Научная статья на тему 'Lubricating compositions for supercharged and unsupercharged high-performance diesel engines'

Lubricating compositions for supercharged and unsupercharged high-performance diesel engines Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Ramazanova Y.B.

Permanent improvement of metal structures of up-to-date diesel engines actualizes creation of new, higher quality analogues of motor oils. For some time past the goal-oriented studies into application of multifunctional alkylphenolate additives АКİ (С8-С12) series as calcium salts of formaldehyde condensation with various amines ended in the creation of new lubricants of M-10Г2k и M-14Г2 (API CC, SAE 15W-30; API CC, SAE 15W--40) grades. Experimental samples of lubricant compositions based on compound of basic oils M-8 and M-12 obtained from Baku oils, alkylphenol additives synthesized at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives and viscous additives of Viscoplex (V) series of «Evonik» firm have been appraised by the results of qualification tests on Д-240 engine.

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Постоянное усовершенствование металлических конструкций современныхдизельных двигателей делает актуальным создание новых, более качественных аналогов моторных масел, применяемых в них. В последние годы целенаправленные работы, проводимые в области исследования и применения многофункциональных алкилфенольных присадок серии АКİ (С8-С12), являющихся кальциевыми солями продуктов конденсации формальдегида с различными аминами, завершились созданием новых смазочных композиций марок M-10Г2k и M-14Г2 (API CC, SAE 15W-30; API CC, SAE 15W--40).Опытные образцы смазочных композиций, созданные на основе компаунда базовых масел M-8 и M-12, полученных из Бакинских нефтей, алкилфенольных присадок, синтезированных в Институте Химии Присадок, и вязкостных присадок серии Viscoplex (V) фирмы «Эвоник», были оценены результатами квалификационных испытаний, проведенных на двигателе Д-240.

Текст научной работы на тему «Lubricating compositions for supercharged and unsupercharged high-performance diesel engines»


CHEMICAL PROBLEMS 2019 no. 2 (17) ISSN 2221-8688

UDC 665.4/6 621.892.0099.6


Y.B. Ramazanova

Acad. AM.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Beyukshor Highway, quarter 2062, Baku, AZ1029, Republic of Azerbaijan Phone: +994503277550; e-mail: [email protected]

Received 05.04.2019

Abstract:Permanent improvement of metal structures of up-to-date diesel engines actualizes creation of new, higher quality analogues of motor oils. For some time past the goal-oriented studies into application of multifunctional alkylphenolate additives AKi (C8-C12) series as calcium salts offormaldehyde condensation with various amines ended in the creation of new lubricants of M-10r2k u M-14r2 (API CC, SAE 15W-30; API CC, SAE15W--40) grades. Experimental samples of lubricant compositions based on compound of basic oils M-8 and M-12 obtained from Baku oils, alkylphenol additives synthesized at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives and viscous additives of Viscoplex (V) series of «Evonik» firm have been appraised by the results of qualification tests on ff-240 engine.

Keywords: motor oil, additive, lubricating compositions, engine tests, corrosion, wear DOI: 10.32737/2221-8688-2019-2-282-290


Continuous improvement of metal constructions in modern diesel engines makes it necessary to prodice new, more qualitative analogues of motor oils used in these engines.

The solution of economic and ecological problems accounts for carrying out research work into substitution of some long-term used additives with new generation additives.

Depending on the type of technology, an import task is to select various motor oils. A number of new multifunctional alkylphenolate aditives - AKI-130; 150; 115B; 210; 219 were synthesized as a result of long-term studies carried out at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives. Accelerated, high-energy supercharged and unsupercharged API CC

motor oils were developed using these additives and additives of some foreign companies, specifically for automobiles, auto tractors, ships, industrial and stationary diesels: multifunctional AKI-115B (calcium salt of condensation product of alkylphenol with formaldehyde, monoethanolamine and boric acid), AKI-150 (carbonated calcium salt of condensation product of alkylphenol with formaldehyde and aminoacetic acid), viscosity additives Viscoplex-8-450; 4-550 (relevantly), as well as various additives, M-8 and M-12 compound from Baku oils as base oils were used to develop motor oils for SAE-30-accelerated auto tractor diesels, SAE-40 diesel locomotive and industrial diesel engines [1-4].

