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https://doi.org/10.24412/2658-7335-2024-3-11 УДК 811
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Шамшитдинова А.К., Ключникова Л.В.
Технический институт (филиал), Северо-Восточный федеральный университет
Аннотация. Работа выполнена в сферах когнитивной лингвистики, когнитивной фразеологии, лингвокультурологии. Данный проект анализирует репрезентацию концептов Магия/Реальность в англо-русской фразеологии. Изучено лексическое значение концептов Магия/Реальность в когнитивной лингвистике и фразеологическое значение концептов Магия/Реальность в когнитивной фразеологии. Утверждается, что концепты Магия/Реальность представляют собой сложные ментально-лингвальные образования, отображающие комплексные, иногда наивные представления носителей английского и русского языков. Актуальность -понятия «Магия/Реальность» недостаточно изучены, и научный анализ этой пары понятий предлагает свежий взгляд и вносит свой вклад в общую концептуальную картину мира. Объект исследования - культурные концепты Magic/Reality в английской и русской фразеологии. Методы - лингвокультурологический анализ, литературный анализ, описательный анализ, сравнительный анализ, компонентный анализ. Результаты - в нашем исследовании концепты Магия/Реальность были классифицированы как одноуровневые и многоуровневые, при этом в русском и английском языках преобладают одноуровневые концепты. В русском языке наиболее часто для данных концептов используются крылатые слова и пословицы. В английском языке преобладают пословицы. Вывод - исследование подтверждает, что носители разных культур представляют понятия «Магия/Реальность» по-своему, в соответствии с особенностями своего менталитета и языка. Понятие «Магия» воспринимается представителями обеих культур как иллюзорное, а понятие «Реальность» - как лишенное иллюзий. Таким образом, в английской и русской культурах понятия Магия и Реальность представляют собой сложные и многогранные конструкции и могут рассматриваться в разных контекстах.
Ключевые слова: концепт, репрезентация концепта, культурный концепт, фразеологизм, одноуровневый, многоуровневый.
Asel K. Shamshitdinova, Larisa V. Klyuchnikova
Technical Institute, the branch of the North-East Federal University
Abstract. The work studies the fields of cognitive linguistics, cognitive phraseology, linguistic culturology. This project analyzes the representation of the concepts Magic/Reality in English and Russian phraseology. Lexical meaning in cognitive linguistics and phraseological meaning in cognitive phraseology are proved to be of primary importance. It is claimed the concepts Magic/Reality are complex mental linguistic formations reflecting native speaker's naive thinking. Relevance - the concepts Magic/Reality are understudied and scientific analysis of this pair of concepts offers a fresh perspective and contributes to the overall conceptual picture of the world. Object of the research - cultural concepts Magic/Reality in English and Russian phraseology. Methods - linguistic and cultural analysis, literature analysis, descriptive analysis, comparative analysis, component analysis. Findings - In our study, the Magic/Reality concepts were classified as single-level and multi-level, with single-level concepts predominating in the Russian and English languages. In the Russian language, catchwords and proverbs are most often used for these concepts. Proverbs dominate in the English language for the concepts Magic/Reality. Conclusion - the research confirms that speakers of different cultures represent the concepts of Magic/Reality in their own manner, in accordance with the characteristics of their mentality and language. The concept Magic is perceived by representatives of both cultures as illusory, and the concept Reality as devoid of illusions. Thus, in English and Russian cultures, the concepts of Magic and Reality are complex and multifaceted constructions and can be considered in different contexts.
Keywords: concept, representation of the concept, cultural concept, phraseology, single-level, multileveled, actual, factual.
Introduction cepts offers a fresh perspective and contributes to
the overall conceptual picture of the world.
Relevance - the concepts Magic/Reality are understudied, and scientific analysis of this pair of con© Шамшутдинова А.К., Ключникова Л.В.
Purpose: to identify the cultural features of the concepts Magic/Reality using its representations in English and Russian phraseological units.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are necessary: to study different definitions and typology of concept; to survey the definition and typology of phraseological units; to investigate the prevailing concept types and phraseological units for description of the concepts Magic/Reality; to explore the concepts Magic/Магия and determine their types in English and Russian phraseology; to explore the concepts Reality /Реальность and determine their types in English and Russian phraseology.
Object of the research - cultural concepts Magic/Reality in English and Russian phraseology.
Subject of the research - phraseological units representing concepts.
Hypothesis - the concepts Magic/Reality are complex mental-lingual formations that reflect the naive ideas of native speakers of English and Russian.
