УДК 378
Majidov F.A. master's student Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan
Resume: The article argues that the efficient use of the household is one of the means of improving the living standards of the population.
Keywords: household, economy, frugality, productivity, standard of living
The study of the living standards of the population occupies an important place, both in domestic and foreign statistics. Therefore, in order to obtain detailed information about the material and cultural standard of living of the population, statistics provide a large-scale survey of its budgets.
Budget statistics allow us to study income, expenses and consumption of the population, as well as to characterize the production of gross output in personal subsidiary plots according to budget research data. It also examines the indicators of personal consumption of families and indicators of the level of consumption of non-food products.
Statistical accounting and reporting, reflecting the totality of mass phenomena and processes, characterizing them from the quantitative side, identifying certain economic patterns, serve as an important source of analysis. Statistical methods are the main means of studying massive, repetitive phenomena, play an important role in predicting the behavior of economic indicators.
Household statistics of the population is one of the branches of socioeconomic statistics that studies the standard of living of the country's population and, mainly, its material situation. Household survey materials characterize changes in the structure of income and consumer spending of the population, the level of income, expenditure, consumption, etc. different groups of the population, make it possible to identify differences in these levels depending on the composition of the family, the employment of its members; show the role of individual sources in the formation of income, the dependence of consumption on the level of income; allow you to track changes in consumer demand; characterize the differentiation of the population by income level, etc.
It is used to substantiate priority measures in the field of determining the effectiveness of measures for social protection of the population, especially its low-income strata during the transition to a market economy.
Household data are widely used by statistics in various economic calculations: consumer price indices, national income and its distribution,
calculating real incomes of the population, compiling a balance of production and use of agricultural products, and many others.
Household cash income consists of cash receipts, which are generally renewable in nature, and accrue to the household or individual members of the household on a monthly basis. Household cash income is derived from the following main sources: wages and salaries of employees and other related income from employers, net income from self-employment, income from entrepreneurial activities, income from personal investment (rent, interest, dividends), royalties and commissions fees. Household cash income also includes alimony, pensions, scholarships, benefits, and other regular cash assistance. Withdrawal from savings, loans taken or repaid loans received, etc. - even if used for consumption purposes, they are not considered household income.
Household expenditures include consumption expenditures and non-consumption expenditures.
Non-consumption expenses include income tax and other direct income, pension and social security contributions and similar premiums, remittances, gifts and similar transfers made by the household or individual members. Additions to savings, amounts invested or loaned out, loan repayments, and other financial transaction costs are excluded.
Consumer expenditure includes all current expenditure on goods and services for use by a given household or individual members. Consumer spending does not include direct taxes, seniority pensions and other types of social insurance, savings bank deposits, housing cooperatives contributions, life insurance premiums, accrued money transfers, and expenses to non-residents. household members, and loan repayments. Also excluded are costs that are investment in nature, gratuitous cash transfers and donations. Education, medical and other services received free of charge are not included in consumer spending.
So, having considered all the above issues, we can say that the standard of living of the population of Uzbekistan is constantly changing. But if you look at the tendencies of this change, you can see a clear decline in the standard of living of the population of Uzbekistan in recent years.
Based on the above, we will draw a number of conclusions:
First, in spite of the fact that both income and expenses of the population are growing every year, the difference between income and expenses is decreasing. This is far from having a positive effect on the well-being of the population of Uzbekistan.
Secondly, the economic and statistical analysis of the living standards of the population of Uzbekistan has several branches, the most important of which is the statistics of households of the population. The indicators studied in this industry are used in the study of measures for the social protection of the population of Uzbekistan.
Thirdly, with the help of economic and statistical analysis, it is possible to study the provision of the population with social benefits, that is, whether there are enough health workers, medical institutions in a particular region of Uzbekistan,
and whether there is the necessary number of recreation facilities, theaters, museums necessary to maintain a high cultural level. the level of the population of Uzbekistan.
Lastly, the economic and statistical analysis of the living standards of the population of Uzbekistan is carried out in order to improve certain living conditions of the population. But, at the present time, in the current unstable economic situation, it is becoming more and more difficult to do this.
Providing agricultural enterprises with labor resources and their rational use, increasing labor productivity and, on this basis, raising wages is the most important condition for the successful development of agriculture and its transformation into a highly efficient and highly productive industry.
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