Experimental part

Newly developed motor oils are prepared by means of mixing the components of motor oils. Viscoplex viscosity additives V-8-450, V-4-550 (correspondingly) are added into previously heated (70-80°) base oils and

mixed at this temperature, then the remaining additives are added in a calculated quantity and mixed again.

The content of prepared new lubricating compositions is as follows:

M-10r2K: M-8+ 0.5%Viscoplex-8-450 +5.0% AKI -115B + 0.8% DF-11+

0,5% C-400+ 0,4%Viscoplex-5-309+0,003% PMS-200A M-14r2: M-8+M-12(50:50) 2,4% Viscoplex -4-550 + 4,0% AKI-150+1,5% C-150 + 0,8% A-22+ 0,5% Viscoplex-5-309 + 0,003% PMS-200A Quality parameters of base oils are cited below:

Quality parameters Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s

40 0C

100 0C Viscosity index Combustion temperature,0C Density, kg/ m3 , 20 0C Freezing point,0C Coke, %

Standard limit of viscosity index of modern oils produced by various technological schemes is provided through the use of polymethacrylate viscosity additives.

It should be noted that growing viscosity properties and viscosity index of additives are different.

Thus, the following is required to increase the kinematic viscosity of:

Viscoplex-3-950 > Viscoplex-1-810 > PMA«D» > Viscoplex-8-450 > Viscoplex-4-550 > Shellvis-50 >Eridan B- 1751.

To increase the viscosity index of:

M-8 М-12

70.22 147.98

7.76 12.46

72.0 75.0

210.0 230.0

895.0 900.0

6.0 15.0

0.12 0.26

Viscoplex-3-950 >Viscoplex-1-810 > Viscoplex-8-450 > Eridan B-1751 > PMA«D» > Viscoplex-4-550> Shellvis-50.

It should be noted that the use of Viscoplex-8-450; -4-550; 2-670; 1-810 and additives from these series in creation of new compositions is preferable [5,6].

This advantage is also based on the test results of mechanical and thermal destruction of additives explored. The use of viscosity additives was accounted for by studying their mechanical and thermal destruction properties.

Parameters M-12 oil

Viscoplex Eridan B-1751 Shelvis -50 ПМА «Д»

2-670 1-810 8-450 4-550 3-950

Concentration of viscosity additives in oil, %

1.2 2.7 2.4 3.3 2.55 0.5 0.37 3.0

Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s, 100° C Before testing 13.98 13.94 13.83 13.63 14.14 13.65 13.86 13.92

Results and discussion

Mechanical destruction of viscosity ultrasonic dispersant 22kHs with vibration additives used in preparation of new pressure for 60 min. by ГОСТ 6794-75, compositions was determined at УЗДН-2Т paragraph 3.6 (Table 1).

Table 1. Test results of mechanical destruction of polymethacrylate viscosity additives in M-12 oil (sound time, 60 min.)

After testing 13.12 12.97 12.18 13,06 11.48 13.08 13.21 13.40

Viscosity change,% 6.1 6.95 11.98 4.1 18.8 4.17 4.68 3.63

According to Table above, the destruction degree of viscosity additives with various structures and compositions against mechanical impacts are different. Note that the destruction resistance of co-polymer and polymethacrylate additives of Eridan, Shell and the Russian Federation is weaker than Viscoplex additives of EvoniK.

Research into the thermal destruction and proper selection makes it possible to reduce the engine oil consumption used in all seasons.

It should be added that the destruction of polymer compounds at high temperatures used for the improvement of viscosity-temperature properties of oils reduces viscosity, viscosity index, combustion temperature.

To study the thermal destruction of the additives, their samples of optimal thickness were examined by well-known methods [7]. The viscosity and viscosity changes were determined through heating for 1 to 12 hours at 200° C (table 2).

