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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Belik Svetlana, Avetisyan Zita, Maksimov Oleg, Kvasov Aleksey, Vanyan Gita

The purpose of our work was studying of interrelation of the level of vegetative regulation of students' organism with their biochemical and psychophysiological parameters, and also success of education in higher education institution. The established interrelations between the existence of syndrome of vegetative dysfunction (SVD) and the degree of its intensity with indicators of health, of well-being, a psychoemotional state and workability of students allow to recommend the questionnaire method of identification of SVD in mass hygienic researches for the characteristic of the level of general nonspecific disadaptation of various groups of the population.

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The purpose of our work was studying of interrelation of the level of vegetative regulation of students' organism with their biochemical and psychophysiological parameters, and also success of education in higher education institution. The established interrelations between the existence of syndrome of vegetative dysfunction (SVD) and the degree of its intensity with indicators of health, of well-being, a psychoemotional state and workability of students allow to recommend the questionnaire method of identification of SVD in mass hygienic researches for the characteristic of the level of general nonspecific disadaptation of various groups of the population.


syndrome of vegetative dysfunction, psychophysiological parameters, biochemical parameters, students' health

AUTHORS Zita Avetisyan

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University, 119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia. E-mail: avetisyan-rostgmu@yandex.ru

Svetlana Belik

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University, 119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia. E-mail: superbelik@mail.ru

Oleg Maksimov

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University, 119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia. E-mail:Horek1999@yandex.ru

Aleksey Kvasov

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University, 119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia. Email: kwasov2014@yandex. ru

Gita Vanyan

Teaching assistant, Department of General and Clinical Biochemistry No.2, Rostov State Medical University, 119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia. E-mail: g-vanyan@mail.ru


The problem of functional psychosomatic disturbances gains great significance for students that is connected not only with age formations of psychovegetative pathology, but also to an educational factor which in modern conditions is followed by daily intellectual and emotional overstrains (Belik et al., 2014; Belik et al., 2015; Nazheva, 2016). The symptoms of vegetative dysfunction reflect the degree of intensity of adaptive processes in an organism, that is indirectly point to expression of a chronic stress and disadaptation degree to it (Belik et al., 2015; Belik et al., 2016). Accordingly identification of various indicators of functioning of an organism which could be considered as early indicators of a vegetative dysregulation and a stressful disadaptation of students is seemed actually.

The purpose of the paper was studying of interrelation of the level of vegetative regulation of students' organism with their biochemical and psychophysiological parameters, and also success of education in higher education institution.

Materials and Methods

140 almost healthy first and second year students of the Rostov state medical university aged from 17 years to 19 years were surveyed on the basis of department of the general and clinical biochemistry No. 2. We examined 74 first-year students and 66 second-year students.

For identification of a syndrome of vegetative dysfunction screenings by means of "The questionnaire for identification of signs of vegetative changes" were conducted (Vejjn, 2003). The questionnaire includes 11 questions which in points characterize manifestations of dermal vegetative reactions, disturbances of a vegetative regulation of heart, respiratory and digestive organs, cerebrovascular regulation, and also reveal increased fatigue and sleep disorders. The existence of the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction (SVD) at students was defined at a score from 15 and more.

The modified questionnaire of G.A. Goncharova was used for evaluation of a state of students' health (Goncharova et al., 1997). Manifestations of asthenic, neurotic, cerebro-asthenic, hysterialike, psychasthenic, patocharacterological syndromes, and also some symptoms of disturbance of functioning of ENT organs, cardiovascular, alimentary, genitourinary and immune system were determined quantitatively in conditional points in the form of the integrated coefficient (IC) by this method. Each of symptoms was estimated in points on the frequency of its manifestations (seldom - 1 point, frequent - 2 points, constant - 3 points) and on force of its expression (weak - 1 point, moderate - 2 points, strong - 3 points).

