Научная статья на тему 'Investment attractiveness of the plant extracts market of Ukraine'

Investment attractiveness of the plant extracts market of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Stepanova Alla A., Pavlenko Iryna I.

Importance of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine’s economy can hardly be overestimated, because it is one of the largest and most significant pillars of development of the country’s economy, where a significant share of added value is created and the bulk of the food resources is formed. It is also a sector that is export-oriented and determines the country’s position in the international arena. The agro-industrial sector is also one of the most important elements of the economic systems of most market economies in the world. The high quality of national products and its eco-friendliness adequately occupy a niche in the European agricultural markets. However, the «white spots» in the development of certain areas of agro-industrial sector, which are being successfully developed by other countries, are worth noting. The article carries out a study on the investment attractiveness of a special sector in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine the market of plant extracts. The prospects and capital intensity of the plant extracts market are highlighted. The basic provisions for the definition and classification of plant extracts and spheres for their application are specified. The market of plant extracts has been allocated, the dynamics of export-import of plant extracts have been analyzed, and the tendencies of this segment of the agricultural sector have been defined. Researches and the global tendencies in development of the plant extracts market are considered and the basic provisions taking into account the Ukrainian characteristics are formed. Using the strategic management instrumentarium such as SWOT analysis, it has been demonstrated that the plant extracts market from a potential producer’s perspective is promising and allows the development of a variety of business strategies to run own business taking into account available possibilities at the maximum. Directions of further development in terms of building own business in the market of plant extracts as a promising niche in the national economy are suggested. The positions of public policy for development of the plant extracts market are specified.

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Инвестиционная привлекательность рынка растительных экстрактов Украины

Важность агропромышленного сектора экономики Украины трудно переоценить, ведь это один из крупнейших и наиболее значимых столпов развития экономики страны, где создается значительная доля добавленной стоимости и формируется основная часть продовольственных ресурсов. Кроме того, это сектор, который является экспортоориентированным и определяет позиции страны на международной арене. Агропромышленный сектор является также одним из важнейших элементов экономических систем большинства стран мира с рыночной экономикой. Высокое качество отечественной продукции и её экологичность достойно занимают нишу на европейских рынках агропродукции. Однако стоит отметить «белые пятна» в развитии отдельных направлений агропромышленного сектора, которые успешно развивают другие страны. В статье проведено исследование инвестиционной привлекательности именно такого сектора агропромышленного комплекса Украины рынка растительных экстрактов. Освещены перспективность и капиталоемкость рынка растительных экстрактов. Указано базовые положения по определению и классификации экстрактов растительного происхождения и их сфер применения. Выделен рынок растительных экстрактов, проанализирована динамика экспорта-импорта растительных экстрактов, определены тенденции развития данного сегмента аграрного сектора. Исследования и учтены мировые тенденции развития рынка растительных экстрактов и сформированы базовые положения с учетом украинских особенностей. С помощью использования такого инструментария стратегического менеджмента, как SWOT-анализ, продемонстрировано, что рынок растительных экстрактов с позиции потенциального производителя является перспективным и позволяет разрабатывать различные деловые стратегии для ведения собственного бизнеса с максимальным учетом возможностей. Предложены направления дальнейшего развития в разрезе построения собственного бизнеса на рынке растительных экстрактов как перспективной ниши в отечественной экономике. Указаны позиции государственной политики для развития рынка растительных экстрактов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Investment attractiveness of the plant extracts market of Ukraine»

UDC 330.3; 336.5; 338.4; 339.1 JEL: O13; Q13; Q17



UDC330.3; 336.5; 338.4; 339.1 JEL: O13; Q13; Q17

Stepanova A. A., Pavlenko I. I. Investment Attractiveness of the Plant Extracts Market of Ukraine

