Научная статья на тему '“L`ELESIR D`AMORE” GAETANO DONIZETTI'

“L`ELESIR D`AMORE” GAETANO DONIZETTI Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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European Journal of Arts
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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Madumarova Charos Ilkhomovna

The article is dedicated to the great creation of the grand composer of all time, Gaetano Donizetti, the opera “Elixir of Love.” The composer created this opera in two weeks, and he himself could not think that the “Elixir of Love” would live forever and turn into a “diamond” in the world of opera art. His creation has been, is and will be heard for many centuries on the stages of world opera houses in Europe and Asia. The article provides a summary of the opera through the eyes of the author of the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «“L`ELESIR D`AMORE” GAETANO DONIZETTI»


Madumarova Charos Ilkhomovna, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, Teacher of the department "Academic vocal music",

E-mail: kiras91@mail.ru


Abstrac. The article is dedicated to the great creation of the grand composer of all time, Gaetano Donizetti, the opera "Elixir of Love." The composer created this opera in two weeks, and he himself could not think that the "Elixir of Love" would live forever and turn into a "diamond" in the world of opera art. His creation has been, is and will be heard for many centuries on the stages of world opera houses in Europe and Asia. The article provides a summary of the opera through the eyes of the author of the article.

Keywords: Keywords: Teatro della Canobbiana; L'elesir d'amore; Le philtre; Naples, The bel canto operas of Donizetti.

I am very enthusiastic and charismatic about Donizetti's magnificent opera "The Elixir of Love," as the entire human essence is revealed in this opera. This opera is so impressive for a person, after listening to it one can not remain indifferent without a positive shock. There are quite a lot of comic operas, but this opera differs from them in its truthfulness and in revealing one hundred percent of the characters of its heroes. Fascinating Music seems to take us to heaven, helping to soar in the clouds and dream dreams. Uncon ditionally Donizetti was able to convey the beauty and grace that were originally conceived by him. This opera has already survived a sufficient line of life and with certainty I can say that it will live for many more centuries, and maybe for eternity.

Created in just two weeks and delivered in Milan in 1832, the lyrical and comic opera G. Donizetti's "Love Potion" had a stunning success. An entertaining and witty story telling about the relationship of a couple in love; Melodic, light and elegant music -the main components, thanks to which this opera is one of the most popular to this day.

The legend of a magical love potion that moved from the poem of Gottfried of Strasbourg "Tristan and Isolde" to the comedy of the French playwright

E. Scribe, based on which Donizetti's opera was written, receives an unexpected parody of interpretation. And this opens new meanings. It turns out that it's not a "miracle drink", but people themselves are able to fill each other with the elixir of good and love.

Figure 1.

Feelings embracing the characters of Donizetti's opera are eternal, like life itself: sympathy, coquetry, rivalry, jealousy. Therefore, the situation of the "Love Potion" could occur both on the Venetian carnival several centuries ago, and in a modern town.

Opera in two acts by Gaetano Donizetti on a libretto (in Italian) by Felice Romani.


ADINA, rich girl (soprano) NEMORINO, a young peasant (tenor) BELKORE, Sergeant (baritone) DULKAMARA, the doctor-charlatan (bass) Jannetta, a peasant girl (soprano) The time of action: XIX century. Venue: Italy.

First performance: Milan, "Teatro della Canob-biana", May 12, 1832.

Donizetti gave the opera literally dozens. According to the latest calculations, made by Gianandrea

Gavazzeni in his new Italian biography of the composer, there were seventy of them altogether, and the "Love Potion" was the fortieth. The composer was only thirty-four years old when he wrote it. One of Donizetti's letters, quoted by Gavaceni, gives an idea of how quickly he worked. Addressing his librettist, he wrote: "I must write an opera in two weeks. I give you your work for a week. But remember: we have a German prima donna, a tenor who stutters, buffo with a voice like a goat, and a useless French bass. With all this you can glorify yourself".

And indeed, both became famous - both a composer and a librettist. And the tenor game is indeed written for the hero who stutters!

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Figure 2. Ukraine. Lviv opera house

Action I

Scene 1. The action takes place in an Italian village around the time when the opera was written, that is, in the thirties of the XIX century. The heroine, Adina, is a rich young woman who owns several farms. On one of them, and unfolding events ofthe opera. The choir of friends of Adina sings just at the moment when the curtain rises and the opera begins. Friends of Adina sing a charming room, the leading voice in which be-

longs to Adina's close friend, Giannette. Meanwhile, Nemorino, unrequitedly in love with Adina, sings of her love for her in the tender aria of Quanto e bella, quanto e sara ("How beautiful, how graceful") [6].

As for Adina, at that time she is reading to her friends a novel about Tristan and Isolde. It tells how his characters fell in love with the magic elixir, and Nemorino, arguing as ifwith himself, is burning with the desire to get such a magical drink [7].

