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The purpose of our research was studying physical and functional preparedness of military medical students taking into account their vegetative status. As a result of research it is established that functional and physical states at students of educational military center (EMC) of medical university have direct dependence on the vegetative status. Sympathetic reaction is more favorable for future military physicians as it causes sthenic emotions. It is revealed that the prevalence of a parasympathetic tone is characteristic for most of students of EMC. The presented materials will be useful for the development of activities directed on correction of functional state of organism of medical students of EMC.
students, educational military center, military physicians, indicators of physical preparedness, indicators of functional preparedness, vegetative regulation, parasympathotonia, sympathicotonia
Svetlana Belik M.D., Associate Professor Department of General Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia superbelik@mail.ru Vladimir Ivantsov M.D., Professor Academician of the Russian academy of military sciences Educational Military Center Rostov State Medical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Zita Avetisyan M.D., Associate Professor Department of General Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia avetisyan-rostgmu@yandex.ru Oleg Svintukhovsky M.D., Associate Professor Department of General Hygiene, Rostov State Medical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia hihiena@yandex.ru
Gevorg Tandilyan Second year student Educational Military Center Rostov State Medical University Rostov-on-Don, Russia tandilyan.gevorg@mail.ru
The main objectives of military reform in the Russian Federation are: increase of fighting capacity of troops; optimization of structure and number of Armed Forces; equipment of troops by the latest types of arms; improvement of system of military education; solving social problems of the military personnel (Belevitin, 2010).
One of the main objectives of reforming of system of military education is implementation of the concept of personnel policy for the purpose of improvement of system of military-medical education (Bykov, 2006).
Within military reform in 2008 on the basis of faculty of military education of the Rostov state medical university the educational military center (EMC) for training of military physicians of all specialties was created. A specific of this center is the combination of conditions of civil training to conditions characteristic for the military organizations.
The analysis of scientific references showed that during military vocational training in military-medical higher education institutions many military students lag behind in assimilation of the program of vocational education, have insufficient functional reserves of an organism and motivation to military service, often are ill. About 30-35% of military students in the first years of education have disorders of military and professional adaptation (Kondrashov, 2010; Gromov, 2008). The raised loading at pre-university training, psychoemotional exertions during passing the Unified State Examination and matriculation to higher education institution lead to that students already with the lowered adaptation reserves enter the medical university that is directly reflected on physical and functional capacity of an organism. Therefore, first year students of EMC are included into special risk group because in addition to the general factors they are affected by the special factors accompanying military and professional adaptation.
The general factors having influence over the health of students at entering the medical school are:
- difference from school in the organization of education demanding increases of independence in mastering a training material;
- lack of well improved interpersonal relations in new collective;
- change of living conditions and emergence of household cares in nonresident students;
- the information overload caused by existence of numerous educational subjects necessary to development the information volume of which all the time increases;
- an overstrain of students during the examination period proceeding in the conditions of deficiency of time, the increased responsibility and psychoemotional stress;
- hypodynamia;
- lack of a balanced diet.
The special factors having influence over the health of students of EMC at medical school are:
- the necessity of strict observance of rules of military discipline demanding the special clearness, accuracy, sense of duty, endurance, speed of execution of all orders of commanders;
- existence of military and official hierarchy;
- awareness of need of strict implementation of requirements of the military oath and charters which differ from civil forms of behavior;
- existence of drill and the educational and fighting trainings which are followed by a physical and emotional overstrain;
- the necessity of observation of the rules between the military personnel interfaced to withdrawal pains of an old dynamic stereotype and habits;
- objective revaluation of own personality within ability and readiness to be useful not only to relatives, friends, but also the Homeland, the Fatherland, the people.
The leading role in ensuring of adaptive reactions of an organism as regulator of a homeostasis and homeokinesis is assigned to vegetative nervous system. Therefore studying of the vegetative status in interrelation with morphofunctional parameters at military medical students is especially actual as early identification of disorders in this sphere plays a very important role in timely determination of professional compliance. In this connection, the purpose of our research was studying physical and functional preparedness of military medical students taking into account vegetative status.
For achievement of a goal the following problems were solved:
1) to reveal the level of physical preparedness of military medical students;
2) to estimate the functional preparedness;
3) to determine the interrelation of level of physical and functional preparedness with nature of vegetative regulation.
Materials and Methods.
The research was conducted on the basis of EMC of the Rostov state medical university. The average age of the surveyed was 18.5±1.2 years. 45 first year students who were divided into three groups depending on indicators of the vegetative Kerdo index (KI) which is calculated as the ratio of diastolic arterial pressure to pulse rate in one minute expressed as a percentage took part in research.
The first group included the students who are in a condition of vegetative balance (eutonia) - KI = 0; in the second group - with prevalence of sympathetic influence - KI > 0; in the third group - with prevalence of a parasympathetic tone KI < 0.
