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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Polyak D.A.

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new interactive training course, complementary to the advanced training system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches.Methods and structure of the study. Information and communication competences may be defined as the "professionally important integrative personality knowledgebase and skills to independently find, process, analyze and present necessary information; model and design the relevant objects and processes; and implement the relevant projects by both individual and group efforts". In the information and communication competence training course, the students were trained to actively communicate using the modern communication tools (Zoom, WhatsApp, Telegram, e-mail, etc.); develop joint products including elements of the training service plans and reports in the text processors; elements of the physical fitness and competitive success monitoring systems with reports and graphical presentations on a Google disk, etc.Results and conclusion. The new information and communication competence training course piloting project was finalized by the group Digital Coaching Office projects submitted by the trainees for discussions, evaluations and progress scores. Based on the scores and final IT/ communication knowledge and skill tests, we rated the information and communication competence of every trainee. A progress analysis found the information and communication competence growing on average by 2% and 5% in the knowledge and skills domains, respectively.The new interactive training course, complementary to the advanced training and retraining system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches was tested beneficial and may be recommended for practical application.

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Interactive training course to develop

information and communication competences in sport school coaches

UDC 378.046.4

PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Polyak1

1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Corresponding authonpolli402008@yandex.nj


Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new interactive training course, complementary to the advanced training system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches.

Methods and structure of the study. Information and communication competences may be defined as the "professionally important integrative personality knowledgebase and skills to independently find, process, analyze and present necessary information; model and design the relevant objects and processes; and implement the relevant projects by both individual and group efforts".

In the information and communication competence training course, the students were trained to actively communicate using the modern communication tools (Zoom, WhatsApp, Telegram, e-mail, etc.); develop joint products including elements of the training service plans and reports in the text processors; elements of the physical fitness and competitive success monitoring systems with reports and graphical presentations on a Google disk, etc.

Results and conclusion. The new information and communication competence training course piloting project was finalized by the group Digital Coaching Office projects submitted by the trainees for discussions, evaluations and progress scores. Based on the scores and final IT/ communication knowledge and skill tests, we rated the information and communication competence of every trainee. A progress analysis found the information and communication competence growing on average by 2% and 5% in the knowledge and skills domains, respectively.

The new interactive training course, complementary to the advanced training and retraining system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches was tested beneficial and may be recommended for practical application.

Keywords: information and communication competences, interactive training technologies, coach's advanced training, distance learning, office software.

Background. Modern information technologies make progress in every social sector including the physical education and sport services. Since the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection approved a Coaching Service Standard by its Decree No. 952N dated 12/24/2020, the coaching community found that the new service standards require a coach being competent and skillful in modern "information and communication technologies" [5]. Therefore, in the context of the ongoing competence-prioritizing reform in the national education system, coaches are expected to be proficient in the information and communication theory and practice.

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new interactive training course, complementary to

the advanced training system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches.

Methods and structure of the study. Information and communication competences may be defined as the "professionally important integrative personality knowledgebase and skills to independently find, process, analyze and present necessary information; model and design the relevant objects and processes; and implement the relevant projects by both individual and group efforts" [4]. In other words, information and communication competences combine the data processing skills, optimal communication climate formation skills, ability to mobilize knowledge and personality qualities for efficient operations in the Internet;

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I November № 11 2021

effectively apply and synergize the internal and external data flows, etc. The information and communication competence is ranked nowadays among the key professional competences as it secures the professional demand for the service facilitating data being effectively satisfied to encourage individual progress and teamwork.

Modern information and communication competence includes a range of components including the data processing ones for multiple operations with information required to model and design systems and processes; communicative, to establish cooperative environments with dialogues and effective teamwork; individual managerial to make independent decisions facilitated by the research and creative skills, responsibility, self-discipline, determination and self-control qualities; and the technological component, with the ability to effectively apply own technical knowledge and skills for the modern information and communication technology application in different professional and other settings.

Therefore, the information and communication competence may be generally grouped into (1) knowledge of the fundamental elements of modern IT technologies that facilitate progress in the professional data flow processing domain; (2) professional data flow processing and analyzing skills benefits for productive professional communication; and (3) data processing and summarizing experience for productive professional communication to attain every professional goal [6]. This means that the information and communication competence may be interpreted as the pedagogical notion that refers to an integral part of the specialist's professional competency base, including the physical education and sport related one.

We piloted the new interactive information and communication competence training course at the Yekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture's Personnel Advancement and Retraining Department for the Youth Sports School coaches to contribute to the Digital Coaching Office Development Project. Interactivity may be defined as the concept that refers to interpersonal and group interactions [2]; whilst an interactive training means such educational process that is designed to facilitate an efficient communication of every party to the process.