The sounds of the drum are heard - the soldiers under the command of Sergeant Belklor enter the village. Attention brave warrior Belklor immediately attracts Adin, and he rather vigorously expounds her proposal to marry him. The girl easily, but coquett-ishly rejects it. Now, when all the others diverge, her poor attentions, Nemorino, pester her with her courtship. In a long duet, Adina sends off and Nemorino (to the city to the sick uncle), who fed her with pathetic expressions of his love ("Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera" - "Ask for a light breeze"). Scene 2 takes us to the village square [6]. All the villagers poured out here - they are excited by the appearance in their lands of a richly dressed person. This is Dr. Dulkamar, and he is represented by the famous comic aria "Udite, udite, 0 rustici" ("Hear, hear, about the settlers"). He is a doctor-charlatan and besides he trades all sorts of things. And what does he have for sale? Of course, the magic elixir. Drink it - and you will become irresistible in love! Almost all are lining up to the doctor for a drink, which also costs so cheaply. But the suspicious Nemorino wants exactly the drink that "sparked on Isolde." He gets it ... for a much greater price (Nemorino parted with the last gold coin). Of course, this is exactly the same bottle as all the others - that is, a bottle of an ordinary Bordeaux. But Nemorino takes a fair amount of it, gets drunk and, now confident in himself, quite unceremoniously turns to Adina. This new and unexpected attitude affects the girl's self-esteem, and she immediately, spitefully Nemorino, concurs with Sergeant Belcore, rival Nemorino, to marry him.

Poor Nemorino! Dulcamara, after all, told him to take the elixir in twenty-four hours, but Adina had already promised to marry Belkor the same evening, as an order was issued the next morning to the sergeant to march. Everyone is invited to the wedding, and Nemorino begs - in vain - to postpone it for at least a day. With this concert number (the quartet with the chorus "Adina credimi, te ne scongiuro" -"Adina, believe me, I beg you"), the first action of the opera is completed [6].

Action II

Scene 1. begins with events that take place a few hours after what happened in the first act. All the villagers gathered in the garden of the house of Adina to help her prepare everything necessary to celebrate her wedding with Sergeant Belkor. Dr. Dulcamara plays the main role: together with Adina, he sings barcarol - a charming duet, beginning with the words: "I am rich, and you are charming". When informed of the arrival of a notary, the bewildered enamored Nemorino consults with Dr. Dulcamara about his unpleasant situation [4]. Naturally, the charlatan encourages him to buy from him one more bottle of elixir - one that this time will give a result in half an hour. Unfortunately, Nemorino has no more money. As a result, when the doctor leaves him, he turns to his rival, Sergeant Belcore, for advice. He recommends that he enroll in the army, because in this case he will get twenty scuds - this is the payment for every recruit. In an amusing duo an agreement is reached, and Nemorino gets his reward.

Scene 2. As it should be in the world of musical comedy, everything turns best in the final scene of the opera, which takes place on the same evening. We learn - from the chorus of chatty girls - that Nemorino has just become the owner of the uncle's inheritance. Nemorino does not know anything about this yet, and when he appears - now more self-confident than before, because of the second dose of "elixir" drunk - all the girls fall in love with him immediately. He behaves as if he were not impressed by his attention, not even by the attention of his beloved Adina; And she, in turn, is now very upset by this turn of things. Dr. Dulcamara, seeing the chance to get a new client, offers Adina her elixir. In a charming duet, she explains that she herself has an elixir that is better than him, namely a set of various female tricks [6].

At this moment Nemorino, being alone, sings his most famous aria in this opera - "Una furtiva lagrima" ("I saw tears of my beloved").

Figure 3. USA, New Y

He sees how unhappy Adina is, and in this her aria claims that she would gladly die, if only she was happy. Nevertheless, when Adina approaches him, he demonstrates his indifference to her. And even when she gives him his recruit's receipt, which he has bought from Belkor, he does not relent. In the end, she can not restrain herself any longer and admits that she loves him. Their duet ends with a passionate outpouring of feelings,- of course, they are happy. And now the opera is rapidly moving towards its end. Belcore perceives these news philosophically: there are many other things worthy of conquest by a brave soldier, he says. Everyone knows that Nemo-rino became the owner of the inheritance. And the good old Dr. Dulkamara is sincerely convinced and convinces others that the happiness of lovers is the result of the action of his chemical experiments, that is, the invented elixir. The opera ends with everyone buying themselves a bottle of this "Love Potion" [9].

Henry W. Simon (translated by A. Maikapar) In this comic opera, there are only two from the legs to the head of the buffoon character: Belcore and Dulcamar. The first is a caricature of a gallant soldier, and the second - a doctor-charlatan. As for the main characters, Nemorino and Adina, he belongs to the

c. Metropoliten opera

category of timid and sensitive young men, pensive and amorous, while she, although she loves to flirt and portray the inaccessibility, deep in her heart a girl is simple, in love: her completely feminine character, Cute slyness can not but cause a smile. And around everything breathes a rural atmosphere, which is further strengthened by the orchestra. Settlers live as if in a different world, but in fact they understand life no worse than Dulkamar, and being able to take advantage of the event, seemingly indifferent to everything [3]. The ingenuous and shy Nemorino will be able to conquer the heart of the "farmer" with his gentle, touching devotion, and not thanks to the bottle of Bordeaux. But since in this world everything always turns out for the better, then charlatans appear just in time [7].

