Научная статья на тему 'Main factors influencing health and life expectancy of population'

Main factors influencing health and life expectancy of population Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shklyaruk V. Ya

The paper deals with the factors of environment influencing health and life expectancy and developing increased motivation for self-preserving behavior.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Main factors influencing health and life expectancy of population»


pendent decisions. Healthy life style adolescents express a wish to create a close-knit and healthy family with two or three kids. They faster form value targets to moral and healthy family life style.

1. Черненков Ю.В. и др. Формирование здорового образа жизни в современной школе // Здоровый образ жизни для всех возрастов: материалы Всероссийск. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов, 2007.

2. Смирнова Н.П. Охрана репродуктивного здоровья -путь улучшения демографической ситуации // Демографическое развитие: проблемы и перспективы: материалы обл. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов, 2007.

3. Шклярук В.Я. Проблемы формирования здоровьесберегающих установок на разных этапах социализации личности // Модернизация и перспективы развития современного общества: материалы Международ. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов, 2010.

4. Тощенко Ж.Т. Парадоксальный человек. М., 2007.

УДК 316:61

V.Ya. Shklyaruk


The paper deals with the factors of environment influencing health and life expectancy and developing increased motivation for self-preserving behavior.

Key words: health, national standard of living, eco-conscious culture.

В.Я. Шклярук


В статье рассматриваются факторы среды обитания, оказывающие влияние на здоровье и продолжительность жизни человека, создание повышенной мотивации населения к самосохранительному поведению. Ключевые слова: здоровье, уровень жизни населения, экологическая культура.

Today in Russia we have low birth-rate, high rate of mortality, a huge able-bodied population loss, fast aging, a gulf difference of average life between men and women, and a great change in marriage style compared to the past. All aspects of demography are interconnected. It is known that today's demography refers to the past of the country while future's demographic situation refers to the present.

There are a lot natural and social factors which have an impact on mortality and life span. We should mention that natural factors are socialized and get changed. A human being depends on environmental conditions as well as nature depends on a human.

Social crisis had a paramount impact on demographic trend in Russia. Demographic numbers proved negative changes in birth rate, death rate, and population reproduction rate. Such downtrend definitely weakens geopolitical security of the state [1, p. 162].

Borisov V.A. groups the main factors influencing life expectancy in the following way (in order of significance):

1) standard of living;

2) health care service efficiency;

3) sanitary culture;

4) ecology environment [2, p. 230].

Standard of living appears to be the major reason for health improving, death rate decreasing, and average life increasing as it forms foundation for socio-cultural growth and moral development.

Borisov VA. believes that Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the most truthful and internationally recognized figures which evaluate standard and quality of life. It shows arithmetic average of GDP per capita, level of education, and average life expectance at a given age. Accord-

ing to the Second Russian Report (1996 r.) dedicated to life standard evaluation and submitted in UN, the Russian Federation took the 57th place of 174 countries in 1993 [3, p. 17]. Two years later Russia stepped down to 119th place of the same 174 countries [4, p. 45]. There are only 35 highly developed countries in the world [2, p. 231]. Even if calculation of the mentioned index is overestimated, Russia stands far behind the developed countries. Following the statement above, we can compare standards of living by GDP per capita in Russia with the one in the USA in

1995. The number in the US turned out to be in 15 times bigger than in the Russian Federation [5, p. 38].

The key issues of demographic reforms in modern Russia are quality of living, an individual, real and steady growth of living, and moral development.

Lately Russian and foreign scholars pay much attention to methodology of life standards evaluation. At the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation and Regional Bureau reports on quality living of people are published. The goal of such researches is to motivate to develop strategy programs aimed at increasing quality of life, scientific, technical and socio-economic development of each region.

Applying UN methodology of HDI in Russia will help to find the worthy place of our country on the globe.

Efficient socio-economic policy results in GDP and income rise. It makes possible to improve standard of living. Lately, we can observe some kind of GDP increase in Russia while most people fail to improve their life, and, to make matters worse, they are getting poorer

According to Naumova E.V. change in sources of getting food proves decrease of life standard [6, p. 97]. Food


products import increase endangers food security of the country (food import share reaches 30% and 22-25% of all import which counts 9-$10 billion). A great number of commercial secondary and higher educational organizations have appeared and have failed to provide qualitative services.

Flooding the country with compensations couldn't solve the problem of poverty. It is necessary to invest in embodied people, youth, and children. We talk about investments, which are spent today and supposed to revenue socially, and economically in future. It is known that there is an extremely high mortality rate among embodied people (especially male mortality) at the age of 40-60 years. Behind that range of life expectancy, Russia does not differ from other countries.

