Научная статья на тему 'Mango juice is a refreshing drink with unique healing properties'

Mango juice is a refreshing drink with unique healing properties Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
mango / mango juice / useful properties / contraindications / composition / calorie content

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Tatyana Eliseeva

Mango juice perfectly quenches thirst on a hot summer day and brings great benefits to the body it helps maintain healthy vision and the cardiovascular system, improves immunity and digestion, improves mood and helps fight stress and depression.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mango juice is a refreshing drink with unique healing properties»

Mango juice is a refreshing drink with unique healing properties.

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the EdaPlus.info project E-mail: eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Mango juice perfectly quenches thirst on a hot summer day and brings great benefits to the body - it helps maintain healthy vision and the cardiovascular system, improves immunity and digestion, improves mood and helps fight stress and depression.

Key words: mango, mango juice, useful properties, contraindications, composition, calorie content Composition and calories

Quince fruits are quite low-calorie (energy value is only 57 kcal per 100 grams of product [1] ), which allows you to use quince juice without the risk of rapid weight gain, even for people who are strictly watching their figure. In addition, they contain a large amount

The fruit of the evergreen mangifera tree is distinguished by its impressive size, original multifaceted taste, and also has one of the largest seeds. Of course, we are talking about the fragrant and healthy mango - the king of fruits, given to the Indian people, according to ancient legends, by the god Shiva himself.

Mango pulp and juice are often used in cooking in different countries for making puddings, soufflés and cocktails. Due to the presence in the fruit of a large number of various vitamins and amino acids, it is widely used in traditional medicine. In addition, fresh, as studies show, contains much more phenolic compounds, has greater antioxidant activity and is more beneficial to the body than regular pulp. [1] And you can prepare healing mango juice yourself at home.

Composition and calories

Mango pulp contains 83.5% water and a small amount of fat (0.38 grams per 100 grams of product). In addition, it contains almost no proteins and quite a few carbohydrates (0.82 and 15%, respectively). This composition explains the low calorie content of pure mango fresh (60 kcal) [2] , which allows you to include a delicious drink in various diet menus without the risk of harming your figure.

It contains mango juice and a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. [3] In particular, in a freshly prepared fresh juice you can find:

• Potassium (168 mg). It maintains the correct water and acid-base balance in the body, normalizes the functioning of nerve and muscle tissues [4] , reduces the manifestations of allergic reactions, helps stabilize blood pressure [5] , provides oxygen to the brain cells, promotes clarity of thought.

• Vitamin C (36.4 mg). Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble antioxidant that protects body cells from premature aging and destruction, prevents the development of oncology, helps the body preserve beauty and youth (activates the production of its own collagen [6] and elastin ), accelerates tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system [7] , promotes absorption iron [8]

. By the way, studies show that green mangoes contain more vitamin C than ripe ones. [9] This fact should be taken into account when selecting fruits for making a healthy drink.

• Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, (0.119 mg). Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system [10] (relieves cramps and numbness of the limbs), eliminates symptoms of depression and irritability [11] , participates in the production of hemoglobin, improves brain function, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease [12] , relieves nausea in pregnant women [13] , reduces inflammation in arthritis.

• Beta-carotene (640 mcg). Prevents premature aging of tissues, increases the body's resistance to infections and viruses, normalizes eye pressure, prevents the development of diseases of the organs of vision [14] , strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system [15] .

• Niacin, nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP (0.669 mg). Regulates blood cholesterol levels [16] , improves sleep [17] and psychological well-being, contributes to the normalization of body weight, accelerates tissue healing [18] , eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, irritation and cracks in the mucous membranes.

Mango pulp is also rich in fiber (helps to improve digestion), contains 12 useful amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Mango Juice

1. Reduces the risk of obesity

The drink has a high antioxidant activity, contains a large amount of phenolic compounds - it reduces inflammation in the body, speeds up metabolism, effectively burns subcutaneous and visceral fat enveloping internal organs, reducing the risk of obesity. [19] Do you want to see a perfectly slender figure in the mirror image in the near future? Add an effective and tasty supplement in the form of fragrant mango fresh to your diet menu!

2. Stimulates satiety

Studies show that eating fresh mangoes, in particular mango fresh, along with food reduces hunger, promotes satiety more quickly and helps to avoid overeating. [20] Want to enjoy delicious food without risking your figure? It turns out that this is quite possible if you introduce mango juice into your diet.

3. Improves Gut Health

The polyphenols contained in the pulp of the fruit, in particular gallotannins, have a prebiotic effect -they create a favorable flora for the growth and reproduction of probiotics, which helps to reduce intestinal inflammation and its proper functioning. [21] Studies also show that mango juice is an effective prophylactic in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. [22]

4. Stabilizes blood pressure

The trace elements magnesium and potassium present in mango pulp help lower blood pressure and generally have a positive effect on cardiovascular health. [23] Maintaining normal blood pressure is easy - add delicious mango juice to your daily diet and see!

5. Improves vision

The retinoids contained in mangoes play an important role in the proper functioning of the body, including a positive effect on eye health, improve night vision. [24]

Contraindications and possible harm

Mango is an allergenic food. [25] In particular, contact dermatitis [26] and sometimes an anaphylactic reaction may occur in some individuals with fetal contact, manifesting as urticaria, swelling of the face, stomach pain and watery diarrhea [27] . Therefore, for the first time, it is recommended to eat a fruit or juice from it in a minimum dose in order to follow the reaction of the body.

Experts do not advise drinking juices, including mango fresh juice, before bedtime. For the drink to bring maximum benefit, it is better to include it in the menu of the first half of the day.

Norms and recommendations for the use of mango fresh

Studies show that in order to fully saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it is enough for an adult to drink 1 glass (250 ml) of freshly squeezed mango juice daily. For children 5-12 years old, the norm can be reduced to 100 ml. To acquaint kids with a delicious drink should be gradual, starting with 1 teaspoon of liquid, and no earlier than 3 years of age.

How to prepare and store mango juice

Making mango juice at home is easy. Pieces of peeled pulp should be slaughtered in a blender or passed through a juicer. It is recommended to drink juice within a few hours after squeezing. Otherwise, it oxidizes from contact with air, losing some of its useful properties. Also, over time, various bacteria begin to develop in it, which can lead to its sourness. The heat treatment of the drink will help to stop the process of microbial formation - short-term heating (for 30-60 seconds) to a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius [28] followed by canning.

Expert comment

Tatyana Eliseeva, nutritionist

Mango juice perfectly quenches thirst on a hot summer day and brings great benefits to the body - it helps maintain healthy vision and the cardiovascular system, improves immunity and digestion, improves mood and helps fight stress and depression. Add a delicious refreshing drink to your family's diet and experience its unique health benefits for yourself!


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Received 02.07.2023

Mango juice is a refreshing drink with unique health-promoting properties

Eliseeva Tatyana, editor-in-chief of the project EdaPlus.info E-mail: eliseeva.t@edaplus.info

Abstract. Mango juice is an excellent thirst quencher on a hot summer day and provides great benefits to the body - it helps maintain the health of the vision and cardiovascular system, improves immunity and digestion, improves mood and helps fight stress and depression.

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