Importance of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine's economy can hardly be overestimated, because it is one of the largest and most significant pillars of development of the country's economy, where a significant share of added value is created and the bulk of the food resources is formed. It is also a sector that is export-oriented and determines the country's position in the international arena. The agro-industrial sector is also one of the most important elements of the economic systems of most market economies in the world. The high quality of national products and its eco-friendliness adequately occupy a niche in the European agricultural markets. However, the «white spots» in the development of certain areas of agro-industrial sector, which are being successfully developed by other countries, are worth noting. The article carries out a study on the investment attractiveness of a special sector in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine - the market of plant extracts. The prospects and capital intensity of the plant extracts market are highlighted. The basic provisions for the definition and classification of plant extracts and spheres for their application are specified. The market of plant extracts has been allocated, the dynamics of export-import of plant extracts have been analyzed, and the tendencies of this segment of the agricultural sector have been defined. Researches and the global tendencies in development of the plant extracts market are considered and the basic provisions taking into account the Ukrainian characteristics are formed. Using the strategic management instrumentarium such as SWOT analysis, it has been demonstrated that the plant extracts market from a potential producer's perspective is promising and allows the development of a variety of business strategies to run own business taking into account available possibilities at the maximum. Directions of further development in terms of building own business in the market of plant extracts as a promising niche in the national economy are suggested. The positions of public policy for development of the plant extracts market are specified.

Keywords: the market's investment attractiveness, extract, agro-industrial complex, plant extracts market, SWOT market analysis. DOI: https://doi. org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-12-171-177 Fig.: 6. Bibl.: 8.

Stepanova Alla A. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Innovative and Investment Activities, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine) E-mail: ra_a@ukr.net

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1711-7948

Pavlenko Iryna I. - D. Sc. (Economics), Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, European University (16-V Akademika Vernadskoho Blvd., Kyiv, 03115, Ukraine)

E-mail: pavlenko.iryna@yahoo.com ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5687-778X

УДК 330.3; 336.5; 338.4; 339.1 Ш: 013; 013; 017 Степанова А. А., Павленко 1.1.1нвестицйна привабливсть ринку рослинних екстрактiв Укроти

Важливсть агропромислового сектора економки Укра/ни важко пере-оцнити, адже це один з найбльших i найвагомших стовтв розвитку економки кра/ни, де створюеться вагома частка додано/ вартот та формуеться основна частина продовольчих ресурав. О^м того, це сектор, який е експортоорiентованим i визначае позицИ кра/ни на мiжнароднiй аренI Агропромисловий сектор е також одним iз най-важливших елемент'в економiчних систем б'шьшост'! кра/н свту з ринковою економ'шою. Висока яксть ттчизняно/ продукцИ та // еко-логiчнiсть достойно займають шшу на европейських ринках агро-продукцИ. Однак варто вдзначити «6/л/ плями» в розвитку окремих напрямт агропромислового сектора, як устшно розвивають /нш/ кра/ни. У статтi проведено дотдження твестицшно/ привабливос-т'> саме такого сектора агропромислового комплексу Укра/ни - ринку рослинних екстрактiв. Висвтлено перспективншь та кашталоем-шсть ринку рослинних екстрактiв. Зазначено базовi положення щодо визначення та класифiкацii екстрактiв рослинного походження та 1х сфер застосування. Виокремлено ринок рослинних екстра^в, про-аналiзовано динамку експорту^мпорту рослинних екстракт'ю, визна-чено тенден^ю розвитку даного сегмента аграрного сектора. Досл/-дження та враховано свiтовi тенденцИрозвитку ринку рослинних екс-трактiв та сформовано базовi положення з урахуванням укра/нських особливостей. За допомогою використання такого iнструментарiю стратегчного менеджменту, як SW0T-аналiз, продемонстровано, що ринок рослинних екстракт'ю з позицИ потенцйного виробника е пер-спективним i дозволяе розробляти р/зн/ дiловi стратеги для ведення власного б'внесу з максимальним урахуванням можливостей. Запро-

УДК 330.3; 336.5; 338.4; 339.1 Ш: 013; 013; 017 Степанова А. А., Павленко И. И. Инвестиционная привлекательность рынка растительных экстрактов Украины

