INTEGRATİON PROCESSES İN THE EURASİAN SPACE: THE ROLE OF TURKİCSPEAKİNG COUNTRİES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Eurasia / Turkic-speaking states / Kazakhstan / Turkey / integration / post-Soviet countries / Kazakhstan's Eurasian project / Eurasian Economic Union / Евразия / тюркоязычные государства / Казахстан / Турция / интеграция / постсоветские страны / казахстанский евразийский проект / Евразийский Экономический Союз
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Kalenova T.S.

K.h.s., associate professor, Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, kalenovats@mail.ru

Kenpeil Zh.

student, Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

k_janarbek@yahoo .com



Kewwords: Eurasia, Turkic-speaking states, Kazakhstan, Turkey, integration, post-Soviet countries, Kazakhstan's Eurasian project, Eurasian Economic Union.

Ключевые слова: Евразия, тюркоязычные государства, Казахстан, Турция, интеграция, постсоветские страны, казахстанский евразийский проект, Евразийский Экономический Союз.

The republics of the former USSR declared independence in 1991. The countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaizhan have been among these countries, which are considered as «Turkic-speaking countries». After the declaration of independence, they began to establish diplomatic relations with each other and with longstanding states. At that time, Turkey was one of the first Turkic-speaking countries to recognize Kazakhstan's independence.

After gaining independence, each state defined and legitimized its borders. Furthermore, security issues began to arise at the regional and state borders. Security cannot be achieved through the efforts of one country alone, but through the search for regional security mechanisms. States must work together to enhance cooperation to save regional security. The most effective way to implement this activity is the creation or membership of regional and international organizations. The Eurasian Economic Community has been this kind of organization. The founder of this organization was the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

On March 29, 1994, during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to Russia, spoke at the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University about the idea of creating a Eurasian Union of States for the first time. The new integration union was then called the Eurasian Union. But at that time, Russia showed little interest and remained silent. In 1995, when E. Primakov came to power, the issue of the Eurasian Union began to rise again.

It has not been easy to move the issue forward since the idea of the Eurasian Union was put forward. Many activities have been carried out. Analyzing the experience of the European Union, N.A. Nazarbayev considers it necessary to create a number of «coordinating structures outside national structures»: the Commission on Economy, the Commission on Raw Resources, the Fund for Economic and Technical Cooperation, the Investment Bank, etc.

Thus, the idea of European Union integration was put forward by the then Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin in October 2011.

The Eurasian Economic Union, the EAEU, was established on May 29, 2014 by the heads of state of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. Approved by the parliaments of the member states, the Union entered into force on January 1, 2015.

On January 2, 2015, Armenia officially joined the EAEU. In August 2015, the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Eurasian Economic Union was completed. Thus, the second Turkic-speaking country joined the EAEU and began to contribute to the integration development of the Eurasian economic project1.

The EAEU creates favorable conditions for the development of trade and agro-industrial complex of Kyrgyzstan. In terms of integration, Kyrgyzstan has also justified the confidence of the EAEU. This can be seen in the achievements of Kyrgyzstan in the field of agricultural products and light industry. According to the EEC, in January-June 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, agricultural production in the Kyrgyz Republic increased by 2,9%.

It is known that before the establishment of the EAEU, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan contributed to the joint solution of regional issues.

In particular, it was decided to prepare a draft agreement on the establishment of the Interstate Integration Association in 2000. The Eurasian Economic Community was established.

2003 - The Agreement on the Establishment of the Common Economic Space was signed. 2006 - The heads of state, members of the EurAsEC decided to intensify work on the establishment of the Customs Union in the «triple» format.

Each country has its own peculiarities and its own limitations. In this regard, we can say that the EAEU was created as a result of the prudent policy of the President.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev summarizes the four main reasons for the creation of the Eurasian Union. They are: firstly, integration can only be pragmatic in nature, based primarily on economic needs. Secondly, the idea of multilayer and

1 https://primeminister.kz/kz/news/reviews/euraziyalyk 25.10.2020


integration at different speeds. Thirdly, security cannot be ensured by the efforts of one country alone, but by the need to find regional security mechanisms. Fourthly, the voluntariness of integration.

