LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF COLOR DESIGNATIONS IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
black / white / red / color definitions / adjectives / vocabulary.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Feruza Kakhramanovna Kodirova

Color is the most important part of all visual information. It is the color of the clothes of the person you meet, the color of his face, hair, etc. that is remembered first of all. Out of the few available linguistic studies, one can rely on introspection when drawing conclusions: examining the behavior of color terms in contexts through language analysis, the meanings of color definitions are revealed. Color is the subject of many scientific studies.One of the issues related to color naming is the question of what principle should be used to combine words denoting color into groups.

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Feruza Kakhramanovna Kodirova

Teacher Tashkent State University of Economics kadirova.botya@gmail .com


Color is the most important part of all visual information. It is the color of the clothes of the person you meet, the color of his face, hair, etc. that is remembered first of all. Out of the few available linguistic studies, one can rely on introspection when drawing conclusions: examining the behavior of color terms in contexts through language analysis, the meanings of color definitions are revealed. Color is the subject of many scientific studies.One of the issues related to color naming is the question of what principle should be used to combine words denoting color into groups.

Keywords: black, white, red, color definitions, adjectives, vocabulary.


In the world of linguistics, at present, in the process of globalization and intercultural communication of people, the question arises about all aspects of language, including the analysis of socio - and linguocultural meanings reflected in the language. Color is a category that attracts the attention of specialists from all over the world, whose scientific interests lie in completely different fields of knowledge: physicists, biologists, doctors, psychologists, artists, designers, art historians, philosophers, literary critics, linguists and many others. Structural and semantic differences in the field of color names are associated with differences in the world pictures of representatives of different cultures, with established historical and cultural, religious, climatic and other features [1-6].


Our research to a certain extent serves to fulfill the tasks defined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-2909" On further improvement of the higher education system " of April 20, 2017, Resolution PP No. 3775 "On Additional measures to ensure active participation in the widely implemented reforms to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions" of June 5, 2018, in the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 28, 2018. "On the most important priority tasks of the country's development", as well as in other regulatory documents adopted in this area.

Color names are considered in such works of foreign, Russian and domestic researchers as Neroznak V. P., Gak V. G., A. P. Vasilevich, Yu. V. Normanskaya, V. K. Kharchenko, N. V. Serov, Mukhamadiev E. M., Nabiev M. N.

Color is the most important part of all visual information. It is the color of the clothes of the person you meet, the color of his face, hair, etc., that is remembered first of all. For example, the statement: "I don't remember what she was wearing, but she was wearing red, and this red burned my soul and kept me awake at night."

One of the issues related to color naming is the question of how to combine words that denote color into groups. A. P. Vasilevich illustrates a fairly large sample size and the use of the possibilities of the color naming language in Russian speech and for the convenience of analysis uses the following classification:

a) simple adjectives (red, turquoise);

b) shades (bright red, poisonous green); c

) two-part words (red-blue, emerald-green);

d) phrases (the colors of the sea wave, the colors of autumn leaves).

At the same time, the author notes that shades, two-part words and phrases in dictionaries are almost completely absent [7-9].

It should be noted that there are no clear criteria for the allocation of the considered vocabulary in the modern science of language. In most cases, the authors rely on their own intuition, deciding how many and which words should be studied. For example, the composition of the vocabulary used for color designations is usually limited to a very small group of words, the so-called basic color names. Many linguists, as noted by I. P. On the other hand, they readily illustrate the absence of isomorphism in the content plans of different languages by comparing diagrams of the distribution of the names of the main colors, which are allocated, in fact, on the same substantive basis - the physical spectrum of colors . Thus, the Russian language distinguishes seven basic colors: purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. In English, only six colors are called as primary colors: purple( purple, magenta, purple), blue (blue, cyan), green (green), yellow (yellow), orange (orange), red (red). However, we believe that it is important to take into account the metaphorical reinterpretations of not only the main, but also" peripheral " color names, including simple adjectives. In stylistics, attention is often drawn to the role of color units, since they are one of the elements of any writer's style and worldview in a work of fiction. It should be noted that the material of color names is used very productively in the analysis of the artistic means of the language of writers, since the vocabulary denoting color is one of the essential components of imagery in fiction [10-15].