Важность агропромышленного сектора экономики Украины трудно переоценить, ведь это один из крупнейших и наиболее значимых столпов развития экономики страны, где создается значительная доля добавленной стоимости и формируется основная часть продовольственных ресурсов. Кроме того, это сектор, который является экспортоориентированным и определяет позиции страны на международной арене. Агропромышленный сектор является также одним из важнейших элементов экономических систем большинства стран мира с рыночной экономикой. Высокое качество отечественной продукции и её экологичность достойно занимают нишу на европейских рынках агропродукции. Однако стоит отметить «белые пятна» в развитии отдельных направлений агропромышленного сектора, которые успешно развивают другие страны. В статье проведено исследование инвестиционной привлекательности именно такого сектора агропромышленного комплекса Украины - рынка растительных экстрактов. Освещены перспективность и капиталоемкость рынка растительных экстрактов. Указано базовые положения по определению и классификации экстрактов растительного происхождения и их сфер применения. Выделен рынок растительных экстрактов, проанализирована динамика экспорта-импорта растительных экстрактов, определены тенденции развития данного сегмента аграрного сектора. Исследования и учтены мировые тенденции развития рынка растительных экстрактов и сформированы базовые положения с учетом украинских особенностей. С помощью использования такого инструментария стратегического менеджмента, как SW0T-анализ, продемонстрировано, что рынок растительных экстрактов с позиции потенциального производителя является перспективным и позволяет разрабатывать различные деловые стратегии для ведения собствен-

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2019


поновано напрями подальшого розвитку в poepiei побудови власного б'внесу на ринку рослинних екстракт'в як перспективноi нш у втчиз-нянш економц Зазначено позицИ державноi полтики для розвитку ринку рослинних екстракт'в.

Кпючов'1 слова:iнвестицiйна привабливктьринку, екстракт, агропро-мисловий комплекс, ринокрослинних екстракт'в, SWOT-аналiзринку. Рис.: 6. Б'бл.: 8.

Степанова Алла AdaMiBHa - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент ка-федри менеджменту iнновацiйноi та нвестицшноi д'тльностi, Ки1в-ський нацональний ушверситет iмен Тараса Шевченка (вул. Володи-мирська, 60, Кив, 01033, Украна) E-mail: ra_a@ukr.net

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1711-7948

Павленко 1рина 1го^вна - доктор економiчних наук, професор кафедри

облку i оподаткування, £вропейський ушверситет (бульв. Академка

Вернадського, 16-В, Ки1в, 03115, Украна)

E-mail: pavlenko.iryna@yahoo.com

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5687-778X

ного бизнеса с максимальным учетом возможностей. Предложены направления дальнейшего развития в разрезе построения собственного бизнеса на рынке растительных экстрактов как перспективной ниши в отечественной экономике. Указаны позиции государственной политики для развития рынка растительных экстрактов. Ключевые слова: инвестиционная привлекательность рынка, экстракт, агропромышленный комплекс, рынок растительных экстрактов, SWOT-анализ рынка. Рис.: 6. Библ.: 8.

Степанова Алла Адамовна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмента инновационной и инвестиционной деятельности, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко (ул. Владимирская, 60, Киев, 01033, Украина) E-mail: ra_a@ukr.net

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1711-7948

Павленко Ирина Игоревна - доктор экономических наук, профессор

кафедры учета и налогообложения, Европейский университет (бульв.

Академика Вернадского, 16-В, Киев, 03115, Украина)

E-mail: pavlenko.iryna@yahoo.com

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5687-778X

The scientific potential of a country is based on the current state of its economy and determines competitiveness of business entities. The path of innovative development of Ukraine requires considerable research, searching for new sources of investment and optimizing the structure of investments, primarily, in strategically important areas and s. Taking into consideration the fact that Ukraine has great potential in agriculture, there are strong arguments for attracting funds both Ukrainian and foreign investors, which will boost the competitiveness of business entities and the economy as a whole. Modern realities encourage enterprises and other organizations to find new ways, areas to ensure competitive advantages of their business activities. Indeed, embodying the latest investment projects can help overcome current challenges and gain advantages both in Ukrainian and international markets.

