Научная статья на тему 'Integrated reporting as a factor in ensuring a modernized approach to the collection and processing of information'

Integrated reporting as a factor in ensuring a modernized approach to the collection and processing of information Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kolomasova R.A.

The article examines the relevance and necessity of promoting the idea of creating a single model of the accounting system, combining different types of accounting integrated reporting. The emergence of a new form of reporting is due to the growing needs of interested groups in the transparency of the performance of companies, as well as the need to include in the corporate reporting of information that contains not only highly specialized indicators, but also a wide range of quality indicators of effective business conduct. Shows the innovative nature of integrated reporting, providing a modernized approach to collecting and processing information; positive features of this type of reporting are noted, as well as the conditions for its introduction into the practice of companies. In addition, the main problems that hamper the transition of domestic organizations to integrated reporting have been identified, and some recommendations have been proposed to improve Russian legislation in this area.

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Интегрированная отчетность как фактор обеспечения инновационного подхода к сбору и обработке информации

В статье рассматривается актуальность и необходимость продвижения идеи создания единой модели учетной системы, объединяющей различные виды учета интегрированной отчетности. Появление новой формы отчетности обусловлено растущими потребностями заинтересованных групп в прозрачности результатов деятельности компаний, а также необходимостью включения в корпоративную отчетность информации, содержащей не только узкоспециализированные показатели, но и широкий спектр качественных индикаторов эффективного ведения бизнеса. Показан инновационный характер интегрированной отчетности, обеспечивающий модернизированный подход к сбору и оформлению информации; отмечены позитивные черты данного вида отчетности, а также условия его внедрения в практику компаний. Кроме того, выявлены основные проблемы, затрудняющие переход отечественных организаций к интегрированной отчетности, предложены некоторые рекомендации по совершенствованию российского законодательства в данной сфере.

Текст научной работы на тему «Integrated reporting as a factor in ensuring a modernized approach to the collection and processing of information»

Интегрированная отчетность как фактор обеспечения инновационного подхода к сбору

и обработке информации

Integrated reporting as a factor in ensuring a modernized approach to the collection and

processing of information

Коломасова Р.А.

студентка 3 курса ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва»

Саранск, Россия reg. kol@yandex. ru

Kolomasova R.A.

3-year student

National research «Mordovian state University. N. P. Ogareva»

Saransk, Russia reg. kol@yandex. ru


статье рассматривается актуальность и необходимость продвижения идеи создания единой модели учетной системы, объединяющей различные виды учета - интегрированной отчетности. Появление новой формы отчетности обусловлено растущими потребностями заинтересованных групп в прозрачности результатов деятельности компаний, а также необходимостью включения в корпоративную отчетность информации, содержащей не только узкоспециализированные показатели, но и широкий спектр качественных индикаторов эффективного ведения бизнеса. Показан инновационный характер интегрированной отчетности, обеспечивающий модернизированный подход к сбору и оформлению информации; отмечены позитивные черты данного вида отчетности, а также условия его внедрения в практику компаний. Кроме того, выявлены основные проблемы, затрудняющие переход отечественных организаций к интегрированной отчетности, предложены некоторые рекомендации по совершенствованию российского законодательства в данной сфере.


The article examines the relevance and necessity of promoting the idea of creating a single model of the accounting system, combining different types of accounting - integrated reporting. The emergence of a new form of reporting is due to the growing needs of interested groups in the transparency of the performance of companies, as well as the need to include in the corporate reporting of information that contains not only highly specialized indicators, but also a wide range of quality indicators of effective business conduct. Shows the innovative nature of integrated reporting, providing a modernized approach to collecting and processing information; positive features of this type of reporting are noted, as well as the conditions for its introduction into the practice of companies. In addition, the main problems that hamper the transition of domestic organizations to integrated reporting have been identified, and some recommendations have been proposed to improve Russian legislation in this area.

