LEXICAL-SEMANTIC FEATURES OF DIRECTIVE VERBS IN UZBEK AND FRENCH LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Object / Subject / Action / Space / Action Verbs / Directed Verbs / Intensity / Concretization / Orientation to the Place / Distance from the Object / Approach to the Object

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Samandarova Nilufar

This article discusses directive (expressing directed action) verbs in the French language, their lexical-syntactic and comparative features. The analysis of these verbs involved in the conjugation of nouns from a certain object to a subject is presented by examples.

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Section 4. Philology and linguistics


Samandarova Nilufar, Urgench State University, Urgench City, Uzbekistan


Abstract. This article discusses directive (expressing directed action) verbs in the French language, their lexical-syntactic and comparative features. The analysis of these verbs involved in the conjugation of nouns from a certain object to a subject is presented by examples.

Keywords: Object, Subject, Action, Space, Action Verbs, Directed Verbs, Intensity, Concretiza-tion, Orientation to the Place, Distance from the Object, Approach to the Object.

1. Introduction Based on the principles of development, based

In world linguistics, linguistic typology has be- on the need to "stimulate scientific research and in-

come one of the promising fields of modern linguistics, which is constantly developing. A lot of scientific research is being carried out by linguists of the world on the comparative and comparative study of languages, in particular French grammar and lexis. During the period of rapid integration of new Uzbekistan into the world community, the interaction between the Uzbek and French languages has become widespread, and the interaction of the two languages, comparative studies, problems of translation studies, and issues of comparative literary studies require special attention. It is natural that any comparative linguistic research on the verb system of the Uzbek and French languages will mainly (ultimately) contribute to the improvement of relations between societies and the harmonization of language and culture issues with practical activities. In this sense, this research work aimed at studying the functional, semantic and syntactic interpretation of directive verbs in Uzbek and French languages is also relevant.

novation activities, to create effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements", verbs expressing the meaning of directed action in different systematic languages are now comparatively studied.

Directive, that is, verbs expressing directed action, reflecting the directed action realized under the influence of the subject, take part in paralyzing the meanings of moving away from the object and approaching the object to the subject. For example, the verb "jeter" which reflects the spatial movement of the object moving away from the subject, which means an intensively directed action, is lexically semantically used in Uzbek language to burn, throw on the fire, throw into the water, throw on the bed, drop a letter in the mail, to throw it someone face, throw stones, to lay on the table, to cluttering up the home, to push down, to fall from a horse, to put the load on the ground, to spill, to throw on the person, to throw on the counter, to shine, to put on a ship, to give a purse, to scatter the lust of death, to hand out, to look at, to befall many misfortunes on the head, to

capture one's imagination, to blow the blue, to provoke affection, to scream are given by lexemes with variants of meaning and are characterized by each other.

When the dynamic orientation of the verb "jeter" expresses the intensity of the action, it is given to the Uzbek language by lexemes to throw and throw. In this case, the dynamic aspect of greater movement intensity takes the leading place. The remote targeting feature can be targeted near and far:

Le coeur tremblant, mais cependant resolu à périr ou la voir, il jeta de petits sailloux contre le volet, point de réponse [6].

Although he pulled his heart behind him, but decided to either die or meet the lady, he started throwing stones at the window, but there was no response [6].

Elle jeta tout par terre, et me sauta au cou en me disant: - Je paye mes dettes, je paye mes dettes! C'est la loi des Calés! [11].

Carmen threw the things in her hand to the house and said: "I will pay off my debt, I will pay off my debt! This is the law of the Kales," he said. In the first example, the verb "jeter" expresses the meanings of directive causation, separate orientation, near-distance orientation, localized strong dynamic movement. For example, in French, "de petits cailloux contre le volet" reflects the connection of the locum with the directed object, while "il jeta" reflects the activity of the active subject directing the action. In the Uzbek language, the object to which the lokum is directed and the intensive dynamic action are expressed" [1; 2].

