Научная статья на тему 'Irony as a lifestyle, or Russian view on British medical problems (as exemplified in D. Cepov’s prose)'

Irony as a lifestyle, or Russian view on British medical problems (as exemplified in D. Cepov’s prose) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fateeva Julia Gennadievna, Svetlana Alexsandrovna Kraynikova

Irony in modern medical Russian literature is analyzed in the article on D. Cepov’s prose. Different reminiscences (parallels, callings, references) both in Russian and foreign literature are main means of creating irony by the author.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Irony as a lifestyle, or Russian view on British medical problems (as exemplified in D. Cepov’s prose)»



УДК 81.33

Fateeva Julia Gennadievna

PhD (Linguistics), Senior tutor, VolgSMU Svetlana Alexsandrovna Kraynikova Senior tutor, VolgSMU, Volgograd, RF E-mail: fatjg@mail.ru




Irony in modern medical Russian literature is analyzed in the article on D. Cepov's prose. Different reminiscences (parallels, callings, references) both in Russian and foreign literature are main means of creating irony by the author.

Key words

Irony, modern medical literature, obstetrics, medical ethics, language game, reminiscences.

"All great platitudes are said, all books are written, all genres are not new" [5, p. 9]. A survey course in modern Russian literature could begin with this utterance. It seems that to create something significant after Толстого and Dostoevsky, Bunin and Kuprin, Pasternak и Nabokov is impossible. No themes, plots, characters, are left undescribed by the literary greats. In spite of this, modern Russian literature has a wide array of genres, themes, and overall forms. In our point of view, in modern written style, "professional" prose, particularly by physicians, is worthy of recognition.

Physician-writers are seldom found in Russian literature, however, some of the more distinguished that are taught in school are A.P. Chehov and M.A. Bulgakov. In the latter half of the 20th century, works by M.N. Amosov also appeared as well as some others. Physicians are a wide spread theme (B. Pasternak, V. Kaverin and others) and medicine itself, quite popular in Russian literature. The number of physician-writers (D. Tcepov, M. Malyavin, V. Naidin, T. Solomatina) is growing in modern literature. It should be noted that despite the diverse medical themes represented by these physician-writers, their prose centers around a passion for medicine. Although the overall trend in the development of medical literature errs on the side of irony, it is important to note that an individualistic writing style is maintained by the authors and thus sets the works apart.

The understanding of irony as a literary trope is reflected in many dictionaries. So, Great Soviet gives the following definition of irony: "irony is 1) a light mockery masked by forms of expression; 2) a stylistic device in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning differs from their actual meaning" [7, p. 430]. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GSE), according to Kamensky, gives a full definition of irony: "in stylistics, a statement with a double meaning that expresses mockery or allegory. In irony, a word or utterance acquires, in the context of speech, a significance that is directly opposite to its literary meaning, negates it, or casts doubt upon it. Irony is the reproach and contradiction under the mask of approval and agreement; a phenomenon attributed to properties it does not possess, but that are expected. (...) On pretense, the "key" to the irony, is not usually contained in the expression itself, in the context, or its intonation, but in the situational statement alone. Irony is one of the most important stylistic means used to depict humor, satire, and the grotesque. When ironic mockery becomes a malicious, biting taunt, it is referred to as sarcasm. 2) The aesthetics of irony exude a comical, ideological, and emotional assessment, whose most basic model or prototype is the principle of structural-expressive voice and stylistic irony. The ironic attitude presupposes superiority or condescension, skepticism or mockery, which deliberately hidden, still determines the style of an artistic or journalistic work or the organization of its imagery (characterization, plot line, etc.) The concealed character of the mockery and the mask of seriousness distinguish irony from humor and especially from satire" [3, p. 447-448]. In our opinion, irony could not be fully understood and set apart outside of this context, and thereby grants this definition its significance. We can all but agree with Ermakova's definition: "irony is a


mystification of language, in which words or utterances are used in a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning so as to create mockery, ridicule or (rare) humor" [2, p. 143]. Although she defines irony in a conversational context, her approach may also be used to analyze irony as seen in literature.

Modern researchers argue that irony is "an aggression in which a speaker could not be caught, as it does not present a formal contradiction with the postulate of cooperation" [1, p. 20]. Definitely, in some cases the use of an ironic utterance verges on a hidden aggression, but to equate irony with aggression, in our view, is unfounded.

The definition of irony as a form of aggression is upheld by some scholars. For example, Shishkin states that irony violates some of the principles of maximally effective communication and a courteous portrayal which in turn may provoke conflict. The author thus distinguishes negative irony from positive irony.

Irony is fully classified by N. Greben. In his work he distinguishes: 1) defensive irony; 2) constructive critical irony; 3) friendly irony; 4) irony exhibiting superiority of a speaker over an addressee.

A line between the negative use of irony and more comical forms such as satire and sarcasm could be suggested. However, irony has some novelties. One of the main differences is to produce a comical effect. It conveys the authors' attitude and intent to mock when the subject is unknown. "Irony is based on a reflective consciousness of a person when any event is in doubt, perceived from different perspectives and evaluated by the subject of irony" [4, p. 16].

