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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vlasova Irina Vladimirovna

Currently, the higher education system faces an important task of developing competencies, which are a system of universal knowledge, skills, experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students. The article examines the essence of the specifics of interactive teaching methods within the framework of the competence-based approach and defines their methodological potential for the formation of sociolinguistic competence. Examples of the use of video training and role-playing performances in practical lessons in a foreign language at a technical university are given. This article concludes that the situations simulated in the role-playing game, as well as the use of video trainings, make it possible to bring speech activity in the classroom closer to real communication, which corresponds to the basic principle of the communicative method.

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 вреда собственному здоровью». Открытый диспут на тему «Зачем куришь»? Акция -«Обменяй сигарету на конфету или книгу (игрушку, флешку)!»

12 Трансформационный тренинг «Мы и наши родители». 12 день

13 Творческая мастерская «Газета- лета». Лекция и практикум. 13 день

14 Изучение истории Республики Саха (Якутия). Поиск материала, сбор фактов («Мин дойдум Сахам сирэ»). 14 день

15 Создание выставки фотографий и выставка газет о Республике Саха (Якутия). Презентация. 15 день

16 Лекция «Алкоголь в жизни человека». Мастер-класс «Бутылки и шпагаты». 16 день

17 День самоуправления. 17 день

18 Мастер класс «Организация и проведение праздников». Разработка сценария закрытия смены. 18 день

19 Подготовка концертных номеров. 19 день

20 Закрытие смены. Творческий вечер. Вручение грамот и призов. 20 день

Выводы. Таким образом, разработанный нами проект «Инникигэ эрэл» («Будущее для всех») будет способствовать большему охвату числа детей из групп риска через организованный досуг. Ожидаемым результатом будет уменьшение доли противоправных действий, совершенных несовершеннолетними во время каникул. А также, успешное прохождение социокультурной реабилитации детей, попавших в трудную жизненную ситуацию через формирование гражданско-патриотической позиции, развитие и реализацию творческих способностей и лидерских качеств (тестирование в каждую смену).

Мы понимаем, что данный проект требует практического подтверждения, не является окончательным, данная проблема не может рассматриваться в рамках одного научного направления, она носит мультидисциплинарный характер: с позиции педагогики, психологии, социологии и др., и требует дальнейшего изучения.

Материалы нашего исследования докладывались и обсуждались на дискуссионных площадках, семинарах-практикумах, рассматривались на заседаниях круглого стола Управления образованием Окружной администрации города Якутска, а также на Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Молодой исследователь: вопросы науки и образования» (2020 г.).


1. Акутина С.П., Семавина А.А. Проблема делинквентного поведения подростков в условиях общеобразовательной организации / С.П. Акутина, А.А. Семавина // Молодой ученый. - 2016. - № 8. -С. 869-872.

2. Башкатов И.Л. Психология групп несовершеннолетних правонарушителей / И.Л. Башкатов. - М.: Норма, 2013. - 54 с.

3. Беженцев А.А. Профилактика правонарушений несовершеннолетних / А.А. Беженцев. - М.: Инфра-М, 2015. - 122 с.

4. Гилинский Я.И. Преступность несовершеннолетних: криминологический анализ / Я.И. Глинский // Криминалист. - 2010. - №2. - С. 84-90.

5. Долгова А.И. Преступность. Российская криминологическая энциклопедия / А.И. Долгова. - М: НОРМА, 2009. - 582 с.

6. Шереги Ф. Социология девиации: прикладные исследования / Ф. Шереги. - М.: Центр социального прогнозирования, 2004. - 342 с.


UDC 378.2

lecturer Vlasova Irina Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara)



Аннотация. В настоящее время перед системой высшего образования стоит важная задача по формированию компетенций, которые представляют собой систему универсальных знаний, навыков, опыта самостоятельной деятельности и личной ответственности студентов. В статье рассмотрена сущность специфики интерактивных методов обучения в рамках реализации компетентностного подхода и определен их методологический потенциал для формирования социолингвистической компетенции. Приведены примеры использования видеотренинга и ролевых инсценировок на практических занятиях по иностранному языку в техническом вузе. В данной статье делается вывод, что ситуации, смоделированные в ролевой игре, а также использование видеотренингов позволяют приблизить речевую деятельность на занятиях к реальному общению, что соответствует основному принципу коммуникативного метода.

Ключевые слова: социолингвистическая компетенция, интерактивные методы, видеотренинг, ролевая инсценировка, коммуникативная ситуация.