Table 2. Determination of viscosity changes of additives at optimum concentrations

Viscoplex additive samples in M-12 oil Stability index of viscosity, % Viscosity change, %


1 4 8 12 1 4 8 12

1,2% V-2-670 96.49 93.77 93.56 93.70 3.57 6.22 6.43 6.29

2,7%V- 1-810 99.21 97.63 96.98 96.12 0.78 2.36 3.01 3.87

2,4% V-8-450 99.34 99.71 97.54 96.96 0.28 0.65 2.45 3.08

3,3% V-4-550 97.50 97.65 97.35 96.11 2.56 2.34 2.71 3.88

2,5% V-3-950 97.17 92.50 91.44 89.53 2.82 7.49 8.55 10.46

Figure 1. Comparative results of mechanical and thermal destructions

of viscosity additives.

Insignificant changes in viscosity index of additive oil samples after testing for 1-12 hours at high temperature (2000C) indicate their high resistance against themal destruction.

As Table 2 shows viscosity change of Viscoplex-1-810; 8-450 and 4-550 additives is (3.08-3.88%). These indices make it possible

Qualification tests, detergent, antiwear, anticorrosion properties of M-10r2K and M-14r2 engine oils were determined at ^-240

to use Viscoplex additives in creating various high-viscosity oils based on Baku distilled oils. Figure 1 shows the comparative results of mechanical and thermal destruction of viscosity additives.

Qualification test results and physical-chemical indices characterizing new oil samples are given in the Table 3.

motor. Before testing 6.3 kg of oil was injected into the engine and tested for 5 hrs in an estimated mode (Table 4).

Table 4. Operating mode of testings in idling Д-240 engine

Engine power Rotation Test time

Operation mode ktv.(at.g.) frequency of crankshaft r/min (min.)

Table 3. Physical-chemical and operation properties of M-10r2k and M-14r2 oils

Parameters М-10Г2к ГОСТ 8581-78 М-10Г2К Comp.I М-14Г2 ГОСТ 12337-84 М-14Г2 Comp.II Test method

Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s, 1000C 11.0±0.5 11.26 13.5-14.5 13.5 ASTM D445

Viscosity index, not less than 85 87 90 90 ASTM D2270

Alkali number, mg KOH/g oil, not less than 6.0 7.3 7.0 7.3 ASTM D4739

Sulfated ash content, % not more than 1.15 0.99 1.3 1.0 ASTM D874

Mass of mechanical mixture, %, not much 0.015 0.015 0.01 0.009 ASTM D2273

Water mass, %, not more than trace Trace trace trace ASTM D95

Combusion temperature by open cup tester, 0C, not lower than 220 231 220 225 ASTM D92

Freezing point, 0C, not higher Negative 15 Negative 22 Negative 12 Negative 16 ASTM D97

Corrosion on ГОСТ 3778-77 C-1 and C-2 lead plates q/m2, no No no no ГОСТ 20502

Detergent properties, ПЗВ, ball, not more than 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ГОСТ 5726

Oxidative resistance during induction period of deposit, 50 hrs. resistant Resistant resistant resistant ГОСТ 11063

Density, 200 C, kq/m , not more than 905 903 905 902 ASTM D4052

Running idle - 800 20

Running idle - 1000 20

Running idle - 1800 20

Load 11.95(16.25) 1800 30

Load 19.12(26.0) 1800 60

Load 23.9(32.5) 1800 60

Load 38.25(52.0) 1800 60

Full loading 41.8(56.0) 1800 20

Running idle - 1000 10

Where the control operation mode of testings on ^,-240 engine is running idle, the loading of the engine power begins from 11.95 (16.25) kvt(at.g.) to 38.25 (52.0) kvt(at.g.), at full loading it is 41.8 (56.0) kvt(at.g.). Rotation frequency of crankshaft in the course of running idle is 800-1800, if full loading it is 1800 r/min (Table 4).

In the course of control process, temperature of oil and cooling water is 90±50C, pressure of oil in the basic oil line is 0.25±0.05mPa; in 5 hours the engine was emptied from oil and testing began after adding 12.6 kg of new oil, the testing was carried out without oil for 120 hours, the testing of each repeated cycle was carried for

7.5 hrs.