This is how the President expresses his views on the Eurasian Union. «My idea of the Eurasian Union proposes a civilized solution to interethnic and interstate issues and contradictions. Integration of peoples, preservation of political independence and ethnic unity, modern statehood is truly a conscious and civilized formula for the peaceful development of the Eurasian space».

We cannot say that under Islam Karimov there were close ties between the EAEU and Tashkent. The first version of the EAEU in 2008 was a two-year membership in the Eurasian Economic Community, and in 2012 it was a six-year membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

But after Mirziyayev, Uzbekistan is exploring «cooperation» with the EAEU. Deputies and senators also said that they would discuss the issue in detail and express their views. President Mirziyayev also noted that the country's transit potential can be increased from the current 7 million tons to 16 million tons and the need to introduce quality products to new markets.2

Uzbekistan may become an observer and then a member of the EAEU. In case of accession, it is clear that the EAEU will be replenished with another Turkic-speaking state and will have its own impact on strengthening Eurasian integration.

The question may arise as to the importance of Kazakhstan for the Eurasian Union. The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the most geographically distinguished countries in the Eurasian region, located at the junction of nine roads. Thus, we can say that Kazakhstan is a bridge connecting two continents, Europe and Asia. Currently, the region is cooperating with other countries and gaining prestige in the world community from year to year.

Kazakhstan is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of mineral resources. Of the 55 different minerals in the world (29 of which are metals), 39 are extracted in Kazakhstan. Relatively high rates are produced only in Russia - 49, China -45, Australia and the United States - 42, Brazil - 41 different minerals. On the one hand, Kazakhstan is the raw material base of the Eurasian Economic Union.

In the first nine months of 2019, mutual trade of Kazakhstan with the EAEU countries amounted to 14752.4 million US dollars, a decrease of 1.2% compared to January-September 2018, according to the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy. Including exports - 4434.5 million US dollars (2.8% less), imports - 10317.9 million US dollars.

92.3% of the total foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the EAEU countries is trade with the Russian Federation.

Trade with the Kyrgyz Republic is 4%, the Republic of Belarus - 3.6%, the Republic of Armenia - 0.1%.

Minerals, metals and metal products and chemical products are exported. The EAEU countries mainly transported vehicles, equipment and metal products. Organizations created on the initiative of Turkic-speaking countries play an important role in the development of integration processes in Eurasia. In particular; TURKPA, TURK KENESI, TURK AKEDEMISI and TURKSOY to promote Turkish culture and art were established.

Currently, TURKSOY is an international organization. Thanks to this organization, not only Turkic-speaking countries, but also the world became interested in Turkic culture and art. The main goal of the organization is to promote a new balance in international relations and the formation of new cultural relations at the regional and global levels.

To establish friendly relations between the Turkic-speaking peoples and countries, to study, publicize, develop, preserve the common Turkic culture, language, history, art, customs and traditions, to pass them on to future generations, to narrate them1.

The main purpose of TURKPA (TURKPA) is to strengthen friendship and cooperation with the fraternal states and to master the possibility of harmonizing legislation, which is one of the priority areas of partnership, without exchanging parliamentary experience.

The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (TURKISH COUNCIL) was established in 2009 as an international intergovernmental organization to promote comprehensive cooperation between Turkic-speaking countries. It consists of four founding states: Azerbaizhan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

The Council seeks to serve as a new regional tool for the development of international cooperation on the Eurasian continent, especially in Central Asia and the Caucasus, through the development of deep relations and cooperation between Turkic-speaking countries2.

On May 25, 2010, the Turkic Academy was opened in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Nur-Sultan, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the Academy is to become a unique center for the study of the history, language, literature and culture of the Turkic world from ancient times to the present day. Moreover, the development of science and education of the scientific community of the Turkic peoples, as well as the creation of conditions for the initiatives of leaders of other Turkic-speaking countries and bring them together3.

Currently, it is planned to create a financial fund to strengthen the economy among the Turkic-speaking countries. The head office will be in Kyrgyzstan. Turkey is the initiator of the establishment of these organizations. In conclusion, the integration organizations established in the Eurasian space with the Turkic-speaking countries in the economic, political and cultural spheres make a significant contribution to strengthening cooperation, peace and security in the region.

1 https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki

2 https://www.turk-pa.org/kz/content/cooperation/turkiccouncil

3 https://www.turk-pa.org/kz/content/cooperation/turkicacademy

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