LINGUOPRAGMATIC SPECIFICITY OF COMMUNICATION STYLES IN ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL DISCOURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Language discourse / pragmalinguistic characteristics of texts / linguopragmatic dominants of learning / linguoprofessional competence / linguoculture.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Altynbek Ayaulym Sergalievna

The article reveals the methodological and methodological foundations of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language. The author analyzes the study of genre features of linguistic expression of students' communication based on the communication situation and characteristics of foreign-language information.

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Graduate of Miras University

Annomau<un:The article reveals the methodological and methodological foundations of organizing the process of teaching a foreign language. The author analyzes the study of genre features of linguistic expression of students' communication based on the communication situation and characteristics of foreign-language information.

Key words: Language discourse, pragmalinguistic characteristics of texts,linguopragmatic dominants of learning, linguoprofessional competence,linguoculture.

The linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign-language communication to students of non-linguistic specialties is associated with the use of the analysis of an English-language educational text, where the dominant characteristic is the perception of an event described in the text, through the content of the text itself,through its construction.

Identification and study of genre features of linguistic expression of communication in the context of studying a foreign language is particularly difficult, since it is associated with deepening argumentation, as well as with the development of communicative skills in using language tools. In the context of preparing students of non-linguistic specialties for life in a multicultural society, an urgent need is to update the pragmatic attitudes of the subjects of communication.

This determines the probability of using a specific type of communication of students, which links together the schemes of introducing argumentative means and defining genre linguopragmatic dominants of communication. The purpose of the article is to study the structural features of texts that form linguopragmatic value guidelines in the system of identifying the structural features of texts and developing students' speech.

According to E.V. Khomenko, linguopragmatic training is a set of linguopragmatic characteristics of texts associated with the development of the addressee's background knowledge.

However, in our opinion, the methodological basis of linguopragmatic training is not only the study of texts, but the inclusion of models of argument combinations that influence the potetial possible judgments of an individual, which form an explanation and commentary on the text from the standpoint of the pragmatic functions of English-language texts.

Also, a serious problem is taking into account the communication situation and the characteristics of information connected by a single linguopragmatic focus. Therefore, perception, understanding and adequate interpretation of texts should be accompanied by methods for identifying and taking into account the cause-and-effect relationship of the material in the context of using various language tools - exercises, tasks, composing dialogues, using multimedia and digital resources,

listening. In our opinion, the main problem of the linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign language communication to students of non-linguistic specialties is that it should be based not only on complex sentences with a conditional predicative unit, but also use expressions that show the reason for the result obtained in the context of the use of argumentation-explanation. Hence, the study of English should include understanding of phonetics, improving the analysis of the text level, the use of genre stratification in identifying structural and linguopragmatic features of texts

The theoretical significance of our study is to identify the most important directions and linguopragmatic value orientations that influence social roles and characteristics of the individual's linguistic autonomy. The problematic of our study is determined by the complexity of using English in colloquial speech among students of non-linguistic specialties, who, on the one hand, feel the need for professionally-oriented communication in a foreign language, on the other hand, do not always

know how to competently work with professional material in their specialty in a foreign language, study and use its linguopragmatic characteristics in speech.

The purpose of the linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign language communication to students of non-linguistic specialties is to study the functional and structural features of texts, the ability to select various methods of speech communication, and to master culturally specific pragmatic elements of communication.

Therefore, in our opinion, communication strategies of non-linguistic students should be developed in the context of taking into account the functionality, pragmatism of professionally oriented texts and their compliance with the goals of intercultural communication. The linguopragmatic approach to teaching a foreign language links together personal attitudes in mastering a foreign language with the complex use of the goals and objectives of teaching, facilitating the study of the specifics of foreign speech and the ability to use it in various situations.

Integration of student learning today depends on the methodological level of linguopragmatic teaching,including both the functional foundations of speech communication and the technologies of practical language proficiency in the context of studying the phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of the studied professionally oriented texts. E.A. Karabutova notes that discursive competence in language acquisition relies on the acquisition of special vocabulary that determines the communicative intentions of students. The author believes that the extralinguistic parameters of student learning should be based on the principles of communication that have a basis for language socialization. In addition, the definition of the nomenclature and norms of intercultural communication should link the selected linguistic phenomena, grammatical models and take into account the functional and stylistic aspects of information that contribute to optimization of learning.

Linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign language communication to students of non-linguistic specialties is characterized by conducting classes with natural situations of organizing cooperation in a group. Creative understanding of the possibilities of using a foreign language in the context of completing tasks based on teamwork should be mediated by joint search activities. Various communication situations allow students to better understand the points of view of partners, use various speech cliches, connect informal and formal idioms, memorize and use various speech formulas and apply them in dialogues. We believe that discussions in a foreign language should be used on the basis of real contact, where the students' speech behavior is formed in conditions of both taking into account stereotypical statements and individual lexical and grammatical solutions that allow them to interact with each other. E.K. Gitman came to the conclusion that the technologies for organizing the educational process in studying a foreign language should ensure high activity of the heuristic "immersion" of students in the process of concentrated learning, built on the student's needs for mastering foreign language activities by studying topics and texts that include extended and practice-related language material (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, spelling) The need to search for new approaches to defining the subject content of linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign language communication to students of non-linguistic specialties is due to the complexity of mastering the functional-stylistic register of speech communication. The formation of interpersonal and linguopragmatic communicative strategies is associated with the introduction of specific pragmatic elements of communication and extralinguistic aspects of communication. Innovative searches in

solving the problem of using linguoculture depend not only on the mechanism of the communication process itself, but also on creative activity in the context of the culture-appropriate content of the texts used. The use of appropriate pedagogical techniques for the formation of communicative culture and its subcompetences in students of non-linguistic specialties is due to the need to improve the effectiveness of culturally related co-study of a foreign language, the implementation of a systematic, at all substantive and organizational levels of linguopragmatic teaching of comprehending the basics of grammar of a text through the study of its syntactic and communicative characteristics. A feature of the linguopragmatic organization of teaching foreign language communication is the linguopragmatic position, when the text is considered as a series of

special units united by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connections. This forms the patterns of speech flow as a process that is based on knowledge of phonetics, grammar, forming logical judgments of students and developing communicative-attitude types of communication between them. Thus, it can be concluded that the final lingua-pragmatic meaning of training is that students acquire the skill of interpreting implicit communicative meanings in the text, as well as use the linguistic means of dialogue, understanding the local structure of the text and the tonality of its speech context in the system of language literacy and lingua-pragmatic analysis of texts and speech.


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