Научная статья на тему 'On the issues of overcoming interlingual and intralingual interference in teaching Chinese to students: lexical and grammatical aspect'

On the issues of overcoming interlingual and intralingual interference in teaching Chinese to students: lexical and grammatical aspect Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
interlingual interference / lexical and grammatical difficulties / comparison / intralinguistic interference / phraseological unit / modulation. / межъязыковая интерференция / лексико-грамматические трудности / сопоставление / внутриязыковая интерференция / фразеологизмы / слово-иероглиф / модуляция.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sayyora A. Nazarova

The problem of comparative study of foreign language vocabulary and the phenomenon of interference has always been under the close attention of scientists. Although there is a large number of scientific papers in this field, however, today there is no single consensus on the comparative study of vocabulary and grammar of native and foreign languages for linguistic and didactic purposes. Having analyzed the views of scientists on the problem of comparative analysis of native and foreign languages for linguodidactic purposes, you can come to the conclusion that it is necessary to apply the mapping of contacting languages. The article examines the views of various researchers on the nature of the occurrence of interference, describes a set of conditions by which its nature is determined, suggests ways to overcome the emerging interlingual and intralingual interference in the speech of students when teaching Chinese, highlights the most important set of conditions by which the nature of the interference is determined.

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К вопросу о преодолении межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции при обучении китайскому языку студентов: лексико-грамматический аспект

Проблема сопоставительного изучения иноязычной лексики и явление интерференции всегда находились под пристальным вниманием ученых. Хотя существует большое количество научных работ в данной области, однако, на сегодняшний день нет единого консенсуса на сопоставительное изучение лексики и грамматики родного и иностранного языков в лингводидактических целях. Проанализировав взгляды ученых по проблеме сопоставительного анализа родного и иностранного языков в лингводидактических целях, прослеживается мысль о необходимости применения сопоставления контактирующих языков. В статье рассмотрены взгляды различных исследователей на природу возникновения интерференции, описывается комплекс условии , по которому определяется ее характер, предложены пути преодоления возникающей межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции в речи студентов при обучении китайскому языку, выделяется наиболее важный комплекс условии , по которому определяется характер интерференции.

Текст научной работы на тему «On the issues of overcoming interlingual and intralingual interference in teaching Chinese to students: lexical and grammatical aspect»


On the issues of overcoming interlingual and intralingual interference in teaching Chinese to students: lexical and grammatical aspect

К вопросу о преодолении межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции при обучении китайскому языку студентов: лексико-грамматический аспект

Sayyora A. Nazarova

Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

zayidova @gmail. com DOI 10.24412/2686-9675-3-2021-401-409


Проблема сопоставительного изучения иноязычной лексики и явление интерференции всегда находились под пристальным вниманием ученых. Хотя существует большое количество научных работ в даннои области, однако, на сегодняшнии день нет единого консенсуса на сопоставительное изучение лексики и грамматики родного и иностранного языков в лингводидактических целях. Проанализировав взгляды ученых по проблеме сопоставительного анализа родного и иностранного языков в лингводидактических целях, прослеживается мысль о необходимости применения сопоставления контактирующих языков.

В статье рассмотрены взгляды различных исследователеи на природу возникновения интерференции, описывается комплекс условии, по которому определяется ее характер, предложены пути преодоления возникаю-щеи межъязыковои и внутриязыковои интерференции в речи студентов при обучении ки-таискому языку, выделяется наиболее важныи


The problem of comparative study of foreign language vocabulary and the phenomenon of interference has always been under the close attention of scientists. Although there is a large number of scientific papers in this field, however, today there is no single consensus on the comparative study of vocabulary and grammar of native and foreign languages for linguistic and didactic purposes. Having analyzed the views of scientists on the problem of comparative analysis of native and foreign languages for linguodidactic purposes, you can come to the conclusion that it is necessary to apply the mapping of contacting languages.

The article examines the views of various researchers on the nature of the occurrence of interference, describes a set of conditions by which its nature is determined, suggests ways to overcome the emerging interlingual and intralingual interference in the speech of students when teaching Chinese, highlights the most important set of conditions by which the nature of the interference is determined.




комплекс условий, по которому определяется характер интерференции.

Ключевые слова: межъязыковая интерференция, лексико-грамматические трудности, сопоставление, внутриязыковая интерференция, фразеологизмы, слово-иероглиф, модуляция.

