ISSUES OF COMMUNICATION WITH THE PEOPLE: STATE INFORMATION POLICY AND THE MEDIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Kurbanova Nodirabegim Shukurjon Qizi

It is well known that today modern information technologies have penetrated into all sectors of society and have made a unique turn in human life. This caused various risks in various areas of public life in addition to work efficiency. As we know, information has become a negative, sometimes positive force, affecting human thinking in various directions, one way or another turning the life and destiny of mankind. Therefore, the role of state information policy in the effective use of communication technologies with the public, the information society, the need of citizens in information and political processes, the study of theoretical methodologies for studying the functions and functions of the media. In this context, the article analyzes the role of state information policy in the development of the modern information society, as well as new ways and means of using technology to shape public opinion. It also describes the reforms undertaken in Uzbekistan to address these issues. In addition, foreign experience in the field of transactional media communications and interpersonal relationships was studied, as well as a theoretical study of new multimedia technologies. In particular, theories that include macroanalytical terms regarding communication infrastructure, technologies and their interaction with society - the theory of media systems and the processing of social information, as well as interactive communication and society.

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U.D.C. 316.7.


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.11.74.810 Kurbanova Nodirabegim Shukurjon qizi

Doctoral student of The Academy of Public Administration unde the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan


It is well known that today modern information technologies have penetrated into all sectors of society and have made a unique turn in human life. This caused various risks in various areas of public life in addition to work efficiency. As we know, information has become a negative, sometimes positive force, affecting human thinking in various directions, one way or another turning the life and destiny of mankind. Therefore, the role of state information policy in the effective use of communication technologies with the public, the information society, the need of citizens in information and political processes, the study of theoretical methodologies for studying the functions and functions of the media.

In this context, the article analyzes the role of state information policy in the development of the modern information society, as well as new ways and means of using technology to shape public opinion. It also describes the reforms undertaken in Uzbekistan to address these issues. In addition, foreign experience in the field of transactional media communications and interpersonal relationships was studied, as well as a theoretical study of new multimedia technologies. In particular, theories that include macroanalytical terms regarding communication infrastructure, technologies and their interaction with society - the theory of media systems and the processing of social information, as well as interactive communication and society.

Keywords: public administration, information, politics, information society, media systems, digital technologies, media, Internet, compression, convergence.

Introduction. Currently, reforms in all areas are being implemented in accordance with the tasks outlined in the "Strategy of Action for the Five Priority Directions for the Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021." In particular, the results achieved in the implementation of the state information policy are directly related to the implementation of the tasks set in this Strategy.

The state information policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on sound strategic goals. Because Uzbekistan seeks to solve problems arising in an increasingly globalizing world based on national interests.

Humanity is now experiencing a new era of "information society" [Zakaria, W.F.A., 2012, p. 5161]. Of course, there are pros and cons to each "information society," since there are pros and cons to every era. In addition to presenting new opportunities for human development at the same time, this period presents various dangers that can be found at all levels of public life. This is because we live in a large flow of information, which today is very difficult to control. Today, various information and messages penetrate our heads through traditional and modern electronic media. It is worth noting that today information has become a negative, and sometimes a positive force that affects a person's thinking in various directions and turns human life and destiny in one direction or another.

Recent studies, including 2004-2012, show that "world politics tends to use weapons of mass destruction, increase the risk of fusion, and abandon nuclear, hydrogen, and various biological,

bacteriological, and chemical weapons. But this does not mean that world politics is completely civilized. Now a new way of conquering has appeared in world politics, such as the extermination of nations, the eradication of nations and the destruction of their national characteristics, traditions and customs" [Kurbanova N., 2011. p.22] put forward. How important are these issues today?

The main part. Indeed, as indicated in this scientific approach, the rejection of the use of such tools is an integral part of the international community's policies. However, this approach in politics did not leave the world free of weapons. The military industry is developing day by day, thanks to modern information technology. At the same time, the tendency to use information development as a weapon still has a negative impact. According to N. Muradov, the youngest generation of the world's population is more than 2 billion people. And most of the attacks are committed by young people. Persons who have committed crimes such as extremism and violence are over 30 years old, with 20 percent and 80 percent being young people. According to the UN Global Armed Violence News Center, 508,000 people die as a result of violence each year. Although the number of such deaths has decreased slightly over the past three years, the number of cases of intentional homicide has increased. It is estimated that only 4% of the world's population lives in countries where conflicts or wars occur. Therefore, the main reason for the violence is not military operations, but the fact that terrorist groups and extremist organizations carry out mass manipulations

by the media. As a result, over the past 10 years, the threat of information attacks has increased 200 times. Such attacks are carried out using ICTs or the media [N. Murodov, 2019]. K. Khaidarov describes the concept of "information tool" as follows. "Information tool" -"... an algorithm that allows you to purposefully manage one information system by another interested person, as well as the process of managing this system using data that is transmitted or processed through it" [Khaidarov K., 2019. B.18]. In addition, O.Abbboskhodzhaev, N.Umarov and R.Kuchkarov: "... owners of world media holdings have the right to independently respond to this reality, changing the emphasis on events ... The Internet is virtual. new forms of culture create cyberculture in the use of reality. " [Abboskhodzhaev, N. Umarov, R. Kuchkarov, 2007. P. 50] connect the struggle of the ideology of the modern world. If you look at foreign experience in this regard, various information systems have been created in the United States, the goals and fields of which are divided into three classes:

1. Information tools that undermine public administration.

2. Information tools that change a person's behavior based on psychological effects.

3. Radio-electronic pressure. At the same time, an information tool aimed at disrupting or hindering the operation of electronic means of the opposite side [Yusupova I., 2011. p.44].

Indeed, in the past, the receipt or transmission of certain information depended on time and space. Now the concepts of "time" and "space" are very important. That is, people communicate with each other in different parts of the world via the Internet and mobile networks. In addition, news of events and events in any part of the world is quickly and openly distributed throughout the world, wherever they are. Even these methods have been successfully used in developing countries for political marketing [Hughes A., Dunn S., 2009. pp. 443-456].

Human life is inextricably linked with the environment. That is why environmental problems in human society are among the most pressing. However, today the concept of "ecological environment" is becoming increasingly important. Because not only the natural environment, but also the surrounding information environment plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today, the concept of "information" has become a powerful tool for influencing thinking in various ways and turning your life and destiny in one direction - in the positive or the other. This, in turn, requires a strong sense of individuality.

Teachers of Alabama State University Jennings Bryant and Susan Thompson named the first chapter of the book "Media Impact" on the phenomenon of media impact and began it on January 22, 1972 with the words of David Bowie, a London musicologist: We discovered At least it seems to me. We created a child who is so susceptible to the effects of the media that his parents can safely lose him at the age of 12" [Bryant D., Thompson S. 2004. p.22]. J.Bryant and S.Thompson base this quote on the tragic events of 1995 in

Louisiana. A young man and a girl between the ages of 18 and 19 are attracted to the feature film called "Natural Born Killers," which is watched many times and as a result is involved in serious crimes [Bryant D., Thompson S. 2004. p.22].

Studies in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2000 [Bryant D., Thompson S., 2004. p.407] predicted that new technologies would affect social interaction between users and that using the Internet at home would cause family conflicts and is expected to that the intensive use of this network will lead to loneliness and various phobias, depression, depression and the decline of traditional social relations. Other studies have also studied the impact of new technologies on the minds of children and adolescents [Bryant D., Thompson S., 2004. S. 407].

The characteristics of digital technologies can be summarized by the following three concepts: compression, transformation, convergence. These aspects of modern technology make it necessary to take appropriate security measures in almost all areas. In the end, the effective result of any reform of public administration is currently directly related to various information that is distributed in the information space. Even when it comes to the image of a certain state, public consciousness is formed by the global information space - messages, information, facts on the Internet. Because today any tool, product, service, or even an individual or country does not have a distinctive public image and may not attract buyers or philanthropists. Foreign sources claim that as a result of advances in modern information technology, people were able to create their own virtual images and, in some cases, their virtual reality through the virtual world. That is, the emergence and development of integrated information resources in the global Internet has created a flow of external information, in addition to official information about regions and regions. This is due to the fact that comments and comments on the information distributed on this network through electronic media have become an important indicator of the "vital activity" of users on social networks. As a result, the subjects that fill the mass content note "live" social problems as soon as the trend develops, making social networks an indicator of the community's mood. It should be noted that the regions, the creators of the image of the regions or their negative influences are representations formed mainly from queries that are active in the search engines of the global Internet [Kadyrova Sh.N., 2016. p.38].

In his scientific work "Information Society", E.N. Akak focuses on the problems of the information age and emphasizes the views of E. Tenner, J. Pavolotsky, Morris, Sheen, Croissant, Rhodes and Slater. In particular, "as Tanner writes, the age of information in society is called a new era. Because it combines long distances between citizens with digital communications. Tenner concludes that the age of information depends on technology. " The author claims that as a result of the age of information, access to large amounts of data has expanded thanks to the development of technologies such as the World Wide Web, the Internet, mobile phones and GPS devices.

advanced features for collecting and analyzing ... Internet, social networking pages and GPS systems Professionals use months of collecting, analyzing and interpreting results. The age of information has ushered in a new era of large-scale data processing as a result of the popularity and development of these technologies" [Novak, 2017]. Throughout the article, the author emphasizes one of the most urgent problems of the information era - personal, private, confidentiality of information - "As the digital age of social networks increased, users entered their personal information into the network.

According to John Pavolotsky, that is why confidentiality has become a central issue in the information age. As users transfer their information to these technology platforms, legal and ethical issues arise, for example, who owns them, who has the right to sell or use them, and which users have privacy rights. According to Pavolotsky, the information age is not just a period of time, it is a phenomenon that has changed the values, priorities and legal systems in the world community. Maurice and Shin added that "the information age has turned social concepts into a wider, more diverse and unknown audience, such as sharing information with the public". According to Croissant, Rhodes and Slater, changes during this period prompted students to pursue a career in science, technology and mathematics (services such as online training, online products with data pricing). In addition, the information age has also affected banking, finance, the stock market and the global market" [Novak, 2017].

The Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information of Russia" dated July 27, 2006 offends information defaming human dignity, expresses disrespect for society, the state, the Russian Federation, the Constitution and the government. A number of changes have been made to limit the use of this form. According to that, in the event of the disclosure of such information in telecommunication networks, including the Internet, have power to take the Prosecutor General of Russia or his deputies without a court order to take out the content of such information from the network to the executive body, and to impose restrictions on the distributed information resource. Of course, the reform of the information sector of the Russian Federation was widely discussed by foreign experts on the Internet and other information resources.

However, one of the important aspects of the problem is that the concept of "Internet ethics" did not appear yesterday. According to theoretical sources, ideas related to the implementation of ethics on the Internet were born in 1989, and to this day regulatory legal acts of international importance have been adopted. In particular, the European Convention on Cybercrime, the Charter for the Protection of Personal Data and the UN Resolution. It is worth noting that the rules for using the Internet also have the opposite. His

26 Portal of discussion of drafts of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Amendments to Resolution No 707 of September 5, 2018" On Measures to Further

name is "Moveton", which means a series of immoral acts. In modern languages they are called bump, flute, flood, spam, offtopic, hashlinking [Kasimova N., 2015. P. 148-158]. In addition, O.Allayarov noted that "... it is important to have an appropriate level of effectiveness of technologies that affect various objects of state information policy, and the ability to apply them with other technologies used in state information policy for the purposes of state information policy. Because for any state, the state of its political relations with other states is a factor determining internal stability and security. " [Allayarov O., 2019.p.22].

In this regard, the aforementioned reforms in the Russian Federation in the field of information do not meet the interests of the whole world. According to A. Solovyov, today informal pressure of stakeholders in decision-making processes in the activities of many state institutions is increasing. As a result, of this systemic effect of counterparties that can easily overcome administrative barriers, the phenomenon of "complex institutions" arises over time, which means the collaboration of formal structures and private owners and large state resources, that is, a strong cluster between the government and political-administrative coalitions in the industry is shaping [Soloviev A.I., 2019. p.8-25].

The Internet environment with its unique tools is a refined, unusual process. In particular, citizens and media working in social networks create a unique information environment through feedback. In addition, the modern capabilities of information technology make the communication process based on the information transfer scheme - receiver - analyst -observer - transmitter - receiver - analyst - observer. Therefore, the responsibility of the media for communication with people is now at a record high level. In this regard, a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 19, 2019 "On Amendments and Additions to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers" On Measures to Further Improve Information Security on the World Wide Web "dated September 5, 2018 No. 707. was adopted on the discussion portal project26 (regate.gov.uz). According to this project, prepared by Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the owner of the website, website and / or messenger page, including the blogger, will be able to delete and report the information to the Agency within 24 hours after receiving the notification. provided. However, this does not mean that freedom of information in the Republic of Uzbekistan has been suppressed. In recent years, access to a wide range of foreign sources of information has been restored in our country. In addition, Uzbekistan has achieved the

Improve Information Security in the World Wide Web ". October 19, 2019 - November 4, 2019. - URL: https://regulation.gov.uz/en/document/9308

development of professional status and values in the field of journalism27.

Actually, two different levels of research were conducted abroad to create a theory that analyzes the characteristics of transactional media communications and interpersonal relationships and new multimedia technologies. These problems have been the focus of foreign researchers since the advent of new technologies and their appearance. As a result of these studies, macroanalytical models of communication infrastructure, technologies and policies for their interaction with society are proposed. Macroanalytical models are components of establishing transactional communication with users using new technologies. F.Williams, S.Strover and A.Grant in 1994 [Bryant D., Thompson S., 2004. p.410]. Two new theories, namely the dependence of media systems, on explaining the complexity of communication processes when introducing new media Technology Theory and theory of social information processing can be useful.

