Научная статья на тему 'Main principles and problems of Russian foreign trade policy at the present time'

Main principles and problems of Russian foreign trade policy at the present time Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Shakhmurzova Inessa

The main purpose of this article is to analyze current position of Russian Federation on international arena and to show major problems faced by Russia. This article describes the relationship between Russia and the major trade associations and strategically important partners (WTO, Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Union).Further in the article touched upon the inflow of foreign investment, which is important in today''s trading world. Finally, relations between Russia and the group BRICS is mentioned as a major part of Russian Trade Policy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Main principles and problems of Russian foreign trade policy at the present time»


1. Металлургия: модернизация по высшему разряду // Журнал «Промышленник России» март 2012 г. / [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://promros.ru/magazine/2012/mar/338.phtml (Дата обращения: 17.04.2015).

2. Аналитический центр ВТО-Информ, 23.08.2012. / [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://wto-inform.ru/~T4dS0 (Дата обращения: 17.04.2015).

3. Андреещев Р. Ю. Влияние присоединения России к ВТО на отечественную промышленность. / Журнал «Пространства России», выпуск № 3, 2013 г. стр. 5.

4. Последствия присоединения России к ВТО. / Strategic Business Solutions report. 2012 г. / [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.rgwto.com (Дата обращения: 19.04.2015).

5. Приложение 1. / 2014 г. «Металлургия» для журнала «ЮНИДО в России» № 13, стр. 21.

6. Доступ российских товаров, услуг и инвестиций на зарубежные рынки. / Доклад МЭР РФ Департамент торговых переговоров. 2010 г. стр. 6.

7. Торговые ограничения против России. / Специальный проект Центра международной торговли «Россия в ВТО» 2014 г. / [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://wto.wtcmoscow.ru (Дата обращения: 20.04.2015).

8. Россия подала первый иск к ЕС в рамках ВТО. / Журнал Forbes 23.12.2013 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.forbes.ru/news/249085-rossiya-podala-pervyi-isk-k-es-v-ramkakh-vto (Дата обращения: 21.04.2015).

9. ВТО и год прошел. / Российская газета. 22.08.2013. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.rg.ru/2013/08/22/vto-poln.html (Дата обращения: 23.04.2015).

10. Данные Федеральной Таможенной Службы РФ, 2014 г. / [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.customs.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13858&Itemi d=2095 (Дата обращения: 23.04.2015).

Main principles and problems of Russian foreign trade policy at the

present time Shakhmurzova I. (Russian Federation) Основные принципы и проблемы внешнеторговой политики России в настоящее время Шахмурзова И. X. (y||[jjjl'!l^i|ij!j!j|f!!jj||'^ ЗщИ!®

Шахмурзова Инесса Хасанбиевна / Shakhmurzova Inessa - старший специалист отдела аудиторских услуг ООО «Эрнст энд Янг», студент,

Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва

Abstract: the main purpose of this article is to analyze current position of Russian Federation on international arena and to show major problems faced by Russia. This article describes the relationship between Russia and the major trade associations and strategically important partners (WTO, Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Union).Further in the article touched upon the inflow of foreign investment, which is important in today's trading world. Finally, relations between Russia and the group BRICS is mentioned as a major part of Russian Trade Policy.

Аннотация: главной целью статьи является анализ текущего положения Российской Федерации на международной арене и основные проблемы, с которыми


столкнулась Россия. В данной статье описываются отношения между Россией и основными торговыми ассоциациями и стратегически важными партнерами (ВТО, Таможенный союз, Евразийский экономический Союз). Далее в статье затрагиваются вопросы притока иностранных инвестиций, что немаловажно в современном торговом мире. Наконец, отношения между Россией и странами группы БРИКС упоминаются как важнейшая составная часть российской торговой политики.

Keywords: Russian Trade Policy, World Trade Organization, BRICS, investments flow, international trade.

Ключевые слова: торговая политика России, Всемирная торговая организация, БРИКС, инвестиции, международная торговля.


Due to the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, foreign policy should be focused primarily on pursuing the following basic goals like:

• ensuring the security of the country, protecting and strengthening its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and securing its high standing in the international community as one of the influential and competitive poles of the modern world;

• creating favorable external conditions for a steady and dynamic growth of the Russian economy and its technological modernization with a view to putting it on the innovation-based development tracks, as well as for improving the quality of life, strengthening the rule of law and democratic institutions, and ensuring human rights and freedoms;

• promoting good-neighborly relations with adjoining states and helping to overcome existing and prevent potential tensions and conflicts in regions adjacent to the Russian Federation;

• developing mutually beneficial and equal bilateral and multilateral partnership relations with foreign states, interstate associations, international organizations and forums on the basis of respect for independence and sovereignty, pragmatism, transparency, multi-vector approach, predictability and non-confrontational protection of national interests; promoting broad international cooperation based on the principle of non-discrimination and facilitating the formation of flexible non-bloc network alliances with Russia's active involvement;

• strengthening Russia's positions in the global trade and economic system, providing diplomatic support to national economic operators abroad, preventing discrimination against Russian goods, services or investments; making use of the potential of international and regional economic and financial institutions to that end, etc [1].

