LINGUOPSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMUNICATION ABILITIES AND SPEECH SKILLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Buryak N.Y.

This article describes the characteristics of communication skills and speech skills from the standpoint of linguopsychology. The process of skill formation is described, its main properties are listed and disclosed in detail. The question of the role of language knowledge in the creation of foreign language speech skills is considered. The main qualities of speech skills are described. The stages of speech skill formation are considered in detail. An attempt is made to prove that knowledge, skills and abilities are formed not sequentially, but in parallel. Solid knowledge is acquired in the process of forming skills and abilities.

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N.Y. Buryak, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Academy of Marketing and Social and Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)


Abstract. This article describes the characteristics of communication skills and speech skills from the standpoint of linguopsychology. The process of skill formation is described, its main properties are listed and disclosed in detail. The question of the role of language knowledge in the creation of foreign language speech skills is considered. The main qualities of speech skills are described. The stages of speech skill formation are considered in detail. An attempt is made to prove that knowledge, skills and abilities are formed not sequentially, but in parallel. Solid knowledge is acquired in the process of forming skills and abilities.

Keywords: foreign language, skills and abilities, communicative competence, speech activity, speech utterance, language material, communicative skills.

Speech activity, like any activity, is based on appropriate skills and abilities.

In Russian psychology, skills are understood as automated components of consciously performed activity formed by exercises, training (S.L. Rubinstein).

E.I. Passov notes that the concept of automation is very voluminous. It includes a certain rate of action; the integrity and smoothness of the flow of the action, if it is not one-part; economy, i.e. the absence of unnecessary movements; low level of tension; readiness for inclusion, easy excitability of the stereotype.

The process of functioning of the skill characterizes the automaticity of performing actions; it ensures the smoothness of the action and its certain speed [5].

The importance of automated components of activity is very great: they free a person's consciousness from the regulation of private actions for solving creative tasks, performing creative activities. So, if a person consciously regulated the process of pronouncing sounds when speaking, then he would not be able to use speech normally as a means of communication. The presence of automated components in any activity, including speech, is a prerequisite for its successful implementation.

One of the most important characteristics (of any, including speech) of a highly automated skill is stability in performing

operations. This means that students must correctly perceive and understand the phenomena studied in various contexts of oral and written speech, as well as reproduce them at a normal pace of speech and without significant mistakes.

Teachers of a foreign language are well aware of the phenomenon when, for example, a carefully worked out and perfectly pronounced isolated sound loses all its "charm" as soon as it is included in a word, and even more so with a given word in a phrase. The same pattern is observed with the grammatical phenomenon. This is explained by the fact that the skill, although created, is not prepared to collide with other skills, to interact with them.

No less essential in a skill is its flexibility. E.I. Passov writes: "Flexibility is a vital quality for a skill. It is on this quality that the transfer is based, without which the skill remains a "thing in itself1', it does not turn on in new situations" [6].

In teaching a foreign language, flexibility is considered in two plans:

1) as a way of the skill to be included in a new situation, but on the old material;

2) as the ability of the skill to function in a new speech material that was not used in the automation process.

In solving the question of the role of language knowledge in the creation of foreign language speech skills, it is generally

accepted that the combination of conscious and imitative-practical path is purposeful. It should be noted that if a purely practical path is the only possible one when mastering the skills of native speech, then when mastering a foreign language at a university, this path could not be recognized as effective in all cases.

This leads to an important conclusion: when teaching a foreign language at a university, it is necessary to remember the great role of consciousness in the formation of skills, which should be reflected in the system of exercises: these exercises should not be mechanical. At the same time, it should be noted that knowledge of language tools and the rules of operating with them are not valuable in themselves: their significance lies in the fact that they contribute to the formation of speech skills.

Relative complexity. Structural "units" of activity, according to A.A. Leontiev, are mobile: they can become fractional or enlarged [4]. A skill as an action can consist of more "small", elementary actions. However, it can be included in a more complex skill. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about its relative complexity. An elementary action, of course, can also be called a skill if it functions at the appropriate level of speech ability.

Generality as a quality of skill is not singled out separately by all psychologists. Most often, they talk about it as the main condition for transferring a skill. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in psychology, as a rule, either motor skills or intellectual skills are considered, but speech skills themselves (although they belong to intellectual ones) are not considered. Since we are talking about speech skills, it is impossible not to name the qualities of generality separately. Especially if we keep in mind the grammatical skills of the syntactic plan. Therefore, when mastering such skills, it is important that the student understands and masters the model (structure) of a particular speech sample.

Therefore, the main qualities of speech skills are automation, stability, generality, flexibility, relative complexity. A speech skill is a speech operation performed according to

optimal parameters. Such parameters are unconsciousness, full automaticity, compliance with the norm of language, normal pace (speed) of execution, stability, that is, the identity of the operation to itself under changing conditions. If the speech operation satisfies us according to these criteria (parameters), it means that the student performs it correctly - the speech skill is formed.