Morphological indicators were analyzed: growth, body weight and Quetelet index as a ratio of body weight (in kg) to growth square (in cm); physical preparedness: power and high-speed and power qualities (hand dynamometry, run on 100 m); power and general endurance (run on 1000 m, a press); special dexterity (the test to sit down - to lie down -to rise). Functional indicators and indexes: respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP), vital capacity (VC) (spirometry method); Robinson index as a product of heart rate on the systolic arterial pressure expressed as a percentage, a cardiorespiratory index (Hildebrand coefficient) - as a ratio of heart rate to the frequency of respiratory rate and Kerdo index - as a ratio of diastolic blood pressure to pulse rate per minute. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out by means of the software package of Statsoft Statistika 6.0 with use of the standard methods of parametrical statistics. Quantitative characteristics are submitted as average values ± a standard mistake.
As a result of research it is established that the prevalence of a parasympathetic tone which is marked by negative Kerdo index (60%) is characteristic for most of students of EMC. At 6.7% of surveyed the eutonia was revealed and at 33.3% -sympathicotonia.
At an assessment of morphological indicators (table 1) at students with prevalence of a parasympathetic tone the highest value of Quetelet index - 26.33±4.37 corresponding to the lower bound of excess body weight is noted. At students with eutonia and with prevalence of sympathetic influences this value was 22.93±0.92 and 24.70±0.67 that corresponded to normal body weight.
The analysis of power and high-speed and power qualities and indicators of endurance showed that at surveyed with eutonia the good results in the test 100-meters run, 1000-meters run and a press - total number of flexions are noted. The differences in other physical parameters of between groups weren't revealed.
Indicator I II III
M±m M±m M±m
Hand right 45.33±5.7 46.00±2.94 41.33±1.54
dynamometry left 52.00±4.16 49.4±1.96 44.19±1.29
100-m run 12.57±0.12 13.84±0.15 13.66±0.13
1000-m run 3.61±0.24 3.81±0.14 3.70±0.11
Press speed 13.67±1.33 13.53±1.24 12.93±0.77
total 55.33±2.37 43.60±2.94 45.15±1.29
The test to sit down - to lie down - to rise 11.83±0.97 11.86±0.29 12.39±0.47
At an assessment of functional indicators (table 2) at students with eutonia the highest VC is noted; the parasympathotonia was followed by the lowest values of this indicator.
Indicator I II III
M±m M±m M±m
RR 18.00±0.58 18.73±0.21 17.96±0.4
HR 80.00±0.05 83.20±1.42 68.96±1.32
Blood DBP 120.0±0.05 119.7±1.24 120.37±0.70
pressure SBP 80.0±0.36 77.33±1.28 78.33±0.53
VC 5.17±0.34 5.27±0.14 4.92±0.08
Hildebrand coefficient 4.45 ±0.14 4.45±0.10 3.84±0.08
Robinson index 96.0±1.96 99.62±2.19 82.99±1.61
The cardiorespiratory index corresponds to norms (4 relative units) only in the 3rd group (3.8 relative units). It exceeded norm in the 1st and 2nd groups that shows the existence of an insignificant mismatch in activity of separate visceral systems.
The reserve indicator - Robinson index is applied to a quantitative evaluation of power potential of a human body. Robinson index characterizes systolic work of heart. The more this indicator is at height of physical activity, the more functional ability of muscles of heart is. On this indicator it is indirectly possible to judge myocardial oxygen consumption. Value of the of Robinson index at students of the 1st and the 2nd groups (96.0±1.96 and 99.6±2.19 respectively) can indicate the existence of signs of insignificant tension of regulation of cardiovascular system while in the 3rd group the value of an indicator - 82.99±1.61 testifies to normal functional reserves of cardiovascular system.
On the basis of the conducted researches it is established that functional and physical states at students of EMC have direct dependence on the vegetative status. Sympathetic reaction is more favorable for future military physicians as it causes sthenic emotions ("emotional sympathetic excitement"). This tone prevails at an optimum condition of an organism, and also in the conditions of acute stress, providing an active state and behavior of an organism, mobilization of internal resources for functioning in the mode of limit
opportunities. At sympathicotonics higher level of energy metabolism is noted that allows them to achieve goals and to feel less frustration and stress associated with it. For these persons "the high level of purposes" is characteristic (Shcherbatykh, 2006) that is useful quality for military physicians.
The prevalence of a parasympathetic tone (vagotonia) revealed by us at most of students of EMC (60%) is an adverse factor for military physicians. At persons with prevalence of parasympathetic activation the level of personal anxiety is more expressed. Asthenic emotions ("an emotional parasympathetic depression") are characteristic for them. Vagotonics are indecisive, lacking initiative and they are inclined to pessimism and various fears (Shcherbatykh, 2006). These qualities are undesirable to military physicians and can become the reason of military and professional disadaptation and motivation to refusal of military service. All this causes need of development of activities directed on correction of a functional condition of an organism of the students of EMC of medical university. Increase of resistance of an organism to influence of adverse factors of military vocational training and formation of resistance to the high mental and physical activities caused by features of the forthcoming professional activity has to be a main purpose of these activities.
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