Научная статья на тему 'Interlingual interference in language learning'

Interlingual interference in language learning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Turayeva Muborak Abduhamidovna

This article discusses interlanguage interference in language learning. It analyzes the appearance of interference and the factors of its occurrence. Since interference is the interaction of linguistic systems in the context of bilingualism, it develops either during linguistic contacts or in the individual development of a non-native language; expressed in deviations from the norm and system of the second language under the influence of the native. Moreover, the main sources of interference defined by the researchers are summarized in the article.

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В данной статье рассматривается межъязыковая интерференция в обучение языка. В ней анализируется появление интерференции и факторы ее возникновения. Так как интерференция является взаимодействием языковых систем в условиях двуязычия, она складывается либо при контактах языковых, либо при индивидуальном освоении неродного языка; выражается в отклонениях от нормы и системы второго языка под влиянием родного. При этом главные источники интерференции, определенные исследователями, обобщаются в статье.

Текст научной работы на тему «Interlingual interference in language learning»

INTERLINGUAL INTERFERENCE IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Turayeva MA. Email: Turayeva684@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article discusses interlanguage interference in language learning. It analyzes the appearance of interference and the factors of its occurrence. Since interference is the interaction of linguistic systems in the context of bilingualism, it develops either during linguistic contacts or in the individual development of a non-native language; expressed in deviations from the norm and system of the second language under the influence of the native. Moreover, the main sources of interference defined by the researchers are summarized in the article.

Keywords: interlanguage interference, interaction of language systems, bilingualism conditions, foreign language accent, source of interference.


Тураева М.А.

Тураева Муборак Абдухамидовна — преподаватель, кафедра практического курса английского языка, Джизакский государственный педагогический институт, г. Джизак, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматривается межъязыковая интерференция в обучение языка. В ней анализируется появление интерференции и факторы ее возникновения. Так как интерференция является взаимодействием языковых систем в условиях двуязычия, она складывается либо при контактах языковых, либо при индивидуальном освоении неродного языка; выражается в отклонениях от нормы и системы второго языка под влиянием родного. При этом главные источники интерференции, определенные исследователями, обобщаются в статье. Ключевые слова: межъязыковая интерференция, взаимодействие языковых систем, условия двуязычия, иноязычный акцент, источник интерференции.

UDC 303.01

Language, as we know, is the most important means of human communication, through which people exchange ideas and achieve mutual understanding. Communication of people with the help of language is carried out in two ways: verbally and in writing. If the communicants speak one language, then communication takes place directly, however, when people speak different languages, direct communication is no longer possible. In this case, a translation comes to the rescue, which many researchers define as the transmission by means of one language of thoughts expressed in another language.

Interference - the interaction of language systems in the context of bilingualism, which develops either in the case of language contacts or in the individual development of a non-native language; expressed in deviations from the norm and system of the second language under the influence of the native.

Interference is manifested as a foreign language accent in the speech of a person who speaks two languages; it can be stable (as a characteristic of the collective's speech) and transient (as a feature of someone's idiollect), interference can cover the levels of the language, but is especially noticeable in phonetics (emphasis in the narrow sense of the word). The main source of interference is discrepancies in systems of interacting languages: different phoneme composition, different rules of positional realization of phonemes, their compatibility, different intonation, different ratio of differential and integral features, and different composition of grammatical categories and / or different ways of expressing them. The phenomenon of interference in its mechanism resembles the main diachronic changes in phonology. The relations between the mixed sounds of interacting languages during interference are called diaphonic, and the sounds of the native language, replacing the sounds of the second, are called diaphones; similar phenomena are possible both in grammar and in vocabulary, in connection with which we can also speak of the relations of dimorph and diasemia. The term "interference" is also used to indicate its result. Interference that occurred in the past can leave marks in the language system in the form of a substrate and a super stratum (residual interference).

The phenomenon of interference is observed in the process of direct contact of two (or several) languages, more precisely, the process of direct language contacts is accompanied by interference. However, the term "interference", which appeared in physics, being transferred to the methodology of

teaching a foreign language in the meaning of "inhibitory effect of the native language on the acquisition of a foreign language", does not quite correctly capture the essence of the linguistic phenomenon. From a methodological point of view, interference is a negative phenomenon (in terms of mastering a second language), but it is objective and inevitably arising as soon as multilingual groups come into active contact.

This phenomenon is most obvious in the process of teaching a second language: it pops up onto the surface of someone else's speech of a native speaker in the form of a peculiar product - obvious speech errors qualified by native speakers of the studied language as a violation of language norms. But the results of interference may be less noticeable than speech error. They can have a positive value in assessing the processes of interaction of two (or more) contacting languages.