Ключевые слова: интегрированная отчетность, интегрированный отчет, прозрачность корпоративной отчетности, финансовая и нефинансовая информация, международный совет по интегрированной отчетности, корпоративное управление, экологическая и социальная ответственность

Key words: integrated reporting, integrated report, corporate reporting transparency, financial and non-financial information, international council on integrated reporting, corporate governance, environmental and social responsibility

The globalization of the world economy, the development of economic theories and, finally, the global financial and economic crisis have made significant changes and complications in the institutional environment around the world, and Russia is no exception. This has led to the fact that existing forms of financial statements cease to be effective, therefore their transformation is required and the search for a form that would be able to meet the new requirements of accounting practices in accordance with the requests of various stakeholders. This dictates the need to promote the idea of creating a unified accounting system that combines various types of accounting: financial, managerial, tax, consolidated, operational, production, accounting under IFRS and / or GAAP, etc. It is assumed that this model will work on the basis of a single information databases with subsequent data processing and their corresponding interpretation.

The presence of a significant number of studies conducted by Russian and foreign experts confirms that the integration of the accounting system is constantly under their scrutiny. However, the currently operating domestic model of the accounting system often conflicts with new requirements and the limited capabilities of traditional accounting methods. This leads to quantitative, qualitative and structural contradictions in the development of the accounting system [3].

Therefore, it would be logical to strive to ensure that the facts of a business transaction are recorded once and in one information system and are reflected in the appropriate reporting form, which may be integrated reporting (picture 1).

Picture 1. The reflection of business transactions in an integrated accounting system

For an effective and successful business, this type of reporting is intended to provide a modernized approach to the collection and processing of information that is so important for the company's operations. Indeed, the main difference between integrated reports from other reporting forms is their universal, but at the same time laconic approach to accounting for factors affecting economic processes.

It should be noted that the integrated reporting is characterized by high data transparency, since it reveals a sufficient number of indicators describing both positive and negative aspects of the company's activity.

By itself, disclosing information in an integrated reporting format allows various stakeholders to assess the current state of the company from different angles and see new facets, problems or opportunities.

the fact of the presentation of public reporting in the format of integrated reporting has a positive effect on the company's business reputation, especially now, when it is still proactive. The scope, quality and format of public

information disclosure is determined by the internal motivation of the owners and management of the company. This interest depends on the following factors [6]:

cooperation and participation at the international level;

the company's interest in raising debt capital, for which purpose the company is useful to disclose information to create a positive background of the current and future state of the company; public value of the company;

the need to maintain positive expectations among a wide range of investors; selling a business or part of it.

The positive qualities of IO, its fundamentals of worldview and philosophy are one of the initial conditions for increasing the number of domestic companies publishing integrated reports, but the level of interest of Russian organizations compared to foreign experience still leaves much to be desired.

In 2012, the Russian Regional Network (RRS) on integrated reporting was established at the initiative of Rosatom State Corporation (a participant in the Pilot Program of the International Integrated Reporting Council) and with the support of the International Integrated Reporting Council. Its appearance is caused by the need for careful study of issues regarding the implementation of standards in the domestic accounting practice, as well as helping to promote this concept in Russia and informing interested parties about the concept of IO and the work of the RRS.

Since 2013, the results of the analysis of the Russian Regional Network on corporate transparency of the largest Russian companies are systematically published.

In 2017, a survey conducted by the RRS has showed that in 2016 a significant part of the largest Russian companies, namely 424 out of 855 (49.5%), are opaque.

These companies do not disclose reporting information about their activities through public reporting. Among these companies there are 47 joint-stock companies and PJSC (41 companies from re-participating in the rating).

Only 52 largest companies of the Russian Federation (6%) meet the modern requirements of corporate transparency adopted in the international business community.

132 largest companies of the Russian Federation (15.4%), despite the fact that they did not switch to IFRS (on an initiative basis), disclose reporting information and inform about the impact of their activities on the ecology, economy and social sphere of the regions. In some cases, disclose information about their strategies and business models.

According to the study, the most transparent are companies representing the Nuclear Industry, the Precious Metals and Diamonds Industry, and Electric Power Industry.

For example, such companies as Nizhniy Novgorod Engineering Company Atomenergoproekt, Russian Concern for the Production of Electric and Thermal Energy at Nuclear Power Plants, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and Joint-Stock Company TVEL.

The least transparent companies in the sector are the companies in the sectors «Information technologies», «Retail trade», «Wholesale trade».

Despite the obvious advantages of integrated reporting, it is n necessary to dwell on the problems associated with its implementation. In particular, its use increases the likelihood of disclosing a company's trade secrets and, consequently, the danger of losing its competitive advantage. It is this fact that is the cause of indecision and even fear of domestic organizations before using integrated reports.