Psychoemotional intensity of students was studied by the test of state and trait anxiety suggested by Ch.D. Spilberger (Stoljarenko, 1999). The following approximate estimates of anxiety were used: to 30 points - low, 31-44 points - moderate; 45 and more points - high.

For the purpose of a hygienic assessment of influence of psychological factors of education on a state of health of students we used the test WAM (Stoljarenko, 1999) for evaluation of well-being, activity and mood at surveyed.

One of the main criteria reflecting the change of a functional condition of students' organism is the mental working capacity. The method of correction task of V.Ya. Anfimov was used to an evaluation of mental working capacity in dynamics of education. The test was carried out with Anfimov's tables by the standard technique within 2 minutes (Kuchma, 2010). Results of correction task were estimated by quantity of the signs seen by students, number of the made mistakes in terms of 500 signs, and an integrated indicator - the efficiency of correction task (ECT).

The rate of switching of attention was estimated by means of Shulte-Platonov tables (Kuchma, 2010). For this purpose students were offered to show for time (in seconds) in the table in the order of digit (only red or only black) from 1 to 25, calling them aloud.

The psychological structure of the person of students was investigated by means of the reduced multifactorial questionnaire for research of the person (RMQP) (Stoljarenko, 1999). It contains 71 questions and 11 scales, 3 of which are estimative. High marks on all scales are the estimates exceeding 70, and low - lower than 40.

Besides the level of middle-mass molecules (MMM), quantitative content of nucleic acids and uric acid were determined in saliva of students.

Saliva was collected in 20 minutes after rinsing of a mouth by the distilled water. All biochemical researches were conducted in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rising of the level of MMM in the conditions of an emotional stress can be considered

as compensatory reaction of an organism to a short stress (Avetisyan, 2003) as MCM of protein nature can include antioxidatic substances in the structure. The principle of a method of definition of MMM in saliva consists in a deposition by 15% trichloracetic acid solution of particulate proteins with the subsequent detection of the eluated fractions with lengths of waves from 240 to 300 nanometers (Pustovalova, 1999). The level of MMM was expressed in units quantitatively peer to extinction indicators. On the basis of the received values of extinction we plotted spectrograms. The partition coefficient of MMM (Kmmm) was counted as the relation of the level of MMM measured in ultra-violet range at a wavelength of 280 nanometers to level of MMM at 250 nanometers.

The quantitative content of nucleic acids in saliva was determined by the method of A.S. Spirin in L.M. Pustovalova's modification (Pustovalova, 1999). The method is based on extraction of nucleic acids by a hot perchloric acid with the subsequent definition of absorption by solution of ultra-violet light at 270 and 290 nanometers.

Uric acid was determined by a spectrophotometry method (Pustovalova, 1999). The principle of a method is based on light absorption measurement by a protein-free filtrate of saliva at a wavelength of 289 nanometers.

The results of researches were analyzed taking into account students' performance which was estimated by results of passing an examination and academic ranking. Students were conditionally divided into 2 groups: low-performing students and high-performing students.

Statistical processing and analysis of data were carried out by methods of variation statistics by calculation and comparison of arithmetic-mean values, definition of frequency and structural characteristics; reliability between groups of comparison was estimated by Student's t-test. In work elements of the correlation analysis by a method of the moments of Pearson made in the module of the Statistica 6.0 program were also applied. Significant results with the size of a statistical mistake (p) less than 0,05 were accepted (5%).


SVD was revealed at 78% of examined students. The correlation analysis showed that SVD correlates with sex of students (r=0,35): SVD at girls was found significantly more often than at young men.