Prior to the study, the trainees were encouraged to outline and analyze their problem fields. The analysis and entrance tests and interviews found a contradiction between the actual progress needs of the coaches in the modern IT mastering and training service applications - and still poor knowledge and skills in this domain. As a result of the productive joint work, we developed a Goals and Expectations Map: see Table 1.

Based on the preparatory works and entrance test/ monitoring data and analyses, we designed a sample Digital Coaching Office for youth sports school coaches and instructors. Every trainee reported, on an individual or group basis, what office technologies are needed for the training service and may be facilitated by the peer communication in the relevant software packages. Given in Table 2 hereunder is the Training Course Roadmap. The training course was piloted in the challenging epidemiological situation with lockdowns, access restrictions, etc. This was the reason for us to widely apply the modern distance learning technologies: see Table 3.

Table 1. Interactive training course: Goals and Expectations Map

Expectations Goals Results

Training service planning algorithm Develop a training service plan in a text application Monthly/ quarterly/ yearly training service plans

Junior trainees' fitness monitoring system Develop a fitness monitoring system element in electronic tables Implement a fitness monitoring system element in electronic tables

Sport school coach/ instructor's training service report Develop a sport school coach/ instructor's training service report with graphical presentation toolkit Monthly/ quarterly/ yearly training service reports

Peer/ trainee's family communication system Develop a family communication system Family questionnaire surveys processed and analyzed on Google disk

Develop a peer communication system Google disk document processing in the peer communication system


Table 2. Training Course Roadmap for the Digital Coaching Office

Topic Prior topics Time, hours

1. Training service planning and reporting 2

2. Fitness monitoring system 1 2

3. Office software toolkit 3.1. Text processors 1, 2 8

3.2. E-tables 1, 2 8

3.3. Graphical presentations 1, 2 8

4. Communication technologies 1, 2 8

Total 36

Table 3. Distance learning formats

Design Workshops Training Project Practical session Business games

Active Zoom-based webinar Zoom-conference Zoom-conference, tasks

Passive Online lectures and workshops using padlets Online lectures and workshops using padlets Tasks, e-mail Online lectures and workshops using padlets Practices on Google disk

In the information and communication competence training course, the students were trained to actively communicate using the modern communication tools (Zoom, WhatsApp, Telegram, e-mail, etc.); develop joint products including elements of the training service plans and reports in the text processors; elements of the physical fitness and competitive success monitoring systems with reports and graphical presentations on a Google disk, etc.

Results and discussion. The new information and communication competence training course piloting project was finalized by the group Digital Coaching Office projects submitted by the trainees for discussions, evaluations and progress scores. Based on the scores and final IT/ communication knowledge and skill tests, we rated the information and communication competence of every trainee. A progress analysis found the information and communication competence growing on average by 2% and 5% in the knowledge and skills domains, respectively.

Conclusion. The new interactive training course, complementary to the advanced training and retraining system, to develop information communication competences and skills in the sport school coaches was tested beneficial and may be recommended for practical application.


1. Emelyanova V.E. Building information and communication competency of university students. Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo peda-gogicheskogo universiteta. 2006. no. 7. pp. 67-69. Available at: https://elibrary.ru/item.

asp?id=13079903 (date of access: 20.02.2021).

2. Zakharova I.G. ¡Information technology in education. Textbook for students of institutions of higher prof. education. 8th ed., rev., sup.. Moscow: Akademiya publ., 2013. 208 p.

3. Klimenko E.I. Information and communication competence - key concept of modern education. Molodoy ucheny. 2015. No. 22 (102). pp. 816-818. Available at: https://moluch.ru/ar-chive/102/22425 (date of access: 16.02.2021).

4. Kruglyakova G.V. Content and technology of building professional information and communication competence of philology students. PhD diss. Abstract. Togliatti, 2007. 243 p. Available at: https://www.dissercat.com/content/ soderzhanie-i-tekhnologiya-formirovaniya-pro-fessionalnoi-informatsionno-kommunikativnoi-komp (date of access: 20.02.2021).

5. Professional standard "Trainer". Moscow: Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2020 no. 952N. 127 p. Available at: https://normativ.kontur.ru/ document?modul eId=1&documentId=381958 (date of access: 20.02.2021).

6. Smirnova I.G. Pedagogical conditions for building information and communication competence of students in academic educational process. PhD diss.: 13.00.01. Voronezh, 2011. 188 p. Available at:https://www.dissercat.com/con-tent/pedagogicheskie-usloviya-formirovaniya-informatsionno-kommunikativnoi-kompetentsii-studentov (date of access: 20.02.2021).

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I November № 11 2021

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