INTERRELATIONSHIP OF EXECUTIVE NETWORKS IN STATE MODERNIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Power / political system / modernization / transit societies / pluralistic society / systematic analysis / liberalization / power networks.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — R. O. Nosirov, Svetlana Vladimirovna Temirova

This article discusses the interrelationship of the executive branches in the modernization of the state, the origin of the term modernization, historical stages, the mutual cooperation of the branches of government in the modernization of the country and their mutual influence in carrying out activities. In the field of activities of state authorities mthe importance of modernization, as well as its positive and negative aspects are analyzed

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R. O. Nosirov

Professor, Tashkent State Transport University

Svetlana Vladimirovna Temirova

Senior lecturer of the department of "public international law", Tashkent State

Transport University


This article discusses the interrelationship of the executive branches in the modernization of the state, the origin of the term modernization, historical stages, the mutual cooperation of the branches of government in the modernization of the country and their mutual influence in carrying out activities. In the field of activities of state authorities mthe importance of modernization, as well as its positive and negative aspects are analyzed.

Keywords: Power, political system, modernization, transit societies, pluralistic society, systematic analysis, liberalization, power networks.


Political modernizationToday, as it has since the 1960s, it includes changes in politics and government in individual countries and states driven by major changes in technology. While the term is often used in the discourse of economic and political development, it is possible to understand more clearly what these changes in policy mean by keeping the framework in response to revolutions in technology. The latest stage of change is based on information science and knowledgeof industry. Due to their growth, they have focused on new collaborative arrangements involving universities, the private sector, and government in computer science-based innovation. This term is the first timeComparative Politics of the 1960semerged in the literature and was concerned with the influence of mass industry on politics and government, but it has taken on new life today in the changes taking place in high-income and developing countries.

Modernization (French moderne, the newest, modern) - update something, give it a modern touch, change it according to modern requirements. In modernization, machines, equipment, various technological devices, important discoveries are processed in accordance with the requirements of technical development.

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Modernization is a "process" that arose from the "idea of progress" due to the French Enlightenment., "organizing society for change", "countering counterrevolutionary forces", paying special attention to the "economic side", political system and governance. Criticisms of modernization theory usually consist of equating it with Westernization, Eurocentricism, urbanization, and ethnocentrism. It is known that the concepts of economic, political, social and cultural modernization differ.

Among the urgent problems of civil society activity in the conditions of all kinds of modernization are corporate management of joint-stock companies, mutual relations between the state and society, legal institutionalization of civil institutions, mediation (reconciliation institute), civil control, development of student self-government, law enforcement There are cooperation bodies and others.


An integral part of most Asian forms of modernization are Eastern values that shape conservative modernism. According to Kanishka Jayasuriya, professor of political science and international relations at the University of Adelaide (Australia), bigoted modernism rejects philosophical and intellectual values such as individualism, universalism, and equality, and uses the products of modern civilization and related technological achievements (Jayasuriya K., 1998).

According to F. Fukuyama, transit societies will have to choose one of theses "first - economic reforms" and "first - democracy" (F. Fukuyama, 1995).In fact, most countries, especially Asian countries, have achieved democracy through "autocratic" means. However, it would be absurd to suggest that the former communist regimes in Eastern Europe should cancel democratic changes until market reforms are implemented in the economy. The democratization and "modernization" of the Middle East will not solve the problem of terrorism, says F. Fukuyama in his article "I cannot accept neoconservatism in its current form". "Western politicians in the post-war period saw in secular nationalism the positive and fundamental essence of the savior political modernization for the Third World. Radicalism occurs because of the loss of equality that accompanies the transition to a modern, pluralistic society. Therefore, the spread of democracy in this region means the spread of "alienation", radicalism and terrorism. In addition, no matter how hard we try, the more active participation of Islamic groups in the political life of Middle Eastern countries is inevitable, and only in this way can the poison of Islamic radicalism be removed from the blood and tissues of Muslim societies. The times when our friendly authoritarian rulers ruled over submissive peoples have been completely forgotten" (F. Fukuyama, 1994).

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What is the reason for the gradualness of the country's reform and modernization program?

Uzbekistan is without false revolutionary leaps from the beginning, announced that he chose the path of gradual-evolutionary development without revolutionary changes, step by step, protecting the interests of the broad classes of the population.

It is also appropriate to dwell on the form and stage of development of the system consisting of three branches of power after the liberalization-transition period.