In the analysis of results of research of SVD depending on academic ranking of students it was revealed that among low-performing students the share of persons with SVD was slightly higher (83,3±7,8%), than among high-performing students (74,2±8,0%), however these differences weren't significantly (p>0,05). At the same time, indicators of the current performance at students without SVD were significantly higher in comparison with students with vegetative dysfunction (3,96±0,37 against 3,30±0,15 points; p<0,05) that is confirmed by existence of negative correlation relationship between academic ranking of students and existence of SVD at them (r = -0,52). Results of examinations were also significantly higher at students without symptoms of vegetative dysfunction in comparison with students with SVD signs: 3,58±0,40 against 3,24±0,18 points respectively (p<0,05). The return correlation between an examination mark and existence of SVD (r =-0,45) was also observed. And, the degree of intensity of SVD in points at students was higher, the progress indicators - an academic ranking (r =-0,42) and results of examination were lower at them (r = - 0,48).

An average frequency of diseases in a year at students with SVD had significantly higher (240,0±14,8 against 175,0±23,8 cases on 100 students without SVD), and indicators of a pathological prevalence were rather higher (90,0±9,1 against 75,0±15,6 cases on 100 surveyed). Existence of strong direct correlation relationship between the frequency of diseases and the degree of expression of SVD at students (r=0,79) was established (table


Sl. No. Parameters SVD SVD points

1. Asthenic syndrome 0,06 0,58*

2. N eurotic syndrome 0,02 0,1

3. Hysterialike 0,00 0,35

4. Psychasthenic syndrome 0,25* 0,11

5. Patocharacterological syndrome -0,12 0,35*

6. Cerebro-asthenic syndrome 0,03 0,35*

7. ENT organs 0,21 0,32*

8. Cardiovascular system 0,09 -0,14

9. Immune system 0,23* 0,25*

10. G astrointestinal tract 0,34* 0,28*

11. G enitourinary system 0,41* 0,39*

12. Other diseases 0,26* -0,22*

13. Incidence of disease 0,42* 0,79*

14. Pathological prevalence 0,20* -0,19

15. G eneral level of mental illness 0,05 0,50*

16. G eneral level of somatic illness 0,30* 0,13

Remark: * - statistically significant differences (p < 0,05 ... p < 0,001)

The total indicator of expressiveness of symptoms of a mental illness at students with SVD (110,5±12,6 points) was slightly higher in comparison with students without syndrome (90,0±7,4 points; p>0,05). The intensity of manifestation of symptoms of somatic character at students with SVD (48,7±9,4 points) was twice higher in comparison with students without symptoms of vegetative dystonia (23,0±3,4 points; p<0,05).

The intensity of SVD at students is directly connected with the general level of a mental illness (r = 0,50), especially, to expression of asthenic (r = 0,58), hysterialike (r = 0,35), patocharacterological (r = 0,35) and cerebro-asthenic (r = 0,35) syndromes.

The degree of intensity of SVD directly correlates also with the intensity of signs of a somatic illness, especially with a symptomatology of ENT organs (r = 0,32), immune system (r = 0,25), gastrointestinal tract (r = 0,28) and genitourinary system (r = 0,39).

Activity indicators at the students having symptoms of vegetative dystonia (4,32±0,06) were significantly lower than the level of activity at the students who haven't got SVD (4,87±0,09; p<0,05). The indicators of well-being and mood at students with SVD (4,60±0,06 and 4,65±0,07 points) were also lower in comparison with students without symptoms of vegetative dysfunction (4,80±0,09 and 4,85±0,10 points respectively), however, these differences weren't significantly (p>0,05). But the correlation analysis revealed negative association of existence of SVD with well-being (r =-0,30), activities (r=-0,43) and mood (r =-0,29) of students.

The average levels of state and trait anxiety at all examined students were 49,0±2,1 and 46,8±1,4 points respectively that allows to speak about their high level of anxiety (Stoljarenko, 1999). The level of anxiety didn't differ significantly by the sex of students (p>0,05), however it is necessary to notice that levels of state and trait anxiety at girls were slightly higher than (50,1±2,6 and 48,3±1,7 points) in comparison with those at young men (46,8±3,8 and 43,8±2,4 points respectively).

