
LINGUISTIC INTERFERENCE IN THE KADAR DIALECT OF THE DARGIN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Dаrgin lаnguаgе / Kаdаr diаlесt / multilingual environment / bilingualism / linguistic interference / results of interference / даргинский язык / кадарский диалект / полилингвистическая среда / билингвизм / языковая интерференция / проявления интерференции

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vаgiziеvа N. A.

The article deals with a problem of interference and its study as a linguistic phenomenon. The main peculiarities of interference and approaches to its interpretation are described. Interference always means the switch-over from one language code to another in a bilingual environment. As a linguistic phenomenon, interference is considered from different positions, including the terms of the characteristics of speech in a second language in bilingualism. The relevance of the study of issues of language contacts, both in theoretical and practical terms, is manifested in the Republic of Dagestan, where there are more than 30 national languages and cultures that require not only their study, but also their preservation and development. The object of the study is linguistic interference in Kadar speech. Differences in the phonetic, morphological and lexical systems of the contacting languages of Dagestan particularly the Kadar dialect and the Russian language, the Kadar dialect and the Dagestan languages, contribute to the emergence of interference. The novelty of the work is in the fact that the phenomenon of linguistic interference in the Kadar dialect and the ways of its formation weren’t the subject of a scientific research in earlier years. The purpose of the study is to describe and systematize the ways of expression of interference in the Kadar dialect and to study the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical levels. The object of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the Kadar-Russian bilingualism, to establish the types of phonetic and lexical interference. Methods of comparative and component analysis, as well as descriptive, are the main research methods. The theoretical and practical significance is in the fact that the research materials are applicable to the further study of the phenomena of interference in non-studied dialects of the Dargin language.

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В научной статье рассматривается явление интерференции с точки зрения лингвистического феномена. Описаны основные особенности интерференции и подходы к ее трактовке. Интерференция всегда предполагает переключение с одного языкового кода на другой в условиях двуязычия. Как языковой феномен, интерференция рассмотрена с разных позиций, в том числе в плане особенностей речи на втором языке при билингвизме. Актуальность исследования и изучение вопросов языковых контактов как в теоретическом, так и в практическом плане проявляется в Республике Дагестан, в котором существует более 30 национальных языков и культур, которые требуют не только своего изучения, но и их сохранения и развития. Объектом исследования служит лингвистическая интерференция в кадарской речи. Различия в фонетико-фонологических системах контактирующих языков Дагестана, в частности кадарский диалект и русский язык, кадарский диалект и дагестанские языки, способствуют возникновению интерференции. Новизна работы состоит в том, что явление языковой интерференции в кадарском диалекте и способы ее проявления впервые подвергаются научному исследованию. Цель исследования заключается в описании и систематизации проявлений интерференции в исследуемом диалекте и исследовании механизмов их образования на фонетическом, морфологическом и лексическом уровнях. Задачи исследования заключаются в выявлении особенностей кадарско-русского двуязычия, установлении типов фонетической и лексической интерференции. Приемы сравнительного и компонентного анализа, а также описательный являются основными методами исследования. Теоретическая и практическая значимость состоит в том, что материалы исследования применимы в разработках вопросов о явлениях интерференции в неисследованных диалектах даргинского языка.


Библейский текст обладает мощным интертекстуальным потенциалом, регулярно воспроизводясь в других текстах. Одним из примеров являются тексты произведений У Шекспира, который часто использует интертекстуальные отсылки к библейским текстам и сюжетам. Используя в качестве отсылок библеизмы, библейские фразеологизмы, тончайшие библейские аллюзии, У. Шекспир достигает величайшей художественной гармонии в своих произведениях. Часто его герои напоминают героев из библейских сюжетов, причем автор напрямую апеллирует к прецедентным библейским именам (Иуде, Понтию Пилату, Каину, Лазарю). Образность, экспрессивность и оценочность библейских фразеологизмов обогащает текст-реципиент и оказывает дополнительное эстетическое воздействие на читателя. Кроме того, библейская фразеология в составе произведения выполняет текстообразующую функцию. Наконец,

используемые У. Шекспиром фразеологизмы подвергаются «двойному переосмыслению», что происходит за счет изменения формальной и частично содержательной стороны фразеологической единицы в пределах контекста произведения, и как результат появления структурно-смысловых модификаций фразеологизма.

