FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF THE WRITING ON THE MIDDLE STAGE OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communicativeness / writing skills / methodological content / foreign language

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Dilsuz Abdujalilovna Zoyirova

Writing proficiency allows you to actually use knowledge of a foreign language, being outside the linguistic environment, communicating with native speakers using modern means of communication. The methodological content of a foreign language lesson should be communication. When teaching children, a foreign language, it is necessary to teach them to communicate in this language. And this can be taught only in terms of communication, that is, teaching a foreign language should be organized so that it is similar to the process of natural communication. Only in this case it will be possible to transfer the formed skills and abilities into real conditions. Communicativeness means the similarity of the learning process and the communication process only according to the main features that represent the purposeful and motivated nature of speech activity, the presence of certain relationships between the interlocutors that form the communication situation, discussion of those topics that correspond to the age and interests of students, their level of development, the use of those speech means that function in a real process.

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Dilsuz Abdujalilovna Zoyirova

Teacher, Tashkent State University of Law


Writing proficiency allows you to actually use knowledge of a foreign language, being outside the linguistic environment, communicating with native speakers using modern means of communication. The methodological content of a foreign language lesson should be communication. When teaching children, a foreign language, it is necessary to teach them to communicate in this language. And this can be taught only in terms of communication, that is, teaching a foreign language should be organized so that it is similar to the process of natural communication. Only in this case it will be possible to transfer the formed skills and abilities into real conditions.

Communicativeness means the similarity of the learning process and the communication process only according to the main features that represent the purposeful and motivated nature of speech activity, the presence of certain relationships between the interlocutors that form the communication situation, discussion of those topics that correspond to the age and interests of students, their level of development, the use of those speech means that function in a real process.

Keywords: communicativeness, writing skills, methodological content, foreign language.


Learning a language, both native and foreign, is a personal need that manifests itself in social interaction and communication. The success of communication depends not only on the desire of the speaker to make contact, but also on the ability to realize speech intention, which depends on the degree of proficiency in language units and the ability to use them in specific communication situations. These conditions of language proficiency constitute the essence of communicative competence.

The term "competence" in relation to foreign languages was developed in detail within the framework of studies carried out by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1996 to determine the level of proficiency in a foreign language, and was defined as the ability to perform any activity based on the knowledge acquired in

the course of learning. skills and abilities.

Secondary school acts as the second stage, at which the foundations of communicative competence are laid and continue to develop, allowing for foreign language communication and interaction of children, including with native speakers, at an elementary level.

Communicative competence is the ability to carry out speech activity by means of the target language in accordance with the goals and situation of communication within a particular field of activity. It is based on a set of skills that allow you to participate in verbal communication in its productive and receptive forms.


One of the ways to form and formulate thoughts is written speech. Outwardly expressed, as well as oral, written speech is secondary and represents the fixation of our thoughts, associations. This is the opinion of the famous methodologist V.N. Filatov.

In turn, Milrud R.P. believes that it is necessary to pay much more attention to the problem of teaching written speech, since the written skills of students often lag significantly behind the level of training in other types of speech activity. When teaching writing, training your imagination is very important. For many years, mastering written speech in a foreign language was not the goal of teaching at school, it was given secondary importance due to the dominant position of oral speech in programs and, accordingly, was not expressed in domestic educational and methodological complexes in a foreign language. Written speech acted only as a means of teaching other types of speech activity, allowing students to better master the program language material and as a means of monitoring the formation of students' speech skills.

However, recently, the issue of the formation of communicative competence in writing when teaching a foreign language has become very relevant. The relevance lies in the fact that language skills are formed only in speech and there is no other way of mastering the language at the present stage. In oral speech, a smaller part of the potential of the language is realized. This means that most of the potential of a language lies in written speech. It is unlikely that anyone would dispute the fact that written communication in the modern world is extremely great. Like speaking, writing is a productive activity, but even more complicated by a number of circumstances associated with the conditions of written communication. The role of written speech in teaching a foreign language is great, since it allows you to preserve

linguistic and phonetic knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking, stimulates speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language. The study of the problems of the formation of communicative competence in teaching writing was carried out by such well-known methodologists as T.P. Leontiev, V.N. Filatov, E.I. Passov, I. D. Galskova, R.P. Milrud, P.K. Babinskaya, Ya.M. Kolker, M.V. Gamezo, I.V. Golovan, E.S. Ustinova, N.I. Gez, T.M. Enalieva, I. Yu. Kulagina, V.N. Kolyutsky, A.A. Utrobina, A.N. Shchukin and many others.