What is interference? The answer to this question depends on whether researchers in a particular area of knowledge related to the science of language deal with the problem of bilingualism - linguists, linguodidactic specialists, or psychologists. In one, starting position, they are all in solidarity: interference is a phenomenon that occurs during a collision, the interaction of two languages. Linguists see the roots of interference in the very mechanism of language [3, p. 89].

The interference, considered in the linguistic aspect, is a phenomenon of the interaction of structures and structural elements of two languages in the process of communication of a bilingual population. A similar definition can be given by considering interference at the level of language and speech. Some studies put an equal sign between the phenomena of interference and borrowing. However, these are not only various phenomena, but also directly opposite in many respects.

Scientists who are interested in the problem of interference in the psycholinguistic plan proceed from the basic premises of the theory of language acquisition, the theory of speech communication, in particular, the generation of speech utterance. They perceive interference as a phenomenon accompanying the interaction of two language systems in the bilingual consciousness, as "a violation of the rules for correlating contacting languages, which manifests itself in his speech as a deviation from the norm." However, opposite and intermediate points of view on this phenomenon are possible. So, some, as an "interference" material, study vocabulary borrowed from one language to another as a result of ethnic contacts of peoples and the interaction of their languages, which I then underwent full or partial adaptation in the borrowing language. Thus, those linguists and psychologists who use it to denote the results of the interaction of languages more accurately interpret the term «interference» [4, p. 45].

Comparative analysis makes it possible to answer the following questions:

• What grammatical phenomena are the most difficult due to differences in form, meaning and use of structures?

• What kind of difficulties are these phenomena?

• When language violations can be expected, what forms of error prevention and correction are more rational [2, p. 50]?

A conscious analysis of certain phenomena will prevent interference, and a differentiated approach will help eliminate the overload of educational material. The selection of texts and exercises, the compilation of control papers taking into account interlanguage interference is one of the most important elements of the organization of effective training.

The frequency of occurrence of interference depends on three factors:

1. From the level of speech development in the native language and conscious knowledge of it;

2. From the level of knowledge of a foreign language: the better the learner speaks a foreign language, the less interference phenomena he has, and the more opportunities for a positive transfer. But it also means that a low level of knowledge of a foreign language can have a braking effect on the mastery of the native language;

3. From the size of the period of time that separates the study of the mother tongue from the study of a foreign language; the smaller the gap, the greater the impact of a foreign language on the mastery of the native language [1, p. 89].

A thorough study of errors from the interfering influence of a foreign language or mother tongue creates the need to develop a system of methods and techniques in preventing and overcoming interference. To successfully combat this phenomenon, use: interlanguage comparisons, interlanguage contrasting exercises, translation, verbal rules for explaining difficult situations.

Taking into account the interference factor in the study of the native language allows you to prevent errors, reduce their number, and thereby facilitate the learning process, which meets the objectives of intensifying the educational process. In addition, conscious work at home will help in working on a foreign language, because the interaction of experience in learning languages, of course, has a mutually enriching effect.

No matter what the interference phenomenon is considered, it is easy to see that the focus of the researchers is the same - "contact" - the language material they operate on, proving their theoretical premises, and which gives reason to deal with the problem of interference. Such material reveals violations of linguistic norms, rules, patterns of one of the contacting languages under the influence of another. It is important to emphasize that these violations, changes in the norms are not spontaneous, not chaotic - they are clearly directed in likening the norms, rules, and laws of another language.

The main source of interference are discrepancies in systems of interacting languages: different phoneme composition, different rules for the positional realization of phonemes, their compatibility, different intonation, different ratio of differential and integral features, different composition of grammatical categories or different ways of expressing them.

The leading phenomenon in the process of interaction of two (or several) languages is the assimilation of the language elements of one of the contacting languages to the language elements of the other. Comparison is a direct manifestation of the main tendency of the process of language interaction in bilingualism (as with other forms of language interaction) - the convergence of the structures of interacting languages, the establishment of a unique correspondence between interacting languages.

Scientists who are interested in the problem of interference in the psycholinguistic plan proceed from the basic premises of the theory of language acquisition, the theory of speech communication, in particular, the generation of speech utterance. However, no matter what the phenomenon of interference is considered, it is easy to see that the focus of the researchers is the same - "contact" - the language material they operate on, proving their theoretical premises, and which gives reason to deal with the problem of interference.

References / Список литературы

1. Alimov V.V. Interference in translation. M., 2005. P. 89.

2. ShcherbaL.V. Language system and speech activity. M., 1974. 129 p.

3. BerzinF.M., GolovinB.N. General linguistics. Allowance. M.: Education, 1979. 134 p.

4. BarkhudarovL.S. Language and translation. M.: International relations, 1975.138 p.

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