Научная статья на тему 'International tourism development in Western and Eastern Siberia in the 1960-1970s'

International tourism development in Western and Eastern Siberia in the 1960-1970s Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Kolupanova Irina A.

Relevance of the study is related to the ever-increasing interregional tourism trips that, on the one hand, positive affect the economy of the host region and develop its outbound tourism, and, on the other hand, retard the economic development of the directing region. The importance of research lies in the strengthening trend of growth in tourism industry, because by 2020 tourist arrivals are projected to rise by 200% in comparison with 2000. In this regard, the research of international tourism development in the Soviet times (from 1960 to 1970) is of great theoretical and practical importance. The picture of international tourism development in the Soviet times, presented by the author, will help the regional authorities to predict some directions in its development in future and to solve some industry problems. In the 1960-s international tourism in the USSR has developed in two directions: inner-union and foreign tourism. The main role in the establishment and development of international tourism in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia played the regional branches of the International business joint-stock company «Intourist» (JSC «Intourist»). The JSC «Intourist» activities were aimed at improving the level of service for foreign tourists, development a sense of responsibility in the team for the task assigned, improvement styles and methods of awarenessbuilding and outreach efforts among foreign tourists etc. The extension of international relations of working people in the USSR was realized not only by receiving foreign delegations at home, but also by organization of international tourism for Soviet working people, employees and students. The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions under the All-Union Central Trade Union Council took an active part in international tourist exchanges carrying out these exchanges in close contact with the Chief Department for Foreign Tourism. About 90% of all tourist trips abroad among Soviet working people were carried out by the regional councils of trade unions. The inner-union tourism has grown with the help of international exchange among young people in the planned economy countries. This exchange was realized within the All-Union Central Trade Union Council activities through the agency of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik».

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Текст научной работы на тему «International tourism development in Western and Eastern Siberia in the 1960-1970s»


SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Irina A. KOLUPANOVA УДК / udc 94 (571.1/5) "1960/1970"

DOI: 10.22412/1995-0411-2017-11-1-105-108 Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Barnaul, Russia); PhD in History, Associate Professor; e-mail: kolupanova@mail.ru


Relevance of the study is related to the ever-increasing interregional tourism trips that, on the one hand, positive affect the economy of the host region and develop its outbound tourism, and, on the other hand, retard the economic development of the directing region. The importance of research lies in the strengthening trend of growth in tourism industry, because by 2020 tourist arrivals are projected to rise by 200% in comparison with 2000. In this regard, the research of international tourism development in the Soviet times (from 1960 to 1970) is of great theoretical and practical importance. The picture of international tourism development in the Soviet times, presented by the author, will help the regional authorities to predict some directions in its development in future and to solve some industry problems. In the 1960-s international tourism in the USSR has developed in two directions: inner-union and foreign tourism. The main role in the establishment and development of international tourism in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia played the regional branches of the International business joint-stock company «Intourist» (JSC «Intourist»). The JSC «Intourist» activities were aimed at improving the level of service for foreign tourists, development a sense of responsibility in the team for the task assigned, improvement styles and methods of awareness-building and outreach efforts among foreign tourists etc. The extension of international relations of working people in the USSR was realized not only by receiving foreign delegations at home, but also by organization of international tourism for Soviet working people, employees and students. The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions under the All-Union Central Trade Union Council took an active part in international tourist exchanges carrying out these exchanges in close contact with the Chief Department for Foreign Tourism. About 90% of all tourist trips abroad among Soviet working people were carried out by the regional councils of trade unions. The inner-union tourism has grown with the help of international exchange among young people in the planned economy countries. This exchange was realized within the All-Union Central Trade Union Council activities through the agency of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik».

Keywords: history of tourism, international tourism, youth tourism, tourism development.

Introduction. In summer 1958 the establishment of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism (BMMT) at the Soviet Youth Tourist Organization contributed to the international tourism development. This organization carried out the arrangement of group tourist trips for foreign young people in the USSR, as well as for the Soviet young people abroad and within the Soviet Union. «Sputnik» is a member of the International Bureau of Tourism & Youth Exchanges (BITEZH) at the World Federation of Democratic Youth and the International Student Travel Conference [1].

Statement of the problem

During the 1960s and 1970s the regional branches of the International business joint-stock company «Intourist» (JSC «Intourist») played a primary role in the international

West Siberia, East Siberia, USSR, Intourist, Russia,

tourism development in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia.

The main objectives of the JSC «Intourist» branches were aimed to improve the level of service for foreign tourists, to develop a sense of responsibility in the team for the task assigned, to improve styles and methods of awareness-building and outreach efforts among foreign tourists, to upgrade professional skills.