Для цитирования: Назарова С.А. К вопросу о преодолении межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции при обучении китайскому языку студентов: лексико-грамматический аспект. Современные востоковедческие исследования. 2021; 3(3): 401-409.

Keywords: interlingual interference, lexical and grammatical difficulties, comparison, intralin-guistic interference, phraseological unit, modulation.

For citation: Nazarova S.A. On the issues of overcoming interlingual and intralingual interference in teaching Chinese to students: lexical and grammatical aspect. Modern Oriental Studies. 2021; 3(3): 401-409.


According to the data of modern methods, Chinese learners make mistake in the second language are a consequence of the influence of the first language. A similar phenomenon in the teaching methodology is characterized as inter-language interference, while it causes confusion for students, because of the nature of their first language, are called intra-linguistic interference.

Comparative linguistics and the phenomenon of interference were studied by such scientists as U.K. Yusupov (2007), Buranov J. (1983), M. Dzhusupov (2012), G.Kh. Bakiev (1987), V.M. Beldiyan (1980), Zhao Yunping (2003), K.S. Kodiro-va (2008), E. M. Akhunzyanov (1978), Yu.S. Bla-zhevich (2011), I.A. Sternin (2006) and others.

As for inter-language interference, this phenomenon is considered in detail by U.K Yusupov. According to the researcher, "inter-lingual interference is manifested in speech not only in the form of a deviation from the norm of one or each of the contacting languages (in a linguistic understand-

ing) or in the form of a negative transfer of speech skills (in a psychological understanding), but can also appear in the form of silence (in linguistic understanding) or an unsuccessful attempt to transfer the skills of the native language (in the psychological sense), i.e. in the form of zero transfer " ( Yusupov, 2007, p. 102).

Thus, the learned points of view of scientists, reflecting different visions of the problem of comparing the studied languages and the phenomenon of interference, create the prerequisites for the comparative analysis of two different-structured languages of Uzbek and Chinese in order to determine the nature of the errors that occur in philology students studying Chinese, which is caused by mainly by interference from the mother tongue — the Uzbek language. The following statement is very accurate in this regard: S.F.Shatilov: "The interfering influence of the lexical system of the native language is inevitable, since the native language is the initial basis of thinking and is supported by constant practice. But it can be weakened and easier overcome by understanding the


similarities and differences in the use of words in both languages " (Shatilov,1986, p. 122).

Results and discussion

I. Acoustic-graphic difficulties. I.1. Pronunciation difficulties. When working with the lexical units of the Chinese language, students of philologists have difficulty pronouncing, which is explained by the difference in the phonetic systems of the two languages. The Chinese language belongs to the tonal phonetic system, in the standard Chinese language "putonghua" there are 4 tones and a zero tone. An incorrectly pronounced tone leads to an erroneous understanding and changes the meaning of the word. For example, the word ® M - jiechu - "connect" - "ulamoq" has the first and fourth tones, however, if you pronounce it in the third and second tones, the meaning of the word will change to^^ - jiechu - "eliminate", "deprive" - "bartaraf qilmoq ".

In addition, in the process of interference, the native language skills are transferred to Chinese, the Chinese language of Uzbek students is slower than that of native Chinese speakers. Giving a very accurate assessment of this phenomenon, the Uzbek scientist V.M. Beldiyan emphasizes that "in the process of interference, a student involuntarily uses the automatisms of his native language and more or less consciously stereotypes that he intensively tries to develop on his own based on ideas about the language being studied. These stereotypes act no less strongly than the old ones "[ Beldiyan, 1980, p. 65].

Thus, the difficulties encountered by philological students are associated with a very complex tone system of the Chinese language and demon-

strate both intra-linguistic and inter-language interference. In particular, the non-observance of the corresponding tones of words we attributed to in-tra-lingual interference, and slow speech to inter-language.

1.2. The phenomenon of modulation (a change in the original tone of a word depending on the tone of the second syllable that follows the first). The phenomenon of modulation (change) of tones in the Chinese language causes certain difficulties in mastering the sound form of a word. For example, the wordH^f - zhihao - "had to" - "majbur bo'ldim" (to do something) is two-syllable, having two third tones. As a rule, words of this category undergo modulation, the tone of the first syllable changes to a half-third. Accordingly, the words of this category should be read with intonation of a half-third tone.

A special form of modulation is inherent in the negative word bu (no) (yo'q) and the numeral word "—" (one) (bir). So, the original tone of the word^- bu is the fourth, however, in the position before the word with the fourth tone, it changes to the second.