Перспектива дальнейших исследований библейской фразеологии видится в возможности анализа ряда художественных произведений на русском и английском языках с целью сопоставления переводов и выявления наиболее адекватных способов перевода библейских фразеологизмов. Кроме того, данная работа стоит в ряду исследований, посвященных изучению специфики функционирования библеизмов и библейских фразеологических единиц в разных типах дискурса, например, в медийных текстах, политической коммуникации и т. п.

Библиографический список

1. Федуленкова Т.Н. Развитие вариантности фразеологии библейской этимологии. Научный результат. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. 2020; Т. 6, № 2: 83-96.

2. Федуленкова Т.Н. Лекции по английской фразеологии библейского происхождения: учебное пособие. Москва: Издательский дом Академии Естествознания, 2016.

3. Смит Логан Пеарсалл Фразеология английского языка. Перевод с английского А.С. Игнатьева. Москва: Учпедгиз, 1959.

4. Федуленкова Т.Н. Рецензия на монографию Н.А. Кузьминой: Интертекст: тема с вариациями. Феномены языка и культуры в интертекстуальной интерпретации. Человек. Культура. Образование. 2019; № 2 (32): 238-245.

5. Комарова В.П. Шекспир и Библия: (опыт сравнительного исследования). Санкт-Петербург: Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета, 1998.

6. Milward Peter Shakespeare's Religious Background. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1973.

7. Milward P. Biblical Influences in Shakespeare's Great Tragedies. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1987.

8. Marx Steven Shakespeare and the Bible. Oxford University Press, 2000.

9. Библия. Синодальный перевод. Available at: www.my-bible.info/biblio/biblija/

10. Шекспир У. Гамлет. Available at: https://genius.com/William-shakespeare-hamlet/


1. Fedulenkova T.N. Razvitie variantnosti frazeologii biblejskoj 'etimologii. Nauchnyjrezul'tat. Voprosy teoreticheskojiprikladnoj lingvistiki. 2020; T. 6, № 2: 83-96.

2. Fedulenkova T.N. Lekciipo anglijskoj frazeologiibiblejskogoproishozhdeniya: uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: Izdatel'skij dom Akademii Estestvoznaniya, 2016.

3. Smit Logan Pearsall Frazeologiya anglijskogo yazyka. Perevod s anglijskogo A.S. Ignat'eva. Moskva: Uchpedgiz, 1959.

4. Fedulenkova T.N. Recenziya na monografiyu N.A. Kuz'minoj: Intertekst: tema s variaciyami. Fenomeny yazyka i kul'tury v intertekstual'noj interpretacii. Chelovek. Kultura. Obrazovanie. 2019; № 2 (32): 238-245.

5. Komarova V.P. Shekspir i Bibliya: (opyt sravnitel'nogo issledovaniya). Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 1998.

6. Milward Peter Shakespeare's Religious Background. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1973.

7. Milward P. Biblical Influences in Shakespeare's Great Tragedies. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1987.

8. Marx Steven Shakespeare and the Bible. Oxford University Press, 2000.

9. Bibliya. Sinodal'nyjperevod. Available at: www.my-bible.info/biblio/biblija/

10. Shekspir U. Gamlet. Available at: https://genius.com/William-shakespeare-hamlet/

Статья поступила в редакцию 30.03.23

УДК 811.351.22

Vagizieva N.A., Cаnd. оf Sсiеnсеs (Philоlоgу), junior rnsеаKher, instil оf Lаnguаgеs, Litеrаturе аnd Arts n.а. GTsаdаsа оf Ш Dаgеstаn Fеdеrаl

Rеsеаrсh Cеntеrоf Rus^n Aсаdеmу оf Sсiеnсеs (Ма^аМаа, Russiа), E-таИ: nаidа.vаgiziеvа@mаil.ru