In socio-philosophical literature, liberalization means the expansion of certain rights and freedoms, the free movement of a person, the abolition or reduction of restrictions on many types of activities, the process of "restricting the coercive power of any government", "allowing a person to freely exercise his abilities support conditions", "priority of private property" is understood.

It is interesting to observe the repetition of the balance of power in world history. For example, the "imperial reform" carried out in the late 15th - early 16th centuries, strengthening the unity of the Holy Roman Empire, allowed the empire to successfully compete with the nation-states of Western Europe to form a new balance of power between the emperor and the classes. The 1958 French Constitution was based on Charles De Gaulle's views on the country's state system, which envisages maintaining the principles of "separation and balance of power", democracy, and individual rights and freedoms. The State Council of San Marino elects two captain-governors (regents) who are the heads of state every 6 months. Regents are elected from opposing political parties to maintain a balance of power. In Israel, the appointment of judges by the Judicial Selection Commission, which consists of nine members, including three judges and the chairman of the Supreme Court, is classified as a violation of the balance of power in the state and a denial of the will of the Israeli electorate. According to the Russian Constitution, the balance between the branches of government is built in such a way that the Russian Federation is defined as a mixed republic (presidential-parliamentary, semi-parliamentary or semi-presidential). The balance between the branches of power is established in such a way that the right to form the government belongs neither to the president nor to the parliament.


Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebecque (1767-1830), a French and Swiss writer, publicist, and political figure of the French Revolution, Bonapartism, and the Restoration, condemned any form of state with "excessive levels of authority." He wrote that public opinion,

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as well as the division of power into three branches and their equality, are the guarantees of preventing such a defect. The division of power into independent branches and their equality occurs as follows: there should be "neutral power" headed by the head of state; the head of state prevents the emergence of conflicts between branches of power, ensures their coordinated operation. The head of state has the right to veto, dissolve the electoral chamber, pardon. The head of state does not have any interests "other than maintaining freedom and order" (B. Konstan, 2000).

And E. Toffler optimistically explains the process of establishing mutual cooperation and balance of power branches: "Legal inequality at one level can be corrected at another level. Therefore, the balance of power can exist between two or more objects, and even between the different subsystems that are part of them, there is legal inequality.. At the same time, the scientist considers the factors of absolutization of this phenomenon, "it is necessary to evaluate not only the balance of power, but also the "power of balance"" (E. Toffler, 2004).

According to American historian Arthur Schlesinger (1917-1907), who developed the thesis about the age of "imperial presidency", "the balance between the power of the president and the representative bodies provided for in the Constitution is disturbed in favor of the president." "Foreign policy is an area where this constitutional balance can be disturbed" (A. Shlezinger, 1992), says A. Shlezinger..

Methodological institutionalism is a non-classical method of social knowledge that closely ties scientific knowledge to specific social relations between separate and combined factors (DPFrolov, 2009).

"The balanced approach creates the idea that the elements of the system have only one main goal... to return to the starting point of balance or to move towards some new point of balance," says D. Easton. Moreover, "some elements of the system may sometimes perform actions that contribute to the disturbance of the previous state of equilibrium or maintain a permanent state of disequilibrium." Accepting the analysis of equilibrium states as a methodological basis, albeit in an imprecise form, makes it difficult to identify system goals that cannot lead to the achievement of an equilibrium state.

Systematic analysis,concludes D. Easton, "allows for the development of a more flexible and effective theoretical structure than the level of theoretical analysis that can be achieved within a well-developed balanced approach" (MAvasilik, 2000). The essence of the systematic analysis of the characteristics of the division of power is that power is studied as a complex of elements in connection with the environment - civil society and socio-economic relations.

When it comes to the balance of power networks, it is necessary to consider the external side as well. "Ultimately," says

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H. Clinton, "there must be a balance of power." This is one of the main principles of the American government system. We have a balance of power, with an independent judiciary, a strong executive, and a very active legislature. But, in addition, there must be a balance of power between the government, the market economy and civil society. Only when this balance is disturbed should other parties intervene in this process" [usembassy.gov.].


The purpose of systematic analysis is to organize the sequence of actions in solving large problems based on a systematic approach. In systems analysis, problem solving is defined as an activity that maintains or improves the performance of a system. Techniques and methods of system analysis aimed at promoting alternatives are problem solving, determining the level of uncertainty for each option and comparing options in terms of their effectiveness. The essence of analyzing the separation of powers on a systematic basis is that power is studied as a complex of elements, in connection with civil society and socio-economic relations. Systematic analysis allows for a complex and interrelated study of the separation of powers, taking into account the social foundations of politics and the negative effects of politics on social realities.


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