Philology students do not always follow the rule of modulation of tones, and therefore there is intralingual interference. Overcoming this category of difficulties can be resolved by bringing modulation rules to learners, as well as a special system of exercises that helps to eliminate the arising difficulties of this category.

1.3. Difficulties of calligraphy (rules for the sequential writing of hieroglyphs). As we

mentioned earlier, hieroglyphic writing is more difficult for students from those countries whose




writing belongs to the letter. This is due to the fact that "in letter systems of writing, a graphic nomination is built on the basis of the establishment of the connection" sound - letter (combination of letters) - meaning ", the hieroglyphic nomination establishes the connection" sign - value "(Yang Jizhou, 2010, p. 27).

However, despite the fact that philological students master the basics of the rules of calligraphy at the initial stage, they still observe deviations from the norms of Chinese writing, for example, they do not follow the rules for sequential writing of traits, complex traits do not meet the requirements of calligraphy, broken lines with a hook should have sharp angles, while Chinese students prescribe them with a smooth transition, etc.

We believe that the difficulties we have identified among philological students indicate the creation of a specific Chinese hieroglyphic writing of additional barriers in the assimilation of new words in the Chinese language and lead to the emergence of intralinguistic interference.

II. Difficulties in usage. II.1 Synonyms ^^ Wtongyici. A significant difficulty for Uzbek students is the phenomenon of synonymy in the Chinese lexical system.

For example, the Uzbek word "sayohat" -"travel" and "sayohat qilmoq" - "travel" in Chinese correspond to three verbs: 1. M^T - luxing; 2. MM -luyou; 3. MM - youlan, - youlan, however, their use in a sentence depends on the purpose of the trip.

In the Chinese dictionary (Yang Jizhou, 2010, p. 833) these synonyms are interpreted as follows:

Mft - luxing -

: travel, travel,

trip, tourism. In order to travel on business or travel from one destination to another point (used when designating long distances). A synonym for this word "MM" - luyou (^b^MirMM), its meaning: "travel", "tourism" "sayohat qilmoq". Departure for travel, tourism.

Another synonym for these words is MM-youlan - to travel, to make an excursion, to see (sights, landscape, city) - sayohat qilmoq, ekskursi-ya qilmoq.

And, although all three of these verbs are united by the same meaning of "travel" "sayohatqilmoq", however, their scope depends on the purpose of travel. Accordingly, against this background, difficulties arise for students-philologists. For example: "fM^ + H^MiT/M MTfr^i^? " - "Nimen zai zhongguo dou luxing/luyoule shenme difang". In this case, pronounced intraglanguage interference is demonstrated. The correct form of this sentence will look like this: + - Nimen

zai zhongguo dou youlanle shenme difang? What places in China have you visited? - Sizlar Xitoyning qaysi joylarini sayohat qilgansizlar?

Thus, the presence of a huge number of synonyms in the Chinese language causes certain difficulties for philology students, against the background of which there arises both intralinguistic and interlingual interference.

II.2. Homonyms tongyinci. In Chi-

nese, the phenomenon of homonymy is very developed. This is due primarily to the fact that the Chinese language has its own patterns in the combination of initials (initial consonant), endings (syllable -forming vowel, for example, "ing"), which are


components of the transcription of "pinyin" characters for the Chinese normative language "putonghua". In total, in the Chinese language there are 400 free syllabic combinations, with tones -more than 1300 syllables. Given the presence of a large number of hieroglyphs in the Chinese language, syllable repeatability i.e. homonyms increases several times. We have already mentioned that in Chinese the syllable is a significant morpheme. One character is one syllable, such words should be related to monosyllables, and consisting of two characters or two syllables - to two-syllables. Homonymy in the Chinese language is common among both monosyllabic and bisyllabic words. As noted by A.A. Khamatova "(2006), "when studying the vocabulary of the Chinese dictionary, it was found that of the 37 thousand words cited in it, 5 615 are lexical homonyms, which makes 15.7% of the entire vocabulary of the dictionary" (Khamatova, 2006, p. 26).

Consider the difficulties encountered by students in the process of using homonyms. Typically, there are several types of homonyms in Chinese.

The first type includes homonyms that have identity in graphic and sound terms. They're called IWI^M- Tongyin tongxing ci (Khamatova, 2006, p.15). For example:

^^ - shengqi— vitality, energy - quvvat;

^^ - shengqi — to be angry - g'azablanmoq, jahli chiqmoq.

