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Ключевые слова
Internet / globalization of education / pandemic / ICT / websites / authentic materials / интернет / глобализация образования / пандемия / ИКТ / веб-сайты / аутентичные материалы / интернет / білімнің жаһандануы / пандемия / АКТ / веб-сайттар / түпнұсқа материалдар

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nursultanova A.A., Kudritskaya M.I.

This article deals with the phenomenon of globalization of education, which entailed the significant influence of the Internet and computer technology on the methodology of teaching English during the pandemic. It also describes modern ideas and trends of foreign colleagues in teaching a foreign language.

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В данной статье рассматривается явление глобализации образования, повлекшее за собой колоссальное влияние интернета и компьютерных технологий на методику преподавания английского языка в период пандемии. Также здесь показаны последние идеи и тренды зарубежных коллег по преподаванию иностранного языка.



УДК 378:164.169



Макал ада пандемия кезшдеп агылшын тшш окыту эдютемесше Интернет пен компьютер-л1к технологияныц зор эсерш типзетш бтмнщ жаЬандану кубылысы карастырылады. Со-нымен катар, шетелдш эрштестердщ шет тшш окытудагы жаца идеялары мен багыттарына токталды.


В данной статье рассматривается явление глобализации образования, повлекшее за собой колоссальное влияние интернета и компьютерных технологий на методику преподавания английского языка в период пандемии. Также здесь показаны последние идеи и тренды зарубежных коллег по преподаванию иностранного языка.


This article deals with the phenomenon of globalization of education, which entailed the significant influence of the Internet and computer technology on the methodology of teaching English during the pandemic. It also describes modern ideas and trends of foreign colleagues in teaching a foreign language.






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The impact of world social, economic, political, cultural, and educational processes strengthens the trend of increasing mutual influence of countries and peoples. In the context of globalization of education, there are significant changes in the group and individual consciousness of people, the fierce competition of civilizational models, each of which brings its own colors to the development of world culture and pedagogy. Globalization in the field of education takes certain shape primarily

Nursultanova A. A.,

English teacher, Zhnkovskaya basic secondary school, Kostanay district,

Kudritskaya M.I.,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, chair of foreign languages, department of philology, Kostanay state pedagogical university named after U. Sidtangazin, Kostanay city

Неги?! свздер: интернет, 6i-:iiMiiiiL жа/гандануы, пандемия, АКТ, веб-caiimmap, т\ /?//} ска ма-тергшлдар.

Ключевые слова: интернет, глобализация образования, пандемия, ИКТ, веб-сагтгы, аутентичные материалы.

Keywords: Internet, globalization of education, pandemic, ICT, websites, authentic materials.

under the influence of the main world civilizations of the West, Eurasia, and the East.

The pandemic has had a significant impact on the development of new methods of teaching foreign languages through the Internet and computer technology.

As Crystal states, globalization has also initiated the age of information technology requiring the deployment of the Internet the main language of which is English.

Markee indicates that the spread of information technology worldwide is strongly linked with the diffusion of the English language. To put it differently, it can be stated that while English has contributed to the proliferation of this technology, the information technology has also boosted the diffusion of English through Internet communication. Furthermore, because a number of studies in scientific and technological areas have been conducted in English, people are to have a basic knowledge of English to conduct research. According to Zhu, that people need knowledge of English to obtain information has promoted the status of English to lingua franca which in turn has influenced the language teaching in the world [1].

Some scientists say that the Internet is one of the factors that has a significant contribution to promoting the use of computers for language learning. The increase of computer-based communication through the Internet has changed more than anything else, the use of computers in learning foreign languages is raised rapidly at the end of the 20th century. With the advent of the Internet and the computer - both in society and in the audience transformed from a tool for processing information and display to a tool for processing information and communication. For the first time, foreign language learners can now communicate inexpensively and quickly with other students or speakers of

the studied language throughout the world. In addition, Dundee also mentioned one of the advantages of using computers and the Internet in the practice of teaching and learning languages especially for teachers. He mentioned that, in essence, the computer and live language communication have now become a common resource, always available to the target audience on the board. Teachers and students can use the board to show the contents of the CD-ROM and the Internet, and this content can be annotated, illustrated, saved, and printed. In most situations, this content can be used as a special resource [2].

Therefore, there are a number of advantages in education globalization through the Internet [2]:

• online-versions of professional magazines,

• opportunity to come into contact with foreign colleagues,

• media, databases, and training resources,

• catalogs of publications on websites.

