INTENSIVE WAYS OF TEACHING KOREAN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Azimova Parizod

This study is devoted to finding the ways to optimize the process of teaching Korean as a foreign language in Uzbek audience. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that in recent years, due to the intensive development of business and personal contacts, the expansion and strengthening of economic and cultural ties of the Republic of Korea with Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, interest in learning the Korean language has increased. In addition to university education, the so-called extra-university evening, course, radio and television teaching of the Korean language is intensively developing. In this situation, short-term courses for various categories of students take place in the center of attention.

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Нойберт), все языки могут говорить (или способны говорить) одно и то же; но, как правило, все они говорят по-разному. В самом деле, если бы два языка говорили это одинаково, мы бы говорили не о двух языках, а об одном и том же языке. Переводчик может использовать несколько устройств, для решения проблемы преодоления разрыва между культурами, при условии, что он/она культурно осознает эти различия. Он/она может полагаться на различные процедуры, методы или стратегии для решения таких проблем перевода.

Список литературы /References

1. Комиссаров В.H. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты): учебник. М.: Высш. шк., 1990. 253 с.

2. Куприн А.И. Юнкера. М.: Эксмо-Пресс, 2007. С. 1-78.

3. Лондон Д. Белый клык. М.: АСТ, 2008. 237 с.

4. Влахов С. Непереводимое в переводе. М.: Международные отношения, 1980. 342 с.

INTENSIVE WAYS OF TEACHING KOREAN LANGUAGE Azimova P. Email: Azimova6101@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this study is devoted to finding the ways to optimize the process of teaching Korean as a foreign language in Uzbek audience. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that in recent years, due to the intensive development of business and personal contacts, the expansion and strengthening of economic and cultural ties of the Republic of Korea with Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, interest in learning the Korean language has increased. In addition to university education, the so-called extra-university evening, course, radio and television teaching of the Korean language is intensively developing. In this situation, short-term courses for various categories of students take place in the center of attention.

Keywords: korean, intensive, communicative, ways, methods, teaching, language, MA, IT, foreign.


ЯЗЫКУ Азимова П.

Азимова Паризод - преподаватель, кафедра теории и практики корейского языка, факультет филологии, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья посвящено поиску путей оптимизации процесса обучения корейскому языку как иностранному в узбекской аудитории. Актуальность темы исследования определяется тем, что в последнее время в связи с интенсивным развитием деловых и личных контактов, расширением и укреплением экономических и культурных связей Республики Корея с Узбекистаном и другими странами СНГ возрос интерес к изучению корейского языка. Помимо университетского образования, интенсивно развивается так называемое внеуниверситетское вечернее,

курсовое, радио- и телепреподавание корейского языка. В этой ситуации в центре внимания оказываются краткосрочные курсы для различных категорий студентов. Ключевые слова: корейский, интенсивный, коммуникативный, способы, методы, обучение, язык, магистр, IT, иностранный.

UDC 81-13

The processes of world globalization, the unprecedented expansion of interstate, interethnic and intercultural ties have made the problem of full-fledged communication between representatives of different people - urgent. Full communication includes, first of all, linguistic communication. Knowledge of a foreign language rises to the educational level, broadens the horizons, and contributes to a more tolerant perception of the world around.

In connection with the above, the native methodologists face a serious research task to develop such methodology for teaching Korean language, which would quickly and effectively teach communication in Korean within a short time. The ultimate goal of training, in our opinion, is foreign language communication in oral and written forms, which implies the ability not only to extract information from various sources, but also to make contacts with native speakers in the process of joint activities. Currently, teaching foreign languages is inextricably linked with the introduction of active teaching and upbringing methods into the educational process, which activates the creative potential of students. These requirements are met by intensive training (IT), represented by a number of modern methods like: cyclic-intercycle method, the emotional-semantic method, the suggest-cybernetic method, and the method of activating the capabilities of individuals and the team [1].

In our opinion, the most effective method for teaching a language and having a high educational potential is the method of activating by G.A. Kitaygorodskaya (MA). Its effectiveness is achieved through the use of modern data from pedagogy, psychology, linguistics and taking into account the requirements of these sciences to the methodology of teaching foreign languages. MA is theoretically and methodically the most developed method, on the basis of which the author's school was created with its own programs and textbooks. It is also important to note that the method and technique itself are reflected in a large number of scientific publications and in completed dissertation research. The main provisions of the method are associated with the concepts of the Soviet psychological school (the concept of personality by A.N. Leontiev, the theory of the collective A.V. Petrovsky, the theory of speech activity by A.A. Leontyev, I.A. Zimnyaya), as well as with the doctrine of the use of the unconscious training (G. Lozanov). MA implements the requirement of psychology to build teaching a foreign language on the basis of a personality-activity approach, as a purposeful and motivated communicative and cognitive activity of students (I.A. Zimnyaya). The linguistic basis of the method is formed by the provisions of communicative linguistics about a global approach to language as a means of communication and about the communicative orientation of teaching (G.V. Kolshansky) [2].

Currently, there are a large number of methodological systems built on the basis of MA in the conditions of educational institutions of various types: a language, a non-language university and others. The intensive training methodology is sufficiently developed for Indo-European languages (French, German, English), however, for other groups of languages that have:

1. A study of the existing forms of teaching Korean language in the system of teaching Korean as a foreign language indicates the absence of an intensive training course model that takes into account the specifics, goals and objectives of Korean language course teaching.

2. The study of textbooks and teaching aids on the Korean language revealed the following shortcomings: the lengthy period of study and training of sounds in isolated words; the content of educational texts that does not correspond to the system of students' needs; limited volume of speech material and its aspect representation, which does not allow the formation of phonetic skills in conditions that are as close as possible to natural speech

communication. These shortcomings are a consequence of the inconsistency of the teaching methodology with the latest research methods, psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, socio-psychology, etc., which necessitates a revision of the very approach to the formation of language skills.

3. As a result of the theoretical analysis, we assumed that the method of activating Professor G.A. Kitaygorodskaya is the most suitable for creating its basic methodology for teaching Korean language accounting the principles of intensive learning, which was confirmed in the course of experimental teaching. 4. The hypothesis of the study was fully confirmed. The methodology developed in this way with the purpose for intensive teaching of Korean language at the initial stage had a positive effect on the formation of listening and pronunciation skills in Korean language, and also improved the logical-structural organization of speech and linguistic correctness [3].

Practical proficiency in Korean language is understood as the use of all types of speech activity, that is, the communicative technique is characterized by the fact that the formation of the skills of verbal communication or communication is put forward as the most important goal of training. Such definition of the goal of learning - emphasizes that, students must speak in accordance with orthoepic norms and master the skills and abilities to enter into communication. The objectives of training, its content, levels of knowledge, abilities and skills are determined by competence. By competence, we mean the totality of knowledge and skills that are formed in the process of teaching Korean language and contribute to mastering it [4].

Language competence is the practical mastery of the material of the system and the improvement of the development of speech activity, includes knowledge of the theoretical foundations of Korean language, and assumes the development of the conceptual base and the formation of language skills.

Thus, in the process of teaching Korean language, a communicative methodology with a communicative, activity-based and conscious approach is used. This is due to the orientation towards the practical mastery of the Korean language by students, which provides for the transition from mastering language units to using them in speech situations characteristic of natural speech communication.

References / Список литературы

1. Bondarenko A. V. Grammatical meaning and meaning. Leningrad: Nauka, 1987.

2. Chernov G.V. America: English-Russian linguistic-cultural dictionary. Moscow:

Poligram, 1996.

3. Ter-Minasova S.G. Language and crosscultural communication. Moscow: Word, 2008.

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