Each poet can find his own color scheme, combinations of colors and shades. Linguistic color units perform nominative-illustrative, aesthetic, and symbolic functions in a literary text. For example, A. Blok very often used the adjectives white and black in

his work, S. Yesenin uses the symbolic meanings of the adjectives blue and blue, K. Paustovsky, revealing the dynamics of the life of nature, used synonymous series: red -scarlet, crimson, purple, fire; yellow-lemon, red, bronze, gold; gray - gray, ashy, smoky, bluish, mercury, silver, lead .

We can say that the linguistic problem of color naming developed together with linguistics as a science. New scientific paradigms are emerging - a new perspective on this problem is emerging. It should be noted that the development of aspects of the functioning of color in phraseological units has also always been relevant and developed by some generations of scientists. Thus, we can note a significant number of studies of the phraseological group of color values by E. I. Radchenko, N. I. Repnikova, V. G. Kulgotnaya, V. Sh. Kurmakaeva, T. M. Tyapkina, E. V. Liukina, and others.

Color values reflect the universal properties of different-structured languages (system organization) and national specifics associated with extralinguistic (color typicality), linguistic (structural and lexical-grammatical features, ways of expression), and associative reasons.

As we can see, the high frequency of the use of the vocabulary of color designation, its obvious national-cultural semantics and significance for the construction of a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world attracts the attention of various researchers [16].

It is impossible to imagine the development of society without language and the development of language without society. Language is not only a means of communication between people, but also between nations, as well as an instrument of interstate communication. Modern languages have evolved over the centuries as a result of complex historical processes.

The literature on color terms in the Uzbek language is not sufficiently presented, so that the categorization and classification of colors is a problematic issue in the field of linguistics. Of the few linguistic studies available, one can rely on introspection to draw conclusions: by examining the behavior of color terms in contexts through language analysis, the meanings of color definitions are revealed. Color is the object of many scientific studies. The color spectrum is divided into three main colors: yellow, blue, and red.


There are traditionally a small but common group of nuclear colors-blue, green, yellow, red and achromatic colors: black and white (gray should also be included here).

Хроматические и ахроматические цвета

The range of characteristics of adjectives in the Uzbek language is very wide. Let's look at some of the main aspects related to colorative vocabulary. The Uzbek language belongs to the agglutinative languages, which are characterized by the method of "gluing". In the Uzbek language, adjectives are formed using affixes. In general, the formation of adjectives in the Uzbek language is a wide and complex field, since they are subject to substantiation in combination with verbs: Qanaqasidan bo'lsin, oqidanmi, qizilidanmi? This feature creates a semantic color field and a figurative value.

Color-indicating adjectives are used in phraseological units, proverbs, idioms, fairy tales, riddles: Odam olasi ichida. Adjectives that express color can mean nicknames, funny words, or swear words: Qoravoy; sariq mashak; Qora botir; ola-chiror; Oq yuzli qiz. In Uzbek, as in Russian, the color-signifying adjective is placed before the noun: white dress-oq ko'ylak.

By structure, adjectives are divided into simple (oq, qizil) and compound (havo rang, to'q sariq rang).

The word "white" is considered the oldest in the Uzbek dictionary, being one of the keywords expressed cotton, milk, snow (oq doka ro'mol, oq oltin paxta, qordek oppoq, sut kabi oq). The adjective white is sometimes applied to a person (oq bilaklar; oq yuzli qiz). "White" can be used in a figurative sense (oq suv). In literary works, poets and writers used the word white to describe snow, frost, winter: Oppoq choyshab yopib dala, qir. Qor qo'ynida uxlab yotadi, poyezd hamon uchib ketadi, oq qirlarni bosib o'tadi...(Uyg'un). The adjective white usually means "innocent": Oq bo'lsa nimaga huvoh ko'rsatmaydi (Mirzakalon Ismoiliy). White can express milk, curdled milk, ayran, etc.: oq ichdim (Khorezm dialect).

In Uzbek, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Uyghur, Turkmen, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak, Bashkir, Tatar, Khakass languages, the word oq has various phonetic variants: oq//aq/ / ak/ / ak/ / ak/ / ag/ / ah, etc.

