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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gyoreva R.T.

In the first part of the article discusses the basic problems of decentralization of the Bulgarian educational system and providing autonomy of school institutions. Stressed the importance of control in terms of decentralization and autonomy. Attention is drawn to the lack of models and practices for external control system in schools and making them self-assessment. The emphasis is on monitoring capabilities as a modern and innovative form of monitoring, analysis and evaluation. Presents the results of study on the need for monitoring in school.

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PhD Gyoreva R. T.

Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Southwestern University "Neofit Rilski", Faculty of Pedagogy

Abstract. In the first part of the article discusses the basic problems of decentralization of the Bulgarian educational system and providing autonomy of school institutions.

Stressed the importance of control in terms of decentralization and autonomy. Attention is drawn to the lack of models and practices for external control system in schools and making them self-assessment. The emphasis is on monitoring capabilities as a modern and innovative form of monitoring, analysis and evaluation.

Presents the results of study on the need for monitoring in school.

Keywords: decentralization, autonomy, monitoring, quality education

In terms of the transition to democracy and a market economy, changes in educational policies in Bulgaria occur largely in pursuit of decentralization of education and the creation of autonomous institutions that govern. Measures are being taken to restructure and modernize the Bulgarian secondary and higher education as part of public policy, so that it complies with European standards and quality criteria.

Among the milestones of change are the main priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy1, aimed at achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth based on the knowledge economy, equal access and quality of education. On this basis have been developed a number of national strategic documents: National Development Program: Bulgaria 20202, National strategy for lifelong learning (2014-2020)3, Strategy for the effective application of ICT in Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria (2014-2020)4, National strategy to promote and improve literacy skills (2014-2020)5, National Strategy for Development of pedagogical staff (2014-2020)6, Strategy for reducing the share of early school-leaver (2013-2020)7, Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education and Training in the Republic of Bulgaria (2015-2020)8 and other. The main priority in those strategies is to provide quality education and equal access.

The actual process of decentralization of the education system and its management starts after the entry of Bulgaria into the European Union.

Analysis of the strategic objectives shows that Bulgarian governments have taken a number of steps to democratize education by decentralizing management through transfer of management functions from central to lower hierarchical levels. Main changes made after the democratization of the education system to date, include:

1 Europe 2020 strategy - https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/eu-economic-governance-monitoring-prevention-correction/european-semester/framework/europe-2020-strategy_en.

2 Национална програма за развитие: България 2020-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=765..

3 Национална стратегия за учене през целия живот (2014-2020) -http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=880.

4 Стратегия за ефективно прилагане на информационни и комуникационни технологии в образованието и науката на Република България (2014-2020)- http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=904.

5 Национална стратегия за насърчаване и повишаване на грамотността (2014-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=933.

6 Национална стратегия за развитие на педагогическите кадри (2014-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=900.

7 Стратегия за намаляване дела на преждевременно напусналите образователната система (2013-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=870.

8 Стратегия за развитие на професионалното образование и обучение в Република България (2015-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=934.

- Changing the funding mechanisms and the introduction of decentralized financial management. Since 2007 funding for the school is beginning to happen according to the so-called "unified standards" for the maintenance of each student. The budget of each school is formed on the basis of number of children or students. In 2008 introduces a system of delegated budgets in all public schools. Schools adopt their own budgets and have bank accounts. Have the right to manage their property and receive additional revenue. In the same period introducing project financing. Projects funding enables schools to receive additional funds from the state budget through projects under national programs. National programs funded problematic sectors of secondary education.

- Introduction of national external evaluation.

- Introduction and use of ICT in teaching and management.

- Introducing measures to increase the coverage of students in school and to prevent dropping out of the school system.

- Upgrading skills and professional competence of pedagogical specialists and managers on the basis of identified deficiencies.

- Create public councils as advisory bodies. They serve as a constant dialog on the issues of education between government and parents' organizations, trade unions, employers, municipalities, non-governmental organizations.

Following the adoption of the new Law on preschool and school education be implemented and other steps for reforms in school education:

- Changing the philosophy and objectives of school education in Bulgaria. The aim is to achieve the formation of thinking, enterprising, responsible citizens who are able to work in a team, possess the key skills they wish to learn throughout life and can apply their knowledge and skills to solve real-life situations.

- Developing state educational standards for the realization of the objectives.

- New structure of primary and secondary education (new stages). Basic education ends in the 7th grade. Secondary stage is divided into two sub-stages: the first stage 8-10 class and a second step: 11-12 class.

A new type of schools-united and innovative schools. United schools are designed for students from 1st to 10th grade in small settlements. Innovative schools are characterized by high performance, innovative methods and means of training, their own development policies, etc. These schools presuppose the establishment of self-governing schools.

- Improving the structures and processes for inclusive education.

- Funding tied to performance. Improving funding mechanisms by developing a mechanism by which to assess the added value of schools.

- Broad public participation in school management.

- Creating a new independent institution to control-National Education Inspectorate.

