Концепт «патриотизм» в условиях современного вуза: содержание и возможности формирования
Юлия Викторовна Дружинина3 DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2023-25-2-95-103
Екатерина Андреевна Ковтуна Олеся Вадимовна Широковаь
а Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт b Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации
Аннотация: Цель данного исследования - изучение содержательного наполнения студентами концепта «патриотизм», а также анализ привлекательности для студентов существующих практик патриотического воспитания в современном российском вузе. В исследовании использована количественная методология, данные собирались с помощью онлайн-опроса (n=765). Студенты определяют патриотизм как глобальное социальное явление. В большей степени студенты склонны считать патриотами тех, кто выбирает профессии, основанные на служении обществу. Оценки мероприятий по формированию патриотизма в вузе показали, что студенты считают наиболее эффективными исторические и памятные акции, профориентационные и волонтерские мероприятия. Проанализировав результаты опроса, авторы сформулировали выводы, содержащие некоторые идеи о совершенствовании мероприятий, направленных на формирование патриотизма в студенческой среде. Авторы подчеркивают, что при разработке и реализации в вузе воспитательных программ необходимо рассматривать патриотизм не как абстрактный социальный феномен, а через реальные социальные практики, направленные на формирование патриотического сознания личности.
Ключевые слова: патриотизм, формирование патриотизма, патриотическое воспитание студентов, концепт патриотизма
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию: 30 августа 2022 года.
The concept of "patriotism" in a modern university: the content and possibilities
of formation research article
Yulia V. Druzhinina9
Ekaterina A. Kovtun5
Olesya V. Shirokovab
a St. Petersburg State Technological Institute
b Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Abstract: The study aims to explore students' version of the «patriotism» concept and to analyze the attractiveness of existing practices of patriotic education in modern Russian universities. The study used quantitative methodology and information was collected by using an online survey (n=765). Students tend to define patriotism as a global social phenomenon. Students are more inclined to consider those who choose professions based on service to society. According to the evaluation of the activities aimed at patriotism formation in the university, students find historical and commemorative events, vocational guidance, and volunteering activities most effective. Based on the study findings, the authors formulated conclusions offering suggestions to improve activities aimed at fostering patriotism among students. The authors emphasize that when developing and implementing educational programs in higher education institutions, it is necessary to consider patriotism not as an abstract social phenomenon but through actual social practices aimed at forming individual patriotic consciousness.
Keywords: patriotism, formation of patriotism, patriotic education of students, the concept of patriotism Received: August 30, 2022.
Социум Introduction
It is not easy to define the concept of patriotism both in terms of scientific etymology and its meaning for any social actor. Patriotism is valuable and emotional, and it always has an ideological burden. The research interest focuses on the analysis of the content and realization of various social practices for educational activities in higher education institutions because the existing programs of patriotic education, as well as individual forms of activities aimed at forming the sense of patriotism, are perceived quite ambiguously by students. Considering that Russian university students are consumers of existing and developed programs of patriotic education for modern youth, it becomes crucial for the developers and implementers of these programs to comprehend both the value priorities and the very content of the «patriotism» concept.
The article aims to study the content of «patrio-tism» and examine the existing practices of patriotic education in terms of their attractiveness and relevance for students at a modern Russian university. The objectives of the study include:
• studying the "patriotism" concept in the perception of participants of the educational process, primarily students;
• identifying the characteristics of patriotism as a social phenomenon formed among the students;
• defining the characteristics of students' perception of patriotism and the dominant content of the "patriotism" concept among young people.
Methodology and origins
The article presents the results of a sociological study examining the implementation of patriotic education programs and individual forms of patriotically oriented activities among undergraduate and graduate students of different training courses at St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University). It should be noted that when studying patriotism as a social phenomenon, researchers usually pay attention to the self-identification of citizens as patriots and the values and content of the «patriotism» concept. The study analyzes students' associative attitudes towards defining «patriotism» and a «patriot» and examines which educational practices are most effective according to students.