Cultivating plants and using Ukrainian raw materials to produce on their basis food, medical, cosmetic products, nutritional supplements (biologically active additives), etc., is one of the main prerequisites for the healthy functioning of the human body. The growing demand, favorable ecological and economic conditions for plant production positively influence the establishment and development of plant extracts market in Ukraine.

The aim of the article is to describe the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian market for plant extracts.

Leading international organizations and agricultural holdings are engaged in investigating investment processes in the context of the sector under study [6]. The issues of stimulating investment activity to create a favorable investment climate and achieve the status of investment-attractive countries were considered by a number of scholars, including: G. Alexander, W. Behrens, J. Beily, L. J. Gitman, M. D. Joehnk, P. M. Hawranek, W. Sharp, K. E. Meyer, P. Sabluk, V. Andreychuk, I. Blank, T. Mayorova, A. Peresada, K. Savchuk, N. Khrushch, D. Chervanov, and others.

In the course of the research the following methods were applied: analysis and synthesis (to highlight contradictions in the agricultural sector), analysis of causal relationship (to identify the preconditions which formed in the crop production market), systems, historical and logical analysis (to identify the features of evolution of the relevant industry), graphical method (to illustrate the actual state of the investigated segment), various methods of statistical analysis. The information basis of the work is: monographs and periodical publications - both Ukrainian and foreign, Statistical Yearbooks.

The agricultural sector of Ukraine with its main component - farming - is the basis and backbone of the national economy, creating factors of stability and independence of the country including food, economic, environmental and energy security. It ensures the development of technologically interrelated industries and promotes reliable and efficient functioning of the agricultural and food market of the country. It is this sector of Ukraine that is most attractive in the field of investment. It should be noted that in the majority of developing countries it accounts for about half of the GDP volume, and the employment in the agricultural sector exceeds 40% [1]. Every year, the demand for agricultural products is growing, but not every country is doing everything it can to develop this sphere. In this sense, studying such a fairly narrow segment of the agro-industrial sector as the market for plant extracts is of interest. Currently, this segment is underdeveloped and largely import dependent. However, it has a great potential in the internal market, which, in the future, will provide for its entering international markets and exporting Ukrainian products.

The market for plant extracts is developing depending on the demand of the key industry consumers: manufacturers of nutritional supplements and medicinal plants, food, tobacco products and beer, cosmetic products.

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2019


Extract (Lat. Extractum) is a concentrated substance made by extracting a part of a medicinal plant or animal material that is representing mobile, viscous liquid or dry material.

Liquid extracts are liquid concentrated substance extracted of medicinal plant materials (MPM) using eth-anol or water in the ratio of 1:1. Pharmaceutical companies prepare liquid extracts by weight (from 1 kg of raw material 1 kg of liquid extract is obtained) [7] (Fig. 1).

(Depending on the nature of the extractant




( N





Fig. 1. Classification of plant extracts Source: developed on the basis of [7].

Soft extracts are concentrated substance extracted of MPMs that presents viscous material with the moisture content of not more than 25-30 %. They cannot be poured out of the container, in an attempt to do so they stretch out in a thread and then merge into a solid mass again [7].

Soft extracts, due to their high viscosity, are used as binding form-building agents in the manufacture of pills. They also may be added as flavors to syrups, oral solutions, elixirs. Soft extracts are used as intermediates for a number of dosage forms (oral solutions, pills) [7].

Dry extracts are concentrated substance extracted of MPMs, which present the bulk material with the moisture content of not more than 5 %. They should be considered as the most rational type of extracts. They are easy to use and have the lowest possible weight [7].

Having analyzed government statistics on export/ import of plant extracts, we received the data confirming a significant share of imports in this segment (Fig. 2, 3).

The analysis of the size of investments for the past years shows that capital investment in agriculture increased from UAH 11.063 billion in 2010 to UAH 64.243 billion in 2017. Their share in the structure of capital investments increased from 6 to 14 % respectively [3].

Taking into consideration the fact that the plant extracts have a wide range of application, the demand for various essential oils in the international market increases by 6-8% annually. It was forecasted that in five years following 2017, the market would grow from USD8 billion to USD12.1 billion (Fig. 4). About 50% of the world's essential oil consumption accounts for Europe. The second

place is taken by North America (26%), the third one -by Asian-Pacific region (24%) [8].