Let's consider further the stages of speech skill formation. In accordance with the scheme of the main stages of skill formation available in the psychological literature and taking into account the specifics of speech skills, S.F.Shatilov identifies the following three stages [7] :

1. Orienting-preparatory;

2. Stereotyping-situational;

3. Variable-situational.

At the first stage, there is no skill as such yet, but the basis for its formation is being laid, motivation is being created, the material is being explained, feedback is being provided, the first actions of students take place. There are two ways of skill formation: the practical way and the theoretical and practical way. At the second stage, the work on creating a stereotype begins, the stability and strength of the skill is developed, its automation is laid, stereotypical situations are used for this. At the third stage, flexibility and the ability to transfer are formed - a variety of situations are used.

In the pedagogical conditions of the university, it is possible to teach speech only to a limited extent. When establishing the real volume of the content of speech teaching at the university, it is necessary to take into account the main features of speech:

- speech is carried out with the participation of two parties: the party expressing their thoughts, and the party perceiving other people's thoughts;

- communication in the form of speech can be carried out with full mutual understanding only if both parties involved in communication use the same speech material. The reproduction of speech material occurs as a result of reproduction in oral form, i.e. speaking, which creates oral speech and reproduction in written form, i.e. writing,

which creates written speech. The perception of speech material is carried out through the perception of sounding speech (i.e. listening) and the perception of written speech (i.e. reading).

- each of the participants in the communication is in a different relationship to the speech material. When perceiving speech material, the participant of communication is forced to perceive the material that he hears or sees. He is completely at the mercy of the speaker, so he must firmly own the speech material that the participant of communication who expresses his thoughts owns. The amount of material reproduced by students when speaking and writing will always be lower than the material perceived by them when reading and listening.

To form a speech skill means to ensure that the student correctly constructed and implemented the statement. But for full-fledged communication, it is necessary that we, firstly, be able to use speech skills in order to independently express our thoughts, intentions, experiences; otherwise, speech activity turns out to be formed only partially, in the link of its implementation. Secondly, it is necessary that we can arbitrarily, and perhaps consciously, vary the choice and combination of speech operations (skills) depending on what purpose, in what situation, with which interlocutor communication takes place. When a person can do all this, we say that he has formed the appropriate speech (communi cative, communi cative-speech) skill.

According to A.A. Leontiev speech skills by their nature are stereotypical, mechanical. Both communication and speech skills are creative in nature: after all, the conditions of communication are never completely repeated, and each time a person has to reselect the necessary language tools and speech skills. This means that the methods of teaching communicative and speech skills should differ from the methods of teaching speech skills [3].

Zimnaya I.A. defines the ability to speak a foreign language as the ability of a person to express or perceive thoughts through a given language. In a foreign language, listening

skills, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills are distinguished. The ability to listen is the ability to perceive the sounding speech. The ability to speak is the ability to convey one's own thought. The ability to read is the ability to perceive written speech. The ability to write is the ability to convey a thought in writing. In speaking, since it exists in the form of monologue speech and in the form of dialogic speech, in addition, the ability of monologue speech (the ability to logically connect all parts of the text) and the ability of dialogic speech (the ability to spontaneously respond to replicas) are distinguished [2].

Abilities are built on a certain base, which is played by skills and knowledge. Ability is responsible for the content of the utterance, skills - for its form. Perfect command of the means of language (lexical, phonetic, grammatical) makes it possible to disconnect from the form and concentrate on the content. The ability is always creative. A skill is an automated component of the ability.

Skills are of an aspect nature and are divided into expressive and receptive: phonetic skills, grammatical skills, lexical skills. Phonetic skills are characterized by the highest degree of automation.

Qualities of speech skills: purposefulness, dynamism, productivity, integration, hierarchy, independence.

According to teachers, it is fundamentally important that the qualities of the skill are based on the qualities of speech skills. This dependence of qualities dictates, firstly, the need for the formation and development of all qualities without exception and in a complex, and secondly, the mandatory preliminary bringing of the qualities of skills to the proper level.

The development of speech skills is one of the most difficult tasks of university education. The level of proficiency in these skills, even in the native language, can be different (according to the degree of perfection). Therefore, the methodological content of the concept of "communicative skills" S.F. Shatilov reveals as follows: communicative skills are the possession of types of speech activity as a means of

communication with varying degrees of automatically, because in the process of perfection [7]. communication, the attention of

In conclusion, we note that knowledge, communication participants is drawn to the skills and abilities are formed not content, not to the form. However, speech sequentially, but in parallel. Solid knowledge skills alone do not yet make it possible to is acquired in the process of forming skills participate in communication in a foreign and abilities. Memorization of the material language. It is necessary to practice occurs during the development of the skill. communication, during which speech skills For speech activity, it is necessary for a are formed [1]. person to use language material

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Н.Ю. Буряк, канд. культурологии, доцент

Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)

Аннотация. В данной статье дается характеристика коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков с позиций лингвопсихологии. Описан процесс формирования навыка, перечислены и подробно раскрыты его основные свойства. Рассмотрен вопрос о роли языковых знаний при создании иноязычных речевых навыков. Описаны основные качества речевых навыков. Подробно рассмотрены этапы формирования речевого навыка. Делается попытка доказать, что знания, навыки и умения формируются не последовательно, а параллельно. Прочные знания приобретаются в процессе формирования умений и навыков.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, навыки и умения, коммуникативная компетенция, речевая деятельность, речевое высказывание, языковой материал, коммуникативные умения.

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