Научная статья на тему 'Мамед Араз модель патриотизма'

Мамед Араз модель патриотизма Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Садыкзаде Нигар Нуреддиновн

В статье анализируется стихотворения народного поэта Мамеда Араза о родине, о земле, о родном пепелище, содержательно доводиться о его произведениях, в которых выражается душевное беспокойства, алчность поэта в связи не имеющего никого отцовской пепелище, которому он всегда был предан. Здесь имеется место старанне определить популярность полустишия тезиса. “Кто не сможет стать камнем Родины, тот и не станет гражданином страны”. Отмечается такой вывод, что создание Домамузея Мамеда Араза образец тому, что этот пепелище будет жить вечно.

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The People’s poet Mammad Araz’s poems written on homeland, land, the family home have been analyzed, and brought to reader’s notice profoundly in the paper. His works about devotion to family home, anxiety of arising solitude of this home, expressing his languor have been dealt with in details. Defining the fame frequency of “Not being the stone of home hardly to be the citizen of country” hemistich-thesis is tried, and such a conclusion is come that founding Mammad Araz’s memorial house is the obvious sample of being this home at all times.

Текст научной работы на тему «Мамед Араз модель патриотизма»


Садыкзаде Нигар Нуреддиновна

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Старший научный сотрудник Нахчыванское Отделение Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана AZ 7000 Азербайджанская Республика Город Нахчыван проспект Гейдара Алиева, 76 E-mail:nigarsadiqzade01@gmail.com


Nigar Sadigzade

Doctor of philosophy on philology, associate professor Senior scientific worker Nakhchivan Section of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan AZ 7000 Azerbaijan Republic Nakhchivan city, Heydar Aliyev avenue, 76


В статье анализируется стихотворения народного поэта Мамеда Араза о родине, о земле, о родном пепелище, содержательно доводиться о его произведениях, в которых выражается душевное беспокойства, алчность поэта в связи не имеющего никого отцовской пепелище, которому он всегда был предан.

Здесь имеется место старанне определить популярность полустишия тезиса. "Кто не сможет стать камнем Родины, тот и не станет гражданином страны". Отмечается такой вывод, что создание Дома- музея Мамеда Араза образец тому, что этот пепелище будет жить вечно.

Ключевые слова: Мамед Араз, Народный поэт, стихотворения о родине


The People's poet Mammad Araz's poems written on homeland, land, the family home have been analyzed, and brought to reader's notice profoundly in the paper. His works about devotion to family home, anxiety of arising solitude of this home, expressing his languor have been dealt with in details.

Defining the fame frequency of "Not being the stone of home hardly to be the citizen of country" hemistich-thesis is tried, and such a conclusion is come that founding Mammad Araz's memorial house is the obvious sample of being this home at all times.

Key words: Mammad Araz, People's poet, poems written on homeland

Mammad Araz berhyming in his works the homeland, the land and hearth of his father has created in our literature basic tradition at this direction. Mammad Araz's real name was Mammad Infil oglu Ibrahimov, he was born in the village of Nursu in Shakhbuz district; his new poems with its theme range, expression means obtained their pass into literature. The poet whose luxuriant works occupy a fitting place in the history of Azerbaijan literature, with his poems written on various topics has found a way to the hearts of readers and got their love. Patriotism, attachment to nation, the people, and the father's hearth are the factors standing in the forefront of his poems.

Honorable academician Isa Habibbayli in his paper named "The people's poet Mammad Araz: entirety of a person in great art" writes: "In the poetry of the people's poet Mammad Araz the homeland means the father hearth, native house, home nation, Kura-Araks" [3, p. 22].

It is the great tragedy both for a man and for a master when he turns his face away from the people, root and ancestors. Cold attitude to the father, mother, sister and brother, relatives and friends is also connected generally with it. Looking through the works of Mammad Araz


we see that he always berhymes with love the hearth of his birth, his house. The poet, who had achieved fame in the whole Turkic world, wrote on the eternal map together with himself this home and hearth, allowed it living by heart. All researchers interested in his works haven't seen the village of Nursu and Sahbuz, but could imagine its beauty with poetical spirit by means of poems written by him. The poet attached to his land always regarded as his debt to protect his own land and hearth.