This definition of irony is a target in D. Cepov's medical cycle «Держите ножки крестиком, или Русские байки английского акушера».

Felde considers that "professional discourse firstly is characterized by humor (including "black humor"), and to a less degree by irony" [8, p. 141]. It remains a figure of medical professional speech in literature in informal style.

The title of D. Cepov's book «Держите ноги крестиком, или Русские байки английского акушера» indicates its setting: the British Isles. The book is comprised of stories where the main character is the narrator. All stories may be divided into two parts: the first part comprises stories taking place in Great Britain; the second presents nostalgic stories. Nostalgic stories differ in their settings: from Leningrad to Georgia, from the main character's studentship to his doctor status at a British hospital. The title of this book expresses irony which is achieved by contextual antonyms ("Russian- English") and litotes (yarns). It should be noted that the word "yarns" means "a short tale, fable" [7, c. 78.] The use of yarns in the title of the book classifies this fiction as light literature which does not intend to be serious. A yarn in the meaning of "a short fable" attributes to irony and even satire. We can suggest that this title has a particular meaning, however, the stories from the obstetric officer's life amuses the reader, in intend to shape his own professional ideas and feelings and find a way out from the professional cul de sac.

Scholars highlight that an addressee plays an active role in irony, especially in colloquial speech (Shishkin, Ermakova). That's why, D. Cepov's yarns focus on many stylistic aspects. For example, irony use in the title is aimed at "a communicative attitudinal fact linked with the speaker's intention to clarify the main communicative task of a functional, marked text or a text snippet" [6, p. 57]. Also, the researcher sometimes considers irony as a text dominant. In a number of cases it may overlap various orientations. Each text snippet may be interpreted as viable but it is rare ironic in the overall context of the book by D. Cepov.

Modern researchers treat irony as a form of implication. Implication is viewed variously in modern science. Some researchers believe that "implicit is not verbalized, but is subtextually understood by the addressee by means of explicit context, as well as other factors. Both implicit and explicit express in language differently: direct and indirect". Others, for example, I.V. Arnold, V.A. Kuharenko, E.V. Ermakova, 1996, think that implication is a form of subaudition. In written works, implication creates the effect of the author's presence, his attitude towards the character, or the event described, so as to conceal his view.

"British" chapters where irony depicts the way foreigners think, for example in the chapter «Особенности родов у английских дам высшего света», attract attention.

Irony is expressed firstly by "mocking" the setting. In his stories the author mentions one of the most popular character Charles Baskerville and believes that his offsprings are among citizens of Devonshire. It should be noted that reflections appearing at the bare mention of this name may vary: for most readers the name Charles Baskerville is associated with Konan Doyle's novel about Sherlock Holmes, for others, including medical graduates, this name is associated with an American scientist who discovered (in error!) carolinii и bercelii at the beginning of the 20


century. Such "references", in our view, perform a function of intertexuality as an effective device to express irony in a text.

J.E. Fomicheva states, that variously reconceptualized intertextual references related to a cited text to express irony are means of character description and expression of the author's worldview; a realization of self-irony of characters in a novel. Fiction characters are created; fiction main theme and implement philosophic ideas are revealed [9, p. 173].

It should be pointed out that an attitude towards people belonging to another language and culture in most ethnic groups is considered to be stereotyped. For example, Russians consider Italians to be very emotional, Germans to be very calculated, the Spanish- hot-tempered, Americans -stuck-up, and the British- uptight. The Victorian age is a symbol of British reservation for Russians where Sherlock Holmes is the main character. Being subjected to a definite literary form (one story - one narration), D. Cepov refers to his famous literature characters not only to create an ironic context but also to illustrate a literature context most effectively.

His treating a literature character as a real one is the way to create irony. The main meaning of irony in literature is to describe real characters. So, portraying a young couple receiving treatment in Devonshirskoy clinic, the author writes: "Jessica and Jonathan is a sophisticated young couple with a pronounced inherent gentility" [10, p. 22].

The use of words with different connotative meaning is a popular means of creating irony frequently employed by A.P. Chehov. While describing the young couple, the physician uses the adjective "sophisticated" and the noun "gentility" (as a litote of the word "habits") in one sentence. The author employs the following professional collocation "pronounced inherent" to describe physical appearance not behavioral characteristics. Preparation for delivery that is common in many countries as well as in Britain, for example to plan a delivery and make an obstetric team familiar with it, elicits a smile and expresses irony for Russians: "everything was that had to accompany the first labor according to aristocratic cannon particularly: the delivery plan was as fat as "War and peace", written down minutely, printed on a water- marked paper and filed in a smart document case with silver edges". Another example reflects English stereotyped behavior: "When first labor pains start, I would like to drink a cup of fresh "earl grey" tea to gain strength before delivery".