In the 1960s the next stage in the domestic and foreign tourism development was starting in the USSR. The process of practical exchange of Soviet youth groups with foreign age mates was being initiated by the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik».

In the context of socialism updating, the urgent need to use the tourism among youth people as an effective factor for communication outreach of advanced working methods

CTp. 105-108


and technological solutions was appeared. The result was the primary development of educational tourism and study trips supplemented the cooperation at the different state levels1.


In the process of extension of cooperation between All-Union Leninist Young Communist Leagues (AULYCL) and youth associations of different areas, a number of exchange participants directly involved in the structure of communication, mutual enrichment of experience and familiarity with socio-cultural and economic achievements in the planned economy countries, was increasing. This caused the intense interest in mass politically reasonable kinds of tourist trips.

In the 1960s group trips of students, students of vocational education system and members of students' teams were the significant trends in tourist exchange. However, it should be noted that there were difficulties in cooperation development with the market economy countries and planned economy countries: first of all, a lack of economic opportunities, a considerable distance of most countries from the Soviet Union, a small number of organizations directly dealing with the issues of youth and student tourism.

Taking into account these problems, AU-LYCL was insistently aimed at development of exchange with youth from these countries, sending an increasing number of young Soviet tourists' groups to Asia, Africa and Latin America. Only in a period from 1968 to 1981 a number of countries for visiting in these regions was increasing from 24 to 50 [3].

Paying special attention to the establishment and development of these contacts, AULYCL actively encouraged the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik» to extend the channels for tourism exchange with the various authorities.

Therefore, the AULYCL participation in the international youth tourism exchange contributed to its democratization, and this had a significant impact on the increasing of world youth involvement in various forms of international youth cooperation and commu-

1 Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya [Great Soviet

Encyclopedia] (2012). URL: http://slovar.cc/enc/

bse/2044048.html (Accessed on May 10, 2012).

nication. This satisfied the policy pursued by AULYCL to enhance the movement of progressive social forces in defense of peace and social progress.

The mentioned areas of international tourism contacts contributed to comprehensive development of youth exchanges realized by AULYCL with foreign organizations, as well as to enhancement of the role for the Komsomol to participate in the international youth tourism movement in the furtherance of peace, friendship and cooperation of the world young generation.

The regional committees of AULYCL selected tourists and sent them to the planned economy countries, market economy countries and to the developing countries from among the best Komsomol active members, leaders of industry and agriculture, representatives of intelligentsia and creative young students. All candidates for international travels were approved according to the confirmed system on a mandatory basis: the Primary Komsomol organization - The Main Committee or the District Committee of AULYCL - the Regional Committee of AULYCL. According to this system a possibility of «random people» inclusion in the groups for international trips was almost eliminated.

International tourist contacts of the USSR started developing in the late 1950s - in the early 1960s. This was a result of improvement in the world political climate, development of the tourist activity in general, as well as significantly increased interest of peoples from different countries in the Soviet Union -the first socialist state in the world [2].

The following quantitative information indicates the rate of development in international tourism in our country: in 1956 the Soviet Union was visited by five hundred thousand foreign citizens, in 1981 there were more than five million foreign citizens; in 1956 about five hundred thousand Soviet citizens went abroad and in 1981 - more than four million Soviet citizens [2].

The expansion of international relations of the USSR working people played a significant part to raise a cultural and technical level, to advance international education of workers not only by receiving foreign delegations at home, but also organizations of Soviet

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма

№ 1/2017 Том 11

working people, employees and students on a wide scale basis of international tourism. The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions under the All-Union Central Trade Union Council took an active part in international tourist exchanges carrying out these exchanges in close contact with the Chief Department for Foreign Tourism. The All-Union Central Trade Union Council made the regional trade councils responsible for the organization of tourist trips abroad: in the People's Democracies and in the market economy countries. Suffice it to say that about 90% of all tourist trips abroad among Soviet working people were carried out by the regional trade councils.

The forms of international tourist relations were varied: organization of events called «Trains of Friendship», two-way travels of tourist groups in the twin-cities, trips in the places with revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people.

The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions maintained active business relationships with many foreign tourist organizations and firms. These contacts were developed by exchanging of tourist groups on the basis of non-currency, as well as by exchanging of working people groups for vacation, organization of holidays for tourists from planned economy countries, market economy countries and developing countries for social tourism development.


Thereby, international cooperation in the analyzed period was being achieved in the regions of Western and Eastern Siberia in the following areas: exchange of international tourist groups; sightseeing; exchange of values in art and culture (exhibitions, presentations, performances); exchange of printed publications; exchange of delegations with the purpose of professional cooperation;

activity of mass media to popularize the development of friendly relations with partner countries.