Methods - linguistic and cultural analysis, literature analysis, descriptive analysis, comparative analysis, component analysis.
Currently, the definition of concept is actively used in various humanities. Having studied the definition
Concept Магия in Russian phraseolc
of concept in detail, we came to the conclusion that there is no universal definition of the term «concept» in modern science. We define a concept as «a part of culture that exists in a person's mind, immersing the person in culture, influencing the individual». Most scientists recognize phraseological units as one of the main means of verbalizing a concept. As a part of our study, we have analyzed the research examples according to their concept type and phraseological type.
We identified the prevailing types of concepts Magic/ Reality in English-Russian phraseology. In our study, the concepts Magic/Reality were classified as one-level and multi-level, where one-level concepts predominated in the Russian language, they accounted for 59 %, multi-level ones - 41 %. In English, 60 % were one-level concepts and 40 % were multi-level concepts. In addition, the following tasks were completed: concept definitions were considered; concept typology was analyzed; definitions and typology of phraseological units were identified; representation of the concepts Magic/ Mama in English and Russian phraseology, and their types were explored; representation of the concepts Reality in English and Russian phraseology and their types were explored.
Table № 1
to I.A. Sternin's classification)
Магия Concept type/Phraseological unit type
Магия никогда не бывает запоздалой. (Волшебство, магия) One-level/proverb
Магия - это энергия для достижения целей. (Волшебство, магия) One-level/proverb
Красота - тоже магия. Наводить красоту - тоже волшебство. (Волшебство, магия) One-level/proverb
Искусство - это магия, но не всякая магия бывает белая. (Волшебство, магия) One-level/proverb
Магия - не в самих вещах, а в отношении между вещами. Сальвадор Дали (Волшебство, магия) One-level/idiom
В мире всего три магии: белая, черная и женская. Магия - это природная темная сила. (Волшебство, магия) One-level/idiom
Последняя магия жизни - это деньги Multilevel/idiom
Любовь - это магия на двоих. Ее не объяснишь, не подделаешь. One-level/idiom
Медицина сродни магии. Там все на ощупь, на лезвии бритвы. Неверный шаг может стоить жизни Multilevel/idiom
Магия окружает нас, она буквально в каждом вдохе, в каждом движении ресниц Multilevel/idiom
Table 2
Concept Magic in Russian phraseology (according to I.A. Sternin's classification)
Magic Concept type / Phraseological unit type
Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion One-level/proverb
Uglier than magic Multilevel/proverb
Black fowl can lay white eggs One-level/proverb
When two people meet and fall in love, there's a sudden rush of magic. Magic is just naturally present then One-level/proverb
One of life's greatest magic is how the boy who wasn't good enough to marry your daughter can be the father of the smartest grandchild in the world One-level/proverb
Nobody knows the magic which lie at the bottom of the ocean One-level/idiom
Let the magic of life remind you of your own miracles Multilevel/idiom
The world is its own magic Multilevel/idiom
A little magic can take you a long way Multilevel/idiom
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen One-level/idiom
Table 3
Concept Реальность in Russian phraseology (according to I.A. Sternin's classification)
Реальность Concept type / Phraseological unit type
Реальность - лучшее лекарство от грёз One-level/proverb
Реальность - это предмет, который не исчезает, когда ты перестаешь в него верить One-level/proverb
Когда верят в мифы, удар получают от реальности One-level/proverb
Подозревать хуже, чем знать. Уреальности есть границы, а воображение безгранично! One-level/proverb
Реальность - это всего лишь иллюзия, хотя и очень назойливая One-level/proverb
Будьте осторожны: вполне может получиться так, что реальность -это именно то, чем она кажется Multilevel/idiom
Сны - отражение реальности. Реальность - отражение снов Multilevel/idiom
Главное правило реальности - не запутаться в своих иллюзиях Multilevel/idiom
Мы сами творим свою реальность Multilevel/idiom
Иллюзии прочнее реальности. Реальность всё время меняется, а иллюзии живут веками Multilevel/idiom
Table 4
Concept Reality in Russian phraseology (according to classification by I.A. Sternin)
Reality Concept type / Phraseological unit type
Reality never surpasses imagination One-level/proverb
Work like magic One-level/idiom
Differing in words, not in reality One-level/proverb
Things rumoured lessen in importance as they assume reality Multilevel/proverb
Reality is free, you also pay for it Multilevel/saying
Malice leaves reality behind One-level/proverb
Obeisance to the self that is a reflection of eternal reality One-level/proverb
If women were really good, God would be married Multilevel/proverb
A phantasm can be a bridge that men cross toward reality Multilevel/saying
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one One-level/idiom
Table 5
Concept type frequency
Language/ Concept type One-level Multilevel Total
Russian 59 % 41 % 100 %
English 60 % 40 % 100 %
In addition, we have determined the typology of phraseological units in the Russian and English languages. In the Russian language, winged words predominate, they make up 54.5 %, proverbs - 54.5 %.