Ukraine, being close to the most receptive market for essential oils and having good conditions for medicinal plants cultivation, can make use this to increase the exports of this product. However, this potential has not been fully realized so far. On the contrary, the results of the first 11 months of 2017 demonstrate a decline in the production of essential oils in our country by almost 30.5%, which happened due to a sharp rise in prices for imported raw materials [3].

However, the production of essential oils can be very beneficial, as evidenced by the example of Brazil, whose annual exports amounts to about 14.4 ths tons, or Germany - 4.26 ths tons [8]. However, when organizing an enterprise specializing in production of essential oils in Ukraine, it is necessary to carefully choose the type of raw material, which will affect the output and cost of the final product. For example, a kilogram of dried lavender contains about two grams of oil, while lemon balm flowers - ten times less. Moreover, various types of raw materials may differ significantly from each other in price.

The approximate distribution of the initial investment can be as follows (Fig. 5).

As for medicinal plants, marketers note that the Ukrainian market for medicinal plants is estimated at UAH500 mln per year, with products worth UAH250 mln being exported mainly to the European Union market [4].

Compared to such giants as India and China, Ukraine's volumes are negligible since the capacity of the European market is estimated at 600 ths tons per year.

In Ukraine, about 25-30 species of medicinal plants are cultivated in commercial volumes. However, there are more than 6000 species on the territory of our country. Majority of them do not represent a commercial interest, some cultures are being harvested in the volume of 200-300 kg [1]. But there are those the demand for which on the market is measured in tons.

All this and the socio-economic situation are the confirmation of the instability of the market. The massive outflow of the labor force, which can actively be involved in this market segment, lack of leaders and the competition in the industry, as well as prospects for doing business under favorable economic and political conditions allow to speak about investment attractiveness of the plant extracts market and related areas.

We know that the purpose of any business is to maximize profits. Bringing a product / service to market the entrepreneur must be sure that consumers will buy it and it compares favorably with that of competitors. To succeed, it is necessary to have comprehensive information about the economic environment in which the business structure is operating or going to operate. This has contributed to the development of a tool for strategic analysis - SWOT analysis - from the perspective of a po-

BI3HECIHQOPM № 12 '2019



45000 --

„ 40000 --1-=-


£ 35000 --- - - - - -

z3 30000 --- - - - - - -

o 25000 --- - - - - - - - - -

£ 20000 — - - - - - - - - - - - -

15000 — - - - - - - - - - - - -

10000 — - - - - - - - - - - - -


0 J-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Fig. 2. Imports (Vegetable saps and extracts; pectk substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages

and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products), USD ths Source: developed on the basis of [3].

1400 j

1200 --


■M 1000 --



Z3 800


o a. 600





iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Fig. 3. Exports (Vegetable saps and extracts; pectk substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products), USD ths Source: developed on the basis of [3].

tential manufacturer of plant extracts. However, it is difficult to take into consideration or predict all conditions of the external and internal environment, therefore, this analysis needs further improvement (Fig. 6).

This matrix is combining all information on strengths and weaknesses of a manufacture, its opportunities and threats it can face. This makes it possible to form a certain strategy and direction for the company to achieve the most efficient results and remove potential obstacles.

Thus, SWOT analysis is important for determining competitiveness and investment attractiveness, as well as strategic planning since this method is an effective, intelligible, cheap way to evaluate the position of an enterprise in the market. It allows, through systemizing problematic situations, better understanding the structure of resources; tracking the overall state of the business environment; using new potential opportunities faster than competitors; choosing the best way for development and avoiding

threats; making adequate decisions on the development of an enterprise. Today, correct and timely made strategic decisions play a key role in the success of an organization. They have a decisive impact on competitiveness of products, companies, and the market.


In general, the strategic objective of establishing and developing the plant extracts market is based on providing guaranteed and balanced cultivation, harvesting, processing medicinal plants, and supplying plant raw materials and extracts to various sectors of the national economy: pharmaceutical, baking, dairy, meat industries, industry of fruit and vegetable and fruit preserves, oil and fat production, confectionery, fish processing, perfume and cosmetic production, and other industries. However, in the absence of adequate government support for this kind of farming, agricultural producers are not interested in growing plants and their further processing.