In the course of 20 min.,30, 60, 90 hrs, 200 sm3 of oil sample was taken and in 120 hrs of operation 400 sm3 of oil sample was taken and analyzed.

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Amount of the oil taken was restorated through adding oil. Depending on testing period, the deposit content is 0,25% (20 min) on coke ГОСТ 19932-99 having been formed in oil during the testing, i.e. at the end of the test in 120 hrs it is 1,2 %.

With due regard for quality indices of newly prepared М-10Г2К (API CC, SAE 15W-30) (I) and М-14Г 2 (API CC, SAE 15W -40) (II), oil samples are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Change of quality indices of oil samples during testing in ^,-240 engine

Test period Kinematic viscosity, mm2/s,1000C Alkali number, mqKOH/q Acid number, mqKOH/q Sulfated ash, % Combustion temperature, °C


20 min 11.34 13.28 6.95 7.01 - - 0.93 1.04 230 225

30 hrs 11.85 13.90 8.87 6.54 0.68 0.05 1.17 1.10 215 220

60 hrs 12.14 14.20 5.48 5.10 0.99 0.62 1.25 1.18 200 228

90 hrs 13.20 14.98 4.03 4.01 1.22 0.91 1.31 1.21 205 210

120 hrs 14.65 15.46 3.11 2.98 1.31 1.1 1.48 1.28 210 212

The changes during testings are presented for both oils in the figures 2 and 3.


0 1-1-1-1-1-1

2D min. 30 brs 60 hrs so brs 120 hrs

Figure 2. Testing results of M-10r2K oil in engine ^-240

Test time

Figure 3.Testing results of M-14r2 oil in engine ^-240

After the test period came to an end, engine crankcase was emptied from oil and weighted, the amount of loss calculated (q/s) and engine dismantled and analyzed: detergent, anticorrosion and antiwear

properties were determined.

Test results of experimental samples of new analogues of motor oils are given in Table 6.

Table 6. Test results of experimental samples of М-10Г2K and М-14Г2 motor oils in engine ^,-240.


М-10Г2к ГОСТ 8581-78 standard М-10Г2к Sample. ( I ) М-14Г2 TSh Az 3536814008-2004 standard М-14Г2 Sample. ( II )

l.Determination of detergent property 1.1.Mobility of piston ring, ball - 0 0 0

1.2.Lacquer, soot in ditches - 3.17 - 3.9

1.3.Pollution of screens, lacquer, soot, ball - 0.95 - 1.2

1.4.Pollution of side surface of a piston, ball - 0 - 0

1.5.Pollution of internal part of a piston, ball - 0.5 - 0.1

Pollution of a piston, ball 6.5 4.22 10 6.2

2.Determination of wear property 2.1. Wear of piston rings, mg, 90 95.3 - 69.9

a) including, I ring, mg 35.4 32.5 - 21

3. Determination of corrosion property 3.1.Wear of connecting rod inserts, mg 54 58 - 31

a) up 45 46 - 26

b)down 9 12 - 5

4.Amount of soot in piston, g/cylinder - 1.05 - 1.54

a) in ditches - 0.22 - 0.20

b) in piston - 0.83 - 1.52

5.Oil loss consumption, g/hour 70 50.8 70 52

Parameters of detergent properties are indicative that experimental oil provides full mobility of piston rings and makes it possible to assess the contamination with lacquer, soot in separate parts of a piston is within permitted maximum limit. Tests show that the set of piston rings and connecting rod inserts are exposed to less mass loss antiwear, and anticorrosion properties of experimental oil are very high. When the installation works depending on the quality of oil, its anti cinder or soot property, including piston rings and ditches, oil washing rings, side of a piston and

combustion camera are viewed.

Detergent property of oil is determined through evaluating the pollution of piston ring mobility, screens and piston bottom with soot and lacquer formed in ditches. Tests show that newly prepared oils in Д-240 engine are notable for total value of mobility of piston rings and lacquer, soot and formed in different parts of piston and pollution by ГОСТ to make up 4.22 against 6.5 for М-10Г2к; however, for М-14Г2 oil it is 6.2 against 10.0. These parameters are positive results for newly prepared М-10Г2к and М-14Г2 oils.