In the original meaning of the word "black" there is a color, that is, such objects as coal, soot, soot, wax of black color are represented. Qora is an antonym of the common white word (sometimes red) and is also the oldest word in the Uzbek dictionary. In M. Ismaili's novel "Ferghana before Dawn", the word " qora "is repeated 163 times (except "Qorabuloq"). Variants of the word qora in the Turkic languages: Uzbek-black; kaz.,

kirg., K.-kalp. - kara; azarb., turkm.--gar; khakas, bur. - mong.-khara; Chuvash-

khura, etc. The word qora has become a pseudonym and even a name for people: On the threshold of the body of Kara Ahmad darkens (Oibek); qora bola; qora kishi. The

adjective "black" represents grief, sadness, loss of a loved one and is expressed as "mourning clothes": O'zbekoyim Qora kiyib ta'ziya ochdi (Abdullah Kadiri). Also expresses the meanings of guilt and sinfulness: Qarasam butun zveno qora bo'ladigan, men bo'ynimga ola qoldim (Abdullah KaopOr).

The word black is applied to a person as a silhouette, label: Qora botir; qora sharpa; qorabeigi.

The word qora is sometimes used as an adjective for black objects. This gives the item an additional meaning: qora qozon, qora qumg'on, qora, qora chiroq, qora ko'zlar.

In relation to other colors, blue is considered abstract. Because when we say blue, it is difficult to imagine a specific color. That is, in general, colors such as green, blue, purple, vitriol, light blue, pistachio can be considered blue, and they are all considered blue: ko'k osmon, ko'k teri, ko'k beda, k'ok hovuz. The pronunciation of the words green-eyed, gray-eyed, blue-eyed, blue-eyed in Russian is translated by only one word ko'k ko'z. This is characteristic of the Turkic languages. If necessary, they are called specific definitions. In dictionaries with two languages, the facts are given: blue and azure in Uyghur, Turkm., kaz., Kirg., k-kalp., Turets., Bashkir. languages are designated as cook, kok, kok, gok, gok. In some cases, the word "blue" defines not only the external quality, but also the state of the object, such as immaturity, dampness, youth, inexperience: ko'k uzum, ko'k piyoz, ko'k novda, ko'm-ko'k xom olma. The adjective blue is subject to substantiation and has synonyms: ko'kat; osmon; asl tomir.

Red is one of the three primary colors of the spectrum. It is ancient in the vocabulary background of the Uzbek language. There are many phonetic and lexical variants in the Turkic languages: Uzb. - qizil; kaz., kirg., k. - kalp., uyghur., bosh. -kyzyl; ozarb - - gyrmyzy, gyzil; turkm. - gizil; khakas. - khizil; Bur. - mong. - ulaan; yakut. - kysyl; Chuvash. - herles are listed in dictionaries. The word red characterizes the items: qizil gul, qip qizil lola. When describing a person's complexion and cheeks, the adjective "red" is used: ikki yuzi qip qizil, uyatdan qizarib ketdi. Red is used in

phraseological units, phrases and often expresses the color of blood: Lola yang'lig' bag'rim qonlarga...(Mukimi).


There are 100 shades of red in the Pantone palette, ranging from light pink to dark red. In the language, these shades have their own names. With the help of adjectival affixes and auxiliary elements chin, och, to'q, nim, tim-,-roq, qip, the shades of objects are determined: och pushti rang gul qog'oz, qizilroq. In the Uzbek language, red has synonyms: yoqut, la'l, qon, shafaq, lola, etc. Uzbek writers in their works convey shades of red in the following forms: gulnor, gulgun, gulnorgun, shafaqgun, gulrang, shingarf. The following red names came from Arabic and Persian: ahmar, humro, hamro, arguvon, arg'avon, argavoniy, shingarf, roza, etc.

The adjective yellow, like red, has many shades. They are in literary and colloquial speech have the following varieties: och sariq, to'q sariq, oq sariq, qora sariq, qovoq sariq, limu sariq (limon sariq), loy sariq, malla sariq, sabzi rang, etc. Dark yellow is called: apelsin rang, zarg'aldoq rang, qizg'ish sariq, sabzi rang. In the Turkic languages, "yellow" differs phonetically: Uzbek — sariq, sarig'; Kazakh, Azerbaijani-sary; khakas. - Saris. In Uzbek poetry, its synonyms are often used instead of yellow: zard, qahrabo, somon, oltin rang, tilla rang, zarda, zarvash, asfar, asfarvash, kohiy. The adjective yellow describes a person's appearance: face, hair, mustache, teeth, for example: U kichik gavdali, siyrak soqol mo'ylovli yigit (Oibek). The adjective "yellow" was applied to the patient: U sariq bo'lib qolibdi. Yellow is synonymous with gold: Tilla sochli bola. To indicate the maturity of fruits and vegetables, the word sap-sariq is used: sap-sari qo'riqlar, sap-sariq jo'xori.