Among the various advantages, the first

and main advantage is the provision of the teacher with a large number of training resources via the Internet. It is through the Internet that teachers can easily obtain various materials for teaching students. Some of the major sources of materials are § sites, such as One Stop English, which has a <|


huge database of materials and lesson plans o for regular use, and the BBC also has many ^ resources on its teaching English platform, o

The following are some of the media and ¿J

databases provided on the Internet [3]: ^


1. News sections for students, parents, o and teachers. c

2. Online news. §

3. Bamboo. ^

4. CELIA. g

5. The Center for Educational ^ Resources. §


6. Internet Cinema Database. x

The next advantage of using the

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Internet as a means of teaching a foreign language in the framework of the education globalization is the opportunity to improve one's own knowledge, skills in a foreign language directly for the teacher.

Here are some professional magazines, which are presented in online version on the Internet [4]: TESL-EJ.

The Internet Journal of TESL. Language, Student & Technology . CALL-EJ online. Kairos.

The third advantage of using the Internet in the practice of teaching English is the opportunity for a foreign language teacher to come into contact with colleagues from other countries, develop skills of writing and speaking, exchange experiences and information with teachers of other educational institutions.

Teachers can also join international organizations in order to maintain close professional contacts with colleagues from other countries, to be aware of the emergence of new educational technologies, and to improve in terms of methodology. Sheerer and Malone identify some international professional organizations that have their own websites. Below is a list of these organizations [5]:

• International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language,


• Japanese Association for Teaching Languages,

• Association of International Educators,

• National Council of English Teachers,

• American Association of Applied Linguistics,

• Linguistic Society of America.

Finally, through the Internet, teachers

can obtain information related to the publication of materials on the teaching of foreign languages. Many publishers, such as Longman or the Oxford University

Press, often publish catalogs of their publications on websites [5].

In general, there are several general positive aspects in the use of Internet resources in teaching. So, ICT in a foreign language lesson allows the teacher to:

• provide stable motivation to learn a foreign language;

• create a comfortable atmosphere in the lesson;

• provide a high degree of personalization of training;

• increase the amount of work performed and increase the amount of knowledge, skills acquired in the lesson;

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• improve the quality of knowledge control, students;

• rationally plan and organize the educational process, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the lesson;

• form the communicative competence of students through authentic materials;

• provide students with access to various dictionaries, reference systems, electronic libraries, repositories, and other information resources [6].

In the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, the most common resources have been allocated that have proved their effectiveness in the practice of teaching English. These Internet resources contain various language materials, including text, audio, and visual on a variety of topics in the language being studied. Internet search engines allow the teacher to use authentic materials in the classroom, such as audio, video, and texts, get acquainted with works of fiction by authors from the country of the language being studied, join the foreign language culture, develop horizons and type vocabulary into their active vocabulary.

There are several types of Internet services that can be used for independent work of students [7]:

l.Hotlist (list by topic) - is a kind of list of sites with texts on the topic under study.


If the user wants to create it, then he needs to enter a keyword in the search engine.

2.Multimedia scrapbook (multimedia draft) - appears in the form of a multimedia resource system, where in addition to links to text sites there are also a large number of multimedia materials, including tables, photographs, audio files and video clips, graphic information, animated virtual tours. These files can be easily downloaded by both teachers and students and used as visual demonstration material when studying a specific topic.

S.Treasure hunt is a web resource where, in addition to links to various sites, a teacher can find questions on the content of each site. Using these questions, the teacher can control the cognitive activity of students. At the end of the search, one more general question can be asked on a comprehensive understanding of the topic. A detailed answer will be received for this request, which will include answers to more detailed questions for each of the sites.

4.Subject sample is a site that occupies the next level of complexity compared to the previous resource. It also contains links to text and multimedia materials from the global Internet. As part of working with this resource, the user must not only familiarize himself with the material, but also express and argue his opinion on the issue under study.

5.Webquest (Internet project) is the most complex form of educational Internet resources. This resource includes a scenario for organizing project activities on a topic chosen by a teacher using Internet resources


The Internet contains a lot of resources that teachers can access and use to prepare teaching materials. These range from sites specifically designed for teachers and learners to sites from national and international newspapers, museums, galleries and so on. Teachers can use these materials much the same way as

they would other print-based resources, to create worksheets and exercises for their classes [8].

