ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kuchkeldiyeva U.E.

В данный научный статье мы обсуждаем инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку. В современной сфере обслуживания отведенная роль значению английского языка становится очевидной. В основе большинства обучающих материалов лежат элементы грамматики и обилие специфической лексики, однако на определенных этапах учащиеся могут столкнуться скорее со сложными темами, но они необходимы будущим молодым специалистам.In this scientific article we discuss innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language. In the modern sphere of service, the role assigned to the meaning of English becomes obviously. Most teaching materials are based on grammatical elements and an abundance of specific vocabulary, but at certain stages students may face more complex topics, but they are necessary for future young professionals.

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achieve connectivity in perception and generation of individual Statements in the context of communicative meaningful speech formations), "strategic" competence (ability to compensate for verbal and non-verbal Shortcomings in language proficiency), socio-cultural competence (degree of familiarity with the social and cultural context of language functioning), social competence (ability and willingness to communicate with others).

Used sources:

1. Chicherova L.G. Engelsky in the sphere of consumer services: A manual on self-education .-- M.; Higher School, 1993-144p.

2. Shcherbakova N.I. Zvenigorodskaya N. English for professionals in the field of public catering = English for Cooking and Catering: Proc. Allowance for stud. Medium. Prof. Educational Institutions-M .: The Publishing Center "Akademiya" 2005-320 p.

УДК 378.14

Kuchkeldiyeva U.E.

Tashkent State Pedagogical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent city


Abstract: In this scientific article we discuss innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language. In the modern sphere of service, the role assigned to the meaning of English becomes obviously. Most teaching materials are based on grammatical elements and an abundance of specific vocabulary, but at certain stages students may face more complex topics, but they are necessary for future young professionals.

Key words: specific vocabulary, politics, diplomacy, language of science, modern information technologies, Game technology, Scenario - contextual technology.


Аннотация: В данный научный статье мы обсуждаем инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку. В современной сфере обслуживания отведенная роль значению английского языка становится очевидной. В основе большинства обучающих материалов лежат элементы грамматики и обилие специфической лексики, однако на определенных этапах учащиеся могут столкнуться скорее со сложными темами, но они необходимы будущим молодым специалистам.

Ключевые слова: специфическая лексика, политика, дипломатия , язык науки, современные информационные технологии, игровая технология, сценарно - контекстная технология.

In the XXI century, a developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in the

situation of choice, predict possible consequences, capable of cooperation, differ mobility and dynamism.

The educational institution can not give a person a stock of knowledge for life, but it is able to give the student the basic guidelines of basic knowledge. Modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage is associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching a foreign language.

Recently, the issue of the use of new information technologies in academic institutions has been increasingly raised. This is not only a new technological means, but also new forms of teaching. The main goal of teaching English is the formation and development of the communicative culture of the student, teaching practical mastery of a foreign language.

If you set the main goal of learning English - the formation of communicative competence, then all other goals (educational, educational development) are realized in the process of this main goal. The ultimate goal of education is to teach free orientation in a foreign environment and the ability to respond adequately in different situations. This is clearly reflected in a discipline such as "Sphere of Service."

In my opinion, the teacher's task is to:

1) Create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, choose methods of teaching that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity.

2) To activate the cognitive activity of the student in the process of teaching English.

Modern pedagogical technologies such as: - Scenario - contextual

-information technologies and Internet resources -Integrated learning technology -project technology -training in cooperation -Game technology

Help to implement a person-oriented approach in teaching, provide individualization and differentiation of education, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of education.

To teach communication in a foreign language, in particular, English you need to create real real life situations, that is, what is called the principle of authenticity of communication, which will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. It is based on the principles of business communication. Examples include the following topics. -Meeting Guests in the Lobby. -Invitations

-At the Supermarket and others.

The forms of working with computer tutorials in English language classes


-Learing vocabulary

-developing pronunciation

-training of dialogical and monologic speech

-Education for writing

-development of grammatical material.

The possibilities of using Internet resources are enormous. At the lesson, the teacher together with the students can solve a number of didactic tasks: to create skills and skills of reading, using the materials of the global network, to improve the vocabulary of students, to form the motivation for students to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the opportunities of students, to establish and maintain business contacts and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries. Students can also take part in testing, quizzes, contests, olympiads conducted on the Internet, and participate in videoconferences, etc.

One of the main requirements for the teaching of foreign languages using Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the classroom that is commonly called in the technique - interactive learning technology.

Interactivity is the unification, coordination and complementarity of the efforts of the communicative goal and result by speech means. Interactivity does not just create real life situations, but it also forces students to respond adequately to them through a foreign language. This work in pairs, groups, interviews, questionnaires. In pairs, you can give a grammar, reading listening with the task. In groups of 3-4-5 people. Tasks must be Elementary. The group is formed: - at will, - a multi-level (strong + weak)

One of the technologies that provides personal-oriented training is the method of projects, as a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, independence. Projects can be divided into: mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, specific, written, Internet-projects.

Although in real practice, often have to deal with mixed projects, in which there are signs of research, practice-oriented, information. It promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and forms communicative skills, a culture of communication, the ability to formulate thoughts in a short and accessible manner, tolerate the opinion of communication partners, develop the ability to extract information from various sources, and process it using modern computer technologies. The project form of work is one of the most relevant, allowing students to apply the accumulated knowledge of the subject. Students develop their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency learn to listen and hear English-speaking speech and understand each other while protecting the project. Working with dictionaries, reference literature, a computer creates the possibility of direct contact with an authentic language. Work on the project is a creative process. Students under the guidance of the teacher or independently are engaged in the search for some problem, this requires not only the knowledge of the language, but also the possession of communicative and intellectual skills. In

the course of foreign languages, the project method can be used within the program material for almost any topic. This is a multi-level approach, covering reading, listening, speaking, grammar. An example of design work can be: "Waiter s working day." "My restaurant.", Etc.

In the process of teaching a foreign language in the PLKM, we have to form programs taking into account the vocational guidance of students. The basis is a standard program, which is supplemented by thematic texts as the knowledge of the English language for the profession of a cook, and especially the barman waiter is most in demand. In work they can communicate directly with native speakers. This is a powerful motivation for learning the language. In this case, different types of gaming technology can be widely used in groups: crossword puzzles, role games. This is preceded by the thematic preparation of students, the repetition of vocabulary, conversational formulas, phraseological turns. Examples include the following topics:

-Speech Etiquette.

-Dinner at a Restaurant.

A dialogue is played out, which is compiled by the students themselves. In addition to the topic of vocabulary are widely included conversational formulas, greetings, gratitude, suggestions, refusal. For a more solid mastering of vocabulary, the students of the dialogue change roles. Assessing the level of knowledge, creativity, professional skills.

Used sources:

1. AA Maksaev. Innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language http://festival. 1september.ru/articles/566297/

2. Agabekyan.P.English in the service sector-English for students in the service sector, tourism, and hospitality-Rostov r / D: Phoenix, 2012.377p.

УДК 378

Toshpo'latov I.

Teacher of department "Pedagogy and pedagogical technology" Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan city Usmonova M.

Teacher of department "Pedagogy and pedagogical technology" Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute


Abstract: In this article we consider the basic functions of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity is realized in certain pedagogical situations by a combination of the most diverse actions - perceptual, mnemonic, communicative, subject-transforming, research, control, evaluation, self-evaluation.

Keywords: Characterization of basic functions, education, education,

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