Internet. - Monografija - Tashkent: Tashkentskij gosudarstvenyj juridicheskij universitet, 2016. -185 s.
2. DmitrikN.A. Osushhestvlenie sub#ektivnyh grazhdanskihprav s ispol'zovaniem seti Internet. - Moskva: Volters Kluver, 2006. - 200 c.
3. Barabash I. Pravila jelektronnoj kommercii v Germanii // <file:///Users/zhandoszhetibayev/ Downloads/DRJV-Sammelband%20zum%20deutschen%20Recht%20in%20russischer%20 Sprache,%20Ausgabe%20N%201,%20August%202015%20(1).pdf>.
4. Stephen E. Blythe, A critique of the German electronic signature law and recommendations for improvement // http://www.
5. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Germanii: vvodnyj zakon k Grazhdanskomu ulozheniju. Kn. 1 / Nauch. red.: Jakovleva T.F.; Vved.: Bergmann V. (Sost.). - 4-e izd., - M.: Infotropik Media, 2015. -888 c.
6. Savel'ev A.I. Jelektronnaja kommercija v Rossii i za rubezhom: pravovoe regulirovanie. — Moskva: Statut, 2014. — 543 s.
7. Williams S. Overseas sustomers want to shop online in their native language // <https://www.>.
УДК 34.05
Aituarova Aigerim Mangazdarovna
Researcher of the Department of international and comparative law of the Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Laws, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail:
Keywords: E-government, electronic administration, information technology, digitalization, data protection, personal data.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the topic of legal regulation of e-government in the most developed countries, and their development trends.
Today in the world there is a need for proper management of digitalization of the government, in particular such issues as: provision of an appropriate legal framework, policies and principles of activity; data management andprotection; identity management and confidentiality and cybersecurity.
The issue of improvement of the national legislation in the field of digitalization is very significant both for the economic and social development of Kazakhstan in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and for ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms. One of the goals of the State Program of Digital Kazakhstan is the transition to a digital state. In order to implement the above tasks, there is a need to provide a legislative framework that can ensure the development of the introduction of information technology in all areas of the state and ensuring security for the population at the same time.
Thus, the author analyzed various definitions of the term "electronic government " in the works of various authors, identified the main advantages and goals of using electronic government. The features of the formation of «electronic government» as a tool to improve public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered.
Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries in the implementation of digitalization in the activities of state bodies, the author presents proposalsfor the introduction of similar mechanisms in the public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Thus, the author offers the following recommendations: consolidation of national legislation in the field of e-government into a single legal act; the establishment of a body to control and protect information data and to consider complaints of violation of the right to protection of information data; introduction of a civil initiative system for legislative proposals.
Жас голым мтбеа i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Айгерим Мангаздаровна Айтуарова
Казацстан Республикасы Зацнама жэне цуцыцтыц ацпарат институтыныц халыцаралыц цуцыц жэне салыстырмалы цуцыцтану бвлгмШц гылыми цызметкер1, зац гылымдарыныц магистр1, Нур-Султан ц., Казахстан Республикасы; e-mail:
Tyüíh свздер: электрондыц укгмет, электрондыц экмштк ету, ацпараттыц технологи-ялар, цифрландыру, деректердг цоргау, дербес деректер.
Аннотация. Мацала негурлым дамыган елдердегг электрондыц укметтгц цызметт цуцыцтыцреттеу тацырыбына жэне олардыц даму урдгстерте арналган.
Бугтгг тацда элемде укгметтг цифрландыруды, атап айтцанда: цызметтг тшстг цуцыцтыц базасымен, саясатымен жэне цагидаттарымен цамтамасыз ету; деректердг басцару жэне цоргау; сэйкестендгрудг басцару жэне цупиялылыц; сондай-ац киберцаутЫздж сияцты мэселелердг тшстше басцару цажеттШгг туындайды.