Annotation. Currently, the higher education system faces an important task of developing competencies, which are a system of universal knowledge, skills, experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students. The article examines the essence of the specifics of interactive teaching methods within the framework of the competence-based approach and defines their methodological potential for the formation of sociolinguistic competence. Examples of the use of video training and role-playing performances in practical lessons in a foreign language at a technical university are given. This article concludes that the situations simulated in the role-playing game, as well as the use of video trainings, make it possible to bring speech activity in the classroom closer to real communication, which corresponds to the basic principle of the communicative method.

Keywords: sociolinguistic competence, interactive methods, video training, role-playing dramatization, communicative situation.

The formation of sociolinguistic competence (SLC) as an integral component of students' communication skills is one of the main aspects in teaching foreign languages and their successful mastery according to the documents of the Council of Europe defining the policy of language education [2, 10].

The possession of SLC, which consists in the ability to use the means of communication in accordance with a specific communicative situation and socio-cultural norms of society, involves the formation of students: 1) knowledge of linguistic and cultural realities and socio-cultural norms that have developed in the country of the language being studied; 2) knowledge of the components of the communicative situation and the ability to model their speech behavior in accordance with the communicative purpose, time, place, as well as the social status and role of participants in the communication situation;3) the ability to choose verbal (linguistic) and non - verbal (non-linguistic) means of communication, depending on the register of the corresponding communicative situation [3, 6]. As part of the implementation of the competence-based approach to building interactive teaching methods are currently becoming relevant in the educational process at the university, allowing students to communicate educational information, acquire skills and accumulate experience in practical activities, form and improve professional and general cultural competencies, as well as monitor the results of training [1]. Interactive methods allow us to build the learning process on the interaction of the student with the educational environment due to practical and creative orientation, game action, joint activity of participants in obtaining new information, solving problem situations, evaluating the results achieved [4, 5].

In our opinion, the use of such interactive methods as video training and role-playing performances are appropriate for the formation of students' SLC, since they help to create and simulate all kinds of communicative situations, which are necessary condition for mastering the competence we are considering.

This article will present our practical experience in the use of video training and role-based performances in practical classes in a foreign language for the formation of students' SLC [8, 9].

Video training is one of the types of interactive teaching methods, which consists in the use of video recordings of two types: 1) display of finished video materials (authentic, not intended for educational purposes, or educationally authentic, specially created by methodologists with a focus on language learners) and 2) recording of role-playing tasks performed by students, viewing and analyzing it.

Based on the work of foreign and domestic researchers, as well as on our own experience of using audiovisual means in practical classes, we believe that video materials have a sufficiently large methodological potential for the formation of students' SLC. One of the characteristic features of an authentic or educational-authentic video is the presence of a whole plot or separate episodes demonstrating the regional geographic and socio-cultural specifics of a foreign language society. Such an opportunity allows students to accumulate knowledge about customs and traditions, the system of values that have developed in social mind; understand, analyze and compare the cultural, social and cultural realities presented in the video with the realities of their country, which leads to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards the culture of a foreign language society [7].

The potential of video materials for the formation of SLC also lies in the presence of characters of different social status, professions and ages, various spheres of communication within various communicative situations, which makes it possible to acquaint students with the peculiarities of behavior and etiquette in situations of interpersonal and professional communication. Each authentic communication situation presented in video, characterized by the presence of all kinds of verbal (colloquial forms of language, dialects) and non-verbal (body language, phonation) means adequate to the corresponding spheres of communication, registers, social status of communicants, which allows students to accumulate socially labeled linguistic and non-linguistic means of everyday communication or diagnose the level of proficiency in them. It is also important that while working with video material, such types of memory as involuntary, figurative, semantic, emotional work, which stimulates the formation of a linguistic guess and facilitates the perception and understanding of the presented plot. This allows you to overcome the psychological barrier of fear of working with audiovisual means and make the learning process more fruitful.

The motivating potential of videos is also important. This methodological tool allows you to create the effect of being present in an authentic language environment, represented by communicative situations from everyday life, which brings students closer to real conditions of use of the target language. Videos provide a basis for creating problem situations based on the information shown, encouraging students to comment and discuss, find additional information and share it with the group, which contributes to the formation of a worldview, moral and aesthetic education, and also stimulates the search for the accumulation of both linguistic information (new verbal and nonverbal means of communication) and regional and sociocultural information.

The preparatory work of the teacher before the demonstration of the video material to the students consists in the selection of video clips in the areas of communication in accordance with the communicative topics of the practical lesson; writing a script for each work episode and identifying socially marked verbal and non-verbal means of communication, necessary for a specific communicative situation and for assimilation, subsequent training and control; in the selection of information about the phenomena of foreign cultural reality reflected in the fragment, which differ from the native culture; as well as in the preparation of assignments for the introduction and the primary development of new linguistic and non-linguistic phenomena, their recognition, identification while watching a video and subsequent training.