The essence of Russia's foreign policy is predetermined by the long-term objectives of the revival of Russia as a democratic free state and securing favorable conditions for the formation of today's dynamic economy, guarantee decent living Russians and the financial and economic independence of the country, as well as full and natural inclusion of Russia into the international community as a great political power with the long history, unique geopolitical position, sufficient military power, with significant technological, intellectual and ethical potential. The most important foreign policy challenges that require coordinated and sustained efforts of all state institutions of the country are the cessation of hostilities and resolution of conflicts around Russia in order to prevent their spreading into country's territory and guaranteeing of strict adherence of human rights especially regarding ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking population in the neighboring countries [2].

With the purpose to facilitate implementation of economic transactions, many countries integrate into economic unions.

Creating economic alliances and cooperation in different parts of the world and their analysis has prompted me to write this thesis.

So, the correct determination of cooperation qualify on the economic and political role in the world.

Russia is striving to expand its economic and political presence in the dynamic regions and lend additional impetus momentum to the economic development. In this direction, Russia enters into alliances with countries such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mexico and Asian countries. At the moment, Russia also has options for entry into the economic community, such as Trans-Pacific Partnership and possible view to Trans-Atlantic Partnership.


Russia is already a major trading partner of the West, especially the EU, exporting mostly energy sources (gas and oil), metal, minerals and timber, while importing a wider range of manufactured products. In the longer term, Russian manufacturing is likely to start recovering and hence Russia will need to have improved access to Western markets in order to expand its exports. This paper reviews recent trends in the direction and structure of Russian trade and summarizes the reforms that have so far been applied to external trade policies and practices. It then develops three scenarios for the development of the Russian economy: (a) a centralized model; (b) muddling through; and (c) accelerated reforms, sketching the likely trading implications of all three. The paper argues that scenario (b) is the most likely, and suggests that the EU (and, to some extent the UK) could most usefully assist Russia in two ways. First, to provide technical assistance to strengthen the institutional infrastructure of foreign trade (i.e. to help reduce transactions costs and risk); and second to adopt a far more relaxed and open approach regarding access to EU markets for Russian manufactures.

Russia and WTO

Russia became a full member of the WTO 22 August 2012 Russia's commitment is reflected in the following documents: Report of the Working Group on the accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization; Protocol on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization; The list of tariff concessions; A list of specific commitments on uslugam.2

Accession to the WTO has not led to fundamental changes in the regulation of foreign investment in the Russian Federation. Russian laws and bilateral international agreements on the protection of foreign investment, and the prisoners taken before accession, contained almost all the major provisions of the WTO in respect of foreign investors national treatment and all common guarantees. However, in preparation for accession in the business community and the community of experts widely discussed the possible consequences of this step for the export and import of FDI. To date, since joining two years have passed. It is possible to draw some preliminary conclusions and try to assess how justified expressed in the course of discussions, fears and expectations [4].

According to the ranking compiled by Ernst & Young, in 2013, Russia ranked third on the investment attractiveness after the US and China. The basis of the rating on the data on FDI inflows, as well as surveys of over 800 representatives of companies from different industries (56 % of respondents from Western Europe, 13 % - from Central and Eastern Europe, 15 % - from North America, 6 % - from Southeast Asia). The number of new projects created with the participation of foreign investors has fallen by 11 % - up to 114, and the number of new jobs created mainly in the automotive industry, and chemical, increased by 2 % (to 13.6 thousand.). Compared with the 2008-2009. increased FDI in business services and decreased - in industrial projects. Even in the early 2014 polls were fixed to increase the attractiveness of Russian PII.5.

Russia's participation in the WTO improves the possibility of exporting products manufactured at factories located here. As a member of the WTO, Russia most-favored,


according to which each member country is obliged to provide another Member State is not less favorable to trade than that it accords to another country. This means that Russia will automatically apply any improvement (for example, a reduction in import duties and taxes), granted by one State to another State member of the WTO.