Цифрландыру саласындагы улттыц зацнаманы жетглдгру мэселесг Твртгншг внер-кэсттж революция жагдайында Казацстанныц экономикалыц жэне элеуметтж дамуы ушт де, адам цуцыцтары мен бостандыцтарын цоргауды цамтамасыз ету ушт де вте мацызды. «Цифрлыц Казацстан» мемлекеттж багдарламасыныц мацсаттарыныц бгрг - цифрлыц мем-лекетке квшу болып табылады. Жогарыда кврсетглген мтдеттердг ¡ске асыру мацсатында мемлекет цызметшц барлыц салаларына ацпараттыц технологияларды енггзудг дамытуды цамтамасыз етуге жэне б1р мезгтде халыц ушт цаугпсгздгктг цамтамасыз етуге цабтеттг зацнамалыц базамен цамтамасыз ету цажеттт туындайды.
Мацала авторы турл\ авторлардыц жумыстарында «электрондыц ук\мет» терминшц эртурлг аныцтамаларына талдау жасады, электрондыц укгметтг цолданудыц неггзгг ар-тыцшылыцтары мен мацсаттары аныцталды. Казацстан Республикасында мемлекеттж басцарудыц тшмдшгт арттыру цуралы реттде «электрондыц укгметтг» цалыптастыру ерекшелжтерг царастырылады.
Мемлекеттж органдардыц цызметте цифрландыруды енггзу бойынша шет елдердщ тэжгрибесгне жург1з1лген талдау негтнде автор Казацстан Республикасыныц мемлекеттж басцаруында уцсас тетжтердг енггзу бойынша усыныстарды усынды. Осылайша, автор мынадай усынымдарды усынады: электрондыц укгмет саласындагы улттыц зацнаманы бгрыцгай цуцыцтыц акт\ге шогырландыру; ацпараттыц деректердг бацылау жэне цоргау, сондай-ац ацпараттыц деректердг цоргау цуцыгыныц бузылуы туралы шагымдарды царау жвнтдегг органды цуру; зацнамалыц усыныстар бойынша азаматтыц бастамашылыц жуй-ест енг1зу.
Айтуарова Айгерим Мангаздаровна
Научный сотрудник отдела международного права и сравнительного правоведения Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, магистр юридических наук; г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан; e-mail:
Ключевые слова: электронное правительство, электронное администрирование, информационные технологии, цифровизация, персональные данные, защита данных.
Аннотация. Статья посвящена теме правового регулирования деятельности электронного правительства в наиболее развитых странах, и их тенденции развития.
На сегодняшний день в мире возникает необходимость надлежащего управления цифро-визации правительства, в частности таких вопросов как: обеспечение соответствующей правовой базой, политикой и принципами деятельности; управление и защита данных; управление идентификацией и конфиденциальность; а также кибербезопасность.
Вопрос совершенствования национального законодательства в сфере цифровизации весьма значим как для экономического и социального развития Казахстана в условиях Четвертой промышленной революции, так и для обеспечения защиты прав и свобод человека. Одной из целей Государственной программы «Цифровой Казахстан» является переход на цифровое го-
сударство. В целях реализации вышеуказанных задач возникает необходимость обеспечения законодательной базой, способной обеспечить развитие внедрения информационных технологий во все сферы деятельности государства и обеспечение безопасности для населения одновременно.
Так, автором проведен анализ различных определений термина «электронного правительства» в работах разных авторов, выявлены основные преимущества и цели применения электронного правительства. Рассматриваются особенности формирования «электронного правительства» как инструмента повышения эффективности государственного управления в Республике Казахстан.
На основании проведенного анализа опыта зарубежных стран по внедрению цифровиза-ции в деятельность государственных органов, автором представлены предложения по внедрению аналогичных механизмов в государственном управлении Республики Казахстан. Так, автором предлагаются следующие рекомендации: консолидирование национального законодательства в сфере электронного правительства в единый правовой акт; учреждение органа по ведению контроля и защиты информационных данных, а также рассмотрения жалоб о нарушении права на защиту информационных данных; внедрение системы гражданской инициативы по законодательным предложениям.
