. Results of forest scientific and technological research 1991 -1995

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