Научная статья на тему 'It in commerce: e-commerce and omni-channel sales in Russia'

It in commerce: e-commerce and omni-channel sales in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Philipp A. Antipin

The article discusses the use of information technologies and possibilities provided by the Internet in commerce. The global and European experience of omni-channel sales is discussed. The prospects and conditions of the development of e-commerce and omni-channel sales are identified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «It in commerce: e-commerce and omni-channel sales in Russia»


3. Батайкин П.А. Особенности реализации функций государства в системе распределения доходов // Вестник экономики, права и социологии. 2011. № 3. С. 16-18.

4. Нестулаева Д.Р. Электронное образование как новая форма подготовки квалифицированных кадров для модернизационной экономики // Вестник экономики, права и социологии. 2015. № 1. С. 35-37.

5. Шлычков В.В., Нестулаева Д.Р., Алафузов И.Г. Малый бизнес о векторе социально-экономического развития и своей роли в модернизационном процессе экономики России: взгляд из региона // Вестник экономики, права и социологии. 2015. № 2. С. 97-103.

6. Хасанова А.Ш., Квон Г.М., Мухаметзянова Ф.Г. Оценка перспектив развития рынка трудовых ресурсов как субъектов профессиональной деятельности // Вестник Белгородского университета кооперации, экономики и права. 2015. № 1 (53). С. 133-137.

© Алимова А Н., Кривова Е.О., 2017

УДК: 339.371

JEL: F10, L81

Philipp A. Antipin

Post- graduate student of the Chair of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE),

Moscow, Russian Federation



The article discusses the use of information technologies and possibilities provided by the Internet in commerce. The global and European experience of omni-channel sales is discussed. The prospects and conditions of the development of e-commerce and omni-channel sales are identified.


Automated business processes in commerce, multi-format commerce, e-commerce, omni-channel commerce.

The rapid IT development and the active use of the World Wide Web and the Internet in business result in new economic relations in all fields of economy, including commerce. Alongside with traditional store and out-of-store methods of commerce, omni-channel sales are in high demand. These sales are based on various methods of commerce integrated through automated commerce systems, which enable lowering risks of companies and expanding consumers' opportunities to buy goods.

Traditional commerce practices are giving way to a new form of business omni-channel sales - through a broader involvement of market agents in e-commerce, and through the development of multi-channel commerce formats. Omni-channel commerce is based not only on automated business processes and on the use of up-to-date IT-solutions, aimed to synchronize various sales channels, but on the unified market strategy, determined by the following principles:

- coincidence of the range of goods and loyalty programmes;

- a set price on goods and services irrespective of the distribution channel (an online shop, a mobile site version, mobile apps, telephone orders, Pick Point terminals , printed materials, e.g. brochures and catalogues, conventional stores etc);

- a wide range of payment options (cash, credit card, e-wallet);

- efficiently organized logistics;

- customer databases, including customized offers and consumer behaviour forecasts).

The opportunity to select the delivery channel and to return unsuitable goods are no less important in omni-


channel sales.

The existing literature on the organization of omni-channel sales argues that these technologies suit both the B2B model (business-to-business, in which the seller and the buyer are companies, i.e. wholesale trade) and the B2C model (business-to-customer, where a company is a supplier of goods or services, whereas an individual customer is a buyer, i.e. retailing) [1, pp. 26-27.].

One of the best companies, producing software for omni-channel sales on the Russian market is Hybris (Germany): their IT-solutions include hybris B2C Commerce and hybris B2B Commerce. There are numerous equivalents, developed by other international companies, e.g. an international Denmark-based consulting company Columbus, whose IT-solutions include Columbus Retail on the platform Dymanics AX 2012 for Retail; Weigandt Consulting (Germany, UK, Russia), specializing in IT-solutions for omni-channel commerce, e.g. ATG Web Commerce; IBM (US) with their IT-solution IBM Retail Integration Framework, and other companies.

Beside the aforementioned technological projects on omni-channel commerce services, each of these companies provides maintenance services and personnel training for companies. The increase in the income of these companies can serve as indirect evidence of the increase in demand for their services. For instance, Columbus faced a 57% increase in its income from the global sales of the software in the first half of 2015 (in comparison with the same period in 2014), and a 60% increase in the third quarter of 2015. In the first half-year period of 2016 there has been a 9% increase, though 2015 success provided 28% growth of income caused by the license renewal of the company's in-house development software [delivers financial results in [2].

Therefore, we can assume that nowadays there is a wide range of available IT-solutions to organize omni-channel sales adapted to various retailing systems. The introduction of such systems, however, is directly related to the companies' readiness to do so, as well as to the availability of Internet-access and consumers' preferences.

