КОМПОЗИЦИОННЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ, ОБЩИЕ СВОЙСТВА И ОБЛАСТИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Технологии материалов»

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Sciences of Europe
Ключевые слова
композитные материалы / области применения / свойства / матрица / волокно. / composite materials / usage areas / properties / matrix / fiber.

Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Гурбанов Н.А., Сидоров Д.Б., Исмаилова К.Х.

В то время как материалы, которые меняются, развиваются и меняются с течением времени, раньше использовались как натуральные и чистые, без какой-либо обработки, их начали производить с растущими потребностями и меняющимися потребностями, и даже они разрабатывались в соответствии с их характеристиками. Композиционные материалы, которые образованы комбинацией более чем одного материала без растворения друг в друге, представляют собой еще одну группу материалов с долгой историей. Композиты, самым старым известным примером которых является саман, получили современное определение материала, которое они имеют сегодня, благодаря их превосходным характеристикам перед лицом меняющихся и развивающихся событий прошлого века, когда одних только керамики, металла и пластика было недостаточно.

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While the materials that change, develop and diversify with people over time, were used as natural and pure without any treatment before, they began to be produced with increasing needs and changing needs, and even designed according to their characteristics. Composite materials, which are formed by the combination of more than one material without dissolving in each other, are another material group with a long history. Composites, the oldest known example of which is adobe, have gained the advanced material definition they have today due to their superior performance in the face of changing and developing developments in the last century, when ceramic, metal and plastic alone were insufficient.




Гурбанов Н.А.

Кафедра материаловедения и технологий обработки Азербайджанский Государственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности

Сидоров Д.Б.

Кафедра материаловедения и технологий обработки Азербайджанский Государственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности Исмаилова К.Х.

Азербайджанский Государственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности



Department of Materials Science and Processing Technologies Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University


Department of Materials Science and Processing Technologies Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Ismailova K.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University


В то время как материалы, которые меняются, развиваются и меняются с течением времени, раньше использовались как натуральные и чистые, без какой-либо обработки, их начали производить с растущими потребностями и меняющимися потребностями, и даже они разрабатывались в соответствии с их характеристиками. Композиционные материалы, которые образованы комбинацией более чем одного материала без растворения друг в друге, представляют собой еще одну группу материалов с долгой историей. Композиты, самым старым известным примером которых является саман, получили современное определение материала, которое они имеют сегодня, благодаря их превосходным характеристикам перед лицом меняющихся и развивающихся событий прошлого века, когда одних только керамики, металла и пластика было недостаточно.


While the materials that change, develop and diversify with people over time, were used as natural and pure without any treatment before, they began to be produced with increasing needs and changing needs, and even designed according to their characteristics. Composite materials, which are formed by the combination of more than one material without dissolving in each other, are another material group with a long history. Composites, the oldest known example of which is adobe, have gained the advanced material definition they have today due to their superior performance in the face of changing and developing developments in the last century, when ceramic, metal and plastic alone were insufficient.

Ключевые слова: композитные материалы, области применения, свойства, матрица, волокно.

Keywords: composite materials, usage areas, properties, matrix, fiber.

Introduction. Composite materials: It can be defined as new and artificial materials created by combining the properties of two or more materials of the same or different types in a new and single material in a way that preserves the boundaries of the components at the

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macro level. Composite materials generally consist of a low strength matrix main phase and a reinforcement phase dispersed in this phase (Figure 1). The reinforcement and matrix phases do not combine at the atomic level, they do not dissolve in each other and act inert.


Reinforcement Matrix Composite

Figure 1 - Composite materials

When their internal structures are examined, their components can be selected and distinguished. Even though composite materials show homogeneous properties at macro scale, they have heterogeneous structure at micro scale. Composite materials differ from microscopically homogeneous alloys in this respect [1,2,3].

Materials with different morphologies are used as reinforcement material in composites. The main purpose of the use of reinforcement material: it is to carry the load on the material and to increase the stiffness and strength of the matrix. As for the function of the matrix in the composite material, most of it is brittle and protecting the brittle reinforcement elements against external and environmental effects, transmitting the load on the composite material to the reinforcement elements and keeping the entire composite structure together [4, 5].

Some additions can be made to composite materials due to various reasons such as increasing performance during production, improving surface quality, accelerating and facilitating production. The most commonly used additives are gelcoats, mold release agents, fillers and catalysts that accelerate the polymerization (curing) process [1,6].

In summary, for a material to be qualified as a composite; It should be a material that does not occur naturally, that is brought together for a specific purpose, that its components do not dissolve in each other and that has properties that none of its components have alone.