Primarily, international youth tourist exchange along with the purpose of engaging in cultural and labor activity advanced the ideological education of young generation for building of communism under the auspices of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist Leagues. In its turn, the AULYCL activity under the conditions of the Cold War was based on the common ideological and foreign policy of the nation leadership.

International exchange in the planned economy countries was popular in a greater degree among young people. Especially significant tourist exchange was realized within the AULYCL activities during the 1960s and 1970s. In the late 1960s the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik» was one of the leading youth tourism organizations in the world regarding the scope of activity and the amount of tourist services. It was possible thanks to the establishment of the Komsomol organization in the system.

The fact is that the amount of provided services for young people was increasing within international tourism from year to year, but still no more than 10% of Soviet young people used services of organizations. On the other hand, foreign citizens visiting our country for exchange were not always satisfied with the level of provided services. Young people from the market economy countries along with the low-level services considered the propaganda of Soviet way of life excessive. However, the increase in number of tourists from Western countries can be considered as an indicator of successfulness in realization of international exchange programs. Such tourists were striving to evaluate the Soviet realities objectively and they recognized success achieved by the Soviet Union during the years of its existence.


1. Kolupanova, I.A. (2007). Razvitie turizma v Zapadnoy Sibiri v 1960-e gody [Tourism development in Western Siberia in the 1960s.]: Abstract of thesis cand. of Hist. sc. Kemerovo, 2007. (In Russ.).

2. Kvartal'nov, V.A., & Fedorchenko, V.K. (1987). Orbity «Sputnika»: iz istorii molodezhnogo turizma [Orbits of the «Sputnik»: the history of youth tourism]. Kiev: Molod' Publ. (In Russ.).

3. Abukov, A. Kh. (1983). Turizm na novom etape: sotsial'nye aspekty razvitiya turizma v SSSR [Tourism at the new stage: social aspects of tourism development in the USSR]. Moscow, Profizdat Publ. (In Russ.).

Стр. 105-108


КОЛУПАНОВА Ирина Алексеевна

Алтайский государственный технический университет им. И. Ползунова (Барнаул, Россия);

кандидат исторических наук, доцент; e-mail: kolupanova@mail.ru


Тема исследования актуальна, так как все увеличивающиеся межрегиональные туристские поездки, с одной стороны, производят позитивный эффект на экономику принимающего региона, развивая его въездной туризм, с другой стороны, замедляют экономическое развитие направляющего региона. Актуальность темы исследования проявляется и в том, что тенденция роста туриндустрии и дальше будет сохраняться, так как прогнозируется 200% увеличение туристских прибытий к 2020 году по сравнению с 2000 г. В связи с этим исследование развития международного туризма в советский период (1960-70-е гг.) имеет огромную теоретическую и практическую значимость. Представленная автором картина развития международного турима в советский период поможет региональным органам власти спрогнозировать некоторые направления его развития в будущем, решить отдельные отраслевые проблемы. В 1960-е гг. международный туризм в СССР развивался в двух направлениях: внутрисоюзный и зарубежный туризм. Основную роль в становлении и развитии международного туризма в регионах Западной и Восточной Сибири играли областные отделения ВАО «Интурист», направлениями работы которого были улучшение уровня обслуживания иностранных туристов, воспитание чувства ответственности у коллектива за порученное дело, совершенствование методов информационно-пропагандистской работы среди иностранных туристов и т. п. Расширение международных связей трудящихся СССР происходило путём не только приёма иностранных делегаций в СССР, но и организации иностранного туризма советских рабочих, служащих и студенческой молодёжи. Центральный совет по туризму и экскурсиям ВЦСПС принимал активное участие в работе по осуществлению международного туристского обмена, проводя её в тесном контакте с Главинтуристом. ВЦСПС возложил на областные советы профсоюзов 90% организации туристских поездок за границу. Внутрисоюзный туризм развивался с помощью международного обмена молодёжи в социалистические страны, который происходил по каналам сотрудничества ВЛКСМ через БМТТ «Спутник».

Ключевые слова: история туризма, международный туризм, Западная Сибирь, Восточная Сибирь, СССР, Интурист, Россия, молодёжный туризм, развитие туризма.

Колупанова И.А. Развитие международного туризма в Западной и Восточной Сибири в 1960-1970-е годы // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2017. Т.11. № 1. С. 105-108. DOI: 10.22412/1995-0411-2017-11-1-105-108. Дата поступления статьи: 28 июля 2016 г.

Kolupanova, I.A. (2017). International tourism development in Western and Eastern Siberia in the 1960-1970s. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 11(1), 105-108. doi: 10.22412/1995-0411-2017-11-1-105-108. Received July 28, 2016.




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