«Иностранные языки в медицинском образовании»
A.G. Deryaeva, Assistant
O.G. Deryaeva, Candidate of Sciences in Medicine, Assistant V.P. Kosolapov, Doctor of Sciences in Medicine, Professor Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University (Russia, Voronezh)
DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2020-10798
Abstract. Currently healthcare education is based on the continuous development of knowledge. In this regard, the global health systems become more complex and costly and set forth additional requirements for medical workers. Further professional growth to a certain extent depends on the language competence of a specialist; the fact becoming a "must" at the present stage of healthcare and medicine development. Participation in international scientific conferences, writing articles in a foreign language, communicating with foreign colleagues using electronic means and the Internet, reading scientific publications in a lingua franca supported by constantly updated knowledge of a foreign language at the proper level, will allow constantly improving personal and professional attitudes of a specialist.
Keywords: foreign language, continuing professional development, healthcare, medicine, self-realization, educational programs.
Currently, the development of educational process in healthcare is based on the continuous knowledge development. Nowdays this appears to be an urgent issue not only in our country, but also around the world. At the moment, the process of exchanging information about achievements in the field of medical services in the healthcare system within countries, as well as between them, is especially important. In this regard, the world health systems, becoming more complex and costly, impose additional requirements on the workers of the medical sphere. In terms of professional development, healthcare professionals must constantly update their knowledge, develop new competencies, obtain novel information in the process of additional training. This will meet the needs of their patients and the whole population in the country; improve constant global interdependence and interconnection of health systems and provide scientific discoveries in medicine and pharmacy of different countries. All the above will benefit from acceleration of the flow of knowledge, technology, finance
across borders, migration of patients and health professionals [1, 2].
Since 2010, the global independent Commission Education of health professionals for the 21st century has been working ensuring the development of common solutions and approaches to the problem of higher medical education, nursing education and public health systems beyond national borders and professional barriers. Due to these efforts, in all countries of the world medical specialists must receive education that provides their competent participation in the patient-centred healthcare system, their professional activity within their own responsibility as members of a global common team. This, ultimately, will allow universal access to high-quality services, which greatly approximates the possibilities of ensuring equity in health matters both within a single country and between countries. The implementation of these tasks requires the introduction of a number of educational programs that should provide transformational training and interdependence in education [2, 3].
At the present stage of social development, the process of knowledge development is carried out in the process of a person's whole life and is based on their previous knowledge and experience. Interdependence, being key element of a systemic approach, means active and continuous relationships between institutions in the system of medical education and healthcare. Therefore, there is a need for the comprehensive development of a medical professional, especially for distribution and obtaining necessary information in their specialty not only at the local level, but also globally. Thus, beyond all questions is the fact that knowledge of a foreign language in the modern world is a must for self-realization and professional growth.
A medical professional of any specialty should be aware of all the latest achievements and discoveries in their field, since at the present stage there is a rapid and intensive development of medical sciences. In this regard, more and more requirements are being put forward for the training of graduates who know their specialty, are able to reasonably defend their point of view on various issues directly related to practical and scientific activities, and in the future, ready for continuous professional education and self-improvement throughout their working career [4].
In the Russian Federation, much attention is paid to the study of a foreign language. Continuous language education begins at school, continues at the university and further at the postgraduate stage.
Currently, in a medical university a compulsory course of a foreign language is only taught in the first courses. The number of hours is determined by the curriculum. This means that in a short period of time, students need to develop competencies that will allow them to read, understand, translate and extract information from foreign-language sources, as well as translate general academic texts and texts in their future specialty. Naturally, this amount of time is not sufficient to form a competent knowledge of the professional language of medicine. The requirements for the level of mastering a foreign language are very serious and not all students are able to mostly implement them by the end of the first year of
study, and even more so, to fully form professionally-oriented knowledge of a foreign language in the first year of university [4].