Here are some examples of internet lessons:

News web sites - from an idea by Donna Arbuthnot.

Students can compare a major news story across different sites - all at the click of a mouse. One idea is to compare an American news site with an English news site.

The teacher needs to access those sites himself before he goes into the class, and he needs to check that the same news items are being reported on both sites. Just to compare and contrast the content and style.

It leads on quite well to follow up activities like the students creating their own web site, or the teacher can get them to compare newspapers in their own country in their own language with the American and the English sites [9].

Language analysis - from an idea by David Eastment [10].

Students can use a search engine to compare the frequency of different language items.

The teacher could say, for example, "what is the most common adjective in English?", and students type in a word like "nice" and "interesting" and just count how many hits that they get, and this can § be very interesting. Thus, the word "nice" <| is there 18 million times, and the word o

' CO

"super" is there 20 million times, but the ^ word "special" is there 67 million times, so o it is 3 times as common as the word "nice" ¿J

or "super", on the Internet. ^


Students could also search for sentences o

that they have prepared, with the student c

with the most hits winning. §

Research / role play - from an idea by ^

David Eastment [10]. g

The students need to choose a new car ^

or house, with a maximum price of perhaps §

£20 000. The students go to different x

sites, select a car, and then put the picture S


of the car inside a word document with an explanation of why they chose that particular model and what features it had. This approach could be endlessly adapted. Students can research for any variety of projects or situations.


Classes in the framework of the subject association "English on-line" are designed for secondary school students as part of an in-depth study of a foreign language. It is intended for students who seek to expand their knowledge and practical skills in a foreign language [11].

The main principles of selection and structuring of material:

planned classes are held in a computer classroom on the Internet. Students receive assignments from the teacher via email. The tasks define the goal and offer sites that you need to visit to achieve this goal.

Dave's ESL Café [12].

A forum for both ESL teachers and students around the world. Includes quizzes, grammar explanations, and discussion forums for students. For teachers, includes classroom ideas on all subjects as well as discussion forums.

Kahoot! [13].

With this tool a teacher can create gamelike quizzes, discussions, and surveys to G challenge his students learning and make <C them participating in their learning process, o Questions, along with answer choices, pi are projected in a classroom screen or


o projection, while students submit responses

¿J using a handset device (smartphone, tablet,

w notebook, etc), o Piktochart [14].

C Whether a class has just finished a

§ traditional unit or a creative problem-

X based learning activity, infographics are

§ perfect for a final presentation of what the

^ students learned. Its tools will be intuitive

o to anyone who is used to familiar programs

X for making slide shows.

Therefore, the Internet, within the

framework of the globalization of education and teaching English as a foreign language, offers techniques and means, both for independent work of students and for the preparation of handout and training materials by a teacher.

To sum up, within the framework of classes, such working methods are provided as [15]:

• search for the necessary information and its processing;

• creating presentations and films on a given topic;

• performance of lexical, grammar tests with analysis of the results;

• listening to authentic audio and video;

• electronic correspondence with native speakers;

• creative and research tasks, etc.

The Internet has made an important change into education in the past decade. Also, the Internet has brought significant benefits to teachers and students alike. Although the potential of the Internet for educational use has not been fully explored yet and the average school still makes limited use of computers, it is obvious that we have entered a new information age in which the links between technology and English language teaching have already been established.

The process of globalization affects all areas of public life, including economics, politics, international relations, culture, and others. In all these areas, there is a process of increasing interdependence and mutual influence. No area in the modern world can remain aloof from globalization. This trend has also made changes in education.

Educational Internet resources have gained particular importance and benefit during the pandemic. Since March, distance learning in schools was introduced in our country, which required teachers to reconsider many methods of working with students as part of a virtual format for teaching English. These measures were


taken around the world, so the boundaries that existed before between colleagues were finally erased. On the Internet, more and more teachers began to share their experience in teaching English remotely, offering creative assignments, techniques, websites, and even simple ideas.

Therefore, education in the era of globalization is such a sphere in which students not only gain certain knowledge and skills, but also gradually join the world culture, global values, expand their horizons, as well as knowledge in the field of specific professional competencies and working conditions in different countries of the world. All this contributes to the development of professional self-awareness among pupils and students, the orientation of individual values necessary for the development of creative activity within the global space, without taking into account state borders.


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