According to Hybris (2014), the share of consumers willing to buy from multi-channel companies is 68% in the US, 55% in France, 53% in Germany, with the UK taking the leading position - 73%. Besides, 74% of British consumers resort to online channels to reserve goods before picking them from a store; 20% use mobile apps to compare prices and read comments about goods; another 25% - to find the nearest store. As omni-channel sales involve using the Internet, 55% of the world e-market is taken by the USA, the UK and Japan. China, Indonesia, India, Russia and Argentine demonstrate certain growth [3, pp. 1968-1972]. According to Rosstat Russian Statistics Agency), online sales made 0.7% of the total retail turnover in 2014 (the starting point for the analysis). In the USA, meanwhile this figure reaches 19%, in Western Europe - 9%.

More than 70% of the European e-commerce market is taken by the UK, Germany and France, with their more than 100 mln Internet-users who shop online. The minimum volume of the domestic e-market in each of these countries exceeds €17 bln. In Spain and Italy with their large retail markets and large population, the development of e-commerce is hindered by the low level of Internet-access availability as well as by the population's scepticism to online shopping. The sales volume in Eastern Europe is relatively small in comparison with the rest of Europe, with the leading place taken by Russia. However, the average bill and annual spending of Russian customers are the lowest in comparison with the EU countries [4, pp. 96-99].

The analysis of the data, provided by the Association of E-Companies of Russia (2015) and other sources proves that with the 50% of Internet availability, only half of the consumers shops online. In Europe and the USA, where the Internet availability is 60-65%, this figure reaches 80%. The sales volume of the Russian e-market made 713 bln RUR, exceeding the 2013 figures by 31%. Electronics and home appliances was the leading segment in 2014 (184.257 bln RUR). Which demonstrated a 41.6% growth in comparison with 2013. The largest increase in sales was shown in three categories: telephones and smartphones (63%), home electronics (63.4%), durable household appliances (55.8%). The number of Internet users increased by 4.3 mln people (6.2.% in comparison with 2013) and made 73 mln people in total. The Central Federal Region takes the leading position in the number of Internet-users (20.9 mln; the largest growth was demonstated by the Siberian Federal Region (a 130% increase) and Far-Eastern Federal Region (a 92% increase). The highest shared of the growth (40%) was due to the population of small settlements and villages. 83% of users accessed the Internet daily. 40 mln people shopped online. 20 % of those paid


from their mobile accounts, 61.7% paid with credit cards (55.3% in 2013). The share of cash payments dropped by 20% from 2011 to 2014. The number of users who made payments online increase in 2014 by 13% in comparison with 2013. In 2015 the volume of the domestic e-market in Russia made 650 bln RUR at 160 mln orders (i.e. there was a 16% increase compared to 2014). 20% of the total number of orders were made in overseas shops (compared to 2015, the number of orders increased up to 75%).

Therefore, the conditions, beneficial for attracting Russian consumers to omni-channel sales, are being developed.

O. V. Bezotosnaya gives the data that effectively built strategy of omni-channel sales, allows foreign companies to grow revenue by more than 2% and increase customer satisfaction; to decrease by 10-15% marking-down of goods probability, shorten the deliver time by 1-2 days; to enlarge storage capacity by 40%, and reduce the storage expenses by 20% [5].

A good example of omni-channel sales nationwide can be a chain store Eldorado. However, there is no reliable information concerning the use of omni-channel technologies by Russian companies. It should be mentioned, though, that 19% of Russian retailers have a mobile version of their sites [6, pp. 14- 20].

Summarizing the aforementioned information, we may safely say that nowadays the Russian consumer market demonstrates that e-commerce as a starting point for omni-channel sales, is in demand and shows the growth prospects due to constant updates of the technological features enabling the Internet-access, as well as to low Internet availability in rural areas. Omni-channel technologies in commerce and the analysis of their prospects in Russia are being assessed these days. Russian retailers demonstrate readiness to use omni-channel technologies, which is proved by the fact that 50% of venture investments in Russia is taken by IT and Internet-related projects in e-business [7, р. 3]. However, according to experts from Columbus, the wide use of omni-channel sales on the Russian consumer market will be seen in no less than 8-9 years. It is difficult to contradict this opinion, because substantial investments and high purchasing power are key factors for the successful introduction of omni-channel technologies. Moreover, as shown by practice, the majority of Russian retailers who use the multi-channel strategy still receive a much higher profit form off-line sales [1, p. 26]. The legislation, regulating Internet-commerce and services provided through the Internet, should become the basis for the development of e-commerce and omni-channel sales. References:

1. Prohorov S. Omni-channel i e-commerce v ritejle //Intelligent Enterprise. [Omni-channel and e-commerce in retailing// in: Intelligent Enterprise ] - 2014. - Volume 2. - pp. 26-27.

