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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Savkin V.I., Parshutina I.G., Solodovnik A.I.

The relevance of the research is due to the state of the Russian and world economy in the conditions of "VUCA" (abbreviation from the English words: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). The article discusses theoretical and applied aspects of the state agrarian policy, institutional and economic conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex and import substitution policy. The issues of sustainable agricultural production and food security are becoming increasingly important due to the population growth, reduction of arable land, water shortages, natural disasters and introduction of sanctions policies. Ensuring food security through innovation in agriculture, digitalization and the implementation of an import substitution policy is becoming a goal of improving the institutional and economic conditions for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex and the economy as a whole. Modern concepts of state regulation, agrarian policy, import substitution policy and the policy of scientific and technological development of agriculture allow us to consider them together and mutually influence as a direction of the national strategy of economic development. As a result of the research of the system of institutional and economic conditions, actions, regulatory measures and mechanisms, the improvement of the state agrarian policy will ensure the sustainable economic development of the national economy and food security. The basic areas for ensuring food security in the context of sanctions are the policy of import substitution, digitalization of agriculture, investment in innovative crop and livestock technologies, modernization of the production of capital goods and processing industries. The following aspects of the research seem promising - the development of methodological approaches for monitoring, evaluating, forecasting effectiveness of implementation and proposals for stimulating state, sectoral and regional programs, taking into account the needs of interaction between the state, science and agribusiness and spatial heterogeneity.

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UDC / УДК 338.43:349.422.231




Savkin V.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Савкин В.И., доктор экономических наук, профессор Parshutina I.G., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Паршутина И. Г., доктор экономических наук, профессор Solodovnik A.I.*, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Солодовник А.И., кандидат экономических наук, доцент Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin", Orel, Russia ФГБОУ ВО «Орловский государственный аграрный университет имени Н.В. Парахина», Орел, Россия *E-mail: solodovnik.alexandra@yandex.ru

The relevance of the research is due to the state of the Russian and world economy in the conditions of "VUCA" (abbreviation from the English words: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). The article discusses theoretical and applied aspects of the state agrarian policy, institutional and economic conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex and import substitution policy. The issues of sustainable agricultural production and food security are becoming increasingly important due to the population growth, reduction of arable land, water shortages, natural disasters and introduction of sanctions policies. Ensuring food security through innovation in agriculture, digitalization and the implementation of an import substitution policy is becoming a goal of improving the institutional and economic conditions for the functioning of the agro-industrial complex and the economy as a whole. Modern concepts of state regulation, agrarian policy, import substitution policy and the policy of scientific and technological development of agriculture allow us to consider them together and mutually influence as a direction of the national strategy of economic development. As a result of the research of the system of institutional and economic conditions, actions, regulatory measures and mechanisms, the improvement of the state agrarian policy will ensure the sustainable economic development of the national economy and food security. The basic areas for ensuring food security in the context of sanctions are the policy of import substitution, digitalization of agriculture, investment in innovative crop and livestock technologies, modernization of the production of capital goods and processing industries. The following aspects of the research seem promising - the development of methodological approaches for monitoring, evaluating, forecasting effectiveness of implementation and proposals for stimulating state, sectoral and regional programs, taking into account the needs of interaction between the state, science and agribusiness and spatial heterogeneity. Key words: development strategy, agro-industrial complex, import substitution policy, food security, institutional and economic conditions.

Актуальность исследования обусловлена состоянием российской и мировой экономики в условиях «VUCA» (от английского volatility (нестабильность), uncertainty (неопределенность), complexity (сложность) и ambiguity (неоднозначность)). В статье рассматриваются теоретические и прикладные аспекты государственной аграрной политики, институционально-экономические условия развития АПК и политики импортозамещения. Вопросы устойчивого производства сельскохозяйственной продукции и продовольственной безопасности приобретают все большее значение по

мере роста численности населения, сокращения пахотных земель, нехватка воды, стихийные бедствия, введения санкционной политики. Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности с помощью инноваций в сельском хозяйстве, цифровизации и проведение политики импортозамещения становится целью совершенствования институционально-экономических условий функционирования агропромышленного комплекса и экономики в целом. Современные концепции государственного регулирования, аграрной политики, политики импортозамещения и политики научно-технологического развития сельского хозяйства позволяют рассматривать их в совокупности и взаимовлиянии как направление национальной стратегии экономического развития. В результате исследования системы институционально-экономических условий, действий, регулятивных мер и механизмов совершенствование государственной аграрной политики обеспечат устойчивое экономическое развитие национальной экономики и продовольственную безопасность. Ключевыми направлениями обеспечения продовольственной безопасности в условиях санкций является политика импортозамещения, цифровизация сельского хозяйства, инвестирования в инновационные технологии растениеводства и животноводства, модернизация производства средств производства и перерабатывающих производств. Перспективными представляются следующие направления исследования - разработка методических подходов для наблюдения, оценки, прогноза эффективности реализации и предложений по стимулированию государственных, отраслевых и региональных программ с учетом потребностей взаимодействия государства, науки и агробизнеса и пространственной неоднородности.

Ключевые слова: стратегия развития, агропромышленный комплекс, политика импортозамещения, продовольственная безопасность, институционально-экономические условия.

Introduction. The influence of state regulation of the agrarian complex is a topic for discussion in a mixed market economy. The expansion of the Western sectoral sanctions has an impact on food security both in the Russian and in the global economy. The general idea of the study is to determine promising directions of the state agro-industrial policy on import substitution to ensure food security and the development of the agro-industrial complex. The current state of the agro-industrial complex depends on many factors: the state development strategy, the level of financing, the technical capabilities of production, and the historical conditions of development [1, 3, 8]. The western sectoral sanctions may lead to a decrease in the share of Russian products in world markets. Therefore, the directions of the agrarian policy should be focused on consolidating positions of competitive sectors of the economy, including the agro-industrial complex. The state of agriculture largely depends on the purposeful and successful implementation of the most important areas, forms, methods and instruments of the state's agrarian policy. Actualization of import substitution issues contributes to the development of theoretical and methodological approaches and practical aspects of the state agricultural policy. For Russia's diversified economy, import substitution is an anti-crisis and complex strategy due to the multiplicity of industries where it is planned to reduce dependence on the imported products. The practice of implementing import substitution programs indicates the importance of systemic institutional conditions and organizational measures in national economic and agricultural policies. It seems that a promising direction is the study and scientific substantiation of the practice of import substitution in the direction of the digital transformation of Agro 4.0.

Materials and methods. The purpose of the article is to determine the strategic guidelines and institutional and economic conditions in the mutual influence of the state agricultural policy, import substitution policy and food security policy. The theoretical

and methodological basis was the provisions of institutional economics, agricultural economics, management theory, digitalization of the economy. The works of Russian and foreign authors were used. In the course of study, economic and statistical, abstract and logical methods, as well as the method of comparison were used. To achieve the goal of the study, systematic and institutional approaches were used. The information base was the publication of statistical data and forecasts in the economic literature, Internet resources. The study of the publications allows us to determine the main types of import substitution, which allow us to form new ideas in the conditions of the "new normal". 1. Stimulation of relatively weak industries, which products are uncompetitive compared to the imported counterparts, even in the domestic market. 2. Creation of new industries, the policy of "self-reliance". 3.Stimulation of the developed industries with sufficient potential to expand export of their products, state support for exports. Despite the fact that experience has been gained in implementing the import substitution policy, its tools generally remain unchanged. All import substitution policy instruments can be divided into three large groups: active industrial policy (including stimulation of industrial development in a number of priority sectors, infrastructure development, export support, cheap labor); protectionist instruments (including restricting imports and setting significantly higher prices for imported goods compared to locally produced goods); fiscal and monetary policy, complemented by a program of international participation (including the establishment of high import duties, tax preferences for local producers and public investment in the development of industrial infrastructure).

Results and discussion. Systematic and strategic approaches to improving the institutional and economic conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex in the new normal based on the policy of import substitution and mechanisms for protecting agricultural producers. The agro-industrial complex, as the most important life-supporting sector of the economy, needs more state support and regulation. Agriculture is a sector of "long" cycles. All areas of the agro-industrial complex are closely interconnected and interdependent. The balanced development of all sectors and sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex is a necessary condition for providing the country with a sufficient amount of food and agricultural raw materials (Table 1). The "Food Security Doctrine" is based on three bases: the share of own production of the main types of food, the quality of this food and its accessibility for the population.

Table 1 - Agricultural output and level of self-sufl 'iciency in basic foodstuffs

Indicator Years

2010 2016 2018 2020

Characteristics of agriculture

Agricultural production in farms of all categories, billion rubles 2462,2 5112,3 5348,8 6468,8

including crop production 1019,2 2710,3 2756,1 3612,7

animal husbandry 1372,0 2402,0 2592,7 2856,1

Cultivated area, million ha 56,1 54,7 53,6 52,7

Level of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs

Corn 93,3 160,0 147,2 165,6

Meat 72,2 90,6 95,7 100,1

Milk 80,4 80,7 83,9 84,0

Eggs 98,3 97,1 97,7 97,4

Potato 73,4 93,2 95,3 89,2

Sugar 89,6 105,9 109,5 99,99

Vegetable oil 98,3 142,6 157,4 200,0

Source: compiled by the authors based on [6, 7]

Modernization of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex for the purpose of stable development is a system of economic, institutional, organizational, social, legal and political provision by the state of conditions for the formation and development of sustainable reproduction of the economy, including the food sector. The purpose of such regulation is the structural transformation and regulation of sectors of the economy by reducing import dependence, investing into the creation of new or neo-industrialization of traditional industries and meeting the needs of the population in food products. In the implementation of the state policy for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the analysis of those structural and institutional conditions that will ensure high rates of economic and social growth of the national economy is of particular importance - a single contract system, the institution of project financing, institutions for stimulating non-primary exports; institute of guarantee, insurance and credit support; institute of service support for Russian companies, development institutions and others. The success of the economic policy of import substitution and ensuring food security is largely determined by the effectiveness of state regulation institutions. In recent years, in the publications of Russian researchers [2, 4, 9], fundamentally new concepts have been formed on the strategies for the development of the agro-industrial complex and the import substitution policy. For example, the study by Matveeva L.G., Chernova O.A., in which the matrix of import substitution policy scenarios is indicated (Figure).

keen competition

2. Rational import substitution

Entry into the trajectory of the production of import-substituting products in the core areas of the region



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3. Competitive import substitution

Support for priority areas of

activity, stimulation of modernization processes

weak C:

Government intervention

severe impact

1. Imitation of import substitution

Production of pseudo-import-substituting products

e v

e p

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4. Forced import substitution

Conservation of backward technologies, autarchy of the domestic market

Figure - Import substitution policy scenario matrix [5]

We consider it is advisable to highlight the prerequisites for accelerating the innovation processes of the import substitution policy through the digitalization of agriculture, the creation of digital platforms, the development of the Internet of things, breeding and seed production, new breeds of animals, the development of biofertilizers, reducing dependence on energy resources and other areas of the national technological initiative. This is based on the analysis of statistical data (table

2) and will allow to form innovative agro-ecosystems and clusters. Understanding causes, consequences and mechanisms of innovative processes will allow us to analyze the processes and determine the prospects for their development. Digitalization and innovative development of the agricultural sector have their own peculiarities in Russia. Firstly, the initiator of innovation is the state through national and sectoral projects and programs. Secondly, the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Federation is dependent on subsidies from the budgets of different levels. Thirdly, there is a complex and heterogeneous structure of agricultural land on the territory of the Russian Federation. Fourthly, there is low share of waste processing in the agro-industrial complex and, as a result, its high material and energy intensity. Fifthly, Russian enterprises of the agro-industrial complex lag behind the global practice of implementing digital solutions.

Table 2 - Dynamics of investments into the fixed assets aimed at the development of agriculture by sources of financing_

Indicator Years

2015 2017 2019 2020

Investments into the fixed capital - total, billion rubles. 304,7 400,5 469,7 466,0

Including own funds 180,3 225,4 248,7 254,3

involved funds 124,4 175,1 221,0 211,7

of them budget resources 5,5 11,3 11,1 7,8

Source: compiled by the authors based on [6, 7]

Interest in the formation and scaling of the practice of digitalization of business models in the agro-industrial complex is multilateral. The Ministry of Agriculture participates in the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex through the digital transformation of services for the provision of state support measures to the subjects of the agro-industrial complex. 1. Services in terms of subsidizing. 2. Services in terms of preferential provision of services (soft loans, agroleasing). 3. Support services for the agricultural market and preferential transportation. The Ministry of Agriculture presents several information systems as the main ones [10]: 1. Federal state information system for accounting and registration of tractors, self-propelled vehicles and trailers for them. 2. System for monitoring and forecasting the food security of the Russian Federation. 3. The system for the provision of public services in electronic form of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. 4. Automated register information system and reference information. 5. Information system for planning and control of the State Program. 6. An integrated information system for collecting and processing accounting and specialized reporting of agricultural producers, generating summary reports, monitoring, accounting, control and analysis of subsidies to support the agro-industrial complex. 7. Central information and analytical system of the System of state information support in the field of agriculture. 8. Unified Federal Information System on Agricultural Lands. 9. State information system "Information and analytical system for operational monitoring and risk assessment of the state and risks of scientific and technical support for the development of agriculture." The functions of state information systems in the agro-industrial complex, first of all, include systems for accounting and monitoring the food situation in the industry by the state. At this stage of the development, the above systems do not have proper operational analytical functions. The policy of investments stimulating in digitalization and innovative development of Agro 4.0 within the framework of the import substitution policy is a natural process. The internal prerequisites for the development of these processes are: improvement of logistics; reduction of unit costs and economies of scale through the integration of agricultural producers; effective coordination of economic activity; reducing the level of economic risks through diversification; formation of a raw material base and distribution

channels for products; the possibility of overcoming the shortcomings of the agro-food market and others. Factors that may constrain are: the level of specialization of agricultural producers; the number of large and small forms of management; financial stability of economic entities; transport and logistics and supply and marketing infrastructure; level of monopolization; lack of staffing and others. The dynamics of investments in fixed assets and innovative technologies shows that they are insufficient to achieve the strategic goals of import substitution. In promising sectors, new incentives should be created for the growth of the development of innovative industries for the purpose of import substitution and digitalization of agriculture. In particular: 1. Creation of legal, organizational and technological conditions for the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex, reduction of administrative barriers. 2. Implementation of the concept of "digital agricultural company" - smart field, smart greenhouse, smart barn, smart warehouse, blockchain-based smart contracts. 3. Staffing for digitalization and digital technologies in agriculture.

Conclusions. The institutional and cross-industry approach in long-term planning and forecasting makes it possible to form strategic guidelines for the development of the agro-industrial complex. They include: firstly, the development of a set of institutions that provide innovative processes and the commercialization of scientific research; secondly, the creation of digital platforms as a set of interrelated and mutually influencing economic mechanisms of functioning based on digital technologies; thirdly, the formation of new areas of activity and new markets; fourthly, the development of public-private partnerships. The import substitution policy, in fact, modifies the entire structural mechanism of the national economy. The implementation of the import substitution policy requires a regular assessment of the balance between the benefits of import substitution industrialization and the costs of import substitution. The economic policy of import substitution should be based on four key factors - flexibility, selectivity, consistency and optimality of the institutional boundaries of state regulation. Effective implementation of the import substitution policy requires: concessional lending, subsidies, tax incentives, effective state support tools for small businesses and other institutional incentives. Innovative activity is the most important factor in increasing the competitiveness of agriculture. The implementation of the state agrarian policy of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex can also produce a technological breakthrough - integration; diversification; export expansion; careful use of resources. Positive results are expressed in the growth of employment, the improvement of living standards, the improvement of the economic and food security of the state, the stimulation of scientific and technological progress, the expansion of production capacities, the increase in cash flows within the country, the creation of additional reserves, economic growth, increased competitiveness and sustainable development. Thus, considering the prospects for improving the institutional and economic conditions of the strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex through the policy of import substitution for agriculture and related industries, the process of its implementation is possible in the shortest possible time with a high degree of reliability.


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