The poet in his works reflected both on the past and present, saw not only with poetic feelings but also by eyes of a thinker, every inch of the home country he interpreted in this plane. His substantial look on events always stood on the leading position. In the course of time these feelings combined in deeper meanings, were expressed in consistent and systematic poetic samples and completed with the idea: "Who is not a stone of his fatherland isn't a citizen".

Professor Yavuz Akhundlu writes: "Yes! To be a citizen of the country you should be able to be a stone of the land. Everything starts here".

The main aim of poems "Karabakh plain", "Homeland" is also to make the Motherland happy with berhyming its scent and spirit. The follows verses of the poem "Homeland Song" written in Yalta in 1968 inform of the poet's enduring love for his homeland:

You, my mother's milk, my mother's song, Where I'm going, where I'm going I carry you with me as a passport, As a dream song, as an army of words [1, p.336].

The poet always carried out his civic duty in a worthy manner, expressed in his poems love for the homeland not with usually slogans and florid verses but with sincere poetic language. Professor Nizamaddin Shamsizadeh in his paper named "Give the word revival" writes that the idea of "Mammad Araz is a civil poet" in books and articles written about him step by step became almost generally acknowledged. It can be taken as a result and his final thought about the unique poetry of the poet. In fact, this is also true about the poet. The idea of this truth is that to imagine the poetic scope of Mammad Araz it is necessary to unravel his poems stitch by stitch with mentioned skill, unwind them and pass through the memory" [2, p, 5].

The poet attached to his land, his native country, ancestral home always declared that in his poems. In Mammad Araz's creative works basic factors were love for native country, protection of it and civic position.

Worried poet was afraid of that this hearth would some time go out; he wished eternal smoking of his father's hearth. The poet declared that here, near this hearth are traces of his mother and grandmothers.

Here bended to fire many generations, Grandmothers touched the fire stone, Even snakes weren't disturbed here,

If they refuge near the fire [2, p, 81].

The poet wrote how sacred is the hearth, emphasized is that everyone refuging near it is untouchable.

Take this hearth and set fire at your home, It takes fire and power from the eyes.

A man is protector of fire on the Earth's face, That's why he is called the man[2, p, 81].

In the verses dealing with admonitions to the son of a father who doesn't wish going out of his hearth, the poet declared that a man should protect the home and be a master of a hearth; also in the other poems he often wrote about brave sons, honorable fathers, patriotic heroes who protect the family and share all troubles of the land.

This hearth remained to us from our grandfather, When a hearth goes out a home is lost, Going out of a hearth is for our honor

As a laughter of an enemy's kin[2, p, 81].

The poet never resigned himself to hostile attitude of enemies to our people and nation, to their laughter at us; that's why going out of the hearth he expressed as an enemy's triumph.

The hearth smokes, my father goes misty-eyed: Your mother is missing in the world beyond, son, Only when a man is dead and his grave is burned -My boy, his hearth doesn't smoke.

The poet declared in these verses written by him the father's feelings caused by the mother's absence, and also expressed the father's anxiety. The greatness of a family is full only if there is unity of the parents, if the father and mother are friends to each other. The parents always worry about the thought that their hearth will go out of after their passage to the world beyond. The hearth lives only when it smokes, when there is a warm human breath at the house.

M.Araz in this respect was a great, irreplaceable poet therefore he gave eternal life to his father's home, to the village of Nursu here he had been born. Generations reading the poet's poems at the expense of the poetry crown created by him imagined the Nursu village, Shakhbuz mountains, even Infil kishi's hearth where his son Mammad came into the world.

At celebration of life and in mourning Will I come here for the fire?

Or in glimmer of memories As hearths without sons and children I will go out and away: this stone, this land Together will not keep my traces alive[2, p, 80].

Worried poet's soul is nowadays calm. As in the hearth of Infil kishi is now a light shining. At this hearth was established the House Museum of Mammad Araz. Exactly this home is associated with the memory of our favorite poet. Vasif Talybov, honored Mr. Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan AR, in his thorough speech owing to unveiling of the museum said about Mammad Araz's works: "This museum is a shining expression of respect to the memory of great civic poet of freedom in the period of Azerbaijan's independence".

Mammad Araz's heritage has always been studied. Of course, it will be investigated further as a matter of importance.


1. Yavuz Akhundlu. Literary portraits.

2. Mammad Araz Selected Works.

3. Mammad Araz. Fate and art. Nakh9hivan: "Ajami", 2014, 176 p.


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