Role dramatizations are another form of interactive methods of forming SLC, which allows creating all kinds of communicative situations in which students are invited to take the position of one of the participants with a certain social role and status and then develop a way of their behavior. The scenario of staging sets a certain communicative situation characterized by the presence of the sphere and place of communication, social roles and status parameters of participants, the goals of their interaction. The main task of playing roles is to improve the ability to select and use linguistic and non-linguistic means appropriate to the sphere, the register of communication, the parameters of communicants. The roles of staging can be distributed among some students, and the rest become active observers, recording the features of the participants' behavior and then evaluating its adequacy according to a given communicative situation. If there is a more fractional scenario, the entire group of students can be involved, and at the end of the game, the participants analyze and discuss the results.

Role-playing dramatization "Business contacts, appointment of a meeting".

Purpose Current control of the level of proficiency of students of SLC in the professional sphere of communication, on the topic "Appointment of a business meeting".

Material Cards with situations for students.

Number of players Two or more students.

Game progress 1. Students are given cards with situations. 2. Students get acquainted with the task on the card and spontaneously play out a dialogical situation in pairs.

Cards with situations

Student A: you're a businessman (businesswoman). You're on business trip in London. You've got an appointment with Mr. Brown on Tuesday at 11:15. But you can't manage on this day. Suggest another date. Follow the plan: 1. Dial the number. It's Mr. Brown's secretary who is picking up. Introduce yourself. You want to speak to Mr. Brown. 2. Now it's Mr. Brown. Introduce yourself. Explain the aim of your calling. Suggest your date. 3. Agree. You look forward to seeing him. Student B: you have two roles: Mr. Brown's secretary and Mr. Brown. The telephone is ringing. Pick up and follow the plan: 1. Introduce yourself (you're a secretary). 2. You're connecting. (Now you're Mr. Brown) say hello. 3. You're busy on this day. Suggest another date. 4. You too. You are to start.

Role-playing staging for the formation or identification of the level of formation of the SLC in the professional sphere of communication is carried out in the classroom, the communicative topics of which are: search and employment / employment agencies / contact by phone. In a large group, students can be divided into two teams. The first team is the actors who star in the episode "Getting a job". The second is the critics. The task of the latter is to review the plot and identify all the "shortcomings" (grammatical and lexical errors) of the actor's game. The role-playing game is over, the teams change roles. The teacher performs several functions. He is the director (directs the actors' play), the "prompter from the booth" (gives hints if necessary), as well as the main critic.

Monitoring and evaluation of speech and non-speech behavior of role-playing participants, that is, their use of socially marked verbal and nonverbal communication appropriately given communicative situation can become more effective if there is a video recording of the dramatization for subsequent viewing under the guidance of the teacher and analysis.

In the course of training according to the proposed methodology, the students mastered:

• the ability to navigate in a situation;

• the communicative intention and the skill of using speech communication formulas that realize a certain communicative intention, in accordance with the situational norm and socio-cultural traditions of communication, adopted abroad;

• the ability to organize their speech behavior, realizing a certain communicative intention, in accordance with the situational norm and the rules and norms of communication adopted by the native speakers;

• the ability to determine the adequacy / inadequacy of speech behavior that implements a certain communicative intention, the situational norm and social cultural traditions of communication abroad.

Moreover, the students learned to correctly identify, understand and use lexical units with a national and cultural component. They acquired the ability to organize their speech behavior without violating the model of speech behavior of the native speakers in a similar communicative situation. Thus, as a result of training according to the created methodology, the communication of students came close in many respects to the parameters of the natural verbal business and everyday communication abroad (the English speaking countries) in certain situations. Such types of interactive teaching methods allow us to activate and motivate the process of forming students' SLC, as well as to creatively and objectively approach the control and assessment of the level of competence.


1. Baidenko V.I. Competence-based approach to the design of state educational standards of higher professional education (methodological and methodological issues): methodical textbook. Moscow: Research Center for problems of quality of training of specialists, 2005. - P.114.

2. European competences of foreign language proficiency: Study, training, evaluation. - M.: Publishing house of MGLU, 2003. - P. 256.

3. Isenko I.A. Methods of forming sociolinguistic competence in oral foreign language communication of students of language faculties of pedagogical universities: On the material of the Spanish language: dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.02. - M., 2007. - P. 337.

4. Klarin M.V. Interactive learning-a tool for mastering new experience // Pedagogy. - 2000. - No. 7. -PP. 12-18.

5. Panfilova A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning: study. manual for students. higher. studies. Moscow: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - P. 192.

6. Sinitsa Yu. A. Formation of sociolinguistic competence in the process of teaching oral foreign language communication to students of non- linguistic universities: In the context of the national culture of France: dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.02. - M., 2000. - P. 337.