We believe that for the most successful teaching of a foreign language, it is necessary to develop skills and writing skills. Written fixation helps students consolidate the skills and abilities of oral speech, more effectively master the graphic system of the language. This is another reason that explains the need to pay more attention to writing when teaching a foreign language.


1. taking into account the psychological aspect in teaching writing;

2. methodically correct organization of the process of teaching written speech;

3. ways of forming communicative competence.

4. use of knowledge, skills and abilities of working with written texts, acquired by students in the course of studying other disciplines and their personal life experience;

5. the acquisition in the course of teaching foreign languages of such skills and abilities that can be used in various fields of activity.

In the methodology, writing is understood as the mastery of the graphic and spelling systems of a foreign language by students to fix the language and speech material in order to better memorize it.


Having studied and analyzed the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic "Formation of the communicative competence of writing at the middle stage of teaching the foreign language", we came to the following conclusions that:

1.The success of communication depends not only on the desire of the speaker to make contact, but also on the ability to realize the speech intention, which depends on the degree of proficiency in language units and the ability to use them in specific communication situations;

2. for the most successful teaching of a foreign language, it is necessary to

develop skills and writing skills;

3. when teaching a foreign language, written tests and training works are widely used in mastering grammar and vocabulary;

4. Written fixation helps students to consolidate the skills and abilities of oral speech, more effectively master the graphic system of the language. This is another reason that explains the need to pay more attention to writing when teaching a foreign language;

5. Middle school age is characterized by the continuing development of the general and special abilities of adolescents on the basis of the main leading types of activity: learning, communication and work. In teaching, general intellectual abilities are formed, especially conceptual theoretical thinking;

6. at this age, written speech can already outstrip the development of oral speech;

7. the student learns more easily ways of action when the teacher only helps


8. communicative competence - the ability to carry out speech activity by means of the studied language in accordance with the goals and situation of communication within a particular field of activity;

9. one of the ways to form and formulate thoughts is written speech;

10. The role of writing in teaching a foreign language is great, since it allows you to preserve linguistic and phonetic knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking, stimulates speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language.


Thus, we see that the formation of the written communicative competence of adolescents has many difficulties, but we will try to prove in the course of experimental work that everything is surmountable.

Learning a foreign language is one of the compulsory subjects in secondary school, but the study of this subject presents certain difficulties for schoolchildren, and the difficulty in learning a foreign language lies not only in the absence of a language environment, but also psychological and linguistic difficulties in learning a foreign language are revealed in adolescents ...

Written speech is a way of expressing thoughts in graphic form. It is a productive type of speech activity in which a person records speech for transmission to others. The product of this activity is a speech work or text intended for reading. In teaching a foreign language, writing plays an important role. At the beginning of

training, mastering graphics and spelling is the goal of mastering the writing technique in a new language for students. Further, writing is considered as an important tool in language learning: it helps the lasting assimilation of language material (lexical, grammatical) and the formation of skills in reading and speaking. Naturally, writing can perform its auxiliary function if students master the writing technique: they learn to write letters, master the spelling of words. The very process of mastering the technique of writing in a foreign language has a positive educational effect on students, on the development of their memory, volitional qualities.

The written form of communication in modern society performs an important communicative function. Therefore, at present, the attitude towards writing and teaching students the ability to express their thoughts in writing has changed dramatically. Writing as the goal of learning is present in programs for all types of educational institutions, at all stages of learning a foreign language.

Written speech - one of the ways to form and formulate thoughts is. Outwardly expressed, as well as oral, written speech is secondary and represents the fixation of our thoughts, associations. The secondary nature of writing does not diminish its importance in our life, however, it is one of the factors that determine the place of writing in teaching a foreign language.

Thus, the role of writing in teaching a foreign language is great, since it allows you to preserve actual linguistic knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking, stimulates speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language.


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