Results of research showed that the level of state anxiety was rather higher at persons with SVD in comparison with students at whom signs of SVD aren't revealed (48,8±3,8 against 46,0±4,1 points; p>0,05). It is interesting that concerning the level of

trait anxiety tendencies opposite to these are noted: at students with SVD signs the average level of trait anxiety is slightly lower, than at persons without syndrome (44,9±2,1 against 46,4±3,4 points; p>0,05).

When comparing data of RMQP test (table 2) significantly differences on a D scale of a depression were revealed: 54,1±1,7 points in group of students with SVD against 44,5±3,0 points at students without SVD signs (p<0,05). The average points on other scales were also higher at students with SVD, however, these differences weren't significantly (p>0,05).


Sl. No. Parameters SVD = 1 SVD = 0

X ± m X ± m

1. L - false scale 42,0 ± 1,0 41,4 ± 1,6

2. F - significance scale 54,5 ± 2,4 48,5 ± 0,7

3. H s - hypochondria scale 50,4 ± 1,0 47,9 ± 2,6

4. D - depression scale 54,1 ± 1,7 44,5 ± 3,0*

5. Hy - hysteria scale 54,7 ± 1,9 49,6 ± 2,2

6. Pd - psychopathy scale 46,5 ± 2,2 40,4 ± 3,3

7. Pa - paranoia scale 54,9 ± 2,2 54,6 ± 1,6

8. Pt - phrenasthenia scale 20,0 ± 1,8 45,0 ± 1,5

9. Sch - schizophrenia scale 53,8 ± 1,9 53,8 ± 1,7

10. Ma - hypomania scale 56,9 ± 1,7 56,1 ± 3,4

Remark: * - statistically significant differences; X - arithmetic mean value;

± m - error of arithmetic mean value

The average values of correction task received as a result of the conducted researches were: the quantity of the seen signs - 328,7 ± 2,7; the number of mistakes on 500 signs - 6,5 ± 0,3; the efficiency of correction task was 9,3 ±0,4.

The comparative analysis of indicators of efficiency of students depending on sex revealed authentically higher quality of correction task at girls in comparison with young men: the quantity of the made mistakes in terms of 500 signs at girls was 5,7 ± 0,3, and at young men - 7,6 ± 0,5 (p < 0,05).

In the analysis of correction task depending on students' performance it turned out that all indicators of correction task were authentically worse at low-performing students (the number of the seen signs - 321,7 ± 4,1; the number of mistakes on 500 signs - 8,0 ± 0,05; ECT indicator - 7,5 ± 0,5) in comparison with high-performing students (the number of the seen signs - 334,2 ± 3,5; the number of mistakes on 500 signs - 5,2 ± 0,4; ECT indicator - 10,8 ± 0,5; p < 0,05). In the correlation analysis it is established that there is reliable direct link between an average value of ECT and the results of passing an examination (r = 0,18), and also between an indicator of ECT and academic ranking on discipline (r = 0,21). The negative correlation connection was established between the number of the mistakes made by students in correction task and results of passing an examination (r = - 0,25), and also - academic ranking on discipline (r = 0,29).

The analysis of results of correction task revealed lower level of mental working capacity at students with existence of SVD in comparison with students without symptoms of vegetative dysfunction: the average of mistakes (on 500 signs) was respectively 7,3±0,4 against 5,1±0,8 (p<0,05), ECT values - 8,9±0,5 against 11,3± 1,1 were lower. The correlation analysis also confirmed that the integrated level of correction workability is back connected with the existence at students of SVD (r =-0,66).

The average values of test received as a result of a research with Shulte-Platonov's

tables were 39,9 ± 0,4 seconds. The comparative analysis of results of Shulte-Platonov test on a sex has shown that attention indicators at girls (39,8 ± 0,6 seconds) and the young man (39,9 ± 0,7 seconds) practically don't differ. In the analysis of average results of test indicators of attention of second-year students were slightly better, than at first-year students (39,2 ± 0,7 against 40,3 ± 0,6 seconds) though these distinctions were statistically doubtful (p > 0,05).

