MAIN APPROACHES TO STUDYING THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF TRANSPORT CORRIDORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Dalieva F.Kh.

В данной статье рассматривается инфраструктура транспортных коридоров, их основные подходы изучения. Формирование и продуктивное использование международных транспортных коммуникаций. Развитая транспортная система является одним из необходимых факторов эффективного функционирования и развития государств.This article discusses the infrastructure of transport corridors, their main approaches to studying. Formation and productive use of international transport communications. A developed transport system is one of the necessary factors for the effective functioning and development of states.

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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.3.82.1223

Dalieva F.Kh.

doctoral student, UWED


В данной статье рассматривается инфраструктура транспортных коридоров, их основные подходы изучения. Формирование и продуктивное использование международных транспортных коммуникаций. Развитая транспортная система является одним из необходимых факторов эффективного функционирования и развития государств.


This article discusses the infrastructure of transport corridors, their main approaches to studying. Formation and productive use of international transport communications. A developed transport system is one of the necessary factors for the effective functioning and development of states.

Ключевые слова: государство, транспортные коридоры, коммуникации, глобализация, инфраструктура, перевозки, трансформация.

Key words: state, transport corridors, communications, globalization, infrastructure, transportation, transformation.

In the context of the growing globalization process, international transport performs one of the main functions. For example, the UN Economic Commission for Europe notes that "the production and distribution of goods, as well as domestic and foreign trade, depend on the efficient operation of transport networks. In addition, transport plays a fundamental role in ensuring a more complete balance between rich and poor regions within one country or any group of countries" [1].

In science there are a number of approaches to the study of the problem of transport corridors. In particular, among them are legal, political, economic, infrastructural, systems, technical and geopolitical approaches.

The political space is analyzed through the prism of various theoretical and methodological approaches: systemic (systemic-historical), transnationalism, institutionalism, constructivism, communicative approach, organizational theory. The object of research itself is also of great importance, ranging from the study of political systems, regimes and political governance to cross-border cooperation, the role of international organizations and the international context of the functioning of international cross-border transport corridors [2].

Political analysis focuses on international spatial relations arising as a result of the globalization of economic, political, social processes in a specific geographically limited place. In other words, space is comprehended in the physical aspect with material content.

A systematic approach in the political analysis of the functioning of cross-border transport corridors primarily draws attention to globalization. HELL. Bogaturov wrote: "Globalization is a process of growing, on a planetary scale, a supranational networkshell of relations of asymmetric interdependence between all subjects of international interaction, including states, as well as interstate, supranational and non-state players" [3].

In the conditions of almost complete territorial development of the globe and the possible consequences for humanity of the redivision of the world through direct military clashes, the leading form of the redistribution of spheres of influence is political space. Globalization has raised the problem of the emergence of a specific global space, global law, institutions of global regulation and global transport infrastructures.

American sociologist and economist S. Sassen, who studies the problems of globalization, international migration and urbanism, uses the term "transnationality". In her opinion, the spatial dimension and scale of economic, social, political ties and interactions have outgrown national borders in the context of globalization [4].

The political space, as the Russian researcher G.V. Pushkarev, "fixes distances and distinctions in the field of formation, functioning and development of political power relations, does not cover all the variety of social distinctions, but only those that are associated with politics as a special system of relationships and interactions in society" [5]. With this approach, the political space is not an objective or subjective phenomenon, but an intersubjective one.

Russian political scientist M.V. Strezhneva understands the concept of political space as a reflexive description of political organization: "In every really existing political space, somewhere, there is always a power that it limits, forms and localizes. Issues of special public importance should also be publicly considered there. Finally, the political space is the space of political meanings, meanings and understandings, which usually represent, reflect, but also build the general goals of human activity taking place within its framework" [6]. Organizational theory has determined the spatial-organizational approach to the study of political space. Organizational theory allows you to analyze and predict trends in world development, socio-political changes in the field of global governance, in the state and the world. This

theory quite successfully competes with other theoretical approaches of the organizational type -systemic and structural-functional. States are key players in the political process. But in modern conditions, this paradigm does not provide an adequate understanding of the transformations taking place in the world. The organization at this stage is considered as a complex of relationships between individuals.

