Научная статья на тему 'Leafy mosses of Goygol Reserve'

Leafy mosses of Goygol Reserve Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Mammadova A.V., Babaeva S.A., Nabieva P.N.

The given article is dedicated to the investigation of leafy mosses of GoygolState Reserve and gives the result of the floristic analyses of leafy mosses of the investigated region. Totally 191species concerning to 85 sorts of 35 families are found in the territory of Goygol Reserve. In the result of the analyses of relation of mosses to different ecological factors there were emerged ecogroups according to humidity: mesophytes (80 species), mesoxerophytes (73 species), xerophytes (24 species), hygrophytes (9 species), mesohygrophytes (5 species).

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Данная статья посвящена исследованию листостебельных мхов Гёйгёльского заповедника и дает результат флористического анализа исследуемого региона. Всего на территории заповедника Гёйгёль обнаружены 191 видов, относящихся к 85 родам и 35 семействам. В результате анализа взаимосвязи мхов с различными экологическими факторами в зависимости от влажности появились экологические группы: мезофиты (80 видов), мезоксерофиты (73 вида), ксерофиты (24 вида), гигрофиты (9 видов), мезогигрофиты (5 видов ).

Текст научной работы на тему «Leafy mosses of Goygol Reserve»

практике гарантированная инфекционная безопасность данного помещения, забота о которой определяет компетенцию руководителя любого масштаба.

Это должен знать каждый руководитель.


Для того, чтобы уменьшить риск возникновения инфекции в замкнутом помещении нам надо проводить регулярно и постоянно мероприятия по сохранению микробного баланса внутри замкнутого помещения. Нам надо стремиться содержать атмосферу вокруг человека в норме. Для этого мы должны превентивно добавлять избыточное количество природных микроорганизмов, используя средства нормализации атмосферы помещения, используя средства санации и средства гигиены с остаточным микробным эффектом.


1. Probiotic Cleaner Hygiene System. PCHS. Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Italy, 2013

2. Инновационный подход к больничной санитарии с использованием пробиотиков: испытания в лабораторных и реальных условиях. Винченца Ла

Фаучи, Гаэтано Бруно Коста, Франческа Анастази, Алессио Фаччола, Орацио Клаудио Грилло и Раф-фаэле Сквери. Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Italy. Postgraduate Medical School in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Messina, Italy, 2015

3. Microbial Therapy. Kolchin V.S. Sciences of Europe #33 (2018)

4. Исследование по вопросу предотвращения внутрибольничной инфекции. Нил Казейро. THE MIAMI JEWISH HOME & HOSPITAL., 2008, США.

5. Пробиотические чистящие средства для поверхностей как возможная альтернатива традиционным дезинфектантам. А.Г.Афиногенова и коллектив. Инфекция и иммунитет. 2017, т.7, №4, С.419-424, ФБУН НИИ эпидемиологии и микробиологии имени Пастера, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

6. Impact of a Probiotic-Based Cleaning Intervention on the Microbiota Ecosystem of the Hospital Surfaces: Focus on the Resistome Remodulation Elisabetta Caselli, Maria D'Accolti, Alberta Vandini, Luca Lan-zoni, Maria Teresa Camerada, Maddalena Cocca-gna, Alessio Branchini, Paola Antonioli, Pier Giorgio Balboni, Dario Di Luca, and Sante Mazzacane, Italy, (2016) PLoS One]


Мамедова А.Б. Бабева Ш.А. Набиева П.Н.

Институт Ботаники НАНАзербайджана, г.Баку LEAFY MOSSES OF GOYGOL RESERVE

Mammadova A. V. Babaeva S.A. Nabieva P.N.

institute of Botany of ANAS


Данная статья посвящена исследованию листостебельных мхов Гёйгёльского заповедника и дает результат флористического анализа исследуемого региона. Всего на территории заповедника Гёйгёль обнаружены 191 видов, относящихся к 85 родам и 35 семействам. В результате анализа взаимосвязи мхов с различными экологическими факторами в зависимости от влажности появились экологические группы: мезофиты (80 видов), мезоксерофиты (73 вида), ксерофиты (24 вида), гигрофиты (9 видов), мезогигрофиты (5 видов ).