LINGUISTIC INTERFERENCE IN THE KADAR DIALECT OF THE DARGIN LANGUAGE. The article deals with a problem of interference and its study as a linguistic phenomenon. The main peculiarities of interference and approaches to its interpretation are described. Interference always means the switch-over from one language code to another in a bilingual environment. As a linguistic phenomenon, interference is considered from different positions, including the terms of the characteristics of speech in a second language in bilingualism. The relevance of the study of issues of language contacts, both in theoretical and practical terms, is manifested in the Republic of Dagestan, where there are more than 30 national languages and cultures that require not only their study, but also their preservation and development. The object of the study is linguistic interference in Kadar speech. Differences in the phonetic, morphological and lexical systems of the contacting languages of Dagestan particularly the Kadar dialect and the Russian language, the Kadar dialect and the Dagestan languages, contribute to the emergence of interference. The novelty of the work is in the fact that the phenomenon of linguistic interference in the Kadar dialect and the ways of its formation weren't the subject of a scientific research in earlier years. The purpose of the study is to describe and systematize the ways of expression of interference in the Kadar dialect and to study the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical levels. The object of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the Kadar-Russian bilingualism, to establish the types of phonetic and lexical interference. Methods of comparative and component analysis, as well as descriptive, are the main research methods. The theoretical and practical significance is in the fact that the research materials are applicable to the further study of the phenomena of interference in non-studied dialects of the Dargin language.

Key words: Dаrgin lаnguаgе, ^аг diаlесt, multilingual environment, bilingualism, linguistic interference, results of interference

Н.А. Вагизиееа, канд. филол. наук, мл. науч. сотр. Института языка, литературы и искусства имени Г. Цадасы Дагестанского

федерального исследовательского центра Российской академии наук, г. Махачкала, E-таН: nаidа[email protected]


В научной статье рассматривается явление интерференции с точки зрения лингвистического феномена. Описаны основные особенности интерференции и подходы к ее трактовке. Интерференция всегда предполагает переключение с одного языкового кода на другой в условиях двуязычия. Как языковой феномен, интерференция рассмотрена с разных позиций, в том числе в плане особенностей речи на втором языке при билингвизме. Актуальность исследования и изучение вопросов языковых контактов как в теоретическом, так и в практическом плане проявляется в Республике Дагестан, в котором существует более 30 национальных языков и культур, которые требуют не только своего изучения, но и их сохранения и развития. Объектом исследования служит лингвистическая интерференция в кадарской речи. Различия в фонетико-фонологических системах контактирующих языков Дагестана, в частности кадарский диалект и русский язык, кадарский диалект и дагестанские языки, способствуют возникновению интерференции. Новизна работы состоит в том, что явление языковой интерференции в кадарском диалекте и способы ее проявления впервые подвергаются научному исследованию. Цель исследования заключается в описании и систематизации проявлений интерференции в исследуемом диалекте и исследовании механизмов их образования на фонетиче-

ском, морфологическом и лексическом уровнях. Задачи исследования заключаются в выявлении особенностей кадарско-русского двуязычия, установлении типов фонетической и лексической интерференции. Приемы сравнительного и компонентного анализа, а также описательный являются основными методами исследования. Теоретическая и практическая значимость состоит в том, что материалы исследования применимы в разработках вопросов о явлениях интерференции в неисследованных диалектах даргинского языка.

Ключевые слова: даргинский язык, кадарский диалект, полилингвистическая среда, билингвизм, языковая интерференция, проявления интерференции

In linguistics, there is a narrow and broad understanding of bilingualism. A narrow concept of understanding bilingualism - when the second language own approximately the same as their relatives. According to this point of view, "bilingualism begins when the degree of knowledge of the second language comes close to the degree of knowledge of the first" [1, c. 49]. Michael Paradis believes that a bilingual is an individual who understands and speaks in two languages, that is, a person who has mastered both language systems and using them as a native [2].

A broad concept in the interpretation of bilingualism allows significant differences in proficiency between the two languages, but suggests using a second language with more or less success in a situation communication with native speakers. According to A.A. Metlyuk, bilingualism applicable "to cases of individual bilingualism and cases of collective or mass language proficiency. At the same time, possession of the second language can have a different degree - from elementary to complete and free" [3, c. 67]. Speakers are generally considered bilingual even when individual features of their language systems are not quite comply to the norms of the non-native language. This type of bilingualism can be called incomplete or partially incomplete. Partial bilingualism is the most widely distributed. Absolutely the same bilingualism is rare.

The purpose of the work is to study the ways of formation and functioning of interference at all grammatical levels, systematization and description of the phenomenon in the Kadar dialect. The object of the study is linguistic interference in Kadar speech. The task is to establish the types of linguistic interference in the terms of Kadar-Russian bilingualism, to study the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical levels. To solve these problems, the author used a descriptive method and methods of component analysis. The relevance of the chosen topic is in the fact that it is required to preserve and develop small languages of the Russian Federation in the context of globalization and the age of technology and rapid development. It's the first time the phenomenon of linguistic interference in the Kadar dialect is a subject of a special scientific study, the material of a dialect is introduced for the first time. The theoretical and practical significance of the work is in the fact that the main results of the article can be useful in further research of the Caucasian linguistics, exactly the Dagestan languages, and also for the special courses on the Dargin language.