Such authors as Durkheim E., Weber M., Maslow A., Mayo E., Herzberg F. contributed the most to the concept of quality life and labor quality life. The term “quality of life” became wide spread in the 1980s after Galbraith J. had used it for the first time in his work “The Affluent Society” in 1960. In the following decades representatives of various generations of economists, sociologists, philosophers, and physicians tried to explain the meaning of “quality of life” and to offer integral factor of it and of its dynamic which are, no doubt, extremely important. If we had such a universal evaluating factor of quality of life, it would let us specify socio-economic and eco-demographic trends of the country (regions) [7, p. 33].

Morozova N.I. says that the Human Development Index fails to give a true picture of social development dynamics and can't reflect “quality of life” properly [8, p. 140 - 141]. The HDI takes no ecological factors into consideration of social development. Besides, social factor is limited by level of education and does not take into account the level of science development, innovations, moral and social development of society. Indicators choice and weight are defined by an expert that's why it is subjective to a certain degree.

Morozova N.I. believes that the system of evaluation which meets modern demands in full measure is “main indicators of standard of living in market economy” developed in the Center of Market Economy Situation and Forecasting at the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation in 1992. This system is agreed with all federal ministries and agencies, administrations of regions and is put into practice in 1993. The system includes the 12 most important indicators characterizing economic reforms in Russia in part 10 “Social standard of living” and in subsection 10.3 “Standard of living”. The indicators are as follows:

- average remuneration of labor;

- purchasing power of average salary;

- purchasing power of pensioners;

- minimum basket of goods for main socio-demographic groups;

- number and share of people with lower income than minimum consumer budget and living;

- goods consumption by households with different income level;

- cash income and cash outlay of certain demographic groups;

- indicators of population differentiation;

- ratio to the richest 10% to the poorest 10%;

- index of income concentration;

- structure of consumer expenditure of different sociodemographic groups;

- dispersion of population according to per capita income.

We should mention that researchers have always been trying to find a universal indicator to evaluate standard of living (Ayvazian A.R., Bochkareva V.K., Petropavlova G.P.).

The beginning of a new century marked in business activity and way out of a lingering socio-economic crisis in Russia. As a result, GDP started rising compared to the figures of 1999 in then-current dollars. In 2000 the economy extended by 8%, in 2001 skyrocketed by 14%, in 2002 boosted by 19%. But in then-current dollars GDP increased by 3.7% in 2002, in 2003 - by 7%, 2004 - by 6.4%, in 2005

- by 4.8%, in 2006 - by 4.9%, in 2007 - by 4.9% [9, p. 66].

According to Marenkov N.L. in then-current dollars official minimum wage must be raised 8.5 times while average wage - 2 times due to the law [10, p. 117]. Along with wage income social payoffs (pensions, welfares, scholarships) are supposed to be increased that could make cash income of most population grow and decrease of poverty as well. Thus, quality life management includes personal quality management based on family socializing and education, quality environment management, quality education management, quality management of population development, quality healthcare management, and adaption new technologies and innovations.

Researches prove that a number of people with different diseases is constantly rising in the country. If this trend keeps on track, a new family will be forming by, mostly, sick people in 20-25 years.

According to the data of the Ministry of Healthcare of Saratov Region, epidemiological situation remained stable in 2008. There were no any registered cases of tularemia, anthrax, leptospirosis, rabies, tetanus, typhoid, measles and rickettsiosis among population of the region. In 2008 the number of salmonellosis cases increased by 13.2%, measles by 9.1%, acute enteric infections by 4.5%, and hemorrhagic fevers 2.5 times. Decrease of sickness was noticed in 36 nosological forms including dysentery by 26.4%, acute hepatitis by 20.5%. The most widely spread infectious diseases remained acute infections of upper airways. Epidemic processes decrease was conditioned by circulation of known influenza viruses and preventive work including flu immuno-prophlaxis. Respiratory infection diseases continued to be stable in 2008.

We can assess condition of ecological environment through air pollution caused by industrial enterprises. Motor transport pollutes air heavily. To make matter worse, vehicle emission enters biosphere directly. In addition, this emission contains lead compounds which are extremely toxic for all living organisms. And, finally, emissions store in the lower layers of atmosphere, where wind is weak to disperse gases.

Water appears to be the most topical ecological problem. Academician Elpiner L.I. says that the water facto, affecting human being environment, should be considered according to hydrological condition of a certain territory [11, p. 63]. When we talk about water factor, we usually mean three components of it: quality, quantity and water regime. Each component affects directly or indirectly living and health of people. The quality of drinking water depends on surface or subterranean sources of water as well as the

quality of water protection measures, water purification and disinfection technologies, water supply pipe networks.

As almost 83% of people still use water for drinking from public water sources, it's vitally important to take under sanitary control the reservoirs in the region. Regional task program “Waste recovery and burial of unsuitable and prohibited pesticides in Saratov Region for 20062008” was worked out to improve sanitary and epidemiological situation as well as to eliminate any possibility to pollute soil.

Thus, we have studied the main factors which have impact on mortality rate and life expectancy. If we take into consideration these facts in everyday life, we'll be able to preserve health, creative person potential of moral and spiritual development.

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