The given article is dedicated to the investigation of leafy mosses of GoygolState Reserve and gives the result of the floristic analyses of leafy mosses of the investigated region. Totally 191species concerning to 85 sorts of 35 families are found in the territory of Goygol Reserve. In the result of the analyses of relation of mosses to different ecological factors there were emerged ecogroups according to humidity: mesophytes (80 species), mesoxerophytes (73 species), xerophytes (24 species), hygrophytes (9 species), mesohygrophytes (5 species).

Ключевые слова: заповедник Гёйгёль, мезофиты, мезоксерофиты, ксерофиты, гигрофиты, мезогиг-рофиты.

Keywords: Goygol Reserve, mesophytes, mesoxerophytes, xerophytes, hygrophytes, mesohygrophytes.

The moss flora of the Goygol State Reserve is rich and variable. The reason of variety of the bryoflora is in geographical situation of the Reserve which creates condition for epiphytes from different directions, its landscape form and variety of trees and bushes which create conditions for its ecological forms.

Leafy cereals were selected as the object of research. The researches were carried out in Goygol Reserve, and the collected samples were collected through Anderson's system through a hand-held microscope.

The most abundant species in floristic spectrum are: Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Orthotrichaceae,

Grimmiaceae, Amblystegiaceae, Mniaceae, Hypnaceae, Bryaceae, Dicranaceaewhich concern to Anomodontaceae family and these species make up 70% of the brioflora(tabl. 1-3).

While analysing the species it was found that according to the quantity Brachythecium (23), Or-thotrichum (13), Tortula (12), Grimmia (9), Bryum (6), Amblystegium (6), Anomodon (5), Hypnum(4), Thuid-ium (4), Plagiomnium (4), Shistidium (4) species take

Leafy mosses are spread in the Reserve area in the result of theabiotic and biotic factors reaction. Natural regularity is clearly seen in the ecosystems which have been strengthened by the Reserve regime [5]. So, specific sorts beeing acclimatized to abiotic factors complex (characteristics of ecotope, light and humidity

According to pheno-ecologic analysis 80 species of leafy mosses which are spread in the Reserve consist of mesophytes (41.8%), 70 species of mesoxerophytes (38.2 %), 24 species of xerophytes (12.5%), 7 species of hygrophytes (3.6 %), 5 species of mesohygrophites (2.9%), 2 species of hygrophytes (1.047 %).

Ecological analysis shows that most of the leafy mosses spread in the Reserve like humidity and contain 88% of general number of species.

Bryoflora of the Reserve is analyzed according to phenotype and as it is seen from the observe species of mosses in the mixed forest phenotype are spread widely. As it is seen most favorable ecological circumstances exist for proliferation and growth of bryophytes

main place. But the other species Tetraphis, Sphagnum, Aulocomnium, Polytrichastrum, Funaria, En-thostodon, Dicranella, Crossidium, Rhocomitrium, Zy-godon, Rhadobryum, Mniobryum, Gymnostomum, Wei-ssia are monotypic and consist of only one sort. Inspite of this, having character of indicator they create synisias and play main role in the formation of vegetation [7].

Table 1.

degree, regime of temperature, height diapason, substrate, type of ground) are spread widely.

Richness of Goygol Reserve with such natural floristic complexes asforest, meadow, mountain xerophyte vegetation [3] andregularity of proliferation of leafy mosses of Reserve is observed in the result of the biotic factors reaction:

Table 2

in the mixed forest phenotype [1, 4]. In spite of this degree of proliferation of leafy moss species according to phenotypes differ from each other. So, such species are dominated in Pinetum (pinery): Mnium spinosum, Climacium dendroides; Betuletum (birch): Hylocomium splendens, Brachythecium salebrosum; Quercuseto Carpi-netum (mixed forest): Dicranum flexicaule, Plagiomnium undulatum; in the meadow: Dicranella heteromalla, Ditrichum capillaceum; in the rocky area: Polytrichastrum alpinum, Atrichum flavisetum; in the marshland: Warnstorfia fluitans, Aulocomnium palystre; in dry South hangs: Grimmia orbicularis, Bryum argenteum.