In addition, researchers call a significant factor hindering the wider use of integrated reporting in our country, the lack of elaboration of a methodology for evaluating non-financial types of capital and the reasonableness of forecast information [4].

Nowadays, the time and cash costs of its preparation are also significantly complicating the transition to integrated reporting. Such reasons include the significant costs of drawing up an integrated report: staff training, auditing, the formation of new software, etc. In a word, only large corporations can afford to create integrated reporting.

In addition, the cost of activities for the transition to integrated reporting is difficult to determine, and the timing of implementation of integrated reporting in the practice of organizations can take a long period of time.

The lack of necessary experience in the preparation of integrated reports is also an important factor that stands in the way of Russian companies.

The audit of this type of reporting and authentication of information in it, according to many experts, also constitutes a hotel problem. The involvement of external consultants and auditors is undoubtedly capable of providing significant assistance to the company in the preparation of an integrated report. For example, it can be consulting firms that constantly monitor the preparation of this type of reporting by the world's largest organizations; participating bodies that develop and approve standards. These circumstances allow consulting firms to always be aware of the latest decisions and achievements in this area for the subsequent use of the information obtained in practice [4].

In addition, the following reasons make it difficult to move to integrated reporting:

uncertainty of the criteria of sufficiency of the volume of information included in the integrated reporting; there is no obligation to use IFRS for most organizations, which leaves organizations with the ability to manipulate information;

lack of metric systems and methodologies for evaluating non-financial indicators that will allow to evaluate the results of the company in terms of their sustainable development.

It should be noted that such quality as the brevity of the information presented in the integrated reporting remains an argument of a controversial nature, since placing additional information in the reporting even very important for users implies an increase in its volume, which makes reporting no less informative but more massive . The brevity and conciseness can provide either an exception from the report of a certain type of information, or its presentation in another format.

At present, a process of gradual increase in the volume of information is underway, which cannot affect the number of reporting forms, i.e. the structural elements of reporting. There is a pattern of the following nature, informational expectations of the stakeholders change the informative aspect of the reporting information. However, the endless increase in the amount of information provided in the statements is impossible for a number of reasons: first, compliance with a rational approach to the organization of the accounting process, secondly, the brevity of information in accordance with the principles of preparing integrated reporting.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a compromise between the volume and content of information, so that both accounting principles and the principles of preparing integrated reporting are followed, and the information expectations of various categories of stakeholders are met.

It should be noted that integrated reports are designed to cover information on the activities of companies from the standpoint of the following elements: an overview of the organization and its external environment, management, business model, risks and opportunities, strategy and allocation of resources, performance and future prospects [1]. The currently recommended reporting format allows for the addition of «Explanations to Reporting» with additional sections: «Indicators characterizing the social responsibility of business», «Expenditures of the organization for environmental activities», «Report on sustainable development».

In this regard, a significant step towards the formation of an integrated report is the Concept of the development of public non-financial reporting approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2017 No. 876-r,

which, as its main tasks, provides for strengthening the companies' desire for transparency and openness of their performance in economic, environmental and social spheres; promoting the strengthening of the position of domestic organizations, reputation and confidence in their business activities not only in Russia, but also abroad; systematic introduction of this type of reporting into the practice of domestic companies; increasing the competence of a significant number of entrepreneurs in the field of public non-financial reporting, sustainable development and social responsibility.

As part of this type of reporting, GOST R ISO 26000-2012 calls for taking into account and reflecting in public non-financial reports the most important aspects of sustainable development and social responsibility, including problems related to the environment, management, labor relations, ethics, corruption and respect for human rights.

Recommendations on disclosure of information in the field of social and environmental responsibility, including the preparation of a report on sustainable development in accordance with internationally recognized requirements (for example, in accordance with the GRI guidelines), are also contained in the Corporate Governance Code [2].

Thus, the solution of some problems and the actualization of others will contribute to the intensification of the processes of introduction and preparation of integrated reporting into the practice of Russian companies.

Список используемой литературы:

1. International standard of integrated reporting [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

http://integratedreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/13 - 12-08-THE-INTERNATIONAL-IR-FRAMEWORK.docx en-US ru-RU.pdf

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2017 № 876-p «On approval of the Concept of development of public non-financial reporting and the plan of measures for its implementation» [Electronic resource]. -Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons doc LAW 216631/

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