In addition, participation in the WTO strengthens the position of Russian exporters, including companies with foreign participation in the event of trade disputes. Russian exports competitive in the world market is facing significant opposition from foreign trading partners. Restrictions abroad are subject to the most significant Russian export goods, except energy. It uses almost all known methods to limit unwanted imports - anti-dumping duties, quotas, licensing, technical standards, etc. Being outside the WTO, Russia was deprived of the tools necessary to combat illegal, from the point of view of international standards, the limits of its exports. Now, after Russia became a full member of the WTO, Russian exporters received such opportunities and can use the dispute resolution mechanism, acting within the organization [5].

The export of cars was increased. According to customs statistics, in January-September 2013 the share of exports in the production of passenger cars compared to the same period in 2012 increased from 5.8 % to 6.9 %. On trucks - from 9 % to 12.4 %. During the first 9 months of 2013 the export of trucks was 17.8 thousand. Pc. and increased by 13.3 %, passenger cars - 94.8 thousand. pc. (an increase of 14.2 %). During the same period, import volumes of trucks decreased by 30.9 %, passenger cars - 19.1 %.

Russia and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU)

During the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council May 29, 2014 in Astana, the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) (hereinafter - the Agreement). The Treaty shall enter into force on 1 January 2015 after ratification by the parliaments of the «troika».

EEU is created as an international organization of regional economic integration, have international legal personality. Within the framework of the Union will ensure freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor, a coordinated, coherent and unified policy in key sectors of the economy.

Formation of the EEU means a transition to the next after the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space (hereinafter CU and CES) stage of integration. The basis of the EEU Treaty was based on the results of the codification of the legal framework of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, aimed at optimizing the existing rules, the elimination of reference rules, with the exception of contradictions, filling gaps, bringing the provisions of the legal framework of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space in accordance with the rules and regulations of the WTO. Along with the implementation of the regulatory framework of existing norms EEU CU and CES provided their improvement by reducing and eliminating exemptions and barriers within the above «four freedoms» [6].

Russia and BRICS

Russia in recent years continues to further strengthen BRICS as an element of a multipolar system of international relations. Significantly advanced the development of the document «The long-term vision and strategic objectives of the BRICS». Russia's initiative was launched preparation of the draft Strategy multilateral economic cooperation among the associations. Started the process of creating a virtual secretariat (website) BRIKS.Na summit in Durban (March) partners to integrate fixed common ground on the most pressing issues of world politics - the Syrian crisis, Iran's nuclear program, the international information security, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

«On the margins» of the summit in 2013 held the first event of the BRICS in the format of «outreach» - with the leaders of 16 African states, 8 sub regional organizations, the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). In this


regard, President of RF V. V. Putin concrete proposals on the development of political and economic cooperation between the BRICS, the African Union, NEPAD, BRICS, Brixen sub regional organizations in Africa [7].

Participation in the work of the «Group of Eight» is seen as an important tool for the development of partnerships with major world powers and the promotion of Russian interests in the field of international and regional security, non-proliferation, counter-terrorism and drug trafficking and transnational organized crime, international information security and etc. Russia leads the line to find ways of political and diplomatic settlement of international problems through multilateral approaches, together with its partners worked on initiatives socio-economic and humanities (international development assistance, food security, the fight against dangerous diseases, reducing child and maternal mortality)[8].


After the analysis of Russia's cooperation with communities of foreign countries, we can conclude that at this stage Russia faced with the difficult task of overcoming political and economic barriers to the favorable coexistence with European and Asian countries and the United States. We must hope that the legislation, political action and good economic policies will help to establish relationships with foreign countries.


1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs web-site. http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/0/7.

2. Economic Internationalization of Russia: Roots, Trends, and Scenarios, Anatoly Zhuplev, Professor of International Business at the Loyola Marymount University, California. International Political Science Review 2013.

3. Centre for Economic Reform and Transformation, Paul Hare, Heriot-Watt University, 2014.

4. Russia's accession to the WTO: possible impact on competitiveness of domestic companies, Sergey F. Sutyrin Olga Y. Trofimenko, St. Petersburg State University.

5. Technical Regulation Reform. Trade Policy and WTO Accession for Development in Russia and CIS. Rybtsov A. (2010).

6. Economic Internationalization of Russia: Roots, Trends, and Scenarios, Anatoly Zhuplev, Professor of International Business at the Loyola Marymount University, California. International Political Science Review 2008.

7. Concept of the Participation of the Russian Federation in BRICS', Central European University Press 2010. Russian Foreign Policy in Transition: Concepts and Realities.

8. Building Better Global Economic BRICs. Jim O'Neill, Goldman Sachs, Global Economics Paper 66, 2010.

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