INSTRUMENTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF SYNERGISTIC CRISIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Butova Tatyana G., Klimovich Natalya V., Danilina Elena P., Danchenok Larisa А., Niyazbekova Shakizada U.

Even in the context of a synergistic crisis, the concept of sustainable development remains a powerful humanitarian impetus for ensuring sustainable development of socio-economic systems, including territories. This fact draws increased attention to the differentiation of theoretical and applied research of modern technologies to ensure implementation of sustainable development goals. Availability of safe local food products, which ensure satisfaction of population as end consumers, as well as social and economic sustainability of territories, due to the demand for products of local producers and environmental sustainability due to saving of material resources, are local goals for the territories that implement the key goal of ensuring the standard of living for their population. The use of marketing technologies and product branding as a tool for sustainable development of territories to assess consumer satisfaction with food quality ensures sustainable demand for food products and sustainability of local producers’ activities, as well as determines effective criteria for choosing models of state regulation and support for local producers in the process of implementing the concept of sustainable development of territories.

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I Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2022 15(6): 780-790

DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0902 УДК 332.12:339.138

Instruments for Sustainable Development of Territories in the Context of Synergistic Crisis

Tatyana G. Butova*a, Natalya V. Klimovicha, Elena P. Danilinab, Larisa А. Danchenokc, Shakizada U. Niyazbekovade and Sergei I. Mutovina,f

aSiberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation bKrasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F.Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation cPlekhanov Russian University, Moscow, Russian Federation Moscow Witte University Moscow, Russian Federation

eFinancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation fFSI Research Institute

Federal Penal Service of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation

Received 01.02.2022, received in revised form 07.02.2022, accepted 10.02.2022

Abstract. Even in the context of a synergistic crisis, the concept of sustainable development remains a powerful humanitarian impetus for ensuring sustainable development of socio-economic systems, including territories. This fact draws increased attention to the differentiation of theoretical and applied research of modern technologies to ensure implementation of sustainable development goals. Availability of safe local food products, which ensure satisfaction of population as end consumers, as well as social and economic sustainability of territories, due to the demand for products of local producers and environmental sustainability due to saving of material resources, are local goals for the territories that implement the key goal of ensuring the standard of living for their population. The use of marketing technologies and product branding as a tool for sustainable development of territories to assess consumer satisfaction with food quality ensures sustainable demand for food products and sustainability of local producers' activities, as well as determines effective criteria for choosing models of state regulation and support for local producers in the process of implementing the concept of sustainable development of territories.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: tgbutova@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-5037-5562 (Butova); 0000-0001-7958-2581 (Klimovich); 0000-0002-1987-5283 (Danchenok); 00000002-3433-9841 (Niyazbekova)

Keywords: synergistic crisis of socio-economic development of territories, tools for sustainable development of territories, place branding as a tools for sustainable development of territories, methods for assessing consumer satisfaction with local food quality, models for state regulation and support of local producers.

Research area: ethnography, ethnology and anthropology.

Citation: Butova, T. G., Klimovich, N. V., Danilina, E. P., Danchenok, L. A., Niyazbekova, Sh. U., Mutovin S. I. (2022). Instruments for sustainable development of territories in the context of synergistic crisis. J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci., 15(6), 780-790. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0902

Инструменты устойчивого развития территорий в условиях синергетического кризиса

Т. Г. Бутоваа, Н. Н. Климовича, Е. П. Данилина6, Л. А. Данченокв, Ш.У. Нияз6ековаг- д, С. И. Мутовин а е

"Сибирский федеральный университет Российская Федерация, Красноярск

бКрасноярский государственный медицинский университет имени В. Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого Российская Федерация, Красноярск

вРоссийский экономический университет имени Г. В. Плеханова

Российская Федерация, Москва

гМосковский университет имени С Ю Витте

Российская Федерация, Москва

дФинансовый университет при Правительстве РФ

Российская Федерация, Москва


Российская Федерация, Москва

Аннотация. Концепция устойчивого развития даже в условиях синергетического кризиса остается мощным гуманитарным мотиватором обеспечения стабильности социально-экономических систем, в том числе территорий. Это актуализирует дифференциацию теоретических и прикладных исследований современных технологий реализации целей устойчивого развития. В качестве локальных целей территорий, реализующих ключевую цель обеспечения качества жизни населения, выступает доступность качественных, безопасных экологически чистых пищевых продуктов местных производителей, что формирует удовлетворенность населения (конечных потребителей) и, как следствие, экономическую устойчивость территорий за счет спроса на продукцию местных производителей, экологическую стабильность за счет экономии материальных ресурсов на производство и потребление, поддержание и сохранение здоровья людей и в итоге социальную устойчивость. Использование маркетинговых технологий, в частности товарного брендирования как инструмента устойчивого развития территорий на основе оценки удовлетворенности потребителей качеством пищевых продуктов, позволит поддерживать спрос на пищевые продукты местных производителей и, таким образом, обеспечивать их деятельность, а также

определять эффективные критерии выбора моделей госрегулирования для поддержки местных производителей в реализации концепции устойчивого развития территорий.

Ключевые слова: синергетический кризис социально-экономического развития территорий, инструменты устойчивого развития территорий, брендинг как инструмент устойчивого развития территорий, методика оценки удовлетворенности потребителей качеством пищевых продуктов местных производителей, модели государственного регулирования поддержки местных производителей.

Научное направление: 07.00.07 - этнография, этнология и антропология.


The Concept of Sustainable Development (The Concept) has undergone various development stages since its inception at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. It was subjected to criticism and its goals and strategies were revised. Numerous studies of the Concept are devoted to its adaptation to the modern requirements of the complex global environment, but its fundamental principles and goals, as well as challenges of their implementation have remained almost unchanged (Drex-hage & Murphy, 2010; Klarin, 2018).

Based on the analysis of scientific publications and practical documents, it can be stated that one of the reasons for challenges in achieving the Concept goals is insufficient scientific substantiation of practical activities, implementation tools in particular (Klarin, 2018). Necessity and the goals of sustainable development declared in such global documents on sustainable development as UNEP Report,the UN Environment Program (Sustainable Development Goals, 2015), before the adoption the final documents of the Paris UNC limate Conference in 2015, do not contain guidelines for ensuring sustainable development strategies, their clear goal setting, as well as tools for their implementation.This fact can be explained by their objective differentiation due to various levels of territories and existing conditions for their development.

Meanwhile, the analysis of legislative documents in the implemented Principles and Goals of Sustainable Development in countries and,in particular, the Concept of transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development (The Concept of Transition,

1996), as well as the strategy for sustainable development of the Russian Federation until 2020-"Strategy 2020", has demonstrated their declarative nature. The lack of a clear indication of the relevance of scientific substantiation of practical activities to implement the Concept of Sustainable Development in the context of stable evolvement of developed and developing economies explains the decrease in publication activity on the issue over the past decade.

Current intensification in publications devoted to sustainable development in recent years. In our opinion, is caused by the modern global conditions of human life, which the authors of the current research define as a synergistic crisis in economic, environmental, and social spheres, complicated by the viral (Covid-19) pandemic, which increases a negative and even threatening result for each sphere of life. The crisis has led to a very sharp and strong declinein all economic indicators and aggravated the crisis in other areas.This actualized the search for a way out of this situation. Along with the measures to end the pandemic, developed countries took measures to stabilize their economies, which were tools for survival (Simen & Sheresheva, 2020; Belov, 2020; Sol-datova & Pivkina, 2020). Russia also developed priority measures for the sustainable development of its economy, which are largely aimed at ensuring the economy survival in the context of the spreading coronavirus infection (Plan of Priority Measures, 2020). However, sustainable development presupposes not only short-term measures, but strategic actions to harmonize development.

The synergistic crisis focused attention to the Concept of Sustainable Development, provoking criticism from some authors (Klarin,

2018), and attitude to sustainable development as a tool for preservation and development of human society from others (Korchak, 2020; Ferova, 2019; Falliko, 2020).

Supporting the necessity to implement the Concept of Sustainable Development of Territories as places of residence in modern context (Gushchina, Kondratovich & Polozhentseva, 2019; Korchak, 2020; Piskun & Khokhlov,

2019), the authors consider its implementation possible based on creating science-based mechanisms.

Theoretical framework

The article presents the results of the recent studies analysis. Content analysis of publications has demonstrated the fact that they are mainly devoted to theoretical research aimed at determining the essence of the Concept of Sustainable Development and its basis: principles, goals, SD models, or description of existing environmental problems. The analysis of the research results has shown that the 27 principles of sustainable development adopted by the UN remain unchanged, are declarative in nature andare not aimed at creating practical documents for the strategies implementation. The documents developed for the implementation of sustainable development strategies are based on its goals. Noting the development of opinions on their interpretation - in 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which established 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) containing 169 targets (Sustainable Development Goals, 2015) - the analysis carried out by the authors demonstrated that since the SDGs are not legally binding, states are expected to establish national mechanisms to achieve them. However, the lack of structured and measurable goals slows down these processes.

The authors believe that creation of mechanisms for achieving sustainable development goals requires their adaptation to the country and territorial levels, which actualizes the need for applied research, with the priority tasks to systematize goals and indicators for assessing their implementation based on structural elements of the Concept (Ferova, Lobkova, Tanenkova & Kozlova, 2019). To

achieve this, it is necessary to transfer theoretical studies of sustainable development models into the area of applied research. The currently existing approaches to the models of the Sustainable Development Concept do not have fundamental differences. Some authors consider environmental, social, and economic sustainability to be the "pillars" of sustainability (Klarin, 2018), others consider the sustainable development model "in three moral imperatives", which include human needs satisfaction, ensuring social justice, and compliance with environmental restrictions (Holden, Linnerud&Banister, 2014). Russian scientists also support an integrated approach to the sustainable development model. Including economic, social, and environmental sus-tainability (Sudin&Mutovin, 2014).

Inclusion of the three subsystems into sustainable development models requires system-atization of their sustainability goals based on highlighting the key goal. Analyzing the point of view of many researchers, some authors confirm that economic growth cannot be one of the key goals (Holden, Linnerud & Banister, 2014). The publications analysis has shown that most authors define people's living standard as one of the key integrated goals. The authors of the present paper support this point of view and consider it to be the main idea of the present research.

Analysis of the scientific rationale of tools for achieving the goals of sustainable development of territories made it possible to identify priority areas of the applied research in the modern context:

1. Analysis of tools for sustainable development of any territories from countries to municipalities connected with the growing importance of local communities in the SD goals implementation (Korchak, 2020;Gushchina, Kondratovich&Polozhentseva, 2019);

2. Analysis of tools and technologies for ensuring the economic subsystem sustainabil-ity as a basis for social and environmental sus-tainability (Belov, 2020; Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2019; Sergeeva, Taktarova & Agamagomedova, 2019; Shchepa-kin, Frisovna, Bzhennikova, Tolmacheva & Bazhenov, 2018; Simen & Sheresheva, 2020);

3. Determination of indicators for assessing territorial management bodies' activities and the choice of models for the state regulation of economic sustainable development of territories (Piskun & Khokhlov, 2019; Ferova, Lobkova, Tanenkova & Kozlova, 2019).

As can be seen from the analysis of the applied research priority areas, the Concept of Sustainable Development in modern conditions does not have a separate area for overcoming the crisis. The authors support this vision, since the sustainable development strategy formulation should have a multi-vector significance: as a way to overcome the crisis, as well as preventive measures to ensure life safety of the territories' population and an effective tool for long-term development.


The purpose of the applied research carried out by the authors is to determine the tools for ensuring the quality of life of the territories' population, and it required accomplishing the following tasks:

• analysis of measures developed in different countries for a sustainable way out of the crisis;

• identification of basic indicators of the quality of life, allowing to implement the integrated goal of ensuring the quality of life of the population;

• analysis of tools and technologies to ensure sustainability of the economic subsystem of territories;

• development of state regulation models to ensure the sustainability of local produc-ers'food products quality;

• development of proposals for the use of the applied research results in the practice of regulation of sustainable economic development of territories.

The tasks fulfillment is ensured by using the methods of content analysis of scientific publications and documents on the research topic, conducting a targeted marketing study of consumer satisfaction with the quality of food products (Butova, 2020). During the research, the authors have developed an original method of food groups typification based on the "customer satisfaction" criterion, which acts as a

potential for product branding and was tested on the results of studying consumer satisfaction with the quality of food products manufactured in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. The results obtained made it possible to identify the problems in production of 11 products of local manufacturers, which are included into the Russian basket of goods (Federal Law "On the Consumer Basket as a Whole in the Russian Federation", 2012), and develop models of state regulation to ensure the sustainability of demand for quality food products of local producers, determined based on the criterion of satisfaction of the population with quality, which market positions act as the basis for sustainable development of territories.

Results and Discussion

The scientific publications analysis has demonstrated that the researchers' focus on the implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development has recently shifted from the global and national levels to the territorial one. Although the attention to the sustainable development of territories was drawn even at the 1st International UN Conference in 1976, the synergistic crisis demonstrated the increasing importance of local communities in solving most local daily tasks. This led to the actualization of the search for the tools to implement SD goals in the territories as the main link in implementing the key goal of ensuring the quality of life and identification of the tools adaptive to local market problems (Korchak, 2020).

The issues of maintaining a business with minimal losses are of a particular relevance (Kirgizova, 2020). Small and medium-sized businesses, which make up a huge part of the economy in different countries are the economy sectors that require immediate attention. This explains such a significant attention to small and medium-sized enterprises in countries that develop measures for a sustainable way out of the crisis for many countries (Simen, Sheresheva, 2020;Belov, 2020). However, the content analysis of the publications has shown that in the sectoral context more attention within these measures is paid to supporting online commerce, sustainable tourism, leisure sector, and Internet companies. Let us

note that in Russia, the emphasis is made on food security (Sergeeva, Taktarova, Agamago-medova, 2019), which is reflected in "Provision of Essential Commodities and Population Support" within the measures to support the Russian economy during the pandemic (Priority Action Plan, 2020).

The authors consider such attention to food security reasonable, especially in the context of a synergistic crisis, when food products are being transformed from food into products for wellbeing, as evidenced by numerous publications in the media, especially on the Internet. This shifts the focus, firstly, only from quantitative indicators of food production to qualitative ones - safety and environmental friendliness, and, secondly, from sectoral and national indicators of production growth to regional and local territories. This fact actualizes the role of food products that ensure the quality of life of their population in the implementation of strategies for sustainable development of territories, and therefore the need for scientific substantiation of tools for increasing the population's demand for local food products, including state regulation.

A retrospective analysis of the proposals for state support of small and medium-sized manufacturers demonstrated that the problems were acute, and their solution was basically seen in the introduction of monetary tools through lending, tax exemptions, etc. ("Made in Russia" - a new project from the authors of "The Quality Mark", 2016). Meanwhile, these tools have not brought the expected results of growing demand for Russian high-quality food products and, moreover, have not stimulated manufacturers to produce safe and high-quality products. In addition, the quantitative indicators of the growth in demand for Russian goods and the strategy of import substitution aimed at increasing the volume of food production stimulated the growth of falsified domestic food products and led to a decrease in their quality (Demakova, Butova, Bukharova, Klimovich, Danchenok, 2020).

The need to increase demand for domestic producers' goods led to the search for new non-monetary tools to influence quality goods production. In 2014, a project to select a na-

tional "Quality Mark", which was to be used to indicate high-quality Russian goods, following the similar Soviet mark was launched in Russia, however the project was not implemented.

Attention to the sustainable development of the territories' local markets due to the growth in the production of local manufacturers' goods based on improving their awareness, keeping the market share under the pressure of imported goods led to the development of the project "Made in Russia", where marketing technologies, primarily promotions, were identified as the key tool for supporting the goods ("Made in Russia", 2016).

Supporting such an up-to-date direction of the "Made in Russia" project as development of the institution of regional programs to support locally produced goods such as regional quality marks and"Made in N Region" programs, it is necessary to note that promotion tools. In particular, the exaggerated importance of PR technologies associated with place branding, do not contribute to the project effectiveness.

The authors consider formulation of the effect of the country of origin in the "Made in Russia" project, expressed in the model of consumer behavior, according to which the consumer makes a choice, as the correct approach to state support for the demand for local producers' goods in Russian territories. However, the authors believe that the task of the state and business to convert the existing consumer patriotism into sustainable intentions to buy Russian goods on the domestic market formulated in the project should be based not so much on patriotism but on significant motivation, which. In the authors' opinion, for food products' consumers are manifested in the assessment of safety, high quality, as well as the awareness of brands and the reputation of manufacturers.

These arch of the criteria for the state support of local. Producers, in the authors' opinion, should be focused on consumers' assessment of the quality of food products as the most important essential commodities, and local producers that provide not only satisfaction of needs, but customer satisfaction. Conceptually, the quality of food products is considered by the authors as a tool to ensure the quality of life, as well as a tool to stimulate the population demand

for food products of local producers, ensuring their sustainable functioning.

In this way, the article authors offer to use such marketing technologies as marketing research and food products promotion as tools for sustainable development of territories (Butova, Demakova, Ulina, Egoshina, Mutovin & Dani-lina, 2020; Shchepakin, Frisovna, Bzhennikova, Tolmacheva & Bazhenov, 2018). Identification of food products for the development of relevant to their quality, according to consumers' assessments. Instruments of state support and regulation of local producers, has been carried out by the authors using the method of food groups typ-ification according to such criterion as the "level of customer satisfaction". The research results made it possible to identify 4 types of product types according to the level of customer satisfaction with their quality. Within each type, groups of food products were identified, and their rating was compiled based on the level of customer satisfaction (Table 1).

The field study results analysis has demonstrated that:

• the amount of Krasnoyarsk customers satisfied with food quality is insignificant - only about a quarter of the respondents noted a high degree of satisfaction with the products of only 4 product groups out of 11. Many

respondents are only partially satisfied with the quality of 5 product groups.This indicates significant potential for sustainable growth in food quality;

• the most urgent problem lies in the fact that the share of consumers who are completely or partially dissatisfied with the quality of food is significant in the group of fish and meat products, which play an important role in ensuring a healthy diet. Meanwhile, the Krasnoyarsk Krai is rich in natural resources for fish processing and for meat products manufacturing. Therefore, improving quality of the seproduct groups should be considered as one of the priority tasks of both manufacturers and government regulators of regional and local consumer markets;

• the existence of food groups, to which quality consumers are indifferent. Meanwhile, these products make up daily diet of people, and their quality, according to nutritionists and doctors, has a significant impact on the state of health.

The desk research carried out by the authors demonstrated that customer satisfaction results coincide with the results of monitoring the quality of food products of the Krai producers, which showed an increase in falsified and inadequate to regulatory documents'require-ments product quality from 43% in 2014 to 75%

Table 1. Food commodity groups typification based on customer satisfaction by food products' quality

Types of commodity groups Rating of commodity groups by satisfaction level Share of consumers, %

1. A group of products which quality fully satisfies consumers 1 milk 2 bread 3 confectionery products 4 eggs 24,5 23,4 22,9 22,7

2. A group of products which quality partially satisfies consumers 1 bread 2 confectionery products 3 eggs 4 milk, vegetables 46,5 44,8 43,8 42,9 - 42,7

3. A group of products which quality fully or partially does not satisfy consumers 1 fish and fishery products 2 meat and meat products 3 bread, pasta 4 vegetables 78,8 65,6 14,6-14,4 13,4

4. A group of products, which quality is not of interest to consumers 1 flour 2 vegetableoil 3 herbal teas 34,5 33,1 32,9

(Compiled by the authors based on the research results)

in 2018 (Demakova, 2020). This necessitates the development of differentiated measures of state regulation of sustainable growth in the quality of food products in the implementation of the goal of ensuring the quality of life of the Concept of Sustainable Development territo-ries'population.

Food products of local producers identified as a result of the applied research using the method of commodity groups typification with a high degree of consumer dissatisfaction with the quality, especially fishery and meat products, first require serious work to improve their quality, and only after that the growth in product output will be accompanied by a proportional increase in demand. In particular due to their promotion as products of confirmed high quality.

Meanwhile, the study results indicate that in the regional state program of the Krasnoyarsk Krai for agriculture development there is an outstripping the real situation conclusion that local products are of high quality, and only an increase in food production will provide an increase in their sales and improvement in the quality of life of the population. Under conditions of a synergistic crisis caused by both economic problems and the pandemic leading to human losses and the loss of labour capacity of the population, it is unacceptable to bate demands for food quality in the program documents on the social and economic development of territories, since it might cause dissatisfaction of consumers with food, and, as a result, dissatisfaction of the population with the economic, social and environmental subsystems of sustainable development of a territory, as well as dissatisfaction with the activities of local authorities, leading to economic losses of households, social tension, and violation of the Principles of Sustainable Development.

In addition, the competitiveness of local producers' food products decreases, which leads to a decrease in demand for their products and displacement from local markets. This fact not only fails to ensure sustainable growth in production, but, on the contrary, deteriorates financial situation of local producers and leads to bankruptcy. As a result of inefficient use of natural, economic, and labor resources, developing

territories are transformed into depressed ones, using only natural resources. Due to such management, instead of a sustainable development strategy, the territory exists in accordance with a survival strategy, which, as environmentalists note, causes the destruction of the environment which people live in. And we no longer mean harmonious as sustainable development of an individual and even social stability, we mean preserving people's vital capacity, their places of residence and life activity.

Based on the applied research results, the authors proposed an indicator of consumer satisfaction with the quality of food products, as an indicator for assessing the quality of people's life, as the main goal of sustainable development of territories, and a method of food groups typificationon its basis. The ddeveloped method makes it possible to formulate relevant to the economics tate of the territories goals and models of improving state support for local producers within the framework of sustainable development strategies.

The method testing has allowed the authors to formulate economic goals and models for state regulation of sustainable development of territories:

1. A group of food products with a high level of consumer satisfaction with product quality:

The goal is to maintain stability of the population's satisfaction with the quality of local manufacturers'food products.

The government regulation model is multifunctional support for the sustainability of food quality from local producers to stimulate competitive food production.

2. A group of food products with an insignificant level of consumer satisfaction with product quality:

The goal is to ensure a steady growth in the population's satisfaction with the quality of local producers' food.

The model of state regulation is monetary and technological stimulation of high-quality food production by local producers to increase their competitiveness.

3. A group of food products with a low level of consumer satisfaction with product quality:

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The goal is to ensure sustainable consumer interest in the quality of local manufactur-ers'food products;

Government regulation model is monitoring of counterfeit and falsified food products of local producers' competitors on local markets; application of differentiated measures to ensure food safety in local markets; effective control over the territories' producers of low-quality food; stimulating production of quality food products from local producers; public promotion.

4. A group of food products with low consumer interest in the quality of local producers' food.

The goal is to ensure sustainable attractiveness of local products.

The model of state regulation is promotion of rational consumer behavior of the population, importance of consuming local food and attention to food products' quality; support of local producers from the government bodies to improve production and technological conditions.

The use of the criterion of consumer satisfaction with the quality of local producers' food allows to provide their direct involvement in the process of regulation and support of local producers of territories based on the results of their assessment in programs for the implementation of sustainable development strategies within the framework of government regulation models, depending on the opportunities and state of


economic, social and ecological subsystems of territories both in crisis situations and to ensure sustainability of the SD goals implementation.

The authors see identification of new marketing tools for involving consumers in the process of sustainable development of local producers. In particular, technologies for public promotion of competitive high-quality products as a further direction of applied research on the Concept of Sustainable Development.


The monetary and organizational tools that are currently being applied in the context of the synergetic crisis for ensuring the sustainable functioning of local producers are standard, and not adapted to support producers who are aimed at ensuring the quality of life of the population.

The use of marketing promotion tools without regard to the quality and safety of local food products by end consumers in place branding technologies are not effective for state support for the development of the demand for local food products.

Using the method of food commodity groups typification based on the criterion of "consumer satisfaction level" to form a list of potential territorial brands of food products can become a tool for state support of the sustainable development of production and. In the aggregate, sustainable economic development of territories.

Butova, T.G., Demakova, E.A., Ulina, S.L., Egoshina, O.L., Mutovin, S.I. &Danilina, E.P. (2020). Methodological approach to forming criteria for selecting food products for territorial branding. In Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 13(11), 1880-1892. DOI: 10.17516/19971370-0692

Demakova, E.A., Butova, T.G., Ulina, S.L., Klimovich, N.V. & Danchenok, L.A. (2021). Food products branding as a new vector for improving state support for local producers. In IOP Conference Series: Earth Environmental Science. Available at: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/677/2/022039/pdf.

Butova, T.G., Demakova, Ye.A., Mutovin, S.I. et al. (2021). Brending territorii: razvitie nauchnogo podkhoda k prikladnym issledovaniiam: monografiia [Place branding: development of a scientific approach to applied research: Monograph]. Krasnoyarsk, Sibirean Federal University, 246 p. ISBN978-5-7628-4428-3.

Drexhage, J. & Murphy, D. (2010). Sustainable development: from Brundtland to Rio 2012. In United Nations Headquarters. 1st Meeting by the High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, United Nations, New York.

Plan pervoocherednykh meropriatii po obespecheniiu ustoichivogo razvitiia ekonomiki v usloviiakh ukhudsheniia situatsii v sviazi s rasprostraneniem novoi koronavirusnoi infektsii (2020) [Plan of Priority

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