- Self-assessment in schools, along with external evaluation.

One of the new standards, which you must introduce is a standard for external monitoring and evaluation of school institutions. Moreover, introducing school self- assessment.

In this connection it is necessary to determine the most effective form of control. The new Law on preschool and school education introduces inspections as a form of control. Of interest is that other forms of control. One such form is monitoring, which is considered in this article.

Tony Bush believes that school management differs significantly from that of other organizations. He motivates his vision with specific goals of school institutions and the difficulty of measuring their achievement, specific features of the "customer", various relationships in school, participation in management decisions1. For this reason, the form of surveillance and evaluation that will be applies in school management is important.

Monitoring is a cyclic process of assessment, planning and reflection, creating opportunities for partnership in building policies and reforms. The monitoring system provides a development environment. It is not only a form of control. Monitoring e simultaneously a key management function, technology and practice for assessing the quality of the education system and its individual components.

1 Bush, T. (1996). Theories of Educational Leadership and Management. London-

https://books.google.bg/books?hl=bg&lr=&id=1Fc81Sd1XBYC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=Bush,+T.+(1996).+The ories+of+Educational+Management&ots=BGpH5Y7qV7&sig=_atzRJCzIaLJjLwIGFoTHqWyh2A&redir_esc= y#v=onepage&q=Bush%2C%20T.%20(1996).%20Theories%20of%20Educational%20Management&f=false

Allows collection, processing, storage, distribution and analysis of information, with a focus on the objective assessment of the state of the system at any point in time and forecast of its development.

The term "monitoring" no consistent interpretation. It is seen as a way to research reality at some point in time, way of management by providing information, way of practice for planning, for development and implementation of surveillance systems. According to Michael Fullan, monitoring is very suitable form of control, as is done continuously during training leads to clarity for achieving the objectives and shows different ways to success1. The author believes that we should set ambitious goals in institutions, implementing innovative teaching practices, as these processes are monitored for continuous improvement2. V. Georgieva defines monitoring as:

- "system for targeted adaptive management education through interaction of planning, monitoring, reporting and information/'3.

- "system of normative and technical work for targeted adaptive management education through interaction principles, approaches and procedures for planning, monitoring, reporting and information."4.

The application of monitoring evaluation systems allows continuously collecting, analyzing and summarizing information, diagnostics, change the planning if necessary, assistance and support. In this context, monitoring can be defined as an integrated form of control, involving all management functions. Its main objective is associated with the future development of school organizations or educational system. Monitoring is a form of control, which is less subject to criticism. It is considered more than a necessity. Not only gives a statistical picture of the results, but also gives the dynamics of processes. Determine factors that affect the learning environment and school institutions. Contributes to the detailed preparation of a stable outlook. Determine options for making decisions about placement of further goals and to develop programs for development.

It can be summarized that the management of the quality of education is closely related to monitoring. As a set of principles, approaches, ideas, rules, standards, the monitoring initiated a study of consumers' interests, creates systems to control processes and outcomes improve management technologies through constant review of the effectiveness of management, including quality management.

The purpose of the monitoring as contemporary technology to control the quality of education that helps develop effective school policies for management is presented in Figure 1.

1 Fullan, M. (2000). The role of the principal in school reform - http://michaelfullan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/13396042460.pdf

2 Fullan, M. (2011). Whole System Reform for innovative Teaching and Learning, p. 30-39-http://www.michaelfullan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Untitled_Document_5.pdf

3 Георгиева, В. (2009) Метатехнологии за мениджмънт на качеството на образование. Просвета. С.

4 Георгиева, В. (2009) Метатехнологии за мениджмънт на качеството на образование. Просвета. С.

Increases The responsibility of management

Provides transparent system of governance

Fig. 1. Purpose of monitoring

Was conducted empirical research to explore the views of the main actors involved in the problems of school education in several aspects:

- Attitude to the granting of greater autonomy of school institutions.

- Attitude to establishment of participatory bodies in the school.

- Satisfaction with the quality of education and the current forms of control.

- Preferred forms of control and surveillance areas.

- Place of monitoring as a modern and innovative form of control.

The study involved 509 respondents, including 98 heads of educational establishments, 217 teachers, 20 experts and 174 parents who completed a prepared questionnaire.

To investigate the relationship of respondents to provide more autonomy to school institutions, respondents were asked questions related to the implementation of their own to school curricula, implementing a more flexible formula to finance secondary education, need participation of the municipality, teachers, parents and students in school management and others.

Respondents support the implementation of curricula developed by the school as an effective step to improving educational quality (Figure 2 and Figure3). The possibility of own school curricula has already been provided with the new Law on preschool and school education. The effect of applying them has yet to be taken into account. It is still to be measured and how many school institutions will benefit from this option, i.e. to what extent school leadership is motivated for change.





Rather yes 48,33

Rather not

t is difficult to assess

Do you think the quality of education will increase, if granted greater autonomy to school organizations regarding the development and implementation of

curricula? Fig. 2. Distribution of the results

Do you think the quality of education will

improve if you give more autonomy to teachers regarding the development and implementation of copyright curricula?