So, having described surrounding conditions of delivery of a child in details, this young couple elicits a smile not only from the obstetrician but also Russian readers, expressed in the utterance: ". in general, you have got your ducks in a row.. trivial matters left are to deliver a child".

Renowned British reservation and uptight are presented ironically when the heroine enters a latent labor : 'Instead of tasting a brisk tea with rose leaves, Jessica has informed everyone gently about her set determination to jump out of the window if peridural anesthesia would not be performed" [10, p. 24]. The following expressions "tasting a brisk tea", "set determination", "jump out of the window" are ironical within the context.

Irony of English mentality is exacerbated by irony of social status describing the heroine painful active pushing stage of labor: "Despite peridural anesthesia a pushing stage may be quite painful and women's behavior differs greatly. Someone yells at the top of her voice thus flying birds belly up, someone, clenching her teeth, bears down, someone requires a cesarean section; someone strikes her colors and surrenders herself to quite egregious despair. it has emerged that everything is quite different in aristocrats." [10, p. 25].

Self- irony is represented in a dialogue between the physician and the obstetric patient where the author has to "ape" the communication style of the British upperclass: "Jessica, allow me to observe, that full cervical dilatation is achieved and the baby's head is going to get through the birth canal soon. - It is very kind of it, hope; you stay with us until termination and let me known when bear down" [10, p. 25].

The necessity to save her blushes "makes" the heroine control her behavior in delivery eliciting a smile both from Russian readers and the author: "ААААА!!!! (paradynia) Sorry» [10, p. 25]. The situation which dissatisfies an obstetrician team in a Russian clinic seems to be humorous: "Sorry to put wise of this, but I am afraid, I have shitted myself. - Attagirl. We shall see about it, you don't have to worry. I don't worry, as a rule I do it alone" [10, p. 25-26].

Jessica's care for her husband elicits a smile: "Would you be so kind to seat Jonathan in a chair. It is not his natural complexion." [10, p. 26]



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The woman in a labor who is getting a sort of frighten feeling responds to the physician's joke in a British traditional reserved manner: "Look, Jasse, you don't have your paunch anymore! - Blimey! Can I see my cunt now? Cannot I? - You can indeed! - Thank for your help" [10, p. 27]

Thus, the narrative about delivery of a child of the British upper class is shot with irony. Irony is used as a main stylistic device to create mockery by D. Cepov. His "British" chapters are penetrated with delicate irony treating patients with respect and care. List of literature:

1. Дементьев В.В. Непрямая коммуникация и ее жанры. - Саратов, 2000.

2. Ермакова О.П. Типы вербализированной иронии в разных сферах русского языка // Язык. Культура. Гуманитарное знание. Научное наследие Г.О. Винокура и современность. - М.: Научный мир, 1999. - 140-151.

3. Ирония // Большая советская энциклопедия: в 30 т. - Т. 10. - М., 1972. - С. 447-448.

4. Каменская Ю.В. Ирония как компонент идиостиля А.П. Чехова: Дис. ...канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01. -Саратов, 2001.

5. ^ломагина Т. Акушер-Ха!: сборник повестей и рассказов. - М.: Эксмо, 2013.

6. Стельмашук А.П. Ироническая текстовая доминанта и ее роль в организации художественного текста // Исследования по художественного тексту. Саратов, 1994. С. 54-60.

7. Толковый словарь русского языка: в 4 т. /Под ред. Д.Н. Ушакова. — М., 2006.

8. Фельде О.В. Комическое в профессиональном дискурсе // Вестник НГУ. Серия: История, филология. 2001. Том 10. Выпуск 9: Филология. С. 140-145.

9. Фомичева Ж.Е. Интертекстуальность как средство воплощения иронии в современном английском романе. - СПб, 1992.

10.Цепов Д.С. Держите ножки крестиком, или Русские байки английского акушера. - М.: АСТ; Санкт-Петербург: Астрель-СПб, 2013.

© Fateeva J.G., Kraynikova S.A., 2015

УДК 81

Грехнева Лариса Всеволодовна

канд. фил. наук, доцент ННГУ, г.Нижний Новгород, РФ E-mail: larissag@yandex.ru



Анализируются метонимические перифразы, использующиеся в литературе конца 18 - начале 19 века, с точки зрения формирования и специфики их образности. Выявлены различия в использовании разных видов метонимических перифраз в произведениях представителей классицизма и сентиментализма.

Ключевые слова

Перифраза, метонимия, троп, образность, сентиментализм, классицизм.

Перифраза - одно из популярных средств создания выразительности в литературе конца 18 - начала 19 века. Она позволяет одновременно обозначить объект художественного внимания, описать его характерные черты и выразить авторское отношение. Выразительный потенциал перифразы усиливается благодаря тому, что перифрастическое выражение может быть построено на основе тропов.

Объектом анализа в статье стали перифразы, построенные на базе метонимии и использующиеся в литературе конца 18 - начала 19 века. Материалом для исследования послужили поэтические и прозаические

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