BI3HECIHQOPM № 12 '2019



























0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0

■ demand

■ growth rate

Fig. 4. Behavior of the global demand for essential oils, 2013-2020, ths tons

Note: * - forecast period. Source: developed on the basis of [8].

Equipment and materials; 15.70%

Registration of documents; 2.50%

Rent and repair work; 4.90%

Other equipment; 4.90%

The initial purchase of raw materials; 72%

Fig. 5. Structure of initial investments for the following types of raw materials: lavender, mint, lemon balm Source: developed on the basis of [2].

To bring the agricultural sector to a new level and enhance its investment attractiveness, Ukraine will have to carry out long-term reforms in all relevant spheres - from harmonizing the legislation in line with European and international standards and creating transparent mechanisms for its implementation to developing infrastructure and entering new markets. As noted above, the potential of the Ukrainian agricultural sector is huge - the production volume can be three times higher [5]. This potential may remain as an estimated value of the existing capacity and powers of this sector of Ukraine's economy, but it can be realized as well. Of course, the second option is of priority; however, it is impossible to succeed without an active participation of investors, comprehensive investment proposals. Agri-

culture needs funding, participating in joint specialized partner programs and involving international financial organizations in its financing. ■


1. Дорош-Юзим М. М., Дадак О. О., Гачек Т. С. Пер-спективи розвитку агропромислового комплексу Укра'ни в умовах евроштеграцп. Науковий BicHUK Львiвcького наць онального yHiBepcumemy ветеринарной медицини та бю-технологй iменi С. З. íжицького. 2017. № 76. Т. 19. С. 47-55. Doi:10.15421/nvlvet7610.

2. Головы аграрш новини. URL: https://agronews.ua

3. Офщмний сайт Державно! служби статистики. URL: http://ukrstat.gov.ua

4. Офщмний сайт Секретарiату з пщтримки експорту украшсько!' продовольчо! та аграрно! продукцп. URL: https:// ukrainefood.org

5. Птулик О. I. Укра'на у свтовому господарствк Економка i суспльство. 2018. № 15. С. 53-57. URL: http:// economyandsociety.in.ua/journal/15_ukr/9.pdf

6. Stepanova A., Horbas I., Davydova O. Practical Aspects of Strategic Marketing Management of Agricultural Enterprises (On the Example of "MRIYA AGRO HOLDING" LLC.). Фiнанcово-кредитна дiяльнicть: проблеми теорИ та практики. 2017. № 2. C. 221-228.

7. Технолопя л^арських препара^в промислового виробництва / за ред. Д. I. Дмитрiевського. Вшниця : Нова книга, 2008. 280 с.

8. The Statistics Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com


Dorosh-Kizym, M. M., Dadak, O. O., and Hachek, T. S. "Perspektyvy rozvytku ahropromyslovoho kompleksu Ukrainy


Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2019


Strengths (S)

1. Unlimited demand for these products in different sectors of the domestic economy and abroad.

2. New underdeveloped segment of agriculture.

3. Lack of competition.

4. High profitability.

5. High level of quality control.

6. Application of modern technologies.

7. Promotion of ecological safety.

8. Positive image

Weaknesses (W)

1. Long payback period.

2. High probability of bankruptcy associated with incorrect choice of a product for cultivation

and extraction.

3. Low awareness of public and potential customers.

4. Untimely fulfillment of supply contracts.

5. Lack of economic incentives at the state level.

6. Ineffective incentive system.

7. High level of quality control

Opportunities (O)

1. Taking key positions.

2. Entering new markets.

3. Developing new price proposals.

4. Engaging scientific staff

and developing new technologies.

5. Developing and implementing new technologies.

6. Increasing efficiency of domestic production due to lower energy and material consumption

of products.