Fig. 3. Distribution of the results

Respondents expressed greater confidence to positive change if optimized mode of financing (Figure 4).


Rather yes


Rather not

t is difficult to


Do you consider it necessary to introduce more flexible funding formula?

Fig. 4. Distribution of the results

They believe that this will ensure the sustainability of the system and will lead to greater fairness in the distribution of financial resources. In fiscal 2018 in Bulgarian schools will apply a new standard for financing, the effect of which is to be investigated.

Not so clear are the opinions of the respondents on the participation of parents and students in the school management (Figure 5).



40 I

Rather yes


Rather not

It is difficult to assess

Do you think the quality of school management can be increased, if set up school board with real managerial functions, which involved parents and students?

Fig. 5. Distribution of the results

The majority of the answers are in the positive end of the scale, but the percentage is not maximum. This hesitation may be due to several reasons: reluctance to interfere with governance, insufficient trust in parents and students' competences, insufficient engagement of parents with school activities, and so on. As mentioned above, and at present there are collective bodies of government (public councils). They have more advisory functions, but have a certain participation in governance. Studies have shown that their effectiveness is low. This is also demonstrated in this studies. It is therefore necessary to seek mechanisms for optimizing management through the inclusion of stakeholders and motivate managers about it. One way to solve the problem, is to implement the monitoring evaluation system. They contribute to stakeholder participation in governance and collective decision-making.

Monitoring is the most preferred form of control in the study. When choosing from eight possible options, monitoring options is preferred almost 70 % of respondents (Figure 6).

This view coincides with the opinion of the author of the article. In addition to these views, a number of other studies have shown the benefits of this form of control. It is not enough known and developed in school institutions in Bulgaria. Used mostly in managing projects. This demonstrates the need to develop various models and practices for monitoring. Innovative model of monitoring the quality of education in schools is presented in the second part of the publication.

revision inspection survey audit documents analysis expertise monitoring

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check (expert


In your opinion, which of the following control methods are most appropriate under

current conditions?

Fig. 6. Distribution of the results

In terms of preferred aspects of monitoring and analysis, respondents prioritize the motivation of students and teaching staff and school management (Figure 7).

Fig. 7. Distribution of the results

Progress of students and their achievements also occupy an important place. It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents identified as an important area to monitor the motivation of students and teaching staff. In recent years, the issue of poor motivation debated at the national level and are looking for effective ways to solve it. This is a deficit in the education process, for whose solution can monitoring help.

Conclusions. A summary of the views of the respondents on the questions and main conclusions that follow from them, outline certain perspectives:

- Bulgarian school there is a need to develop a modern reporting system aimed at surveillance, evaluation and analysis. It needs to create an environment where school organizations are encouraged, supported and support to plan and implement changes leading to higher management efficiency and quality of educational services.

- The modern approach to control school should combine objective external assessment with continuous internal monitoring.

A change of positions and roles of parents and the community with the delegation of powers and responsibilities in school management.

Performing cyclic process between assessment, planning and reflection (which can be achieved through monitoring technology) will largely lead to the development of modern policies and reforms, in the partnership between stakeholders and ultimately - the sustainable development of the educational system according to the needs of consumers of educational services.


1. Bush, T. (1996). Theories of Educational Leadership and Management. London-https://books.google.bg/books?hl=bg&lr=&id=1Fc81Sd1XBYC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=Bush,+T.+(19 96).+Theories+of+Educational+Management&ots=BGpH5Y7qV7&sig=_atzRJCzIaLJjLwIGFoTHq

Wyh2A&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Bush %2C %20T. %20(1996). %20Theories %20of %20Educat ional %20Management&f=false.

2. Fullan, M. (2000). The role of the principal in school reform-http://michaelfullan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/13396042460.pdf.

3. Fullan, M. (2011). Whole System Reform for innovative Teaching and Learning-http://www.michaelfullan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Untitled_Document_5.pdf.

4. Strategy "Europe 2020"-https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/eu-economic-governance-monitoring-prevention-correction/european-semester/framework/europe-2020-strategy_en.

5. Георгиева, В. Метатехнологии за мениджмънт на качеството на образование, 2009. Просвета. С.

6. Национална програма за развитие: България 2020-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=765.

7. Стратегия за ефективно прилагане на информационни и комуникационни технологии в образованието и науката на Република България (2014-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=904.

8. Стратегия за намаляване дела на преждевременно напусналите образователната система (2013-2020)- http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=870.

9. Национална стратегия за насърчаване и повишаване на грамотността (2014-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=933.

10. Национална стратегия за развитие на педагогическите кадри (2014-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=900.

11. Стратегия за развитие на професионалното образование и обучение в Република България (2015-2020)-http://www.strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?lang=bg-BG&Id=934.

12. Национална стратегия за учене през целия живот (2014-2020)-http: //www .strategy.bg/StrategicDocuments/View.aspx?Id=880.

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