The works of Russian sociologists can be divided into several main thematic areas related to research on patriotism as a social phenomenon in Russian society. The works of Yu.G. Volkov [Volkov, Bineeva, 2017. P. 10-17] and A.V. Lubsky [Lubsky, 2017. P. 42-59] are worth mentioning, as they examine patriotism in its connection with the category of citizenship, as well as the specifics of their sociological dimension. Meanwhile, A.V. Lubsky notes that due to the peculiarities
of Russian discourse and the existing connotations, patriotism is not a term but a concept [Lubsky, 2017. P. 44]. Symbolic interpretations of the concepts of patriotism and a patriot are also presented in the publications of Z.V. Sikevich [Sikevich, Fedorova, 2019. P. 40-56] and N.G. Skvortsov [Sikevich, Skvortsov, 2020. P. 277-291] as part of research into national and ethnic identification of youth. The work of Malen-kov V.V. and Maltseva N.V. is also interesting for our study as it considers the patriotism of modern youth in terms of two basic models - traditionalist and civic [Malenkov, Maltseva, 2020. P. 152-162].
The axiological paradigm of patriotism is represented by the works of I.A. Khaliy, which using empirical data shows the role and place of patriotism in the system of values of contemporary Russian society [Khaliy, 2017(a). P. 133-145], some regional features, and its transformation within the process of globalization and modernization [Khaliy, 2017(b). P. 37-57].
The survey results of students' and pupils' opinions, showing their attitudes towards this phenomenon, social attitudes, and value orientations, are of interest and significance for the sociological study of patriotism. These include the works of O.V. Besschet-nova [Besschetnova, 2017. P. 127-132], V.V. Malenkov and I.F. Pecherkina [Malenkov, Pecherkina, 2019. P. 249-262].
Among the works studying the issues of patriotism education are the studies and publications of N.V. Kuznetsova and E.I. Pronina [Kuznetsova, Pronina, 2020. P. 145-147], Yu.G. Volkov [Volkov, Bineeva, Pechkurov, 2017. P. 86-97]. Using empirical material, these works discuss the issues and prospects of educational activities aimed at developing patriotism among various categories of students (pupils and students), considering the importance of historical memory, identity, and citizenship in patriotic education.
In this way, sociology provides a broad range of opportunities for studying patriotism among students. A questionnaire survey was chosen as the research method, which involved students in the 1st-5th years of study at Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (SPSIT). The survey was conducted in the 2021-2022 academic year. The sample was formed according to the lists of student groups provided by the dean's offices of the faculties. A total of 756 students took part in the survey. The objective of the representativeness of the survey results was to ensure that the university was considered a separate case.
Research results
According to the analysis of the survey data, the authors found an association between patriotism and a social phenomenon in the students' perception. It is
expected that the dominant association with patriotism among Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology students is «love for their country» (42%). The second most popular is «activities for the welfare of the country» at 21 %, and in third place is «pride for the country» (21 %).
The dominance of the associative attitude of patriotism with love for the country was confirmed by the analysis of responses on agreement/disagreement with the statements about patriotism. A significant number of the students surveyed (63 %) strongly agree with the statement «Patriotism is the love of your country», and another 29 % partially agree.
The second most popular attitude among students characterizes students' perception of patriotism as a broad, global phenomenon. Almost half of the respondents (49 %) fully agree that «Patriotism is something global, relating to the desire to change something for the better in your country», and another 45 % partially agree. The third most agreeable expression refers to the behavioral component of social attitudes: «Pa-triotism is the desire to defend your country and its interests». 49 % fully agree with this statement, and another 36 % partially agree.
The survey revealed that, for students, patriotism is a global rather than a local phenomenon. Agreement with the statement about the local nature of patriotism is summarily lower than that about its global nature (Figure 1).
On the one hand, all the associative components of the «patriotism» concept are quite stereotypical for young people; on the other hand, they reveal inconsistency between the content load that this social group puts into the concept of «patriotism» and their actual readiness and ability to implement their attitudes. When it comes to the practical implementation of specific social practices related to the formation of patriotism, local rather than global practices (at the level of one's backyard, university, or city) are more common.