Today, the E-government process is widely used in all areas of government. Thus, information technology has a huge role and significance in the implementation of state activities. They are tool for the formation of managerial decisions that are aimed at ensurance of the implementation of the functionsofthe state andincreasingitseffectiveness.
Despite the widespread use of the concept of "electronic government" in many regulatory legal acts, including international ones, there is currently no single definition of it.
One of the most famous scientists in the field of e-government and technological innovation in the public sector, D. West understands by e-government «the use by public authorities of the Internet and other digital means to provide public services and information, as well as the implementation of democracy»[1]. Another prominent scientist, V. Homburg concludes that e-government is "redesigning the informational relationship between the state apparatus and citizens in order to create additional benefits for their members" [1].
In the definition of the Organization for Economic Co-operation in Europe, e-government is seen as the use by governments of new information technologies in the performance of any public functions [2]. The Economist magazine highlights following components of E-Government: 1) creating a secure intranet and central database for more effective collaboration between government structures; 2) network-based services; 3) the use of e-commerce to increase the efficiency of government transactions, such as procurement and contracts; 4) introduction of digital democracy (digital or electronic democracy) for greater transparency of government [3]. E-government includes the following areas: - electronic administration (e-administration), or the transition to electronic management methods
that involve optimization of the internal work of government;
-electronicinteractionwithcitizens(e-citizens) and the provision of electronic services (e-services) with the focus of government on the maximum satisfaction of the needs of citizens and business;
- development of the information society (e-society) through the intensification of IT-based interaction between government and civil society institutions [3].
The use of e-government allows to achieve the following results:
- improvement of the quality of public sector services;
- free access to information;
- strengthening public control over the functioning of state bodies, local self-government bodies, officials, state and municipal employees;
- strengthening the principle of efficiency in the preparation and adoption of management decisions through the use of electronic information resources in real time;
- the formation of an appropriate level of transparency in the process of providing public services through the automatic notification of recipients of services or the regulatory body on the process of their implementation and the creation of a unified monitoring system in the process of using information technologies in public management activities;
- paperwork reduction [4].
Thus, the term "electronic government" refers to the applied use by state authorities of information technologies, ICTs and other telecommunication technologies in order to increase the efficiency of functioning of public authorities [5].
In Kazakhstan, the idea of the creation of the e-government was first declared by the head of state in 2004. Since 2006, the e-government portal has been functioning: http://egov.kz1, which is a single
1 Что такое электронное правительство и для чего оно необходимо?// help-elektronnoe-pravitelstvo
Жас галым мтбеы
electronic mechanism for interaction between the state and the population. The following definition is presented on the e-government website of the Republic of Kazakhstan: «E-government is a single mechanism of interaction between the state and citizens and government bodies with each other, ensuring their coherence using information technology2».
On December 12, 2017, the State Program «Digital Kazakhstan» was adopted, which will be implemented in the period 2018-2022, and one of the main directions of which is the transition to a digital state3. In order to implement the above tasks, there is a need to provide a legislative framework that can ensure the development of the introduction of information technology in all areas of the state and ensure security for the population.
The eighth task outlined in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution4" (January 10, 2018), is «Effective public administration», which includes: ensuring digitalization of the provision of public services to individuals and legal entities; the use of modern digital technologies to take into account the comments and suggestions of citizens in real time and rapid response; ensuring reliable protection of information systems and devices of the state and business structures.
However, it should be noted that according to the UN Global E-Government Development Index (EGDI) for 2018, Kazakhstan is ranked 39th among countries around the world5.
In order to improve national legislation in the field of legal regulation of digitalization, it becomes necessary to study foreign experience in introducing e-government.
Since 1999, initiatives have been launched in the European Community with guidelines on how the transition to the digital era should take place in all aspects of the daily lives of European citizens and also the number of data protection directives [6].
It is also worth noting the summit in Malmo, in 2009, where EU ministers signed the
Declaration, according to which states recognized the importance of e-government for achieving European policy goals, and set goals for the future, including empowering citizens, expanding accessibility public sector information and improved cross-border e-government services6.
