LAW AND PRINCIPLES OF ENERGY SAVING IN FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS THEORIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Rakhimov Aktam Khusenovich

The level of theoretical generalization has a great influence on the study of physical concepts and laws to embody the natural scientific landscape of the universe. Therefore, the need to develop and generalize the statement of fundamental theories of physics-based on the law of conservation of energy is substantiated in the article.

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Abstract: the level of theoretical generalization has a great influence on the study of physical concepts and laws to embody the natural scientific landscape of the universe. Therefore, the need to develop and generalize the statement of fundamental theories of physics-based on the law of conservation of energy is substantiated in the article. Keywords: laws of nature, membership, conservation laws, theoretical generalizations, conclusions, empirical, matter.

It is known from the history of the development of physics that the results of research Subject to the principle of preservation. The principle of conservation differs from the laws of conservation (conservation of energy, momentum, electric charge, spinning, etc.).

The laws of nature are a repetitive organic relationship of events that occur in nature. This means that the values of some physical quantities do not change over time according to the laws of conservation in any process. In the philosophical interpretation of laws based on theory, they are experimented with in terms of the law of conservation of energy. For example, in laboratory classes, students gain a theoretical and experimental solution to a problem by calculating the flight trajectory of a balloon or the acceleration of a wheelchair and testing the result experimentally. The fact that the conclusions drawn based on the theory are consistent with the results confirmed by experience confirms the validity of the theory.

The principle is one of the most important foundations in physics. In physics, the principles do not change: they can be generalized, slightly modified, added, but they can be completely changed. It is not possible because they are essentially derived directly from experience [1].

The principle of conservation has long served as the idea of conservation in the mythical thinking of the ancient Indians, Chinese, and Greeks. Indeed, atomism, oxygen, electricity, and magnetism, ether descriptions, etc. have played a certain role in the formation of conservation principles. In the middle of the 19th century, a deeper study of the principle of energy conservation began. The philosophical basis of this principle is the general principle of the non-disappearance of matter. It was later discovered that matter evolved from one species to another, in which their general characteristics were preserved. As the motion processes of matter were studied, the preservation of some important physical properties was also discovered. These important properties include mass and energy in the first place. The conservation of mass and energy in physical processes is an expression of the preservation of the fundamental properties of all material objects, indicating that matter does not exist. The principles of conservation of mass and energy are present in and remain the basis of all existing physical theories [2].

The theoretical level of knowledge not only lays the groundwork for further study of physical concepts and laws but also has a great influence on the embodiment of the natural scientific landscape of the universe in the minds of students. Because the law of conservation of energy forms the basis of the laws of nature, it is both theoretically and practically interconnected.

In the rapid development of physics, the question of the interrelationship between theory and experiment has always been and will remain a major issue. There is a need to use theoretical methods to acquire knowledge based on experiments.

The principles of conservation, including the principle of conservation of mass and energy, are also quantified and quantified. The stored physical quantity can be measured and the effect of a principle can be confirmed experimentally. The principles of conservation serve as an integral part of the physical landscape of the universe. The laws of conservation are not just for mechanics are extremely important for all-natural sciences. Although the course of events and processes in nature is constantly changing, in fact, in nature there is always change and preservation, variability, and permanence.

The transition to the theoretical level of knowledge not only helps to deepen the study of basic physical concepts and laws, but also influences the natural-scientific landscape of the universe in the minds of students, and at the same time allows them to achieve educational and developmental goals of teaching physics.

How to go from the empirical level of knowledge to the theoretical level to illustrate the transition, we give two examples following Figure 1. The first of them allows us to find ideas about the discreteness of substances and a single basis for the study of molecular kinetic theory. The second example allows us to conclude the basic equations of the ideal gas kinetic theory and the kinetic definition of absolute temperature and gas laws based on the basic cases of molecular kinetic theory from the empirical teaching of gas laws. As noted above, these laws are interpreted in terms of the law of conservation.

Theoretical level of knowledge

1 r 1 r 1

Preliminary The only physical view of Experimental

evidence The universe results


Principles of conservation.

The law of conservation of energy

Fig. 1. Transition from the empirical level of knowledge to the theoretical level

The scope of application of conservation laws is the universal law that underlies modern physics. Conservation laws have a special place in physics because of their absolute generality. It is appropriate to apply these laws from space to the world of molecules, from macro-bodies to elementary particles: they can be used to study mechanical, thermal, electrical, and other phenomena and processes. The universality of conservation laws is confirmed by their relation to the properties of space and time symmetry.

For example, the fact that time is homogeneous leads to the law of conservation of energy. The homogeneity of space leads to the law of conservation of momentum, the isotropy of space leads to the law of conservation of momentum, and so on. Each form of symmetry has its law of conservation. The universality of conservation laws makes them extremely heuristic. In particular, the laws of conservation perform their methodological function and serve as a criterion for testing physical hypotheses [3, 4].