Table 1. Attributes of a patriot according to respondents (multiple-choice question)
Answers %
1. One who is doing something useful for the country 79
2. One who participates in various political activities and protests 35
3. One who is involved in science, culture, or history studies 26
4. One who does voluntary work 17
5. One who chooses to become a doctor or a teacher 15
6. One who participates in various charity events 13
7. One who does something useful for their family and friends 12
8. One who chooses the military profession 12
9. One who wants to join the army 8
10. Difficult to answer 8
11. Can't call anybody a patriot 5
12. Other 3
Students associate the image of a patriot with someone doing good things for their country (79 %); at the same time, more than a third of students (35 %) consider people who participate in political actions to be patriots. The third most popular answer is about people in science, culture, and history (26 %) (Table 1).
Self-identification is one of the significant markers for a social group. The self-identification of the surveyed students is characterized by the tendency of the majority to identify themselves as patriots (63 % in total); at the same time, straight assessments (options "Yes" and "No"), characterizing greater confidence and stability of the position were chosen less frequently. Answers on whether it is possible to be a patriot and not live in your country showed that the surveyed students were not inclined to associate patriotism with the place of residence, which correlates with assessments of patriotism as a global phenomenon. Thus, almost a quarter of students (23 %) answered negatively, and 77 % responded positively.
Figure 1. Responses to the question about the local Figure 2. Responses to the question "Who can you or global nature of patriotism
Completely disagree
Partially agree
Completely agree
45 HI
1 1 1 21
49 —i
call a patriot?", %
Political figures of the past Political figures of the present
Opinion leaders (media, bloggers, journalists)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Patriotism is something k^l Patriotism is something global
Cultural figures 34
I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Table 2. Distribution of public figures mentioned by respondents (by categories)
Category Most mentioned Least mentioned
Cultural figure K. Khabensky, O. Buzova, M. Zadornov M. Tsvetaeva, N. Rastorguev, D. Matsuev
Political figures of the present A. Navalny, V. Putin, S. Avksentieva V. Milonov, S. Furgal, V. Zelensky
Political figures of the past I. Stalin, A. Nevsky I. Ilyin, B. Nemtsov, E. Limonov
Opinion leaders (media, bloggers, journalists) Yu. Dud, V. Soloviev, I. Varlamov E. Shulman, I. Golunov, K. Sobchak
Other E. Zhukov, E. Medvedeva D. Mendeleev, A. Suvorov
Table 3. Distribution of responses to the question "Who would you call a patriot?" (multiple-choice question)
Answers %
1. One who is doing something useful for the country 79
2. One who participates in various political activities and protests 35
3. One who is involved in science, culture, or history studies 26
4. One who does voluntary work 17
5. One who chooses to become a doctor or a teacher 15
6. One who participates in various charity events 13
7. One who does something useful for their family and friends 12
8. One who chooses the military profession 12
9. One who wants to join the army 8
10. Difficult to answer 8
11. Can't call anyone a patriot 5
12. Other 3
At the same time, among those who do not consider themselves patriots, the highest percentage disagreed that it is possible to be a patriot without living in your country (12 %). Students who identify themselves as patriots mostly agree that it is possible to be a patriot without living in their home country.
Also, to identify the characteristics of perceptions of patriotism, students were asked to name the people they considered patriots of their country (Figure 2). The responses mentioned cultural figures, opinion leaders (bloggers, talk show hosts, media personalities, and journalists), as well as athletes, scientists, and military leaders.
Among the most frequently mentioned political figures of the present are A. Navalny and V. Putin, as well as S. Avksentieva, a regional political leader and former head of the Yakutsk city district. Among politicians of the past, the most frequently mentioned were I. Stalin and Grand Prince A. Nevsky.
The most frequently mentioned cultural figure was O. Buzova, but this can be explained by her popularity in the media space, as well as her high activity in social media.
The resulting associations allow us to visualize the conceptual foundations of patriotism, understand the social orientations of student youth, and, possibly, the beliefs formed in this environment.
Students most frequently mentioned Yu. Dud among the opinion leaders; in addition, less frequently mentioned but still included among the patriots were Russian politologists E. Shulman and V. Solovey1. We should note that among the names mentioned, there are also fictional characters - characters from
1 Russian individuals included in the register of foreign media agents.
literary works, such as Prince Bolkonsky, and TV show character personifying the collective image of the deputy - Nalivkin.