In the process of the study the author refers to the scientific works of the Caucasian and Russian scientists. The psychological aspect of interference is closely related to psycholinguistic, where special attention is paid to the mechanisms of speech. A.A. Leontiev describes the psycholinguistic mechanisms of mastering foreign language as a change in the rules of transition from the program to its realization, "a person must go through the stage of mediated knowledge of a foreign language; the mediating link here is "native" system of rules for the implementation of the program. In the future, this the mediating system of rules is increasingly reduced. Final link in this process of reduction (and at the same time automation of "new" rules) is the establishment of a direct connection between the program and the system rules of a foreign language, which corresponds to a relatively complete knowledge of a foreign language" [4, c. 21]. According to experts, each of the bilingual language systems exists in the form of psychophysiological mechanism, including certain knowledge, skills and abilities that provide the possibility of speech production and speech perception. In the process of learning foreign languages, there is a transfer, which is the use of the past (positive or negative) linguistic experience. Positive influence of the native language on the studied second one, the non-native language, facilitates the formation new speech skills and abilities (the so-called transposition), and negative influence, on the contrary, complicates the assimilation of new knowledge and skills. N.D. Levitov points out that it is impossible to explain why a person speaks several languages, if denied the phenomenon of positive transfer [5, c. 43]. The process of mastering a second language is necessarily accompanied by native interference. That is why V. Yu. Rosenzweig wrote: "It should be taken as an axiom that there is no bilingualism without interference" [6, c. 16]. According to A.A. Reformatsky, when studying non-native language, the main difficulty is not mastering a foreign language, but struggle with one's own [7]. In order to master a foreign language, first of all, to overcome the skills of their language, since they, according to N.S. Trubetskoy, are "a sieve through which, in a distorted form, are perceived facts of a foreign language" [8, c. 121]. When studying a foreign language, one-sided interference is usually observed, i.e. only the penetration of elements of the native language into the studied one. In this case, it is often negative, being unconscious erroneous transfer of the norms of the native language to a foreign one. However, as noted in the scientific literature, in recent years more and more the opinion becomes widespread that between the processes of mastering native and foreign languages have more similarities than differences, mechanisms of speech activity in native and foreign languages are the same, trainees go through similar stages speech development, allow similar types of errors, etc.

The problems on the study of the language interference exists in linguists for more than a century. As a rule, research work is held within the framework of the

theory of language contacts, the main provisions of which one can find in the works of G. Shukhardt, I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, N.S. Trubetskoy, R.O. Yakobson, L.V. Shcherba, E.D. Polivanov, U. Weinreich, E. Haugen, A.E. Karlinsky, V.Yu. Rosenzweig and others.

The term "interference" is of Latin origin and means: "inter" between + "ferens" ("ferentis") carrying, transferring [9, c. 232]. The term "interference" was first introduced into linguistics by the scientists of the Prague Linguistic School, and the meaning of which is the process of deviation from the norms of the languages in close contact. There is one more definition of it where interference is any effect of one bilingual language on another, as well as the result of this effect [10, c. 32]. There is a unanimous opinion of the scientists that the interference can be expressed on different levels of the language. There are three main types of interference: phonetic, grammatical and lexical [11, c. 72].

Before studying a phenomenon of interference in the speech of bilingual Kadars, we intend to characterize the dialect under study briefly. The Kadar alphabet consists of 46 letters, 33 of which coincide with the letters of the Russian alphabet, and the remaining 13 are specific letters of the Kadar dialect, such as 2, e, k, q:, q', p', t', x, q, 2, c'i\ Some main peculiarities and differences of the Kadar dialect are the following: a clear differentiation of vowel phonemes in longitude and brevity of their pronunciation, which significantly affects the meaning of words; the presence of interdental s, z, i; labial f, w; lip harmony. "Unlike the literary language and some other dialects of the Dargin language, in the Kadar dialect in many words velar deaf sounds are labialized mainly in anlaut and inlaut of the words" [13, c. 32].

