Introducing International Student’s Journal of Medicine
If I had hundred lives, they would not have
satisfied all the thirst of knowledge that burns me
Valery Bryusov
Scientific publishing is a highly prestigious and responsible task for specialists at various stages of their career worldwide. The main mission of all stakeholders involved in publishing is to facilitate the distribution of trustworthy information. With the current pace of the scientific progress and the ever-increasing number of researchers and practising physicians, who are required to upgrade their skills and produce new knowledge, the importance of science communication facilitators is gaining momentum.
Medical journal editors are obliged to carefully filter in the best and the most informative items for their periodicals to succeed in the global competition and to serve the needs of the target audience. Medical students taking their first steps in research should be well aware of the good journals where evidence accumulates and where their scholarly papers may find home. Seasoned scientific authors and supervisors targeting the most influential and globally recognized journals are in a position to support ongoing researchers by guiding in the ever-changing world of scientific publishing.
Here is the place to quote Heraclitus (501 B.C.): “Everything flows, nothing stands still”. The modern medical science is transforming in a way to secure knowledge generation and processing throughout the life-long career of medical specialists - from the bench of medical students to final steps of educating and conducting research by their supervisors. Not surprisingly, research and publishing are becoming an integral part of a medical student’s daily activities worldwide. Also, science journalism is evolving and enriching medicine by introducing new scientific facts, ideas, and evidence.
Medical students, who wish to acquire new knowledge and to collaborate with their international colleagues, should draw more attention to their English writing skills and take every chance to upgrade these. One of the available options to master the language skills is to write scientific papers for relevant periodicals and become familiar with the practice of peer review,
Meriam I. Abu Jabal, Editor-in-Chief, International Student's Journal of Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan Vladimir V. Li, Online Editor, International Student's Journal of Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan Amitakhun D. Abdimanap, Technical Editor, International Student's Journal of Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan
revisions, and science editing. Launching a scholarly journal for medical students is a big step forward, which may open new horizons for all those who are interested in lasting international collaborations with an aim to contribute to the progress of the global medical community.
We are proud that our Alma Mater provides huge opportunities for the growth of young authors and researchers by providing a new medium for scholarly communication - International Student’s Journal of Medicine (ISJM). The journal’s mission is to support medical students and young doctors in their academic career pursuit. Our editors welcome submissions bearing rational ideas and reporting results of ethical research and clinical practice, which may attract attention of local and international peers. We look forward to processing scholarly works which may facilitate the international collaboration. Undoubtedly, experience gained by our authors, reviewers and editors will allow them to target high-rank international journals in the future.
The instructions for authors of ISJM comply with the international standards set by the global editorial associations. We expect to process honest, accurate and transparent research reports, which will be discussed at our regular editorial board meetings. Our editors will take extra efforts to advance their editorial skills to help our authors in their attempts to publish valuable articles. By publishing good works from every corner of the world, we aim to add to the prestige of our journal, our publisher and our country..
Dear readers, you now hold our first issue of International Student’s Journal of Medicine for 2015. We hope it contains many interesting items which will attract your attention. Your feedback in the form of comments and letters are warmly welcome.
Enjoy reading!
ISJM | VOLUME 1 | No 1 | 2015