Di Maggio and Powell suggested that the process of institutional structuring of the organizational field proceeds in four directions: increasing interaction between organizations in the field; the emergence of rigidly agreed inter-organizational structures of domination and coalition models; increase the information load that organizations in the field must withstand; development of mutual awareness among members of organizations that are involved in joint ventures [7]. It should be noted that organizations are not limited in their ability to change their goals and objectives, to introduce new practices. New organizations can enter the organizational field. But in the long run, organizational actors create an environment around themselves that limits their ability to develop further. Organizations that have entered the organizational field over time become similar to each other, with the same structure. The organizational paradigm proposed by organizational theory is increasingly asserting itself in political science and political analysis. This paradigm gives undoubted advantages in the study of new influential non-traditional actors in world politics - institutions and forums of global governance, regional integration associations, transnational partnerships like free trade zones, etc., allows you to study their institutionalization and the dynamics of their development, the problem of adaptation of states to new reality, transformation of the state and statehood.

The research capabilities of various methodological approaches in relation to the category of political space convincingly prove the need to use this category in political analysis. Political space is a spatial configuration of political life interconnected with time, a form that expresses certain stable relationships between people and political institutions, between individual and collective subjects and actors in the process of organizing and exercising power and control. Such an institutional support of the political space is complemented by a symbolic one - it can be the space of political symbols, ideologies, political and / or value preferences [8].

In each specific case, the political space can be one-dimensional, but more often it can be multidimensional, with any number of dimensions, since it is used to describe distances, differences and interconnections in the study of various phenomena of political life and a multi-level political process. It hardly makes sense to interpret the political space overly broadly, trying to formulate such a definition of this category containing many particulars, which could suit everyone, having entered into it all possible sides and aspects of the political space as a mental structure. Perhaps more important is the moment of choosing a specific, often rather narrow, subject, focus of political

analysis (for example, transboundary transport corridors) and substantively defined methodology and research methodology within the framework of the spatial approach.

The main approaches to ensure the effective functioning of international transport corridors are:

• formation of an agreed tariff policy;

• a unified regulatory framework for the provision of transportation;

• development of information support for transportation;

• introduction of modern technologies of international transportation;

• increasing the level of interaction and cooperation with foreign partners.

The most important priority of interaction between states in the development of certain areas of international transport corridors and the achievement of strategic goals to increase their investment attractiveness and competitiveness is the coordinated implementation of measures to modernize and renew the fixed assets of the railway infrastructure [9]. At the same time, the joint development and implementation of projects for the integrated development of transport corridors in the main areas of servicing world trade and economic relations (including the development of transport hubs and approaches to them), makes it possible to lay the foundation for further actions to ensure the coordination of investment plans of individual participants and to level the risks of creating "narrow places "on the railway network of individual member countries.

In addition, transcontinental freight transport using land routes as compared to sea transport involves a greater number of participants in the transport process. In this regard, the creation of international logistics operators allows for greater coordination of actions of all participants in the transportation process, and contributes to an increase in competitiveness due to the wider distribution of "end-to-end" transport services, as well as control of their quality at every stage.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the creation of effective, safe and reliable international transport corridors that ensure sustainable economic growth and the needs of society in the transportation of passengers, movement of goods, increasing the competitiveness of national transport systems and the national economy as a whole is a priority area of the state's transport policy. An increase in the level of international transport provision to world standards and the associated development and improvement of infrastructure and its technical equipment, as well as the improvement of technological processes in transport, significantly affect the improvement of the quality of service. This, in turn, allows improving the quality parameters of not only international, but also domestic transportation.


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