Green in many cultures means the beginning, youth, plants. In the Uzbek language, green expresses grass, leaves, emerald, etc. The age of green in the dictionary of the Uzbek language is considered ancient. Green in the Turkic languages is used in various

variations: Uzbek-yashil, ko'k; kaz. - zhasyl; kirg--zhashyl, kok; khakas. - nogan;

Uyghur. - yashyl et al. It has the following synonyms: bargravg, zumrad rang, ko'm-ko'k. Uzbek classics use the word "axzar"in the meaning of green. In the Arabic language, the words ahzaru, khazrau (Rus. - Arabic. sl.1959) are used to express green. The shades of green are approximately in the range of about 500 and each of them has its own name: och yashil, to'q yashil, mosh rang, pistoqi, o'trang, etc .

When in contact with the outside world, a person's mind develops an idea of the surrounding world, in which a multi-faceted and multidimensional model of the world is formed. Linguistic forms and verbal concepts of things that reflect the specific features of language form a linguistic picture of the world, thereby becoming a source of knowledge of the world, understanding of reality, and also contribute to the

reproduction of a more extensive multi-faceted picture of the surrounding reality in the minds of people.

The modern Uzbek language and Uzbek literature are the successors of the best traditions of literary and poetic works that were created in the past centuries in the Turkic (Old Uzbek) language. It was developed and enriched by the works of prominent figures and writers, such as Mahmud Kashgari, Yusuf Khos Hajib Balasaguni, Alisher Navoi, Abdullah Qadiri, etc.


In the linguistic picture of the world, all the meanings expressed and recorded in the language are combined into one single concept of beliefs, forming a holistic worldview, which becomes common in the form of a linguistic norm for the speakers of this ethnic group. The national language is a spiritual component, it unites all those who speak it, brings them together and serves as a bridge between generations. Language is the most important component of culture, which serves to transfer experience and knowledge to the future generation. Culture organizes the thought of the linguistic personality, forms linguistic concepts and categories. Culture and language are inseparable concepts that have formed the linguistic picture of the world in the history of human civilization. An integral part of culture-language, is the main tool of knowledge and assimilation of culture . In the linguistic picture of the world, the language itself is perceived as a mirror of culture, where the world of a person and the entire nation with its traditions, customs, mentality and values takes place. In the language system of a single collective, including folklore, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, chronicles, oral and written speeches are a cultural storehouse, a piggy bank in which all the knowledge, skills, material and spiritual values accumulated by the people are stored. Generations become carriers of culture, adopting and mastering the experience of their ancestors through the linguistic picture of this ethnic group. In the formation of a person as a cultural personality, it is the language that contributes to the perception of the mentality, customs and traditions of the entire people. Culture is transmitted through language and the conditions of its existence are nourished by the accumulated knowledge of previous generations. It is appropriate to state that language, being a product of culture, is also at the same time its main and integral component.


"Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Culture manifests itself, first of all, in language. Language is the true reality of culture, it is able to introduce a person into culture. Language is a fixed view of culture on the universe and itself, " wrote A. I. Kuprin. The course of human thought in the

analysis of the world and its evaluation are peculiar to only one language. Sociologists, historians, and linguists undoubtedly claim that a person belongs to the nation in whose language he speaks and thinks. Language is a means of communication between people, a product of human society. It is impossible to imagine the development of society without language and the development of language without society. It is not only a means of communication between people, but also between nations, as well as an instrument of interstate communication. Today's languages have evolved over the centuries as a result of complex historical processes. The language picture of the Uzbek language expresses the cultural and national experience that has historically developed over many centuries and is fixed in the vocabulary, phraseology and grammar.

Thus, a comprehensive analysis and study of the characteristics and qualities of adjectives with color definitions from the point of view of linguistics is of great importance both theoretically and practically.


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