7. Enhancing Ukraine's reputation in the international market as a country manufacturing environmentally friendly and safe products

S & O Strategy

1. Cultivating the reputation of a reliable manufacturer that sells qualitative products.

2. Occupying a significant share of the domestic market.

3. Using new technologies.

4. Ensuring rapid growth and conquering new markets.

5. Attracting highly qualified staff to enhances the company's image

W & O Strategy

1. Forming and introducing modern tools to protect the Ukrainian market and defend interests

of domestic producers.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. Applying new technologies for more efficient operation.

3. Employing marketing tools

to improve customer awareness.

4. Optimizing the organizational structure to reduce organizational costs

Threats (T)

1. Climate conditions.

2. Import dependence of this market.

3. Inadequate development of infrastructure

of the branch.

4. Lack of workforce and highly skilled staff.

5. Changing market conditions.

6. Inappropriate conditions

for activities of all participants in the process and in the market.

7. Unstable political and economic situation

S & T Strategy

1. Diversifying the product range, which reduces the risk of crop failure or changes

in market conditions.

2. Reducing production costs due to using new technologies and energy saving.

3. Developing and implementing government programs and projects for promoting the development of the industry and ensuring its protection

W & T Strategy

1. State protection and support of the industry, the lack

of which can lead to a chaotic development of the business entities engaged in the branch.

2. Enhancing motivation of employees, the lack of which could lead to a significant reduction

in productivity.

3. Reducing the expenses since high expenses could cause a significant increase in the cost of goods and result in losing customers, markets, etc.

Fig. 6. SWOT correlation matrix of the plant extracts market from the prospective of a potential manufacturer Source: developed by the authors.

BI3HECIHQOPM № 12 '2019


v umovakh yevrointehratsii" [Prospects of Development of Agroindustrial Complex of Ukraine under Conditions of European Integration]. Naukovyi visnyk Lvivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu veterynarnoi medytsyny ta biotekhnolohii imeni S. Z. Gzhytskoho, vol. 19, no. 76 (2017): 47-55. Doi: 10.15421/ nvlvet7610

Holovni ahrarni novyny. https://agronews.ua

Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky. http:// ukrstat.gov.ua

Ofitsiinyi sait Sekretariatu z pidtrymky eksportu ukrain-skoi prodovolchoi ta ahrarnoi produktsii. https://ukrainefood. org

Pikulyk, O. I. "Ukraina u svitovomu hospodarstvi" [Ukraine in the World Economy]. Ekonomika i suspilstvo. 2018. http:// economyandsociety.in.ua/journal/15_ukr/9.pdf

Stepanova, A., Horbas, I., and Davydova, O. "Practical Aspects of Strategic Marketing Management of Agricultural Enterprises" [On the Example of "MRIYA AGRO HOLDING" LLC]. Finansovo-kredytna diialnist: problemy teorii ta praktyky, no. 2 (2017): 221-228.

Tekhnolohiia likarskykh preparativ promyslovoho vyrob-nytstva [Technology of Medicines of Industrial Production]. Vin-nytsia: Nova knyha, 2008.

The Statistics Portal. https://www.statista.com

УДК 656.07 JEL: L95


®2019 ПЕТРЕНКО О. I.

