LIVING CONDITIONS OF MODERN CIVIL SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Muxtarova T.

In the given scientific article modern civil society is considered. Civil society is the aggregate of non-state private associations of citizens pursuing individual and group interests. The concept of civil society "was introduced by J. Locke, A. Smith to reflect the historical development of society, its transition from the wild natural state to the civilized.

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УДК 374.31

Muxtarova T. senior lecturer department of philosophy and national idea Tashkent State Technical University


Annotation: In the given scientific article modern civil society is considered. Civil society is the aggregate of non-state private associations of citizens pursuing individual and group interests. The concept of civil society "was introduced by J. Locke, A. Smith to reflect the historical development of society, its transition from the wild natural state to the civilized.

Key words: freedom, politics, civil society, Lock.

Developed civil society is a historical prerequisite for the formation of a rule-of-law state. Without a mature civil society, it is impossible to build a democratic political system. Only conscious, free and politically active citizens are able to create the most rational forms of collective life. On the other hand, the state is called upon to provide conditions for the realization of the rights and freedoms of individuals and groups.

Civil society is the aggregate of non-state private associations of citizens pursuing individual and group interests. The concept of civil society "was introduced by J. Locke, A. Smith to reflect the historical development of society, its transition from the wild natural state to the civilized.

This concept was analyzed by many great minds of social thought: from Aristotle, Hegel, Marx to modern authors of the 21st century. Under civil society, they understood society at a certain stage of its development, including voluntarily formed non-state structures in the economic, socio-political and spiritual spheres of society.

J. Locke formulated the basic principles of civilized relations in society:

• the interests of the individual stand above the interests of society and the state; freedom is the highest value; the basis of individual freedom, the guarantee of its political independence - private property;

• freedom means not interfering with anyone's privacy;

• Individuals conclude a social contract among themselves, that is, they create a civil society; it forms protective structures between the individual and the state.

Thus, according to Locke, civil society is people voluntarily united in various groups and self-governing institutions, protected by law from direct state interference. A legal state is called upon to regulate these civil relations. If civil society provides for human rights (the right to life, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, etc.), then the state is the citizen's rights (political rights, that is, the right to participate in the management of society). In both cases, we are talking about the individual's right to self-realization.

The diversity of citizens' interests, their implementation through various institutions, the range of rights and freedoms used at the same time constitute the main features of civil society.

Institutes of civil society can be divided into three groups. These are organizations in which the individual:

• receives funds to meet vital needs for food, clothing, housing, etc. These funds can be obtained by the individual in production organizations, consumer and trade unions;

• satisfies the needs for continuation of the family, communication, spiritual and physical perfection, etc. This is promoted by the family, the church, educational and scientific institutions, creative unions, sports societies, etc .;

• meets the needs for managing the life of society. Here, interests are realized through participation in the functioning of political parties and movements. The ability of individual citizens, various organizations of citizens to defend

their private interests, the possibility of their satisfaction at their own discretion, without violating the private and public interests of others, characterizes the maturity of civil society.

In modern conditions, civil society acts as a variety of non-state-mediated mutual relations of free and equal individuals in a market and democratic legal statehood. Unlike state structures, civil society is dominated not by vertical (hierarchical), but by horizontal links - the relations of competition and solidarity between legally free and equal partners.

In the economic sphere, non-state enterprises are the structural elements of civil society: cooperatives, partnerships, joint-stock companies, companies, corporations, associations and other voluntary economic associations of citizens created by them on their own initiative.

The social and political sphere of civil society includes:

• family as the defining social unit of civil society, in which individual and public interests intersect;

• public, socio-political, political parties and movements that express the diversity of interests of various groups of civil society;

• bodies of public self-government in the place of residence and work;

• mechanism for identifying, forming and expressing public opinion, as well as resolving social conflicts;

• non-state mass media.

In this sphere, there is a practice of institutionalizing the interests arising in society and expressing them in a non-violent, civilized form, within the framework of the constitution and the laws of the state.

The spiritual sphere of civil society presupposes freedom of thought, words, real opportunities to publicly express their opinions; independence and independence of scientific, creative and other associations from state structures.

In general, civil society gives priority to human rights and freedoms, improving the quality of life. This implies:

• recognition of the natural human right to life, free activity and happiness;

• recognition of equality of citizens in a single framework for all laws;

• approval of the rule of law, which subordinates its activities to the law;

• creation of equality of chances for all subjects of economic and sociopolitical activity.

Civil society closely adjoins and interacts with the rule of law, the main functions of which are as follows:

• development of an overall strategy for social development;

• definition and substantiation of priorities, rates, proportions of development of economic and social spheres of a society;

• stimulation of socially useful activity of citizens and protection of their rights, property and personal dignity;

• Democratization of all spheres of society;

• protection of borders and maintenance of public order.

Over the years of reform in some countries of the CIS there have been significant changes in the direction of the formation of civil society. Privatization of property, political pluralism, and the adoption of free-thinking have all made it possible to create the necessary infrastructure for civil society. However, its quality characteristics in many respects have a low level. Some domestic sociologists come to the conclusion that existing political parties are not able to effectively perform the function of an intermediary between the authorities and society, the level of social responsibility of business is low, the degree of protection of labor rights of hired workers is comparable with the times of initial capitalist accumulation,

As a result, researchers state that there are significant difficulties in the way of building a civil society, both objective and subjective. One of them is connected with the lack of traditions of civil life in Russian society, the other - with simplified notions about the nature and mechanisms of the formation of civil society in post-socialist countries, with an underestimation of the role of the state in this process.

Sources used:


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5. Шермухамедова Н. А. ИНСТИТУТ ПРЕЗИДЕНТСТВА: ОПЫТ УЗБЕКИСТАНА И СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО С КАЗАХСТАНОМ //П26 Первый Президент Республики Казахстан-Елбасы: стратегия государственного управления и феномен лидерства: сборник. - 2018. - С. 38.

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