2. Literature Review

A number of scientific researches on the issues of comparative language learning have been conducted in our country. Among them, D. J. Buranov, G. Kh. Baki-eva, A. A. Abduazizov, M. D. Dzhusupov, M. T. Scientists such as Iriskulov, D. U. Ashurova, M. E. Umark-hodjaev, U. K. Yusupov, J. A. Yakubov, Sh. Safarov, T. Bushuy, F. Rozikov have carried out research on the comparative study of languages. The main part of the scientific research conducted in this regard corresponds to the contribution of foreign experts. Among the scientists who conducted the most effec-

tive research in this direction: Sh. Bally, Ch. E. Bazel, Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky B. Yu. Gorodetsky, R. A. Bu-dagov, S. D. Katsnelson, V. G. Gak, T. Milevskiy can be included [1; 2]. In recent years, the boundaries of typological research have expanded dramatically, covering areas of typological research with different characteristics and directions. The inclusion ofvarious categories of consistent comparison oflanguages with different construction systems into these branched areas has had a positive effect on the increase of the scientific and practical value of typological research, and on the effectiveness of research in various directions in the field of typological research.

The initial phase of the movement is expressed in the Uzbek language. Stones started throwing. In the second example, the pronoun tout, which begins with the verb "jeter", acts as a referring object. "Par terre" reflects directed movement towards locum. In the Uzbek language, the phrase "things in my hand" acts as a directional object, "to the house" acts as a lokum, "to throw" shows an intensive dynamic action directed at a short distance.

In the Uzbek language, a forceful, violently directed action is given more by the verbs to throw, toss, and toss. In French, the verb "jeter" is used in all cases.

Je lui jetais les cartes à la figure [8].

I threw the card at him.

Duroy se mit à ricaner, et ramassant une chemise tombée à terre, il jeta sur la couche en criant:

1. - Allons donc... levez-vous... [10].

Durois laughed and picked up the shirt lying on

the floor and threw it on the bed.

2. It's okay!. Stop!. he shouted [8].

Lady! Il faut que l'autre qui parle tout seul lui donne son adresse. L'homme à redingote, intendant cette decision souvent répétée, jeta au nez de Julien cinq ou six cartes [6].

That's right. Let the shouting person give him his address. When the man in the vest heard this exclamation, which he repeated several times, he pushed five or six business cards towards Julien's face.

3. Results and Discussion

In speech situations, the verb "jeter" can be adapted to the verb to throw. In such situations, discarding means giving up a certain thing as unnecessary and useless, not paying attention to its value and necessity, signs of indifference find their reflection.

Elle mangeaient dune manière delicate, en tenant lecaille sur un mouchoir fin et en avansant la bouche pour ne point tacher leures robes. Puis elle buvaient l'eau d'un petit mouvement rapide et jetaient la coquille à la mer [9].

The women put the oyster on their thin tablecloths, stretched out their lips to drip it on their dresses, immediately took a bite, drank the contents, and threw the shells into the sea.

Elle écrasa le sac entre ses mains et le jeta dans la cheminée [8].

He crumpled the package and threw it into the fireplace.

Elle se leva, jeta sa sèbile, et mit sa mantilla sur sa tête comme prête à partir [11].

He stood up, threw off his cloak, and, as if setting out on the road, covered his head with his mantilla.

In situations of mutual identification between the languages being compared, semantic complementation, semantic addition transformation may occur. For example, we encounter this phenomenon in translations from French to Uzbek. The Uzbek language clarifies the content by introducing the lokum as an additional component in order to fill in the content and make it more concrete:

Je jetai mon paquet et j'essayai de le prendre [11].

I put my luggage on the floor with the intention of taking Romendada.

In particular, "je jetai mon paquet" in French is translated into Uzbek as "I put my luggage on the ground". Although the word er, meaning locum, does not exist in French, it is added as a supplemental component. In this case, the word ground specifies the direction of movement. Reveals the direction property. It also reflects the fact that there is a difference in word choice between languages even in my "mon paquet" load. In this regard, the Uzbek language chooses a generalized nomination.