On the phonetic level the phenomena of interference in the Russian speech of the Kadar native speakers are mainly due to the differences and peculiarities in the articulation system, the originality of the phonemic implements, the specifics of the phonetic sound rules and the different nature of their prosodic systems in the Kadar dialect and Russian language. The whole list of deviations in the pronunciation norms of the Russian language in the speech of the Kadar-bilinguals forms the basis of the so-called Kadar national accent. The vowel sounds of the Russian language are relatively easily assimilated by the Kadar-bilinguals, since all Russian vowels - [a], [o], [u], [I:], [?] - have their own articulatory-acoustic correspondences in the Kadar language. Here it is appropriate to note that the stress in the Kadar language is fixed, it falls on the middle or the last syllables of a word: kadar. iuz / kitap «a book», wak'ni - «a vizit», 2ahal - «guest», amarsa «a man, a husband», bulegi «Avar man».

Being phonetically coercive, the Kadar stress does not imply a long pronunciation of the stressed vowel, while the Russian vowels of the stressed syllable are always pronounced longer than unstressed ones. The quantity of consonant sounds in the Kadar language coincides with the one in the Russian, but in the Kadar dialect there are also some additional sounds like: [2], [e], [k], [q:], [q], [p], [t] [x], [q], [2], [c], [C].

The close interaction of the Russian language and the Kadar dialect is especially expressed on the lexical level. Many Russian words, penetrating into the speech of Kadar-bilinguals, replace the original vocabulary. So, for example, in the speech of the Kadars in their native language, the names of the days of the week in Russian are used oftener: ponedel'nik instead of the Kadar it'ni, vtornik instead of the Kadar t'alat' etc. Such replacement is also defined in the words of the lexical-thematic group "the relationship": brat instead of the Kadar uzi; sestra instead of the Kadar ruzi; mama instead of the Kadar nes etc. The replacement of the Kadar words with the corresponding Russian ones is also found out in the names of specific objects: kniga instead of the Kadar kitap; karandas - instead of the Kadar qalam, etc. There are many words borrowed into the Kadar dialect from the Russian language: Rus. computer, universi-tet, parta, pensiya etc. In general, these are lexemes associated with the realities of a modern life. Phraseological combinations, proverbs, proper names, abbreviations of the Russian language are used in the Kadar dialect with no lexical or phonetic change: Rus. Putin, uchenie svet, a neuchenie - t'ma, Alenushka, SSSR, RF, etc.

Thus, such types of linguistic interference are distinguished as phonological, grammatical, lexical, syntactic and sociocultural. At the same time, all types of interlingual interference are due to the influence of the native language on the studied one and vice versa. The main reason for the occurrence of interference is the fact that a person generates his foreign language statement according to the norms of his native language and establishes unusual connections and relationships between the individual linguistic facts of the language being studied. The study of errors caused by the inhibitory influence of the native language creates the need to develop a system of methods, means and techniques in preventing and overcoming interference. To do this, mainly interlingual comparisons are used in order to identify similarities and differences; intralingual comparisons based on similar elements in the previously studied language material; contrasting exercises that demonstrate differences in the meaning, function and use of linguistic phenomena in the native and studied languages; translation into the native language with an analysis of phenomena that cause difficulties in

their adequate use in foreign language practice of communication; interpretation using both native and target languages; explanation using rules-generalizations, orienting remarks, revealing the functional side of the acquired foreign language phenomenon; performing actions based on a diagram, table and other types of linguistic visibility.

The analysis of recurring, persistent mistakes of trainees allows us to note the difficulties in choosing, structuring and linguistic design of linguistic phenomena caused by the action of interlingual and intralingual interference, problems of a methodological and psychological nature. Thus, interference is an overcome through the formation of missing linguistic knowledge, the assimilation of missing and correction of distorted linguistic knowledge, as well as the formation of appropriate strong and flexible skills for using the relevant linguistic phenomena with the help of various techniques, means and exercises that ensure the maximum weakening of the effect of the identified types of interference. Nowadays, significant changes are taking place in Russian language as an adaptive system and a dialect. Any language to provide its main communicative function must change to reflect new phenomena occurring at this stage in society. One of the characteristic processes occurring in the language can be called the process of activation of the borrowed vocabulary and the ever-increasing scope of its use, the emergence of a large number of Russian words in the Kadar, which have an unusual Russian language form. In terms of intensive contact of cultures and languages, the recipient language becomes open to all kinds of influence in the Kadar dialect. There is an interaction of the language systems of Russian and the Kadar dialect and interference, which is reflected in the recipient language. In this case, the Russian language is considered as a recipient language. Every day people try to live more interesting, more convenient, safer, that is, more comfortable. To do this, they make discoveries, invent. As a result, we get a lot of new things and services, and each of them requires its own name. Some inventions completely change our lives. Yes, the invention satellite and satellite communications allowed the emergence of the Internet, mobile phones. Internet from a simple "e-mail" in recent years switched to virtual stores, show programs, electronic libraries. The same thing happened with mobile phones. Many inventions come to us from other countries, and their names are not always understandable. But it's not just about inventions. New words affect our lives in the form of signs, names of shops and shopping centers in urban space. As a result, a large number of these borrowed words makes our speech clear only for those who know their meaning.

