Kinetic processes in argon-helium plasma
A.V. Juriev, Yu.A. Adamenkov, M.A. Gorbunov, E.V. Kabak, A.A. Kalacheva, V.A. Shaidulina
FSUE "RFNC-VNIIEF", Mira str, 37, Sarov, Russia 607190
The optically pumped rare gas laser (OPRGL) is a new type of optically pumped gas laser with high quantum efficiency, which can convert the high output power of a diode laser into the output power of a gas laser with good beam quality. In [1], the first generation on inert gases was demonstrated. The article presents a theoretical investigation of the kinetic processes occurring in the argon-helium plasma of a pulsed discharge.
Included in the kinetics of the argon-helium plasma model is the consideration of 11 energy states of argon and helium atoms: argon atoms Ar and helium He in the ground state, argon atoms Ar* and helium He* in the excited state, atomic ions of argon Ar + and helium He+, homonuclear ions of argon Ar+ and helium He+, heteronuclear ion HeAr + and excimer molecules of argon Ar* and helium He*. The excitation and ionization energies of the argon-helium plasma particles are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 - Excitation and ionization energy of argon-helium plasma particles.
Particle Ar* He* Ar+ He+ Ar+ 2 He+ 2 HeAr+ Ar* 2 He* 2
Energy, eV 11.55 19.8 15.76 24.59 14.5 22.23 15.74 11.06 17.97
A model of argon-helium plasma was created and the main reactions of formation and quenching of plasma particles were studied. A general scheme of kinetic processes of the plasma of inert gases of a pulsed discharge has been formed.
As a result of the work, the following results were achieved: kinetic model of Ar-He plasma was compiled, taking into account the interaction of 11 energy states of argon and helium in 64 interaction reactions; plasma particle concentration was calculated and the rate of each interaction reaction was determined. For each argon and helium energy state, the mechanisms that have the greatest effect on particle concentration are indicated; scheme of key reactions occurring in argon-helium plasma has been determined.
[1] J. Han and M.C. Heaven, Gain and lasing of optically pumped metastable rare gas atoms, Optics Letters. - 2012. - Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 2157-2159.