In the EU, legislation in the field of regulation of the e-government system covers both technical aspects and political issues that determine the responsibilities of state institutions to protect the rights of citizens and organizations in the new context of the provision of public services by electronic means [7].
Information security can be protected by the establishment of relevant government bodies and the adoption of necessary regulations [7]. So, on December 18, 2000, EU Regulation No. 45/2001 was adopted "On the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data"7. The provisions of this Regulation are aimed on protection of personal data processed by EU institutions and bodies.
According to the abovementioned Regulation, an independent data protection supervisor is established - the European Data Protection Supervisor, who is responsible for monitoring the correct application of data protection rules by EU institutions and bodies. Thus, citizens have the right to file a complaint directly with the above authority if they consider that their rights to data protection are not respected in accordance with the rules. Each institution and Community body designates at least one person as a data protection officer, who is entrusted with collaborating with the data protection supervisory authority, and to ensure that data on the rights and freedoms of entities are not used improperly.
At the same time, it is necessary to consider the practice of the following European countries where the process of digitalization of public services at the national level is being successfully implemented.
Estonia is one of the most advanced countries in the world, where today more than 99% of public services are available via the Internet8.
2 Что такое электронное правительство и для чего оно необходимо?// help-elektronnoe-pravitelstvo
3 Государственная программа «Цифровой Казахстан» / uploads/2020/03/%D0%A6%D0%9A-%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81.pdf
4 Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н. Назарбаева народу Казахстана. 10 января 2018 г. «Новые возможности развития в условиях четвертой промышленной революции» // addresses_of_president/poslanie-prezidenta-respubliki-kazahstan-n-nazarbaeva-narodu-kazahstana-10-yanvarya-2018-g
Исследование ООН: электронное правительство 2018 года // content/PDFs/UN%20E-Government%20Survey%202018%20Russian.pdf
6 eGovernment. Using technology to improve public services and democratic participation http://www.europarl.
7 REGULATION (EC) No 45/2001 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 December 2000 On the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data// 01R0045&from=EN
8 Как Эстония подает пример цифровизации госуслуг всему миру//
Online voting (electronic voting or online voting) is one of the options for participating in elections in addition to other methods used in Estonia. In this case, electronic voting means voting via the Internet, rather than voting using a special voting device9.
In 2012, the State Committee on Electronic Voting was established, which is responsible for conduction of the online voting under the supervision of the State Electoral Committee. Internet voting was first used in local elections in 2005, when more than 9 thousand voters or 2 percent of the total number of registered voters voted online10. In the 2015 parliamentary elections, 30.5% of the vote was cast online11.
In Estonia, the X-Road application was developed, which is a network for exchanging data between departmental systems, which ensures the provision of public services on a one-stop basis. In addition to using mechanisms to send requests to numerous databases and secure document exchange, various government portals and applications seamlessly integrate into X-Road. The private sector can also connect to X-Road to send requests and use secure data exchange.
In France, on October 7, 2016, the Digital Republic Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act) was adopted, which has 15 main positions12:
1. Public data transparency
The Act obliges public organizations to publish their databases on the Internet, subject to anonymity and protection of intellectual property, as well as industrial and commercial secrets. Thus, this data can be easily used by all individuals and companies.
2. Secure data access for scientists and public statisticians
The data provided by the public sphere is often very broad, but no less often confidential due to the level of each individual. Access to them has until now been practically impossible even for research purposes. Thanks to the Act, a secure access system will allow only authorized state researchers and statisticians within the framework of this project to be able to study these data in order to better understand the effectiveness of public policy and evaluate the effect of future reforms.
3. Free access to the results of state research and authorization for the analysis of text and data
The results of research work, funded by more than 50% of public funds, can be provided by their authors on the Internet for free access after an embargo period of 6 to 12 months. This will
facilitate the free distribution of research results. The Act also allows online data analysis, which is an important practical aspect of research in the humanities and social sciences.
4. Network non-discrimination
The Act enshrines the principle of network neutrality in French law, which guarantees non-discriminatory access to the network based on services from suppliers. Therefore, operators cannot offer faster solutions to other customers.