The survey revealed which characteristics the students give to those who are considered to be patriots. The question implied multiple-choice answers (Table 3).
A significant share of students often chose the broader answer option "One who is doing something useful for the country" - 79 %. More than a third of students mentioned political activism as one of the qualities of a patriot (35 %). However, the answers to the question about which activities conducted at the university students consider to form patriotism, self-identification as patriots and opinion about the usefulness of actions do not correlate with the most preferred directions and forms of educational activities. The prevailing forms of activities are cultural, leisure, and personal activities. This may indicate a tendency to shift one's civic responsibilities towards other actors, such as universities and civil society organizations.
The results of the data analysis also showed which professions are considered patriotic (Figure 3). Within this question, students were given multiple-choice answers. The answers showed that the respondents have a predominant stereotypical view on the professions most suitable for the "patriotic" concept: students chose medical, military, and teaching professions. However, a large percentage of students said that, in general, they did not connect professional activity and patriotism.
Within the framework of this study, we have identified four nominal groups of professions according to the nature of their "patriotism":
1) Professionals whose work is focused on service to society. This includes teachers, doctors, scientists, and athletes.
Other (specify what... ) Politicians Government officials Athletes
Cultural figures (artists, etc.)
Human rights activists
Firefighters, rescuers
Teachers, educators
Scientists, scholars
Military servicemen
Doctors, medical workers
I do not associate professional activity with
2) Professionals whose work directly involves defending the state's interests: civil servants, human rights activists, and politicians.
3) Professionals whose work is highly significant situationally: e.g., during the Covid-19 pandemic - doctors and health workers.
4) Professionals whose work is aimed at protecting people and territories: military servicemen, rescuers, and firefighters.
Based on the answers (Table 4), we can see that respondents are more inclined to consider patriots those who choose professions based on service to society (scientists, teachers, educators, cultural figures, athletes) - 72 %. Professionals involved in defending the state's interests are considered patriots by more than half of the respondents - 64 %. A significant part of the students (29 %) mentioned representatives of the medical sphere as patriots. This is due to the importance of the medical field and the role of members of the medical professions in the situation in the country caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
When we asked, which activities students consider patriotism-forming, we found that students did not mention among their favorites those activities that aimed only at forming patriotic education (Table 5). Generally, all the activities students have chosen are more educational and informative.
By a small margin of 40 %, students cited activities related to historical events among the measures that promote a sense of patriotism. A third of the surveyed students mentioned the option of activities that do not fit into the logic of the present study - career guidance activities and activities aimed at motivating students to engage in professional area within the framework of their study at the university. Career guidance activities, in terms of their impact and nature, are more focused on the student and the personal benefit of an individual than other forms that focus on other people, large social groups and communities.
The students' willingness to participate in the activities shows the gap between the perceived qualities of the ideal-typical image of a patriot in the minds of young people and the behavioral and social attitudes. Almost a third of the students (32 %) expressed willingness to participate in cultural and creative activities, while a similar share chose career guidance activities. About 16% said that they were not ready to participate in any form of activity or event at all.
Figure 3. Relationship between patriotism and the type of professional activity in respondents' perception, %
12 13 13
The reasons for the unwillingness of this inactive part of students to participate in the patriotic education activities of the university cannot be characterized from the results obtained. However, identifying activities in which students are willing to participate gives us an understanding of the existing demand among students as subjects of the educational process
Table 4. Students' answers concerning the relationship between profession and patriotism
Category %
1 Professional activity based on service to society 72
2 Professional activity that implies the defense of the State's interests 64
3 Professions with high situational relevance, e.g., related to the COVID-19 pandemic 29
4 Professional activity related to protecting people and territory 22
Table 5. Activities that promote a sense of patriotism according to students (multiple-choice question)
Commemorative actions related to historical events Activities for professional orientation to encourage students to work in their chosen specialty/training area after graduation
Events organized to involve students in volunteer activities
Difficult to answer
Charity events organized by the university
Events related to the celebration of the 75th anniversary
of the Victory Day
Public lectures of famous political figures Cultural, leisure, and creative events Sporting events, military standard tests
10. Other
to further actualize the content component of the developed and implemented programs of patriotic education in the modern university.