History and Uses of Composite Materials. Contrary to popular belief, the history of composite materials, which are widely used in many fields such as the defense industry, aviation and space, automotive, household appliances and maritime, does not date back to World War II or a few centuries back. Composite materials have been used for millennia and the first examples date back to ancient times extends. Since ancient times, people have tried to strengthen these fragile materials by adding fibers of animal or vegetable origin to fragile materials. The most common and oldest known example of this is mud brick. Straw and straw mixed into the mud gave strength to this material and gave human beings the opportunity to build a solid shelter.

Mankind has realized the advantages of composite materials over time and has expanded its usage areas. War technologies have always been places where new materials are used frequently. Those who want to overcome the problem of breaking the spring after a certain

force, which is frequently encountered in normal western bows Mongolians eliminated this problem by using animal tendons with different fiber directions in the stretching parts of the bow [4]. An ancient example of the use of composites can be given from Egypt. XVIII. Amphorae of different colors and thicknesses from the dynasty period date back to BC. It reveals that fine glass fibers were made in Egypt in the 1600s [5].

Although composite materials have been used for different purposes since ancient times, fiberglass was discovered by accident in 1930 by an engineer working at Owens Corning, as the beginning of the widespread use of composites, which are called modern composites, in 1937.It can be shown to start selling in the United States. Although these glass wools, which are produced by drawing molten glass in the beginning, are used as insulation material, the use of fiberglass in structural products will not be delayed too long.

Developing composite materials II. With the World War II, more aircraft were manufactured and the use of composites in structural parts increased. Countries at war have directed many engineers to work on composite materials due to the increasing difficulty of obtaining metal materials.

Today, the composite industry has expanded as much as possible. Composite materials, which are preferred in the electrical and electronics sector for their electrical insulation properties, are also used in products that are frequently used in daily life such as television parts, sewing machines, hair dryers and even tables and chairs. Composites used in many places such as bodywork, engine elements, interior parts, brake discs, bumpers and tires in the automotive industry, Cold storage, panels, construction molds, facades, thanks to their flexible and easy design feature, high insulation capacity, transportation and assembly advantages in the construction industry. It is preferred in a wide variety of areas such as protection. Many composite materials such as electricity poles, statues, benches, and especially toll booths, toll booths, kiosks and bus stops are serious competitors to traditional materials in terms of resistance to environmental factors (Figure 2). While construction and transportation (air and land) still rank high in the composites industry, the reason for the space industry's lag is that unit-based production is comparable to other industries, albeit large in value. Composite materials continue to increase their market share in many products and areas where performance criteria are important [1,6,7,8,9].

Figure 2 - Usage areas of composite materials.

General Properties of Composite Materials. It

is impressive that many materials around us are composite. The majority of these materials are biological materials containing more than one component (wood, bone, tooth... etc.). Biological composite structures consist of a protective and more ductile main phase surrounding a strong and durable reinforcing material. Such composite structures are anisotropic and different results are obtained when their mechanical properties are measured from different directions.

Being able to control the anisotropy situation during the production of artificial composites creates important opportunities in part/product design. This is different from working with conventional materials. An engineer or designer considers the material to be iso-tropic and has the same properties all over the material thinks it will show. However, unlike composite materials, these variations in mechanical properties should definitely be taken into account during the design and the situations that the design will encounter should be well analyzed. Therefore, composite material and product/part production should be considered together and side by side.

Another important point to consider is the effect of the properties of the components that make up the structure on the composite. Rigidity, toughness, strength and density are of critical importance. Thermal properties such as expansion and thermal conduction are other properties to be considered. A mismatch between the components in terms of thermal expansion will cause permanent stresses in the composite that will adversely affect the mechanical properties [4, 9].

Having superior properties that its components cannot have on their own brings significant advantages to composite materials. The most prominent of these advantages are:

It can be listed as high rigidity, strength, fatigue resistance, specific elasticity, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, good thermal and thermal conductivity, low weight and aesthetic appearance. The point to be noted here is that any composite material cannot contain all the features listed above. Considering the intended use, the desired properties can be given to the composite material by using the right production conditions, suitable matrix and reinforcement components with known properties [10,11,12].

Composite materials are generally designed and produced for situations where high performance and lightness, high thermal resistance and corrosion resistance are required. They provide numerous advantages to conventional engineering materials in such cases, as explained in the previous sections. However, especially recently, composite materials have become the preferred materials in the design of architectural and

industrial products only in terms of their visuality, due to reasons such as high surface quality, visuality and increasing popularity.

Conclusion. With the rapid developments in the field of materials science, the production and usage areas of composite materials are increasing day by day. Our research has shown once again that composite materials are used as a common material in all areas of our daily life due to their superior properties.


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