2. Columbus ob"yavlyaet finansovye rezul'taty pervogo polugodiya 2016. [Columbus delivers financial results in the first half ofthe year. ] [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://releases.ict-online.ru/news/n135578 (date of access: 17.10. 2016)

3. Kazakova K.V, Pushilin D.V. Perspektivy razvitija internet-torgovli v Rossii // Fundamental'nye issledovanija [The prospects of e-commerce development in Russia// in: Fundamental Studies]. - 2014. - Vol. 12. - pp. 19681972.

4. Mjal'dzin T.N. Tipologija stran evropejskogo sojuza (EC-27) po urovnju razvitija rynka potrebitel'skoj internet-torgovli//Aktual'nye problemy gumanitarnyh i estestvennyh nauk . [The typology of EC-27 countries according the the degree of development in the market of consumer e-commerce // in: Current problems in Humanities and Sciences] - 2013. - Volume 11-12. - pp 96-99.

5. Bezotosnaya O.V. Omnikanal'nye prodazhi: pyat' istorij uspekha//Upravlenie prodazhami. [Omni-channel: 5 success stories // Sales Management] - 2015.- №1. [Electronic resource]. -URL: http://wms.korusconsulting.ru/inform-center/articles/omni-channel-wms.html (date of access 17.11.2016)

6. Mobil'nye sajty, prilozhenija i agregatory. Interv'ju Zh. Shalimovoj. //Sovremennaja torgovlja. [Mobile sites, applications and aggregators. Interview with Zh. Shalimova. // in: Modern commerce ] - 2015.- Vol. 4. - pp. 14- 20.

7. Agafonova A. N. Metodologija upravlenija kompleksom informacionnyh uslug v jelektronnoj kommercii [Methodology of management in the complex of e-services in e-commerce]: Doctorate Thesis. - Samara, 2015. - 333 p.

© Антипин Ф.А., 2017


УДК 331.3

И.В. Артюхова

к.э.н., доцент кафедры «Экономика предприятия» Институт экономики и управления (СП) ФГУАО ВО «КФУ имени В.И. Вернадского», г. Симферополь, Российская Федерация

Е.В. Кабитова магистрант направления «Экономика» Институт экономики и управления (СП) ФГУАО ВО «КФУ имени В.И. Вернадского», г. Симферополь, Российская Федерация



В статье рассматривается подходы к мотивации персонала, традиционные и новые методы стимулирования труда. Раскрыта сущность мотивации персонала с определением ее роли в системе развития предприятия.

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Мотивация, персонал, развитие предприятия, стимулирование, управление.

Мотивация персонала является одной из функций менеджмента классической теории и одним из важнейших элементов системы управления предприятием. Однако сегодня, пользуясь значительным превышением предложения над спросом рабочей силы на рынке труда, современный отечественный менеджмент предприятий имеет намерения достичь целей своего развития, но при этом часто не учитывает главной предпосылки - необходимости удовлетворения потребностей наемного персонала.

Очевидно, что при таких условиях, уровень качества товара и услуг, предоставляемых предприятием, прямо пропорционально уровню оплаты труда: при неконкурентоспособной оплате труда - как мотивирующего фактора, соответственно неконкурентоспособными будут оставаться товары и услуги. Таким образом, теоретико-методический и практический аспекты проблемы развития мотивации в современных реалиях функционирования отечественных предприятий не требует доказательств - он очевиден.

Целью данной статьи является определение значимой роли мотивации персонала в системе развития предприятия, которая предполагает решение следующих научных задач: исследовать существующие научные подходы к мотивации как функции управления; раскрыть сущность мотивации персонала с видением ее роли в процессе развития предприятия.

Управление персоналом на современных отечественных предприятиях основано на том, что люди в процессе трудовой деятельности рассматриваются одновременно, в качестве работников, обеспечивающих реализацию экономических целей предприятия, и как развивающиеся личности и сотрудники, принадлежащие к единой организационной системе [1, с.77].

Для того чтобы предприятие функционировало эффективно, необходимо правильно организовать труд работников, при этом постоянно контролируя деятельность работников, используя различные эффективные методы управления персоналом, основанные на научных законах. Развитие же предприятия происходит при условии развития персонала, который мотивирован к достижению цели, стоящей перед предприятием, и потребности которого удовлетворены путем применения материальной и нематериальной мотивации и соответствующих им форм и методов стимулирования (стимулов).

Персонал является одним из главных инструментов в процессе достижения высокой прибыли и конкурентоспособности предприятия. Для эффективного управления персоналом применяется система методов [2, с.23].

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