The respondents divided into an "active" and a "passive" part when assessing their involvement in the events organized by the university in the past year. Thus, the "active" part of the university youth makes up 14 % of the total sample, while the "passive" constitutes 86 %.
At the same time, only a few of the activities in which the "active" part of students of the Institute of Technology participated can be attributed to those directly related to forming a sense of patriotism: the predominant are sports (43 %) and cultural and creative activities (40 %), as well as volunteer work (37 %). Commemorative (33 %) and historical (24 %) events are also prominent.
In this context, the findings of Malenkov V.V. and Maltseva N.V.'s study on different groups of young people are of interest [Malenkov, Maltseva, 2020. P. 152162]. In their study, the authors examine the patriotic attitudes of modern youth from the perspective of traditionalist and civic models. Traditionalist (etatist or Ets patriotism [Cheltsov, 2016. P. 24]) patriotism is based on loyalty to the state and respect for authority; national statehood is perceived as an absolute value, something sacred. In this identity model, the state is usually associated with historical figures and the specific entities that form the ruling class. In the civic model, the concept of the state is transformed into an administrative structure with limited functions in society, contrasting with the etatist model, where the state is a supra-public entity. As part of civic identity, patriotism is based on formal principles and procedures for realizing the collective will of members of the civic community and civic cooperation. Malenkov and Maltseva's research showed that a traditionalist rather than a civic model of patriotism prevails for young people. Attitudes towards passivity and the reproduction of vertical relations between society and the state, and a focus on objects of local scale are among the dominant views of contemporary youth. At the same time, awareness, activity, independence, and modern horizontal models of interaction between citizens, society, and the state are rarely represented in the opinions of young people.
The main motivation for the active part of students of the Technical University in different activities comes from their desire to diversify their leisure time, as well as their willingness to realize themselves and their potential through participation in diverse activity formats (Table 6).
In our view, this can serve as a launching point for identifying relevant forms of activities and understanding how to involve young people in the univer-
Table 6. Structure of students' motivation to participate in different forms of activity
Table 7. The main barriers to form patriotism in the university
The main reasons %
It is not the university's objective 35
The existing patriotic education programs are outdated for 5 today's students
The existing patriotic education programs are aimed at other 2 categories of young people
The existing patriotic education programs are not interesting 5 for students
University students are poorly involved in any social activities 2 The proposed forms of patriotic education programs are mor- 10 ally outdated
It is too late to develop a sense of patriotism among higher 8 education students
Other 5
sity's patriotic education programs. The findings suggest that such motivation structure is characteristic not only of the "active" but also of the "passive" part of the students. Therefore, it seems appropriate for us to propose conducting almost any format of patriotically oriented activities that would help bring diversity and opportunities for accumulating social capital among students.
Understanding the motivational structure of active and passive student groups is a necessary but insufficient condition for successful universities' patriotic programs implementation. It is necessary to understand the role that students attribute to social and higher education institutions in the patriotic education process. 70% of the surveyed students believe that universities cannot form a patriotic feeling in young people, and only 30 % say the opposite (Table 7).
The prevailing students' belief that the formation of patriotism is not a task for higher education institutions shows that this value orientation is beyond the university's competence as an agent of socialization. Additionally, 8 % of respondents believe that a sense of patriotism among university students is already formed to some extent and cannot be changed. It is also interesting that 10 % of respondents said that the activities implemented in existing patriotic education programs are outdated and do not meet the requirements and needs of students and modern realities.
The main conclusions
1. The study considered the attitudes of both "active" and "passive" groups of students - those who already participate in various activities and events designed to promote patriotism and those who do not. In this regard, we recommend dividing the programs and activities for students' patriotic education in universities according to their focus and orientation toward a specific target audience considering the existing or missing demand. For example, for the "active" part of the students, activities that allow them to satisfy their self-actualization needs will be relevant; for the "passive" and more numerous group, activities should be designed according to their perception of the activities relevant to them. For "active" students, the purpose of the events will be to maintain their interest and activity level, while for "passive" students, it will be to involve them in various forms of activity and to form positive social attitudes towards the activities carried out by the university, including those aimed at the formation of patriotism.