5. Data transfer
The Act establishes an obligation for online services to allow the recovery of user usage data to facilitate a change of provider, whether it is an online user bank account, an e-commerce service, or even preferences on an online music listening site.
6. Consumer Information Loyalty
The Act provides for the «regulation of «opinions», online messages, which today are one of the main sources of information for users» so that consumers can verify the veracity of opinions available on the Internet. For example, you should make sure that the owner of the restaurant does not post a lot of positive reviews about his place in order to artificially raise it in the classification of travel tips websites based on recommendations.
7. Protection of personal data
The principle of the right to free use of personal data is established. This principle will be illustrated by a few specific measures, such as email privacy. Emails and other electronic private correspondence services will be as confidential as mail letters, unless the user has given their consent to the automated statistical processing or to the improvement of the services provided to him.
8. The fight against pornography
For the criminalization of pornography, the practice of publishing pornographic or erotic images of a person against his consent, liability was imposed in the form of imprisonment for two years and 60,000 euros of a fine.
9. Digital death
As in the case of an ordinary will, a person will have the right to comply with his will regarding the fate of his personal information published online after the death of online service providers or proxies.
10. The right to maintain an internet connection
The Act establishes the right to keep in touch
for the most disadvantaged persons in case of failure to pay for an Internet connection. Thus, the Internet connection of such persons will be
9Исследование ООН: электронное правительство 2018 года // content/PDFs/UN%20E-Government%20Survey%202018%20Russian.pdf
10 Исследование ООН: электронное правительство 2018 года // content/PDFs/UN%20E-Government%20Survey%202018%20Russian.pdf
11 Как Эстония подает пример цифровизации госуслуг всему миру//
12 La #LoiNumérique en 15 points clés //
Жас галым мтбеа
supported by their access provider at the time of indicating their request for assistance with departmental services.
11. Facilitation of charity via SMS
Under the Act, associations that have publicly expressed a desire for charity will now be able to receive donations using text. Each donor can donate up to 50 euros, but not more than 300 euros per month, simply by sending an SMS from his mobile phone. This is a measure that many associations have called for, in particular to expand donor communities.
12. Increase the speed of digital coverage of the territory
Since 2013, France launched an extensive plan to equip the territory with high-speed networks (THD). Under the Act, several measures are planned to accelerate its deployment, simplify regulation or provide financial support to communities for the development of mobile telephony. In particular, the right to fiber will allow any resident of the building, owner or tenant to get their housing connected to the fiber optic network without the need for permission from their co-owner.
13. Digital accessibility
The Act will require all government sites to publish, under the threat of financial sanctions, their level of compliance with accessibility rules for people with disabilities. Large companies, such as retailers or phone makers, also have an obligation to ensure accessibility, as they will have to offer further telephone services accessible to people with hearing loss after the purchase.
14. Strategy for the development of digital use and services at the territorial level
Departmental and regional councils will be able to develop a strategy for the development of digital use and services. In order to facilitate the creation of a balanced network of services in all territories, this strategy will ensure the delivery of digital mediation services that can meet the identified needs for public support using digital technologies and services.
15. The official recognition of eSports as a competitive professional practice in video games
The Act provides recognition of e-sports, in particular by legalizing physical competitions in video games and providing social players with professional players. Players and minors must have parental permission to participate in eSports matches.
In 1999, Finland adopted Act on Electronic Service in Administrative (1318/1999). In accordance with it, an electronic document is an electronic message that affects the formulation or
processing of a certain issue or the management of decisions. If it is necessary to reflect a question in writing, it can be submitted in the form of an electronic document or message and transmitted to a government agency through electronic data exchange [8].
Finland has a Data Protection Ombudsman.
The state portal,, available only in Finnish and Swedish, allows any citizen to propose initiatives or publish feedback on state and local government. One of the key services is the Citizens Initiative for Legislative Proposals launched in the fall of 2012. Initiatives that collect 50,000 signatures on time are submitted to Parliament for legislative reform13.
