методы и средства, которые в наибольшей степени соответствуют решаемой задаче и поставленной цели. Кроме того, указанные методы могут трансформироваться, дополняться и модернизироваться в процессе педагогического творчества [1, С. 892].
Следует иметь в виду, что использование интерактивных средств, инновационных форм и методов работы должно быть системным, но, при этом, дозированным. Другими словами, должен соблюдаться принцип последовательности, системности, доступности, посильности для обучающихся. Не следует перегружать их проблемными формами работы на одном уроке. При этом усложнение познавательной деятельности и проблемности обучения должно происходить в зоне ближайшего действия, способствуя планомерному повышению уровня познавательной активности, креативности, творческого и критического мышления обучающихся.
Список литературы
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Рябкова Е. С.
«Поволжский государственный университет телекоммуникаций и информатики»
к.филол.н, доцент кафедры «Иностранныхязыков»
Сахно А.В.
«Поволжский государственный университет телекоммуникаций и информатики»
Riabkova E.
The Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages
Sakhno A.
The Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
В данной статье рассматривается проблема формирования грамматических навыков у учащихся неязыковых ВУЗов. Выявляются основные принципы для успешного освоения материалом. Рассматриваются возможные причины неудовлетворительного усвоения грамматического материала.
This article examines the concept of building grammar skills among the students of non-linguistic universities. Basic principles of successful learning are discussed. The article also deals with the problem of possible reasons of improper learning of grammar rules.
Ключевые слова: грамматические навыки, компетенция, неязыковой ВУЗ, профессионально-орие-тированная лексика.
Keywords: grammar skills, competence, non-linguistic university, professionally-oriented vocabulary.
In connection with Russia's accession to the Bologna Convention and the creation of a single European educational space, there are great demands on future specialists, including the professional language training of students of non-linguistic universities. In order for a technical professional to be competitive and have advantages in the labor market, it is no longer enough for him/her to be a qualified specialist in his/her field and to have knowledge exclusively in profiling subjects. Knowing at least one foreign language is a prerequisite for a prestigious and well-paid job with a growth prospect in the company. Knowledge of a foreign language will allow a specialist to participate in intercultural communication, conferences, to engage in scientific activities at the international level, to work with original literature on specialty in particular sphere of interest.
The formation of grammatical skills and the assimilation of vocabulary, namely the skills of proficiency in professional-oriented terminology is a top priority in a non-linguistic university. Grammar skills and knowledge of professional vocabulary are inextricably linked. The success of the formation of professional-oriented vocabulary in the field of its specialization is impossible without formed grammar competence among students of any specialty, including technical one.
One of the current tasks facing the teacher in a non-linguistic university is to teach non-linguistic students free professional communication, to form the necessary lexical minimum based on the specialization of students. The lexical minimum is a material, or vocabulary, which allows students to communicate competently both on common topics and in the professional sphere. It definitely will allow students to receive up-to-date information freely and easily in a foreign language and use it to solve their professional tasks.
In order to improve the quality of non-linguistic students' foreign language training, the formation of lexical competence is a prerequisite for learning a foreign language. Lexical competence is a set of lexical knowledge, skills and skills that determine the ability of students to find the contextual meaning of a word, to compare the volume of its meaning in two languages, to use the word in an appropriate context.
Building professional communication skills is a long and time-consuming process. As practice shows, students who paid special attention to the study of a foreign language in pre-university education, successfully master the terminology vocabulary at the university. As a rule, such students have already developed the following skills for communication: the skill of spontaneous monologue communication, the skill of situational dialogue speech, the ability to use and combine in foreign language communication, both new vocabulary and already learnt one and determine the meaning of a word from the context as well. Unfortunately, the majority of students at a non-linguistic university are not ready to develop skills of professional communication because of the low level of knowledge of school vocabulary, and knowledge of a foreign language in general. The teacher should pay special attention to this group of students, namely, to the activation of the already studied material and to introduction of new grammatical and lexical forms, based on the specialization of the students.
In the conditions of lack of classroom hours in the discipline "Foreign Languages" the task facing the
teacher is to develop lexico-grammatic, communication exercises, as well as text assignments for rapid and effective assimilation of professional vocabulary. The teacher needs to constantly motivate students to master the new vocabulary. An integral factor in the process of developing professional communication skills is the educational motivation to learn a foreign language among students of technical field. In order to increase the motivation of students to learn foreign languages, it is necessary to select the material for improving vocabulary in accordance with the subject of practical training and it also should be based on the level of knowledge of students, in order to constantly stimulate them to learn not only a foreign language, but the development of the educational needs of students.
The teacher needs to pay special attention to the selection and development of exercises to form and improve the skills of professionally-oriented vocabulary. Exercises are targeted activities in which students learn language material and acquire the skills of operating this material in an appropriate form of speech.
The process of mastering vocationally oriented vocabulary by students has a number of difficulties and is one of the difficult aspects of learning a foreign language. It follows that a thorough thematic selection of vocabulary is required, which in turn will contribute to the involuntary memorization of the material by students. Effectively learned professionally oriented vocabulary contributes to the use of its students in monologue and dialogue speech, i.e. forms the skills of self-expression.