While in the English language, proverbs predominate, they make up 60 %, catchphrases - 25 %, idioms - 5 %, sayings - 10 %.
Table 6
Phraseologism type frequency
Language/type of phraseologism Proverbs Sayings Catch words Idioms Total
Russian language 45.5 % 0 % 54.5 % 0 % 100 %
English language 60 % 10 % 25 % 5 % 100 %
From the study it follows that catchwords and proverbs are the most often used units for the concepts, which account for 54.5 %. in the Russian language. Sayings and idioms in the selected examples are not identified. In English, proverbs dominate at 60 %, followed by catch words at 25 %, sayings at 10 % and idioms at 5 %. For analysis, we took N.M. Shansky's classification that is based on the typology of V.V. Vinogradov.
These findings may stress differences between the Russian and English languages in the use of phraseological units. In the Russian language, the most commonly used are catch words and proverbs, whic h often serve to express wise judgments and experience. The English language tends to use proverbs, which are also wise instructions, but potentially less metaphorical and more straightforward.
Taking into account this difference, in the study of language and culture it can be useful to refer to the types of idioms that are most common in the relevant language in order to understand better its features and use the language with greater accuracy and efficiency.
These studies confirm that speakers of different cultures represent the concepts of Magic/Reality in their own way, in accordance with the characteristics of their mentality and language. In the English and Russian language pictures the degree of shades, quality and intensity of these concepts differ. In the Russian linguistic consciousness, the intensity and property of evaluating the concepts Magic/ Reality (white magic, harsh reality, look at the magic of life, reality is the same for everyone) prevails. In the English linguistic consciousness, great details and nomination of shades of the concepts Magic/ Reality are vividly expressed (True magic is the art, Magic is believing in yourself, Reality has a bad reputation, Reality is free, you also pay for it).
We have reached the purpose: the analysis of the concepts Magic/Reality in the Russian and English
phraseological world picture has been carried out. The cultural features of these concepts are revealed through their representation in English and Russian phraseology. The purpose of the study has been achieved. In this work a linguistic and cultural study of the concepts Magic/Reality has been done using the material of phraseological units taken from various lexicographic sources of the Russian and English languages. Lexical meaning in cognitive linguistics and phraseological meaning in cognitive phraseology are proved to be of primary importance. It is claimed the concepts Magic/Reality are complex mental linguistic formations reflecting native speaker's naive thinking.
Our research confirms that speakers of different cultures represent the concepts of Magic/Reality in their own manner in accordance with the characteristics of their mentality and language. The concept Magic is perceived by representatives of both cultures as illusory, and the concept Reality as devoid of illusions. Thus, in English and Russian cultures, the concepts of Magic and Reality are complex and multifaceted constructions and can be considered in different contexts.
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1. Кембриджский словарь. URL : https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru
2. Онлайн-словарь Коллинза. URL : https://www.collinsdictionary.com
3. Кинг Н. Литературный словарь на английском языке / Н. Кинг, С. Кинг. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 2002. 196 с.
4. Словарь современного английского языка Лонгмана в Интернете. URL : http/www.ldoceonline.com/dic tionarv
5. Мериам Вебстер Словарь Онлайн. URL : http://www.merriam-webster.com References:
1. Cambridge Dictionary. URL : https://dictionary.cambridge.org.ru
2. Collins Online Dictionary. URL : https://www.collinsdictionary.com
3. King N. Literary Dictionary in English / N. King, S. King. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2002. 196 p.
4. Longman's Dictionary of Modern English on the Internet. URL : http/www.ldoceonline.com/dictionarv
5. Merriam Webster Dictionary Online. URL : http://www.merriam-webster.com
Информация об авторах
Шамшитдинова Асель Кайратбековна
Технический институт (филиал), Северо-Восточный федеральный университет, Якутск
Asel K. Shamshitdinova
Master Student, Technical Institute (branch), North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
Ключникова Лариса Витальевна
Технический институт (филиал), Северо-Восточный федеральный университет, Нерюнгри
Larisa V. Klyuchnikova
Associate Professor, Technical Institute (branch), North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk