Научная статья на тему 'Issue of non-traditional clearning root crops'

Issue of non-traditional clearning root crops Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
purification / roots / steam thermic treatment / method instant pressure relief / saturated steam / formula

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Abdullaeva Sadokat Shonazarovna, Nurmuhamedov Khabibulla Sagdullayevich

The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the treatment of root crops (sugar beet and red beet) by method instant pressure relief. Found that this method can achieve complete cleaning in the form of a thin skin and reduce the loss of raw materials in the 3–5 times. Experimental data are summarized and presented according to the calculation of the degree of purification.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Issue of non-traditional clearning root crops»

Issue of non-traditional clearning root crops

Section 7. Technical sciences

D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-67-69

Abdullaeva Sadokat Shonazarovna, PhD student, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Department of «Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology»

E-mail: sadshon1975@yandex.ru Nurmuhamedov Khabibulla Sagdullayevich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Tashkent ohemical-technological institute

Issue of non-traditional clearning root crops

Abstract: The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the treatment of root crops (sugar beet and red beet) by method instant pressure relief. Found that this method can achieve complete cleaning in the form of a thin skin and reduce the loss of raw materials in the 3-5 times. Experimental data are summarized and presented according to the calculation of the degree of purification.

Keywords: purification, roots, steam thermic treatment, method instant pressure relief, saturated steam, formula.

Industries for processing of these products are one of the fastest and most rapidly developing branches of agriculture today. One promising area is the rational and complete processing of root crops, such as red and sugar beets, potatoes, carrots, artichoke, etc.

It is rapidly developing production of food additives from roots and tubers [1, 54-56]. Analysis of different technologies for processing of root crops, in order to get new products show that cleaning of roots presents in all technologies. However, at present there is no effective cleaning process with low-loss materials. Cleaning to remove roots produce less valuable nutritionally skin raw. Intended for further processing raw materials purify by machines [2, 1-5].

The choice of the method and equipment for the cleaning of raw materials are received by the form of the processing of root. There are the following ways to clean roots from the skin: thermal (steam, steam water thermic), chemical (alkaline), mechanical (abrasive surface, blade system, compressed air), combined (alkaline steam, etc.) [3, 13-23].

Steam cleaning method tubers subjected to short-term treatment with steam under pressure P = 0.3-0.5 MPa. followed by removal of skin in washing and cleaning machine. Effect of pressure and temperature, pressure drop at the output of the machine, hydraulic (water jets) and

mechanical friction [4, 42-56]. Steamed potatoes peel in a drum washing machine. As a result of mechanical action plates located on the inner surface of the drum, water and friction between the tubers softened skin is removed and the water is removed through the hopper. In steam thermic Setting L9-KCHY designed to clean carrots uses saturated steam pressure of 0.5-0.8 MPa.

For the introduction of effective methods and technological modes of hydrothermal treatment plant products (potatoes, carrots and beets) to determine the nature of the changes in them, depending on the degree of exposure moisture and hot [5, 24-26].

Technology for production of natural syrup and dietary fiber is developed to get new types of food products from sugar beet and sugar in the North Caucasian Scientific Search Institute [6, 34-39]. Of course, getting natural syrup involves cleaning root of the bulk of heavy and toxic elements, pesticide residues, saponin by removing the surface layer of the skin, tail and head of the tuber, i. e. those parts of the beet, where these compounds tend to be concentrated.

Based on the theoretical analysis, we've selected and investigated experimentally way to clean roots, based on the short-term followed steam thermic treatment after instant pressure relief of saturated steam from an enclosed space [7, 28-30].

Section 7. Technical sciences

Fig. 1 shows that the function S = f(P/P0) is sharply increasing character regardless of the initial moisture content of the tuber. So, with a moisture content of sugar beet U = 68.9 %, relative pressure steam P/P0 = 1.4 purification S = 0.158, with P/P0 = 2, S = 0.32, at P/P0 = 2.5, S = 0.5 and respectively at P/P0 = 3.4 — achieved complete clearance, i. e. S = 1.0. A similar relationship holds for other initial moisture content of the tuber. Increase in the relative pressure steam with P/P0 = 1.4 to 3.4 increases the purity of 6 or more times, i. e., increased pressure steam positive effect on the efficiency of the cleaning process by instant pressure relief.

Fig. 1. Influence of pressure steam for purification of sugar beet:

♦ — W = 53.2 %; ■ — W = 60.4 %; a — W = 68.9 %

Experimental data on the method of cleaning instant pressure relief shows a significant influence on the degree of purification of the tubers. For example, with an increase in initial moisture content of sugar beet with W = 53.8 to 60.4 % degree of purification at P/P0 = 2.7 increases with S = 0.615 to S = 0.8, and with increase of up to W = 68.9 % of the value of purity is increased to S=1. As can be seen, the intensification of the process of purification was 1.3-1.6 times. It is such a pattern of growth purity remains and other numerical values of P/P0. Similar results were obtained in the treatment of red beet.

The result of research on cleaning beet root is shown in fig. 2. As the graphs show, the initial moisture content W = 60.4 %, relative pressure steam P/P0 = 2 purification S = 0.395, with P/P0 = 2.5, S = 0.705, with P/P0 = 2.75, S = 0.8, and, respectively, at P/P0 = 3 — complete cleaning is achieved, i. e. S = 1.0. Analysis of the results shows an increase in the intensification of purity 1.8-2.5 times.

Fig. 2. Influence of pressure steam for purification of red beet: ♦ — W = 54.6 %; ■ — W = 61.0 %; a — W = 68.1 %




3' /


y /


/□ o/V


/ /

'' s '

/ / s

/ / '




Fig. 3. Comparison of experimental data Seksp. with estimated Sest. cleaning sugar beet by method instant pressure relief: sugar beet:

□ — W = 53.2 %; * — W = 60.4 %; • — W=68.9 % beet root:

♦ — W = 54.6 %; ■ — W = 61.0 %; a — W = 68.1 %

The initial moisture content of roots also significantly affects the efficiency of the cleaning process. For example, with an increase in initial moisture content of red beets with W = 54.6 to W = 68.1 % the degree of purification at P/P0 = 2 increases with S = 0.35 up to S = 0.405 and at P/P0 = 2.5 increases with S = 0.375 to S = 0.67. As can be seen, the intensification of the process is 1.15-1.8 times.

Generalization of experimental data purified by instant pressure relief possible to derive a formula to calculate the degree of purification of root crops in the form of:

The dehumidification during crushing of the peeled pulp root crops by method of instant dumping of pressure

S = A-10-


Coefficient for the red beet A = 1.275, the exponent m = 2.08 and n = 2.245, and for sugar beet respectively — A = 4.52, the exponent m = 2.11 and n = 1.7. Equation is valid in the following range of operating parameters: relative pressure steam P/P0 = 1.4-4.0 and a relative of the original moisture content of W0 = 5.4-6.9. The error in the above formula range of operating parameters shall not exceed ± 6.9 % (see fig.3).

Visual observations and experimental studies showed that the method provides instant pressure relief in the form of efficient treatment failure scraps thin skin over the entire surface of tuber, except for the top,

i. e. places sprouting leaves. Feature of the method of in-(1) stantaneous pressure relief in the fact that it cleans pure eyes and even deeper place, filled with sand and soil. In addition, the presence of different types of litter and pollution raw material does not affect the efficiency of the process. Therefore, before clearing roots there is no need to process cleaning operations of raw materials from organic and metallic impurities, rocks and dirt.

Another distinctive feature of this method is that the purified tuber is not cooked, i. e. raw. Adhering after cleaning the pieces of skin can be easily removed in the process of hydraulic classification. This is a positive factor, as loss of raw materials decreased by 3-5 times. Preliminary studies on the treatment of other tuber roots also showed positive results.


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D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-17-1.2-69-71

Abdullaeva Sadokat Shonazarovna, senior research associate - the researcher, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Department of «Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology»

E-mail: sadshon1975@yandex.ru Nurmuhamedov Khabibulla Sagdullayevich, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Tashkent chemical-technological institute

The dehumidification during crushing of the peeled pulp root crops by method of instant dumping of pressure

Abstract: The results of experimental research on influence of relative pressure P/P0 and further relative humidity 9 of raw materials and time of dumping t of pressure upon degree of crushing and final humidity of the product are given in the article. The analysis of influence of parameters on dehumidification in the

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