The formation of professionally-oriented vocabulary is possible in the process of reading texts by specialty. Learning vocabulary should be built on a principle from simple to complex. In the first year of learning a foreign language, students work with general educational adapted texts, in the second year students are offered more complex authentic texts, characterized by a large content of professionally oriented vocabulary.
Choosing tests to form professionally oriented vocabulary, the teacher needs to focus on the topic studied and based on materials on the specialized disciplines. Information in the texts should be relevant and up-to-dated which increase the interest and motivation of students to learn a foreign language. It is on the basis of work with text where the study of lexical and grammatical material is studied, professionally oriented information is extracted, and intelligence and professionally significant skills are developed.
In today's society there is an opinion that knowledge of grammar is not so necessary to get a proficiency level in a foreign language. The set of lexico-grammatical models and samples presented in modern textbooks allow for a free expression in a foreign language. Let us disagree with this statement. Knowledge of grammar is the basis for successful language proficiency; it is, in a way, an indicator of the literacy and education of a person who speaks a particular language.
Unfortunately, the first task in non-linguistic universities is to teach students professional reading, translation, memorization of terms. The authors of this article call for due consideration to the formation of grammar competence of students.
English grammar, like any other, is engaged in the study of the structure and change of words, types of phrases and types of sentences. In other words, it is a certain set of rules and regulations that are used in the
construction of literate speech. With the help of theoretical knowledge of grammar, we master the structure of language and form the skills of correct speech construction.
When introducing new grammatical forms, students should pay attention not only to their form, but also to their meaning and use. Knowing and understanding the meaning and communicative function of the structure studied, students will be able to use it competently in speech.
Introducing a new grammatical structure, you need to answer a number of questions:
1.Is this form made correctly or is it an exception?
2. Does it make it difficult to write it?
3. How is it pronounced?
4. Does this form affect the order of words in a sentence or the words that follow?
The way in which a new grammar material is introduced depends on the age of the students and their degree of language proficiency. On this basis, you should consider the amount of time it will take to work on the form. However, even for beginners, repeating the rule once or twice will be enough for students to remember the basics and use the form in speech.
Students also need to understand the function of new grammatical material. Beginners are given the only meaning of the form and one function of the form. During the practicing of this material, they will realize that grammatical structures have many meanings.
It is necessary to understand beforehand what difficulties students may have in assimilating grammatical material and try to prevent them.
The best way to remember the theory is to present it by visual means and manuals. It can be diagrams, tables, drawings, models, and presentations, that is, everything that allows you to visually show the meaning of this rule. English grammar is also based on songs. It is necessary to study grammar in the context of real conversation.
And, of course, the most useful part of learning English grammar is the practice of theory for the activation of grammatical material and the development of speech.
The grammar of English differs significantly from the grammar of the Russian language. Learning English grammar takes place on the principle of "simple to complex", you learn the theory and consolidate knowledge in practice, gaining confidence and experience. It is worth paying attention to how English grammar is clear, universal and relatively simple compared to other languages. Referring to the official world statistics, the development of English is much easier and faster, the language is easy in its nature, for learning, for perception and speed of development, for a reason, it is international. At the initial stage of learning English grammar, students may not have significant difficulties, because the existing parts of the speech echo their native language, and will be absolutely understandable and accessible to understand: verbs; nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions and the articles.
If you don't pay proper attention and don't give enough time to studying a language from the very beginning of language study, then, there will be a large
number of difficulties in filling the gaps, language will initially be learned incorrectly. The primary task of our teachers when working with beginners, is to form competent speech skills, to instill technique and skills, in connection with which, gradually, the listener begins to intuitively catch and make his/her speech correctly. Our teachers call this skill "grammatical intuition." These are the skills in which students will immediately competently and correctly use the language in everyday life, without being distracted and not remembering each time the grammatical rules. When learning English grammar, it is necessary to use methods in which the student begins to independently notice certain patterns, structures, analogues between rules and their practical use, use schemes, visual examples, universal tables and schemes to maximize the mastery and understanding of the principles of grammar language.
The problem of selecting a grammatical minimum for teaching English to different groups of students, and the distribution of grammatical material, on the concentrates of education can not be considered solved, but it is possible to note the main factors that need to be taken into account when a particular grammatical phenomenon is proposed for study in a certain year of study. These main factors include: 1) didactic rule of hardship isolation and the principle of studying the material from easy to difficult; 2) the need for communication, i.e. the need to study primarily those grammatical phenomena, without which it is impossible to provide practical needs of speech (the ability to speak, understand speech by ear, read, write) within the subjects selected for this year's training; 3) sufficient vocabulary, which can provide the possibility of the development of automatism. If students have a limited vocabulary at this stage of their studies and a new grammatical phenomenon cannot therefore be used in various situations or illustrated by a sufficient number of examples, the study should be attributed to a later period, otherwise the teaching may remain at the level of theory, rather than developing the skills and practical skills of students in speech science.
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