New M-10r2k and M-14^ (API CC, SAE 15W-30 and API CC, SAE 15W -40) lubricating compositions based on M-8 and M-12 Baku oils were prepared through the use of

multifunctional alkylphenol additives AKI-115B and AKI-150. Qualification tests show that new lubricating compositions can effectively substitute its analogues.


1.MamedovaA.Kh., Kyazim-zade A.K., Nagiyev E.A. Detergent properties of some modifications of alkylphenolate additives. Oil refining and petrochemistry. 2007, no.10, pp. 32-35.

2. Kapustin V.M., Tonkonogov B.P., Fuchs I.G. /Oil refining technology. Part 3. Production of oil lubricants. Moscow: Himiya Publ., 2014, pp.325.

3. Shkolnikov V.M. Encyclopedic dictionary reference. Moscow, 2010, 756 p.

4. Farzaliev V.M., Javadova A.A., Azimov E.V. Lubricating compositions for highly accelerated diesel engines. / Prospects for the development of chemical processing of combustible minerals. St. Petersburg, 2006, p.159.

5. Patent № I 2008 0202 (2008). Azerbaijan.

6. Patent № I 2017 0014 (2017). Azerbaijan.

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Y. B.Ramazanova

AMEA akad.d.M.Quliyev adina Açqarlar Kimyasi înstitutu Az1029, Baki §., Bôyukçor §ossesi, 2062-ci mahalla +994503277550; e-mail: [email protected]

Muasir dizel muharriklarinda metal konstruksiyalarin mutamadi takmillaçmasi bu muharriklarda istifada edilan motor yaglarinin yeni, daha keyfiyyatli analoqlarinin yaradilmasini aktual edir. Son illar yeni modifikasiyali çoxfunksiyali AKl seriyali alkilfenollarin (C8— C12) formaldehid va aminlarla kondenslaçma mahsullarinin kalsium duzlarinin tatqiqi va tatbiqi sahasinda aparilan maqsadyônlu içlar M-10r2k va M-14r2 (API CC, SAE 15W-30; API CC, SAE 15W-40) markali surtku kompozisiyalarinin yaradilmasi ila naticalanmiçdir. Baki neftlarindan alinan M-8 va M-12 baza yaglarinin kompaundu, Açqarlar Kimyasi înstitutunda sintez edilmiç çoxfunksiyali alkilfenol tipli açqarlar va "Evonik" firmasinin Viscoplex (V) seriyali ôzluluk açqarlari ila yaradilmiçyeni M-10r2k va M-14r2 (API CC ,SAE 15W-30; API CC, SAE 15W-40) markali surtku kompozisiyalari kvalifikasiya sinaqlari ila qiymatlandirilmiç, ff-240 markali muharrikda sinaqdan keçirilmiçdir.

Açar sôzlw. motoryagi, açqar, surtku kompozisiyasi, muharrik sinagi,korroziya, yeyilma.



Институт химии присадок им. акад. А. М. Кулиева Национальной АН Азербайджана Az1029, г Баку, Бёюкшорское шоссе, 2062-ой квартал +994503277550; e-mail: pishnamazzadehamail.ru

Постоянное усовершенствование металлических конструкций современныхдизельных двигателей делает актуальным создание новых, более качественных аналогов моторных масел, применяемых в них. В последние годы целенаправленные работы, проводимые в области исследования и применения многофункциональных алкилфенольных присадок серии АК1 (С8-С12), являющихся кальциевыми солями продуктов конденсации формальдегида с различными аминами, завершились созданием новых смазочных композиций марок М-10Г2к и М-14Г2 (API CC, SAE I5W-30; API CC, SAE 15W--40).Опытные образцы смазочных композиций, созданные на основе компаунда базовых масел М-8 и М-12, полученных из Бакинских нефтей, алкилфенольных присадок, синтезированных в Институте Химии Присадок, и вязкостных присадок серии Viscoplex (V) фирмы «Эвоник», были оценены результатами квалификационных испытаний, проведенных на двигателе Д-240. Ключевые слова: моторное масло, присадка, смазочная композиция, испытание двигателя, коррозия, износ.

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