Someone in nature today who does not obey these laws event and process is not found. The law of conservation plays a major role in mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrodynamics, atomic physics, elementary particle physics, and astrophysics. This is due to the following reasons:

1. Description of the driving forces in the application of this law and the shape of the trajectory of the motion of the objects is of no importance so that these laws can be solved without studying them in terms of the laws of dynamics. Any violation of the laws of conservation indicates that this process cannot take place under these conditions.

2. The fact that the laws of conservation do not depend on the description of the driving forces allows them to be applied even when the forces are not known at all.

3. The application of the laws of conservation will help to resolve the issue raised in several cases.

There is a need to establish physics education based on the law of conservation of energy. For example, Om's law for a closed chain is derived from the law of conservation and circulation of energy. The relationship between current and voltage in transformer windings, the dependence of the distance to the source of surface illumination, the Einstein equation for the photoelectric effect, and other concepts and laws are determined. As students consider the energy aspects of Om's law, they are confronted with the law of conservation and circulation of energy. The law of conservation of energy is a classical and modern theory of metal permeability; the zonal theory of solids is the basis of the theory of specific and mixed conductivity of a semiconductor. The basic law of electromagnetic induction is the law of conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy-momentum remains the basis of nuclear physics, which has found experimental confirmation of the relationship between mass and energy.

Their role in teaching physics based on conservation laws shows that they are of great scientific and methodological importance.

The didactic tasks of studying the laws of conservation are:

1. These laws can be one of the means of shaping the natural-scientific landscape of the universe. The reason is that in this landscape they express the unity of the material world, the principles of existence and non-existence of matter and motion;

2. Becomes a means of acquiring new knowledge in the process of teaching based on a combination of theory and experiment;

3. Is a means of realizing the interdisciplinary connection of natural sciences;

4. Serves as a means of generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

The law of conservation and circulation of energy is valid for all forms of motion of matter, so based on this law it is possible to cover sections of physics teaching material from a single scientific point of view, which is of great importance in shaping the knowledge system. Besides, the explanation of facts, events, and processes based on the law of conservation of energy are important for students to form a natural-scientific view of the universe.

Students will learn the content of the law of conservation of energy and its they must know that in the full mastery of the experimental basis no change in the material systems, no form of existence, and no movement beyond matter can exist. The forms of motion of matter are studied on the example of mechanical motion, heat, electromagnetic, light motions, and the rotations of nuclear and elementary particles, which do not resemble each other. However, when certain conditions are met, they can turn into each other, so the idea of converting energy from one form to another following the forms of motion must be incorporated into all branches of physics.

Conversion of regular energy from one type to another: mechanical energy to internal energy (friction, gas compression), internal energy to mechanical energy (gas expansion), mechanical energy to electrical energy (in generators), electrical energy to mechanical energy (in electric drives), light energy to electrical energy (in photocells) it is necessary to

form skills and competencies such as the conversion of nuclear energy into internal energy, internal energy into mechanical and electrical energy.

For the laws of physics, the law of conservation of energy is conceived in empirical knowledge as a deductive result. Newton's laws have the same properties for different forces (Guk's law for elasticity, Amonton's law for friction, the laws of gravitation for the whole universe).

The question of the limit of application of the laws of physics in the school physics course is also the law of conservation of energy not sufficiently reflected. The usual accuracy and measurement ability (temperature, pressure, etc.) of experimental evidence arising from some physical laws are limited.

Consequently, each physical law has a specific field of application, which occurs as follows:

• Permissible error in the measurement of physical quantities;

• the maximum allowable accuracy in the measurement of these quantities;

• the scope of events for which the law can be applied.

Above, we have scientifically and methodologically analyzed the need to teach the law of conservation of energy in the teaching of physics-based on the interdependence and continuity of theory and experiment.

It is known that until now, the law of conservation of energy in all school programs and textbooks was revealed only based on the laws of mechanics. But the law of conservation of energy is subject to general fundamental principles. In this sense, given that the continuity of theory and experiment is one of the most important methods of learning, the study of the laws of mechanics, molecular physics, electricity, optics, atomic and nuclear physics based on the law of conservation of energy requires rapid development of modern science and technology. This requires the use of the most innovative [5, 6] and modern pedagogical [7] technologies of teaching, online training of and telecommunication training projects [8]. In such teaching, lectures are not in a simple traditional form but are problematic and modern lectures [9, 10, 11] should be conducted using interactive methods, ensuring the activity of the audience. At the same time, of course, it is important to address the audience with problematic questions during the lesson, to direct them to creative and scientific thinking by creating problematic situations in the lecture. In addition, the creation of online training courses, including the use of technologies such as project style [12], scientific and creative thinking, enriching the online course module platform with electronic resources [13], including video and audio lectures, gives great results. It is no coincidence that the quality of education is the quality of life [14, 15, 16].


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