The second type of homonyms is homophones ^MIWM - yixing tongyinci. Homophones are consonant both in the syllabic part of the initials and in the finals, and they also have the same tonality, however, they differ in graphic terms. Difficulties in this lexical category of words

stem from the erroneous recognition of homophones in a sentence by ear. For example,

(^0 - qizhong (zhong) kaoshikaishile

- The midterm (final) exam has begun - Oraliq (yakuniy)imtihoni boshlandi. The words "M^" -"qizhong" - "midterm - "oraliq" and "M^-" -"qizhong» - "yakuniy" - "final" are homophones. It is difficult for philological students to determine by ear what kind of exam they are talking about, since these words are homophones. Undoubtedly, if this proposal is read by students in a context, such difficulties will not arise.

II.3 Homographs I^Mtongxing ci. To the

category of homographs are those words that are identical in graphic terms, but may have a different sound depending on what type they belong to. So, homogrophs differentiate into the following types:

The initial and final are identical, the tonality of the word is different. For example:

- haokan — - Aihao;

- fayan — ^^ - toufa;

- jiaoshu


Against the background of this category of words, a typical intralingual interference arises among students of philologists, which manifests itself in the phonetic plane, i.e. tangling tones. Students do not always have a complete idea that a word has two different keys.

Different initials, or different initials and tonality, however, have identical endings and coincide graphically. For example:

- changduan - ^^ - chengzhäng;






MS - diaocha - - tiaopi.

2. Different endings, or different endings and tonality, but identical initials and graphic form of the word.

for example: ^^ - huanqian -^W - haiyou; ^^ - daifu- ^A - daren; - shuijiao -- juede.

Students have a very high degree of difficulty in precisely the second and third categories of homograph words, since in the process of reading, students read out the hieroglyphic word in the sound in which they were most firmly mastered, and, as a rule, do not pay attention to double reading of homograph words.

II.4. Vocabulary that has paired words with identical feedback components.

M - tong su nixu ci. Intralingual lexical interference occurs in students against the background of two-syllable words of the Chinese language. It has its own pair with an identical morpheme in sound and graphic terms, however, their property is that the order of morphemic components of pair words is constructed according to the AB — BA principle. As for the meaning of these words, they can be both synonyms and words close in meaning, and also have completely different meanings. For example: Sffi - huxiang - ffiS - xianghu. Here both words have the identical meaning, "mutually" - "o'zaro" and in the sentence are interchangeable.

Similar in meaning to the word ^^ - shihe -"moskelmoq" - "match", heshi -"qulay"-

"moskelmoq" - "convenient", "suit". But they are different in usage, since the two-syllable word

shihe - "mos kelmoq" can be followed by an addition, and the word heshi - "qulay" cannot

be used. Consider some suggestions in which students make mistakes: - "ni di xingge heshi dang laoshi" - "Sening xaraktering o'qituvchi bo'lishga mos keladi" - The sentence is erroneous, the correct form -W" - 'ni di xingge shihe dang laoshi" - "Sening fe'l atvoring o'qituvchi bo'lishga mos keladi; sentence

- "wo juede ni zheyang zuo bu shihe" - "Men o'ylaymanki sening bunday qilishing mos kelmaydi" is wrong, its correct form is - - "wo juede ni

zheyang zuo bu heshi" - "Men o'ylanmanki sening bunday qilishing mos kelmaydi".

In his works, the Chinese scientist Li Shin-chun (Li Shinchun, 2013, p.145) identifies 52 pairs of lexical units that have paired words with identical feedback components that are found in the HSK vocabulary (standardized qualification exam in Chinese). Difficulties for students of philology against the background of the above-mentioned layer of vocabulary relate to typical intralingual interference. To overcome the difficulties of this category, it is necessary to familiarize students with the pairing words of the Chinese language, explain their usage properties, and also that such words do not always carry the same meaning, have different grammatical affiliations.

Thus, insufficient knowledge of the lexical-semantic system of the Chinese language causes the use of words in an unusual meaning for them.

II.5. Idioms. Bin - Shuyu. The difficulties are caused by the presence in the Chinese language of a large number of phraseological units that contain a national component that describes traditions, customs, life, and culture of the people. Chinese phraseological units "^ii" - "shuyu" are divided into "^ii" - "chengyu" - "finished expressions", "i


in'" - "yan yu" - "proverbs", "^ii" - "suyu" - sayings, "M ii "guanyong yu" (Semenas, 2005, p. 260), -"phraseological combinations", "^^i" -"xiehouyu" - "allegations-allegories".