УДК 656.07 JEL: L95

Петренко О. I. Морськ контейнеры перевезення: CBiTOBi тенденцп

У статт/ досл/джено стан та основн/ тенденцИ розвитку морських контейнерних перевезень у CBimi; проанал/зовано динамку та структуру морських контейнерних перевезень за регюнами свту, найбмьшим серед яких е Аз/я; визначено динам'шу контейнерних вантажопотож та ви-длено 20 м/ст з найбмьшим контейнерним вантажооборотом; визначено роль контейнерних перевезень у розвитку глобальноi морськоi тор-г/вл/. Встановлено, що обробка контейнерних вантажопотож залишаеться зосередженою у великих портах. Загальна пропускна здатн/сть 20 найбмьших порт/в св/ту зростае i у 2018 р. становила 347,8 млн TEU. Шанхай залишаеться найпотужн/шим контейнерним портом у свтi, найб'льше зростання спостер/гаеться в Сшгапури Лише п'ять порт'в за межами АзИ представленi серед 20 пров/дних контейнерних порт/в, а саме: Антверпен, Гамбург, Лос-Анджелес, Лонг Bi4 та Роттердам. Оч'шуеться подальший розвиток контейнерних перевезень з Китаю, що, своею чергою, може спричинити скорочення обсяг/в та вантажопотож на Транстихоокеанському маршрутi. У морських контейнерних пере-везеннях спостер'гаються тенденцидо створення альянав м/ж операторами терм'шал'в, л'тшними компан/ями для спльноi експлуатацИ причал/в, що висувае новi вимоги до адаптацита техн/чноi оснащеностi порт/в. Вертикальна штегращя та подальше розширення транспортних л'тш у терм/нальних операщях посилюе конкуренц/ю м/ж перев/зниками. Встановлено, що розвитку морських контейнерних перевезень сприяе зростання економ/чноi активностi у свтi, реструктуризац/я ланцюга поставок на користь великих суден i альянав перев'вниж, цифров/защя та модершзащя транспортноi iнфраструктури, новтне суднобудування, економ'нна штегращя та iнформатизащя. Кпючов'1 слова: морськ контейнернi перевезення, свтовiконтейнернi потоки, порт, обробка контейнер'в, морський транспорт. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-12-177-184 Рис.: 2. Табл.: 2. Ббл.: 19.

Петренко Ольга iBaHiBHa - кандидат економ/чних наук, доцент, зав/дувачка кафедри б'внес-логктики та транспортних технологш, Державний

утверситет iнфраструктури та технологш (вул. Кирил'юська, 9, Кшв, 04071, Украна)

E-mail: olga_co@meta.ua

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1869-7999

Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/Q-8778-2018

УДК 656.07 UDC 656.07

JEL: L95 JEL: L95

Петренко а И Морские контейнерные перев°зки: petrenko о. I. Container Shipping: Global Trends

мировые тенденции

В статье исследовано состояние и основные тенденции развития The article explores the status and major trends in the development of con-

морских контейнерных перевозок в мире; проанализирована динами- tainer shipping traffic in the world; analyzes the dynamics and structure of

ка и структура морских контейнерных перевозок по регионам мира, container shipping traffic by regions of the world, the largest of which is Asia;

крупнейшим среди штрык является Азия; определена динамика determines the dynamics of container freight flows, allocating 20 cities with контейнерных грузопотоков и выделено 20 городов с наибольшим

контейнерным грузооборотом; определена роль контейнерных пере- the largest contalner frelght turnover; defines the role of contalner shlpplng

возок в развитии глобальной морской торговли. Установлено, что in the development of global maritime trade. It is determined that the pro-

обработка контейнерных грузопотоков остается сосредоточенной cessing of container freight flows remains concentrated in large ports. The to-

в крупных портах. Общая пропускная способность 20 круттшх tal capacity of the world's 20 largest ports is growing and makes 347,8 million

портов мира растет и в 2018 г. составила 347,8 млн TEU. Шанхай . ..........г , ■ . ,

,„.„,,.„ ............ „„, ,„,„«, ,„„,„,„ „„„т„.„ „ TEU in 2018. Shanghai remains the most powerful container port in the world,

остается самым мощным контейнерным портом в мире, наибольший рост наблюдается в Сингапуре. Лишь пять портов за предела- the largest growth is observed in Singapore. Only five ports outside Asia are ми Азии представлены среди 20 ведущих контейнерных портов, а represented among the top 20 container ports, namely Antwerp, Hamburg,

именно: Антверпен, Гамб>ург, Лос-Анджелес, Лонг-Бич и роттердам. Los Angeles, Long Beach and Rotterdam. Further development of container Ожидается дальнейшее развитие контейнерных перевозок из Китая, „. , ,. . , ,. , . , , ...

что, в свою очередь, может привести к сокращению объемов и гру- traffic from Chlna ls expected, whlch ln turn may lead to a reduction ln v°l-

зопотоков на транстихоокеанском маршруте. В морских контейнер- umes and freight flows on the Trans-Pacific route. In the container shipments

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 12 '2019


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