The families according to the superiority of species

Families Quantity of species According to %

Pottiaceae 31 16.27

Brachytheciaceae 23 12.04

Orthotrichaceae 17 8.9

Grimmiaceae 16 8.3

Amblystegiaceae 12 6.2

Mniaceae 9 4.7

Hypnaceae 8 4.18

Bryaceae 8 4.18

Dicranaceae 5 2.6

Anomodontaceae 5 2.6

Proliferation of leafy mosses of Reserve according to the complex of the biotic factors reaction

Natural complexes Quantity of species According to number%

Moss flora of forests 79 41.4

Mountain erophyte vegetation and Moss flora of bushes 30 15.7

Moss flora of high grassy after forest 12 6.3

Moss flora of subalpine meadows 15 7.9

Moss flora of Alpine meadows 2 1.0

Moss flora of rocks and reefs 42 21.9

Moss flora of marshlands 11 5.8

Total 191 100

Table 3

Substrata of proliferation of species

Substrata of proliferation of species Quantity According to general number %

Ephylytes (spread on the stone, rock, wall) 79 41.4

Ephyphytes (spread on trees,bushes,roots) 51 26.7

Epiqenes (spread on the ground 43 22.5

Epicsiles (spread on the rottentrees and stumps) 18 9.4

Total 191 100

As it is seen from the table the analysis of the ecological groups show that the wide-spread species of leafy mosses of Goygol Reserve belong to ephylythes mosses.

During investigation of leafy mosses of the Reserve according to their substrata it is defined that they belong to ephylytes, ephyphytes, epigenes, epicsiles and quantity of the species according to percentage is analized (1,2,4). The quantity of leafy mosses of Goygol Reserve according to percentage is given in the table 3.


1. Bardunov L.V., Vasilyev A.N. The ways of formation of ecological groups of mosses in the flora of Taiga (Botan. Magazine. 2005, v.90, №4, p.527-535).

2. Baisheva E.Z. Vegetation of the moss-likes in Bashkiria Southern Urals.Ephyphytic and ephyxilyc communities of Western Bashkiria (Аrctoa.2000,v.9,p.101-104).

3. Boyko M.F. Formation ofbrioflora of steppe zone of Europe mniocene-pliocene (Ukr. Botan. Mag.,1998,v.55,№5,p.505-509).

4. Vasilyev A.N., Belova N.V. Ecological analysis of brioflora of the city Krasnoyarsk(X congress of SBC, 2003, 200-201).

5. Jeleznova G.V., Shubina T.P. Regularity of spatial allocation of leafy mosses of Comi Republic (materials of Intern. Conf. Biovariety and bioresources of Urals and neighboring territories. Orenburq: Gaz-prompechat, 2001, p.100-101).

6. Mammadova A.V. Study of brioflora of Goygol Reserve (Works of the Institute of Botanics of ANAS, 2004, v^V, p.258-260.).

7. Mammadova A.V. Analysis of brioflora of Goygol Reserve (Materials of IX International symposium: untraditional plantgrowing, embryology, ecology and health. Simferopol, 2000, p. 182-184).


Мехбалиева Э.Дж.

Азербайджанский Государственный Педагогический Университет,

Декан биологического факультета



Mekhbaliyeva E.J.

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Dean of the Faculty of Biology


В статье приведены и проанализированы сравнительные экспериментальные данные показывающие характер разных первичных изменений в крови, эндокринных железах, двигательном и пищевом поведении неполовозрелых лабораторных животных одинокого возраста, подвергнутые гипоксической гипоксии в умеренной и тяжелой формах.

Выявлено, что отдельные ранние пост гипоксические эффекты в изученных системах оказались скорее всего возбудительной и адаптивной направленности, и чем больше гипоксическая нагрузка, тем сложнее они проявлялись при данном воздействии.


The article presents and analyzes comparative experimental data showing the nature of various primary changes in the blood, endocrine glands, motor and nutritional behavior of immature laboratory animals of a single age, subjected to hypoxic hypoxia in moderate and severe forms.

It was revealed that some early post-hypoxic effects in the studied systems turned out to be most likely an excitatory and adaptive orientation, and the more hypoxic the load, the more difficult they were manifested under this effect.

Ключевые слова: кров, эндокринные железы, постгипоксические изменения, возбудительной и адаптивной направленности

Keywords: shelter, endocrine glands, posthypoxic changes, excitatory and adaptive orientation

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