If the same typological allomorphism selects the initial aspect of the action process, the Uzbek language names the final resulting part:

M. Pirard avait reçu et jeté au feu quelques lettres timbres de Dijon [6].

Julien did not know that Monsieur Pirard had taken several letters bearing the Dijon stamp and burned them.

In some cases, the Uzbek verb "jeter" is used instead of "throw" and "throw".

Functionally, the expansion of the scope of expression of words that have undergone the phenomenon of semantic shift is affected by the breadth of general content application:

Au retour, il throws a large package covered with papier gris on the table [6].

When he returned from Besançon, he dropped a large knot wrapped in gray paper on the table.

Alors le Normande, radieux d'une joie muette de vieux paysan, se releva, et pour son plaisir, coupa la gorge du cadavre. Puis, il, le traina jusqu'au fosse et l'y jeta [6].

Then the old peasant from Normandy was inwardly happy, got up, unable to contain his joy, strangled the corpse to finish the job, then dragged it and threw it into the ravine.

It is the directed action that gives rise to the semantic analogy in the expression. For example, the verb "jeter" can be used instead of the verb pousser in some speech situations:

Je reculai, et d'un coup de coude je jetai Dorothée à la renverse; puis comme le lieutenant me poursuvit, je lui mis la pointe au corps, et il s'enferra [13].

I threw myself back and pushed Dorothea down with my elbow, and then, seeing that the puruchik was attacking me, I stabbed him with a sword.

In terms of meaning, the verb "pousser" reflects the meaning aspects of directive causation, contiguous direction, intensity of dynamic action.

It is given to the Uzbek language by the following lexemes: to take aside, to hit, to press, to push, push to open, to stick up, to sigh, to jump out, to open, to drive away, to

transfer, to scatter around, to round, to push the door jamb, to move forward. These aspects of meaning are clearly expressed in both languages under comparison:

Une femme, qui voulait fuir plus vite que les autres, le poussa rudement, il tomba [6].

One of the women stepped forward and pushed him hard, and the young man fell down.

Elle repousse avec une force vraiment extraordinaire [6].

The woman pushed him with an unnatural force.

"Une femme le poussa rudiment" in the first example clearly shows the dynamic intensity of the directive causally directed movement. Here, "pousser" and "rudement" implicitly and explicitly express a high level of intensity. The phrase "il tomba" reflects the high intensity of action.

In the Uzbek language, the above-mentioned aspects of meaning are clearly expressed in the sentence "one of the women pushed him hard". A similar situation is observed in the second example. In particular, the fact that the directed action is performed at a high level of intensity, through the meaning of the verb repousser, also serves to reveal the extremely high intensity ofthe action "avec une force vraiment extraordinaire".

4. Conclusion

In the same way, although the verb pushed in Uzbek means a sign of internal intensity, the phrase "with an unnatural force" exaggerates it even more.

In more speech situations, the verb "pousser" expresses a forceful action. In most cases, these actions take place in relation to the subject:

Après son dîner, Charles Montait. Il poussait devant le feu la table et il approchait son fauteuil. Il s'asseyait en face [14]. Charles would go there after dinner. He would push a round table in front of the fireplace, bring out Emma's chair, and sit down opposite her.

Quand ils furent arrivés devant son jardin, Madame Bovary poussa la petite barrière, monta les marches en courant et disparut [14].

When she reached her garden, Mrs. Bovary pushed the door, ran out of the pillory and disappeared behind the door. In French, verbs denoting directed motion reflect the properties of unidirectional and vector direction.

They are able to maintain the expression of direct and figurative movement. The above-mentioned typological differences are reflected in the factual basis of the comparative materials of the Uzbek language.


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15. URL: https://mobile-dictionary.reverso.net/fr/francais-anglais

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