7. Stoller F.L. Films and Videotapes in the Content-Based ESL/EFL Classroom // Selected Articles from the English Teaching Forum. Washington, D.C., 1995. - P. 62-70.

8. Rozhnova E.A, Simakova S.M. On the use of interactive forms in professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language at a technical university. - Bulletin of Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences", No. 1 (19). - 2013. - P. 123-129.

9. Vlasova I.V. The project method as an active educational technology for teaching the professional aspect of a foreign language at a technical university. - Bulletin of Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences", No. 2 (20). - 2013. - P. 28-33.

10. Vlasova I.V., Mikhelkevich V.N. The system of development and formation of general cultural competencies among students of a technical university in the process of teaching a foreign language. Bulletin of the Samara State Technical University, a series of "Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences". - No. 4 (24). - Samara: SamSTU, 2014. - P. 63-68.


УДК 378.1

аспирант Гаах Татьяна Владимировна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Калужский государственный университет имени К.Э. Циолковского» (г. Калуга)


Аннотация. В статье приведена попытка анализа существующих методик оценки контроля результатов обучения с целью выявить возможность разработки на их основе квалиметрической технологии, отвечающей требованиям современной системы образования.

Ключевые слова: квалиметрия, оценка, контроль, качество, методика Родионова и Татура, таксономия Блума.

An^tatton. The article presents an attempt to analyze the existing methods for assessing the control of learning outcomes in order to identify the possibility of developing on their basis a qualimetric technology that meets the requirements of the modern education system.

Keywords: qualimetry, assessment, control, quality, methodology of Rodionov and Tatura, Bloom taxonomy.

Введение. Вопрос подготовки специалистов высокого уровня является актуальным на сегодняшний день. Требования работодателей к выпускникам вузов во многих сферах сходны: самостоятельность в работе, системное мышление, склонность к саморазвитию и самообразованию и желание работать на результат. Формирование этих навыков сложный процесс, в котором взаимодействуют множество подпроцессов [9].

Особое внимание уделяется технологиям оценки результатов обучения, поскольку именно этот навык позволит сформировать вышеперечисленные потребности работодателя [1]. Требования к таким технологиям можно сформулировать следующими показателями:

- достижимость оценки результатов работы студента или группы студентов на всех этапах учебного процесса, будь это окончание изучения блока дисциплин, отдельной дисциплины или модуля, либо темы дисциплины;

- возможность использования самим студентом данной технологии для осуществления самоконтроля и самоанализа, что будет особенно актуально при формировании необходимых компетенций;

- осуществимость не только результатов измерения, но и анализа для дальнейшей корректировки учебного процесса, материалов и применяемых методик [5].

Целью данной статьи является исследование видов и особенностей методик оценки и контроля результатов обучения на основе квалиметрического подхода.

Изложение основного материала статьи. Возможности современных психолого-педагогических наук позволяют выделить проверенные практикой методики, на основе которых может быть разработана технология, отвечающая современным требованиям и выделенным показателям.

Например, методики Б.У. Родионова, Ю.Г. Татура, таксономия Б. Блума.

Методика комплексной оценки Б.У. Родионова имеет целью количественно определить уровень сформированности знаний и умений, полученные в ходе изучения дисциплины [7].

В концепции данной методики автор выделяет уровни знаний и умений сделав градацию по их ценности. Таким образом компонент «знания» включает в себя следующие уровни: М - мировоззренческий (минимальный для адаптации в социальной среде), Б - базовый (знания, достаточные для последующей базовой подготовки), П - программный (знания, выше базового уровня, но определенные программой) и С -сверхпрограммный (знания, которые выходят за рамки определенной программы или стандарта обучения).

Компонент «умения» также разделен на четыре уровня: Ф - фактический (включающие такие элементы умений как идентификация объектам по свойствам, определениям), О - операционный (вывод закономерностей на основе стандартных фактов, установление последовательности явлений), А -аналитический (установление причинно-следственных связей), Т - творческий (вывод новых связей, закономерностей в нестандартных ситуациях).

Расположенные по осям уровни образуют таблицу-матрицу 4х4 (табл. 1).

Таблица №1

Таблица-матрица знаний и умений по методике Б.У. Родионова

С 4

П 3

Б 2

М 1

1 2 3 4


Алгоритм реализации методики следующий:

1. Формируется расчетная таблица в которой выделяются сочетание уровней компонентов (таблица 2). Рекомендуемый минимальный уровень компонентов для бакалавров является сочетание О-Б (операционный-базовый), что соответствует 4 баллам в таблице-матрице (2х2). Максимальное сочетание А-П (аналитический-программный) соответственно 9 баллов (3х3).

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