ISSUES OF ATTRACTING INVESTMENT TO DIVERSIFICATION THE USE OF LAND FUND Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Land fund / diversification / investment / land use / land categories.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Muhammadbek Dilshodbek Ugli Mahsudov, Shokhidakhon Abdilkhodievna Khakimova

In this paper, the issues of meeting the demand of the population for food products and solving the employment of the population through the diversification of the use of land resources are considered. Investing in diversification of land use is one of the most important issues.

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Muhammadbek Dilshodbek ugli Mahsudov

PhD student of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers muhammadbek.maxsudov@bk.ru

Shokhidakhon Abdilkhodievna Khakimova

Master student of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers mr.boev.2000@mail.ru


In this paper, the issues of meeting the demand of the population for food products and solving the employment of the population through the diversification of the use of land resources are considered. Investing in diversification of land use is one of the most important issues.

Key words: Land fund, diversification, investment, land use, land categories.


The land fund is the total land resources area of the country. Land fund -this is the sum of all lands that are considered to be objects of ownership, use, lease of property in economic proceedings in a certain territory, within its borders (in the country, region, district, etc.).

1. Lands intended for agriculture are those lands that are intended for agriculture and are intended for these purposes.

2. Land of population punks — cities, villages land within the border line.

3. Industrial transport, communication, defense and other intended lands are those lands that are assigned to legal entities for use for the specified purposes.

4. Lands intended for the purposes of conservation, health promotion, recreation — lands owned by specially protected natural areas, possessing natural healing factors, as well as land used for mass recreation and tourism.

5. Lands of historical and cultural significance are lands on which historical and cultural monuments are located.

6. The lands of the forest fund are those lands that are given for forestry needs, even if they are covered by forests, and also not covered by forests.

7. The lands of the water fund — water bodies (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.), gidrotehnic and water resources occupied lands.

8. Reserve lands-all lands that are not owned, used or leased, not sold as property, both legal and natural persons [1-3].


Before commenting on the concept of diversification of the use of land stock, we need to give a definition to the concept of diversification.

The definition given by British economists Bennock, Bakster and Devis is remarkable "diversification is the process of establishing a circle of goods and services in a firm or geographic region". In this definition, diversification is considered a process, the main attention is paid to its result [4-6].

Diversification this is the process of self-organization of increasing diversity in a particular local area; the process of expanding the content and nature of labor through the growth of its internal diversity, increasing diversity in the field of culture and art, recreation (recreation) and others; the process of increasing the profile of industrial enterprises and associations (extensive and intensive development of the); separate the subsidiary companies from the parent company or Enterprise, Association or concern with the growth of the type, size and types of services. The science of changing and stabilizing diversity is diatropic (Yu. V. Tchaikovsky). Diversification means the introduction into the program of marketing decision, strategy, the emergence of this enterprise into a new market, the production of products that have no direct relationship to the sphere of the previous activity of the enterprise [7]. Diversification means that without this system, an investment fund can be invested in a variety of securities with different risks, income and interrelationships, in order to minimize risk. In modern times, investment plays a significant role in the development of many countries, being, on the one hand, a source of financing for new projects, and on the other hand, acting as a catalyst for positive changes in the overall economic situation [8]. For example, investments can be sources of technological changes in the production process. In addition, new management practices, administration, and document management systems that are widely used and recognized as effective can also be introduced and adapted in the recipient enterprises. Therefore, attracting investment is a strategic goal for the development of any state. Foreign experience in stimulating investment activity can serve as a source of positive changes in the investment sphere of the national economy [9]. Thus, the UK has one of the most attractive investment regimes among the developed countries of the world. The key factors influencing the decision to invest in a given country are the size of the market, political and economic stability, and the development of infrastructure. The UK investment Legislation does not impose any special restrictions on foreign individuals and legal entities to own property located in the UK. Foreign investors are free to choose where to invest their capital in the country. The country has a liberal legislation regulating the activities of companies, which establishes a clear and fairly simple system of their registration. However, it is necessary to note a fairly high level of requirements for companies operating in the

financial market of the country, in particular, in the field of ensuring transparency of their activities and financial reporting [9]. With regard to outbound investment, it can be stated that in the UK in this area for the past 30 years, there is virtually no clear system of regulation. At the same time, this position of successive governments is fundamental: according to the country's leadership, full openness in terms of both incoming and outgoing investments is the best policy [10].

The United Kingdom is the world leader in the number of concluded agreements on the avoidance of double taxation with foreign countries. In addition, among the mechanisms aimed at attracting foreign investment and companies to the country, the following can be distinguished:

- creation of "free zones" and " business zones»;

- programs implemented by regional Development Agencies;

- preferential conditions for obtaining visas and residence permits for foreign investors;

- diversification of the regional structure for attracting foreign investment.


Today, there are several forms of attracting foreign investment, namely-the establishment of additional enterprises through the participation of a share;

- establishment of foreign enterprises in which 100% of property belongs to foreign investors;

- establishment of subsidiaries and branches of large foreign companies and


- conclusion of concession and lease agreements;

- announcement of tenders;

- establishment of Free Economic Zones;

- sale and purchase of financial assets.

Since the economy of the country consists of a whole system consisting of regions, the provision of development in each of its regions creates the basis for the continuous development of our country. Therefore, investment attractivenessadorlik and relative advantages created in the country and its regions play an important role in attracting foreign direct investment [11]. Exactly these factors are given special attention by investors. State regulation of investment activities is carried out in the following ways::

- improvement of the legislative basis of investment activity;

- the application of the tax system of differentiating taxpayers and objects of taxation, tax rates and benefits to them;

- accelerated depreciation of fixed assets;

- setting norms, rules and standards;

- use anti-monopoly measures;

- conduct credit policy and price setting policy;

- to determine the terms of ownership and use of land and other natural resources;

- determination of expertise of investment projects;

- monitoring the implementation of investment projects included in the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

One of the important features of the halaro capital vodka process is the active intervention of the state in this process. In this state performs the following functions:

- Regulation;

- Control;

- Encourage.

The main prints of investment and investment activities are as follows: -lawfulness;

-transparency and openness; -implementation of investment activities freedom; -fairness and equality of subjects of investment activity; -to avoid discrimination against investors; -presumption of investors ' conscience.

The main printouts of the legislation on investment and investment activities are used at all stages of the process of making investments and carrying out investment activities. Investments are divided into capital, financial and social types according to the intended object. Investments in the creation and reproduction of fixed assets, including the development of new construction, modernization, reconstruction, Technical re-equipment, as well as other forms of material production, are in the sentence of capital investments. Investments in shares, corporate, infrastructural and state bonds, as well as other types of securities, are in the sentence of financial investments. The implementation of land use diversification and the expansion of its economic content are of great socio-economic importance today, because in the context of diversification in the conditions of the market economy, the opportunities for land distribution and redistribution are further enhanced in the future [12]. Land resources can be used for various purposes, according to their functions. The fact that the purpose of use is reflected in the documents makes it possible for it to be divided into categories for which the tax is paid or not paid. Changes in the number and quality of the Land Fund and land categories occur in the following cases:

- when housing is restored;

- when placing agricultural crops;

- when placing and developing production forces;

- when water networks are deployed or the area is flooded;

- when transport roads are restored or damaged;

- when the need for land for defensive purposes arises;

- when activities are carried out in the field of nature protection;

- when conducting activities in the field of land improvement.


It would not be an exaggeration to say that ensuring the stability of the diversification cycle of the land fund is the most important condition for the diversification of the use of the land fund. The cycle of diversification can be carried out as follows in the category of agricultural land.

-overuse manner in relation to the amount consumed (extended reproduction).

-in equal proportions to the amount consumed (simple reproduction).

- in small quantities when consumed (below the normal production level).

-not re-produced at all.

As a result of the study, the following terms are proposed to science;

Diversification of the use of Land Fund This is an educational concept in which the use of land areas in the territory is constantly divided into categories according to the established main purpose, the classification according to socio - economic demand changes [13]. More precisely, the purpose of the use of land resource in a particular region is changing as a result of changes in socio-economic goals. This process does not remain the same [14]. That is a constantly occurring process. As a fundamental solution to the problems of attracting investment in the diversification of the use of district land fund, I propose to carry out the following:

- evaluation of the indicators reflecting the natural and geographical location of the regions, investment attractiveness should be carried out by determining the income (economic return) from the object of investment funds and the investment risk;

- marketing fundamentals should be correctly defined when determining strategies for land ownership, use, guarantee of rental rights, reserve of available land resources, benefits created for investors, infrastructure status, investment rating of regions, flow of foreign investments, as well as the activity of domestic investments;

- the development of the "annual statistical map" reflecting the socio-economic potential of the district plays an important role in the formation of investment programs in the regions, rational deployment of production forces, zonal policy-making;

- the new methodological approach of increasing the investment attractiveness of the district is considered-the formation of the marketing principle, the development of strategies for maintaining the investment marketing policy should become a priority

economic tool for achieving significant results in the revitalization of investment activities;

- the use of image strategy aimed at increasing the region's investment attractiveness, increasing the marketing potential of the region as a promising direction aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the investment environment in the district region is required;

- the main direction of increasing investment attractiveness in the territory of the district should be developed the basis for the development of the investment image;

- it is necessary to develop measures to ensure the accuracy, reliability, timeliness of the obligations imposed on the investor when using land.

The main goals and directions of the management system for the development of ecotourism are based on the fact that it is possible to achieve the maximum level of usefulness of activity only when the integrity and balance of ecosystems is maintained [15]. Effective management of ecotourism development includes the following three main interrelated components:

1) the main features and properties of ecotourism housing;

2) availability and management of appropriate resources in accordance with the set objectives;

3) the level and results of evaluation of achievement of the set goal.

These directions are part of the management process, in which information about the past serves to improve management in the future [16]. Through the development of environmental tourism in Uzbekistan, on the basis of the formation of the country's single ecotouristic space and ecotouristic market, ensuring environmental security on the basis of international standards, supporting small business, development of ecologically clean service sectors and production, integration of ecological tourism into local, regional, national economic systems, country's economy will the contribution to the efficiency [17-20].


I consider the use of land resources as a guarantee of the rights to the earth as the most fundamental aspect in investing in diversification. Also, the investment attractiveness of the territory will serve as a foundation for investing in the use of land resources.


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