By the end of the university course of study, the amount of information received in the field of knowledge of a foreign language is almost gone. At the postgraduate stage, some graduates go to residency or postgraduate studies and continue to study it there; however, they actually have to start from a zero point, i.e. with revision of what was taught in the first year of the institute, and sometimes from the level of school basic knowledge. It is difficult to talk about some kind of professionally-oriented training at this stage as well, since the basic levels have been lost over the past 4-5 years. Moreover, based on the foregoing and taking into account the requirements for a specialist with higher education, it is necessary to constantly obtain knowledge of a foreign language in one form or another and maintain them at a sufficient level in conditions when the global information and educational space is actively used. In this regard, there is a need to educate students in advanced courses of a non-linguistic university (possibly if students wish to create an elective course in a foreign language, or as part of an additional educational program), as well as at the postgraduate stage [1, 5].
For example, some Russian universities provide an opportunity for students who have finished studying a foreign language in their main specialty to study it in the special courses that are part of an extracurricular activity. After their completion they receive a diploma or a certificate on professional further training and obtaining an additional qualification "translator in the field of professional communication". The main objective of a practical foreign language course is a professionally oriented translation. During the training, communication skills in a foreign language on professionally significant topics and translation of texts in their main specialty are developed and improved. To do this, it is not necessary to do postgraduate courses, where the education focuses on developing the ability to understand scientific texts in their specialty, write abstracts and summaries of their report in a foreign language and read them [5].
However, most graduates of medical schools start their professional activities, without realizing the need to know a foreign language, despite the fact that information and self-education are now mandatory components of a medical specialist, and they are impossible without using a foreign language. Naturally, in the future, in his professional and scientific activities, a health care professional who has not completed postgraduate courses or special courses will not have enough knowledge to read foreign peer-reviewed journals with special information, correctly write abstracts and reports, attend and speak at conferences and communicate using electronic means of communication with foreign colleagues in their professional sphere. It is obvious that modern requirements are continuously growing increasing one's professional competence, and this, as can be seen from the above, is impossible without continuous language development, improving the skills of mastering all aspects of a lingua franca. In the context of the current requirements for specialists with higher education, it should be concluded that a foreign language should be studied at senior courses of a non-linguistic university, possibly as an elective course or an additional education program, and at the postgraduate stage. It is in this case when the principle of professionally-oriented training can be implemented
fessional competence of a specialist will allow him to obtain continuous knowledge in the field of his specialty not only at the country level, but also globally. The specialist will have the opportunity to attend conferences in other countries, share the latest inventions, experience and receive information in response. This multilateral process, affecting the development of personal and professional qualities, will enhance the educational level and broaden the horizons of the specialist. Professional growth to a certain extent depends on language development. In this connection, additional difficulties may arise for physicians. However, the level of specialist linguistic competence, which is essential at the present stage of healthcare development, as well as in the doctor's working career, will help medical professionals to keep updatedon the latest discoveries and achievements in their field of medicine, regardless of the presence or absence of postgraduate study courses. Participation in international scientific conferences, writing articles in a foreign language, communicating with foreign colleagues using electronic means and the Internet, reading scientific publications in both native and foreign languages, supported by constantly updated knowledge in a specialty at the proper level, will allow us to constantly develop our personal and professional qualities.
in full. Improving the foreign language pro-
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A.Г. Деряева, ассистент
О.Г. Деряева, канд. мед. наук, ассистент
B.П. Косолапов, д-р мед. наук, профессор
Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко (Россия, г. Воронеж)
Аннотация. Развитие системы образования в здравоохранении на современном этапе базируется на непрерывном получении знаний. В связи с этим, мировые системы здравоохранения, становясь все более сложными и затратными, предъявляют к работникам медицинской сферы дополнительные требования. Дальнейший профессиональный рост в определенной степени зависит от языкового совершенствования специалиста, что необходимо на современном этапе развития здравоохранения и медицины. Участие в международных научных конференциях, написание статей на иностранном языке, общение с зарубежными коллегами с использованием электронных средств и интернета, чтение научных изданий на языке-посреднике, поддерживаемые постоянно обновляемыми знаниями иностранного языка на должном уровне, позволят постоянно развивать свои лич-ностно-профессиональные качества специалиста.
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, непрерывное образование, здравоохранение, медицина, самореализация, образовательные программы.