In the lexical layer of phraseologisms, a special place is given to "^i"-" chengyu"- to "ready-made expressions", as they personify one of the most valuable heritage of traditional Chinese culture, conveying the centuries-old wisdom of the people. As a rule, students do not understand the original meaning of "^i" - "chengyu" - "ready-made expressions" until they turn to the sources, the legend of their origin. And despite the fact that in the textbooks on the Chinese language for the interpretation of "ready-made expressions" there are historical legends, the myths of the emergence of "^ii" - "chengyu" - "ready-made expressions", there are still difficulties in their use. An example is phraseologism ^^A^ — fang long rahai (Li Shinchun, 2013, p. 131), which in direct translation means "Let the dragon go to sea" — "Ajdarni dengizga qo'yib yubormoq". Meanwhile, in the culture of the Uzbek people, where the mythical hero "dragon" is quite rare, students will not be able to understand the primordial meaning of this phraseological unit. In this regard, it is necessary to get acquainted with the legend of the emergence of this "ready expression" and understand its meaning, the meaning of which is as follows: "Give the opportunity to reveal your talents".

Difficulties of a semantic nature are associated with the absence or presence of equivalents of Chinese phraseological units in the Uzbek language of students.

III. Lexical and grammatical difficulties. III.1. Transpositional words. We believe that difficulties stem from the differences in the lexical and

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grammatical systems of the Chinese and Uzbek languages. The fact that one word belongs to a different grammatical category of words leads to the appearance of interlanguage interference. For example, the word "MW" - "fanyi" - "translate" -"tarjima qilmoq", "translator" - "tarjimon" simultaneously belongs to two grammatical categories -a verb and a noun. In total, in the Chinese language, within the framework of the HSK vocabulary, consisting of 5 thousand words, 569 transposition words are distinguished (Li Shinchun, 2013, p.127). It should be noted that there are several types of transposition in the Chinese language: type noun -verb, verb - noun, adjective - verb, verb - adjective, noun - adjective, noun - counting word, adjective -noun, preposition - verb.

We illustrate with an example for the type of verb - noun:

- Ta fanyi kewen - U matnni tarjima qiladi - He will translate the text.

te^MW - Ta shi fanyi - U tarjimon - He is a translator.

The category of a word - transposition causes difficulties for philology students, and therefore, in the process of improving the foreign language vocabulary of the Chinese language, one should demonstrate by examples how they belong to different grammatical categories.


Thus, we have identified the categories of difficulties encountered by philological students of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the lexical layer of the Chinese language — they are associated with the form of the word, meaning and use. The lexical difficulties of the Chinese language are classified in the following order and are reflected in Table 1:




First group: Second group: Third group:

Acoustic graphic difficulties Difficulties in use Lexical and grammatical difficulties

Spoken character Synonyms Transpositional words

Modulation phenomenon Homonyms Counting words

Calligraphy Homographs Suffix of plurality

Vocabulary with matching words with identical feedback components Unions

Idioms Border definition words and phrases in a sentence

Таблица 1. Классификация лексических трудностей китайского языка Table 1. Classification of lexical difficulties of the Chinese language

Thus, a comparative analysis of the vocabulary of the Chinese and Uzbek languages was made, the most common cases of inter-lingual and intralingual interference were identified when foreign language vocabulary of the Chinese language was assimilated by philology students of universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The lexical difficulties arising in the layer of the Chinese language are classified. It is established that they are associated with the form of the word, meaning and use. The first group of acoustic-graphic difficulties includes pronunciation difficulties, the phenomenon of modulation, calligraphy. The second group consists of the difficulties of using synonyms, homonyms, homographs, vocabulary that has paired words with identical feedback components, idiomatic expressions. The third group is represented by lexical and grammatical difficulties: transposition words, countable words, plural suffix, conjunctions, definition of word boundary and word combinations.


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Информация об авторе

Назарова Сайора Анваровна

Ph. D, доцент, заведующая кафедрой китайской филологии факультета синологии Ташкентского государственного университета востоковедения


Республика Узбекистан zayidova@gmail.com

Information about the Author

Sayora A. Nazarova

Ph.D, associate Professor, head of Department of Chinese philology, faculty "Sinology". Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies,




Статья одобрена рецензентами: 1.07.2021 Статья принята к публикации: 15.07.2021 Reviewed: 1.07.2021 Accepted: 15.07.2021

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