The opera had such a hearty welcome that surprised Donizetti himself, not suggesting that he composed a masterpiece in two weeks. This speed seems incredible, although the author has long foresightedly kept a song about the romance, which was to be the crown number of the opera, "I saw the tears of my beloved"; Some critics find that it does not harmonize well with the general style of the "Love Potion". Very tender and passionate, languid and affectionate,

like serenade, the aria is introduced by the bassoon melody accompanied by pizzicato strings and a batch of harp (an instrument that Donizetti saw as a symbol of innocence, as in "Lucia") [5]. A clear and clear motive, clearly referring to Bellini (great rival!), Is conducted by a bow, as if forgotten about time. In the middle, the aria modulates in C major in the words "Cielo! Si pud morire" and for several beats it is interrupted by the sound of clarinet and bassoon. Too exalted for Nemorino? Or too tearful? The librettist Romani did not want to hear about putting this aria on, adding the appropriate words to the mouth of "this village simpleton who breeds pathetic whining where everything should be a holiday and a merrymaking." But Donizetti still forced him to write poetry, because with all due respect to the mind and good taste of Romani, the great bergamaster in the theater knew something and knew exactly what the audience needed, especially when the opera was coming to an end and should leave a decisive, unforgettable impression. Romance really becomes a "sublimation of Nemorino's love, thanks to the deeply expressed romantic flour of happiness," writes Celletti.

Musically and dramatically, this is the best counterbalance to Dulcamara's fanfare, which did not appear to solve burning heart problems, but only to awaken a sensuality that has fallen asleep. His idiocy, in the spirit of some of Rossini's characters, provides

ample opportunities for comic bass, for onomatopoeias and puns, which are stopped only when this hero joins, in particularly significant places, the melodic and rhythmic lines of the orchestra; The final aria of Dulcamara ("Cosi chiaro e come il sole", "So, it is clear as a day"), which has a three-part form of gay rural dance, sums up his charlatan humor. The type of this rogue is so successfully found that it communicates the internal dynamism to all the action, introducing into it the squabbling, excitement, languid passions, living and touching-human images of the peasants, forcing the cheeks to glow with good wine (either it rolls or the expected tear). Technically, the opera gives the impression of a complete lack of calculation, uncertainty and difficulty, an impression of the magnificent skill and boundless conviction of the composer in the accuracy of the presentation [5]. At the same time, the depth and persuasiveness of melodies, like the fine art advanced for this era of orchestration, allows listeners to easily catch the essence of each character and the development of intrigue.

G. Markesi (in translation E. Greceanii)

This opera is one of the tops of Donizetti's work. Rich with beautiful melodies, dynamic, it continues to captivate listeners for more than 150 years, and such a masterpiece by the composer as the romance of Nemorino Una furtiva lagrima (2 action) is included in the gold fund of opera classics.

Figure 4. Uzbekistan, Tashkent. Alisher Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theatre

In Russia, the first performance of the opera took place in 1841 in St. Petersburg, in 1844, as part of the Italian troupe, the main parties were performed by Viardo-Garcia and Tamburini. The Nemorino Party is included in the repertoire of the leading singers.

Among the modern productions are performances at the Glyndebourne Festival (1961, director Zeffirelli, soloists Freni, Alva), at the Metropolitan Opera (1991, soloists Battle, Pavarotti).

I have been living in sunny Uzbekistan since birth. World culture and art are developing day by

day in this country. Naturally, including the opera genre. Opera operas were created and continue to be created, which are successfully performed not only in Uzbekistan, but also abroad. Our people from ancient times with great love and warmth belonged to the world classical opera. Our ancestors grew up learning Italian, German, Russian, French opera. Opera "L'elesir d'amore" has found a kind of house in the heart of the Uzbek nation. We do not cease to admire her. And our growing generation, I hope will appreciate such a pearl of the Italian opera.


1. L'elisir D'amore in Collection of Opera Librettos // Schirmer G. 1990.- 123 p.

2. John Black. Donizetti's Operas in Naples 1822-1848 // - London: The Donizetti Society. 1982.

3. Miller D. Gaetano Donizetti // 1985.

4. Osborne Ch. The Bel Canto Operas of Rossini, Donizetti, and Bellini, Amadeus Press.- Portland, Oregon. 1994.

5. Любовный напиток. Опера в 2 действиях. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://libretto-oper.ru/ donizetti/lyubovnyi-napitok (дата обращения 20.02.2020)

6. L'Elesir d'amore" // Romani Felice. 1832.- 32 p.

7. Le philtre // Ober Daniel. 1831.- 33 p.

8. Брянцева В. Н. Музыкальная литература зарубежных стран: Учебник для ДМШ: Второй год обучения по предмету - М., Музыка, 2004.- 183 с. ISBN978-5-7140-0964-8.

9. Прохорова И. А. Музыкальная литература зарубежных стран: Для 5-го кл. ДМШ: Учебник — М., Музыка, 2003.- 112 с. ISBN5-7140-0090-0.

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