Soon they will no longer be "new", they will be part of the language, but today these words are a big barrier in the communication of those Kadar people who know Russian and those ones who do not know it. Difficulty in understanding the meaning of these words is also connected with the fact that neologisms are part of passive stock of vocabulary, moreover, borrowed vocabulary. Therefore, in society, people still do not know the meaning of new words which came from Russian language. The active developing dialogue of cultures, the role of Russian words in the enrichment and development of the Kadar dialect; arises a necessity to study current trends in borrowings, often having an unconventional form for the Kadar dialect. Thus, the mismatches of the quantity and the uniqueness of consonant sounds and the peculiarities in the phonetic system in the Kadar dialect and Russian language are the reasons of the interference in the Kadar speech. On the morphological level, the Russian speech of the Kadar

people is characterized by interference phenomena which is explained by certain grammatical categories of the Russian language that are absent in the native dialect of the Kadars and it is found out that there are some differences and mismatches of the grammatical categories in these two languages which are used for communication by bilinguals simultaneously, and discrepancies in the ways of expressing certain grammatical meanings. Mostly, Russian words lose their morphological peculiarities in the Kadar dialect and being absolutely borrowed are formed according to the rules of the Kadar grammar.

The discrepancy in the morphological characteristics of the Russian borrowings in the Kadar dialect and its word-formation and functioning in the source language is explained, first of all, by the fact that the contacting languages belong to different typological groups. The main types of lexical interference in the speech of the Kadars are distinguished: 1) borrowings, 2) loan-words, 3) semantic interference. The specificity of today's sociolinguistic situation is that Dagestan is the territory of a rapidly growing Russian-speaking population with an almost complete absence of ethnic Russians. Ethnic Dagestanis become bilingual, using the Russian language in various spheres of public life. Although Dagestan is a multilingual region, the function of the state language is performed by one language - Russian, because each language of Dagestan has its own limited area. In this case, we can talk about the emergence of a new language code - the Russian ethnolect of the Dagestanis, which has ethnic shades of the Dagestan languages. The development of ethno-patterns is associated with interference - a kind of "mixing of languages" that contributes to the development of an interference variant of a secondary language. This situation interferes the processes of the preservation of small languages of the Russian Federation in their original form.

Summing up, we can conclude that the task of the study is achieved and the ways of expression of interference in the Kadar dialect are described and the mechanisms of their formation on phonetical and lexical levels are studied, the peculiarities of the Kadar-Russian bilingualism are identified. The work on the study of the phenomenon of linguistic interference, the mechanisms of its formation at the phonetic, morphological and lexical levels confirms: the phonetic, lexical, grammatical system of contacting languages - particularly, the Kadar dialect and Russian language is extremely diverse and there are great differences, which contribute to the occurrence of interference. Analysis of the study showed that the speech of the Kadar people is characterized by interference phenomena on the morphological level by mismatches and differences in certain grammatical categories and discrepancies in the ways of expressing certain grammatical meanings. In the analysis it is revealed that borrowings, loan-words and etc. are the main types of lexical interference in the Kadar dialect. Due to the differences and peculiarities in the phonetic sound rules and prosodic systems in the Kadar dialect and Russian language there is interference in the Russian speech of the Kadar native speakers on the phonetic level. As mentioned earlier, the theoretical and practical significance of the article is that the main results of the article can be useful for further research works of the Caucasian languages and be applied to the further materials aimed to preserve and develop native languages, further study of the phenomena of interference in non-studied dialects of the Dargin language. And the results can also be applicable for the special courses on the Dargin language for students.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 25.03.23

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