Comparison of the obtained data depending on students' performance has shown that time of performance of a task with Shulte-Platonov's tables at high-performing students (38,2 ± 0,6 seconds) was considerable smaller in comparison with low-performing students (42,0 ± 0,6 seconds; p < 0,05). The correlation analysis has confirmed that there is a reliable negative communication between duration of performance by students of a task with Shulte-Platonov's tables and results of passing an examination (r = - 0,20), and also the academic ranking on discipline (r = - 0,22). It means that the higher is the attention of students, the higher is academic ranking on discipline and results of an examination.

Significantly higher rate of switching of attention (by Shulte-Platonov's technique) at students without SVD in comparison with students with vegetative dysfunction is noted: 35,4±1,0 with against 40,4±0,6 with; p<0,05, at the same time, standard tasks time directly correlates with the existence of SVD (r = 0,28).

The average values of the level of MMM in saliva of students presented to table 3 can be considered as standard levels of MMM in saliva for this age group (17-20 years).

table 3

Sl. No. Parameters N X± m

1. MMM at 240 nm 88 175,8 ± 19,2

2. MMM at 250 nm 88 148,0 ± 14,0

3. MMM at 260 nm 88 182,6 ± 13,6

4. MMM at 270 nm 88 284,4 ± 16,8

5. MMM at 280 nm 88 353,4 ± 20,2

6. MMM at 290 nm 88 289,0 ± 18,6

7. MMM at 300 nm 88 128,2 ± 10,5

Remark: N - number of observations; X - arithmetic mean value; ± m - error of arithmetic mean value

The quantitative content of nucleic acids in saliva of students in the conditions of a background was 128,0 ± 12,5 mkg/ml. This value is similar to normal value of quantitative content of nucleic acids in blood serum of the adult - 80-100 mkg/ml.

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The comparative analysis of biochemical indicators in saliva of students with a syndrome of vegetative dystonia revealed at them significantly higher quantitative content of nucleic acids (table 4) than at students without SVD (148,7±9,4 mkg/ml against 110,4±8,9 mkg/ml) that is confirmed by direct correlation relationship between the content of nucleic acids in saliva of students and the existence of SVD signs at them (r = 0,28). Though the level of MMM and content of uric acid in groups of comparison practically didn't differ, but direct correlation relationship between expression of SVD in points and the partition coefficient of MMM in saliva students (r=0,37) is revealed.


Parameters Students with SVD Students without SVD

N X± m N X± m

MMM at 240 nm 168 348,8 ± 18,7 49 357,2 ± 36,5

MMM at 250 nm 168 225,4 ± 11,2 49 242,6 ± 23,5

MMM at 260 nm 168 225,4 ± 9,6 49 237,8 ± 21,7

MMM at 270 nm 168 305,4 ± 10,6 49 320,1 ± 26,8

MMM at 280 nm 168 373,3 ± 12,8 49 394,0 ± 32,7

MMM at 290 nm 168 304,8 ± 11,1 49 317,5 ± 29,4

MMM at 300 nm 168 145,9 ± 6,7 49 157,1 ± 16,7

Kmmm 168 3,74 ± 0,54 49 4,47 ± 1,7

Nucleic acids 207 148,7 ± 9,4 51 110,4 ± 8,9*

Uric acid 206 0,47 ± 0,02 53 0,50 ± 0,03

Remark: * - statistically significant differences; N - number of observations; X - arithmetic mean value; ± m - error of arithmetic mean value


It is revealed that students with a syndrome of vegetative dysfunction have significantly higher content of nucleic acids in saliva and lower indicators of activity, mental working capacity and concentration of attention in comparison with students without manifestation of vegetative dysfunction. The established interrelations between the existence of SVD and the degree of its expression with indicators of health, well-being, a psychoemotional state and workability of students allow to recommend the questionnaire method of identification of SVD in mass hygienic researches for the characteristic of the level of general nonspecific disadaptation of various groups of the population.


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