2. Commemorative, historical, vocational, and voluntary activities dominate the list of activities that students consider most effective in promoting patriotism. This directly indicates willingness to participate in activities that are of interest to students at a given university. This is a direct indication of willingness to be involved in activities that are relevant to the interests of the university's students. As witnessed through research, when designing patriotic education programs, special attention should be paid to planning forms of activity that incorporate students' assessments of the effectiveness of these forms. Organizing various activities and a variety of forms of students' involvement within the university will change the ratio of the "active" and "passive" part of the youth of the Technical University.
3. The students' opinions on the forms of activities they would like to participate in are nearly identi-
Бессчетнова О.В. Патриотизм: мнение студенческой молодежи Саратовской области. Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Социология. Политология. 2017. Т. 17. Вып. 2. С. 127-132.
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4. The choice of forms of educational work with patriotic orientation should consider the students' motivational attitudes. The predominant types of motivation to participate in various activities are the desire to actively and effectively spend their leisure time, the need for self-realization, realizing their interests, and personal potential.
5. Information support for patriotic events should be provided using the official information channels: the university website, official pages on social networks, etc. The media should cover upcoming events (announcements, press releases) to increase the information coverage and involvement of students in the ongoing events, as well as past events, information about which creates a positive perception of the university's role in the educational process and the formation of patriotism.
In conclusion, we should reiterate that the need to study the concept of patriotism in specific socio-cultural contexts and the form of actual social practices, rather than as an abstract social phenomenon with universal characteristics, determines the attractiveness of analyzing the concept of patriotism. Consideration of the patriotism concept and its perception may be of practical significance in developing and implementing educational practices in higher education institutions aimed at the formation of patriotism. The sociological study reveals possible contradictions or differences between the students' understanding of patriotism and the patriotic discourse constructed within the framework of educational and training programs and their components. Among students, the content of the concept of patriotism may contradict the meanings given to the idea within the legal framework and state programs.
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Юлия Викторовна Дружинина, кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры социологии Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (Российская Федерация, 190013, Санкт-Петербург, Московский проспект, 24-26/49А). E-mail: [email protected] Екатерина Андреевна Ковтун, преподаватель кафедры социологии
Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (Российская Федерация, 190013, Санкт-Петербург, Московский проспект, 24-26/49А). E-mail: [email protected] Олеся Вадимовна Широкова, кандидат социологических наук, доцент кафедры организационного проектирования систем управления Института государственной службы и управления
Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Российская Федерация, 119606, Москва, проспект Вернадского, 84). E-mail: [email protected]
Для цитирования: Дружинина Ю.В., Ковтун Е.А., Широкова О.В. Концепт «патриотизм» в условиях современного вуза: содержание и возможности формирования. Государственная служба. 2023. № 2. С. 95-103.
Yulia V. Druzhinina, Candidate of Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (24-26/49(A), Moskovsky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, 190013, Russian
Federation). E-mail: [email protected]
Ekaterina A. Kovtun, Lecturer of the Department of Sociology
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (24-26/49(A), Moskovsky Prospekt, St. Petersburg, 190013, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected]
Olesya V. Shirokova, Candidate of Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the Department of Organizational Design of Management Systems, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (84, Vernadsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119606, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected]
For citation: Druzhinina Yu.V., Kovtun E.A., Shirokova O.V. The concept of "patriotism" in a modern university: the content and possibilities of formation. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2023. No. 2. P. 95-103.
Иванова В.А., Алябьева Е.В., Кузеванова О.М. Организация воспитательной работы в современном вузе. Традиции И новации. Монография. Москва; Инфра-М, 2023.
В монографии рассматриваются особенности организации современного процесса воспитания студенческой молодежи в вузе. Особое внимание авторы уделяют изучению профессиональной социализации и адаптации студентов вузов. Представлены некоторые практические подходы к процессу воспитания.
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