In the USA, in 2002, for the first time in the world, the E-Government Act14 was adopted. This law is an effective tool for managing the use of information technology throughout the state with the aim of the harmonization and improvement of the efficiency of the provision of electronic services.
In accordance with the above law, "electronic government" is defined as "the use by the government of web-based Internet applications and other information technologies in combination with the implementation processes of these technologies for the following purposes:
a) expand access and ensure the provision of government information and public services for society, organizations and government agencies;
b) to provide improvements in the activities of the government, including improving the effectiveness, efficiency, quality of public services and reform» [1].
The law contains five main sections of regulation of activities in the field of e-government: e-government management, financing and development of electronic services, information security, use and storage of information, protection of confidential information and static data.
The United States E-Government Act created the Office of E-Government and Information Technology, which included in the part of the US Presidential Administration15. This department is a supervisory body that oversees other bodies in the field of e-government. The Act also establishes the Chief Information Officers Council, which is also the central body in charge of information activities.
Thus, the practice of forming e-government abroad shows that this system is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be regulated by any single legal act, and requires the development of a whole range of documents: laws, concepts, programs, "road maps" etc. Based on the
13Исследование ООН: электронное правительство 2018 года// content/PDFs/UN%20E-Government%20Survey%202018%20Russian.pdf
14 E-Government Act of2002 //
15 E-Government Act of2002 // W-107publ347/pdf/PLA W-107publ347.pdf
above analysis of foreign countries, we note the need for the following recommendations in order to develop the digitalization of public services.
1. Consolidation of national legislation in the field of electronic government into a single legal act
The Kazakhstan model of e-government is most fully represented in the following legal documents:
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On electronic document and electronic digital signature» of January 7, 2003;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Informatization» of November 24, 2015;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On personal data and their protection" of May 21, 2013;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On access to information" of November 16, 2015;
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public services" of April 15, 2013, etc.
Moreover, today the main regulation of activities in the field of e-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan is mainly reflected in various by-laws. For example, the legal regulation of electronic document management, information system of electronic invoices, optimization and automation of public services, standards of public services in the field of informatization, electronic proceedings, authentication of electronic digital signatures, maintenance of the state electronic registry of licenses and other issues are regulated by by-laws RK. Thus, it is often difficult for any user to find a specific provision on the regulation of e-government.
Based on the experience of foreign countries, in particular the E-Government Act in the USA and Digital Republic Act in France, the consolidation of legislation in the field of electronic government into a single legal act is necessary to remove the following barriers:
- reduction in the number of existing legal acts;
- increase of the convenience in its use and accessibility for the population;
- elimination of duplication and contradictions
between legal norms.
2. Establishment of a body for the control and protection of information data and the consideration of complaints about a violation of the right to protect information data
In the process of developing electronic government, on the one hand, states need to maintain a balance between ensuring public access to information on the activities of executive bodies, on the other hand, there is a need to guarantee the protection of personal data and state information from misuse.
Based on the experience of foreign countries, in particular, the activities of the Data Protection Ombudsman in Finland and the European Data Protection Supervisor in the EU, citizens have the right to file a complaint directly with the above authority if they consider that their right to protection data in accordance with the law are not respected. Thus, the above bodies guarantee the protection of personal data and state information from misuse.
Based on the above experience, it becomes obvious that the establishment of a similar body will increase the level of public confidence in the activities of e-government and executive bodies.
3. Implementation of a civil initiative system for legislative proposals
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 61 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan the right of legislative initiative belongs to the President of the Republic, deputies of the Parliament, the Government and is implemented exclusively in the Majilis. Despite the fact that the institution of popular legislative initiative is not fixed at the legislative level in Kazakhstan, it is proposed to consider the possibility of introducing an electronic portal to introduce a civil initiative on legislative proposals for consideration by deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Based on the experience of foreign countries, in particular, the service of the civil initiative for legislative proposals in Finland, launched in the fall of 2012, where initiatives that collect 50,000 signatures in a timely manner are submitted to parliament for legislative reform.
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