MAIN FACTORS OF SOCIAL SPHERE DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
public life / state / economy / financial assistance / pensions / social security

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mashrapova G.Ya.

The article examines the key factors in the development of the social sphere. The priorities of social sphere regulation are considered.

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УДК 338

Mashrapova G. Ya. master's student Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan


Abstract: The article examines the key factors in the development of the social sphere. The priorities of social sphere regulation are considered.

Key words: public life, state, economy, financial assistance, pensions, social security

Strong social policy is one of the most important principles of reforming the economy of the republic. Only through social policy will a wide range of measures be taken to ensure the realization of the socio-economic interests of the individual, to improve the well-being of families and individuals. The social orientation of the market economy is a necessary condition for a stable society. Due to the interests of this person, his protection, his standard of living, the problem, society can not be indifferent to the communications of market relations, the negative consequences they cause. It is a modern requirement that the market be developed and socially oriented, which is a great experience, especially in developed countries. As noted above, it is for this reason that the development of the supremacy of market relations arises from interests. But this is not an absolute case. Thus, in a market economy, as in any objective social situation, there is a process of independence, in which the interests of the parties are not always balanced. The negative consequences of a market economy are not only related to its 'inaccessibility', but are also related to the normal conditions of its development in general. The pursuit of self-interest in the pursuit of convenience in the marketplace is due to fierce competition, and the use of such available methods and any attempt to do so will inevitably lead to very serious consequences. In other words, putting the common people as consumers one by one, face to face, as a result of the market would be an indifferent attitude to human destiny. That is why it is an important task of the state to lend a helping hand as much as possible to prevent falling into the difficult and inhumane conditions that arise as a result of the market economy. In Uzbekistan, social protection is one of the continuous priorities of the economic reform program, which is one of the priorities at all stages of reform. One of the guiding principles of Uzbekistan's path to independence and development is a strong social policy.

The main source of social protection in Uzbekistan is the state budget, the social insurance fund, enterprises and public organizations. The role of all charitable foundations in the social protection of the population is great. It is well known that social assistance and social protection have been common to all periods, peoples and nations. Because this task was one of the main goals of the state. Therefore, this

problem is not new for the countries of the former Soviet Union, including Central Asia and Uzbekistan. However, it is clear that in its historical development, Uzbekistan's per capita consumption is 50-60% lower than the average union level, which has affected the lives of the population. Therefore, taking into account one of the main features of Uzbekistan, that is, the demographic situation, the establishment of a system of social assistance to pensioners, large families and children in accordance with market relations is an urgent issue.

Uzbekistan has a multifaceted system of social assistance. Among them are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, war veterans, children with disabilities, people with disabilities, people awarded orders and medals, families of deceased servicemen, survivors of the blockade, prisoners of Nazi prisons, Chernobyl. , lonely retirees, lonely mothers privilege and help.

The above-mentioned areas of the assistance system are of a complex nature, which is the provision of funding for family assistance. Because the funds are allocated from the national and local budgets, as well as from the social insurance fund.

About half of all budget funds are allocated annually from the state budget for the development of the social sphere and ensuring social protection of the population. Due to this, measures are being taken to protect motherhood and childhood, and special attention has been paid to families in need of state assistance. Benefits are paid to low-income families. One of the most important directions in the system of social protection measures is the steady increase in income due to the liberalization of prices and the level of inflation. The process of income indexation in Uzbekistan is carried out through a single centralized revision of the minimum wage, pensions, stipends, rates on deposits in savings banks. Strong measures in the field of social protection and support of vulnerable groups of the population -pensioners, the disabled, students - is a very important area of active social policy. In our country, special social assistance units have been set up to provide social services to lonely pensioners and the disabled.

The experience of Central and Eastern European countries shows that the only type of assistance to families with children is the payment of assistance in cash, which is a means of redistribution using the distribution of other types of assistance. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis in determining the distribution to families. In particular, an equivalent scale should be used in the analysis of the evidence studied in assessing the ratio of low-income to large family size.

Solving these tasks is a serious and responsible process. For example, the establishment of private pension funds. World experience shows that the establishment of private pension funds has taken several years. The study of the experience of the United States, Britain, Chile and other Western European countries in this regard can yield positive results. Businesses are reluctant to provide social support to their employees in order to reduce their costs. New private enterprises avoid such tasks. But at the moment, district departments don't have the

capacity to do that. Because a large amount of money is required for the development of new staff, methodological guidelines, management and training of technical staff, the use of various stages.


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