The theory of the dependence of media systems was first introduced in 1976 and implemented by M.L.Defleur and S.Ball-Rokeach. This theory is intended to explain the relationship between the media, various audiences, social groups or systems. For example, "part of the government may be more associated with television as a means of entertainment or educational means. Any activity on the multimedia system is up to the advertiser. This is because advertising is funded by its activities. In turn, this type of interaction largely depends on the specific audience of the target audience for the advertised products and services. " [Bryant D., Thompson S., 2004. p.410].

The theory of social information processing was developed by J. Voltner in 1992 (Fulk, Stein Field, Schmitz & Power, 1987) [Bryant D., Thompson S. 2004. p.410]. According to this theory, when evaluating new media technologies and choosing which ones to use, users more often express their opinions than others.

The best macroeconomic model to be emphasized is Interactive Communication and Society. Because, according to this theory, any events occurring in society are based on open communication. The advantage of this is that the latest communication technologies provide simultaneous participation in communication. In other words, it goes from one-way communication to convergent communication.

Conclusion. Political Marketing for the Use of Media Communication Techniques [Hughes A., Dunn S., 2009] and research of communication models on the basis of fundamental scientific projects is planned to radically improve the state information policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan and theoretically justify the tasks being implemented. In this regard, in ensuring information security today, it is necessary to take into account the laws of the theory of "open society" and "civil society", and also determine, on the basis of macroanalytical theories, the complexity of modern

27 What did the director of AIMC say about the President, bloggers, blocked sites, governors, wizards, government affairs, Tesla and more? // Online edition

communication processes [Scheufele D. A., 2014]. It is advisable to combine the issues of effective use of ICT with modern approaches.


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15. Portal of discussion of drafts of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Amendments to Resolution No 707 of September 5, 2018" On Measures to Further Improve Information

УДК 32

ГРНТИ 11.01.29

Security in the World Wide Web ". October 19, 2019 -November 4, 2019. - URL: https://regulation.gov.uz/en/document/9308

16. What did the Director of AOKA say about the President, bloggers, blocked sites, governors, wizards, government affairs, Tesla and more? // Online edition of the "Halq Suzi" newspaper. August 5, 2019/17: 45.

19. Hughes, A., & Dann, S. (2009). Political marketing and stakeholder engagement. Marketing Theory, 9 (2), 243-256. - URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/1470593109103070

20. Scheufele, D. A. (2014). Science communication as political communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 13585-13592. . -URL: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1317516111


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.11.74.815 Волочаева Оксана Федоровна

Канд. социол. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры журналистики, г. Санкт-Петербург.


В статье предпринята попытка осуществить процессуально -акторный анализ некоторых тенденций развития информационного общества. Отмечается качественное изменение соотношения и взаимодействия различных срезов политической жизни. Подчеркивается прямо пропорциональная зависимость роста интеллектуального ресурса от информационно-сетевого глобального пространства посредством коммуникативных информационных процессов, что стимулирует принципы и практики устойчивого развития, и в идеале приводит к благополучию и безопасности личности, общества и государства. Обосновывается мысль, что девальвация, коррекция классических и современных моделей демократии, как и создание новых, вызваны современными процессами: противоборством на геополитическом пространстве, глобальной информатизацией, развитием инфокоммуникации, социальной эволюцией и трансформацией политики в целом. Делается вывод о том, что информационно -коммуникационные технологии стимулировали появление новых форм наблюдения, а, следовательно, новых форм власти, замену традиционных организаций коллективного действия современными акторами политического процесса.


The article attempts to carry out procedural and actor analysis of certain trends in the development of the information society. There is a qualitative change in the ratio and interaction of different sections of political life. The direct proportional dependence of the growth of the intellectual resource on the information and network global space through communicative information processes, which stimulates the principles and practices of sustainable development, and ideally leads to the well-being and security of the individual, society and the State, is stressed. It is justified that devaluation, correction of classical and modern models of democracy, as well as creation of new ones, are caused by modern processes: confrontation in geopolitical space, global informatization, development of infocommunication, social evolution and transformation of politics in general. It is concluded that information and communication technologies have stimulated the emergence of new forms of observation, and therefore new forms of power, replacing traditional organizations of collective action with modern actors of the political process.

Ключевые слова: политические процесс, политические акторы, информационное общество, общество наблюдения, модель демократии, глобальная трансформация, информационная коммуникация, политическое участие, средства массовой информации, медиаполитика, общественные интересы.

С помощью информации, пришедшей на смену идеологии индустриального общества и религии традиционного, сегодня определяются векторы развития, границы и стандарты поведения, формируются необходимые мировоззренческие

установки личности. Неотъемлемой частью «внешнего инженеринга» становится

рекрутирование революционно настроенной массы через сети, дискредитация, замалчивание проблем и др., что неоднократно доказывало свою

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